Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)
198 authors
- Abdul Wachid, B.S.
- Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in the Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy: Psychological Study of the Abraham Perspective Maslow Literature
- Adeani, Ikin Syamsudin
- The Improvement of Literature Essay Understanding through Inquiry Model in Universitas Galuh
- Adhar, Yusuf Idin
- The Interaction of The Main Character with God, as a Survival Strategy in a Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan by Agnes Davonar
- Aini, Ririn Nur
- The Principles of Cooperation in the Film Surga yang tak Dirindukan by Kuntz Agus
- Albab, Muhammad Ulil
- Illocutionary Acts of Directive on Lazada_Id Advertising in the Instagram
- Alfiansari, Anggitya
- The Meaning of Shalawat Badar as Literary Work in the "Pengemis dan Shalawat Badar" Short Stories by Ahmad Tohari
- Alnovgada, Valents Roni Sunarno
- The Effectiveness of Picture and picture Cooperative Learning Models of Writing Instructions Skills in Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sui Ambawang
- Amrin, Syaiful
- Social Criticism in “Orang yang Selalu Cuci Tangan” Short Story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma
- Anita, Triastuti
- The Application of Technology in Intercultural Language Learning: International Students Program at a University in Yogyakarta
- Anjarsari, Riana
- Love in Poetic Expression: The Poems of Abdul Wachid BS through Ricoeurian Hermeneutical
- Ashadi, Ashadi
- Linguistic Level Equivalence in the Kartini Film Subtitle Translation
- Ashadi, Ashadi
- Landslide in Translation
- Asmarani, Ratna
- The Transformations from the Novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer to the Fan Fiction Master of the Universe by E.L. James
- Astuti, Widi
- Need Assesment of Interactive Multimedia Development for Listening Based on Metacognitive Strategy for Intermediate Learners of Bahasa Indonesia for Speakers of Other Languages
- Awaliyah, Mia
- Hoegeng Iman Santoso: Credibility and Honesty of the Old Order Leaders Until the New Order
- Azizah, Lulu Atun
- Translating English into Indonesian Proverb Analysis
- Budiyanto, Dwi
- Cyberspace and Hiperreality in the Novel of Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari
- Bulan, Ibta Sari
- Development of Macromedia Flash Professional 8 on Exposition Text of Senior High School Class X
- Cahyani, Isah
- Teaching Writing Explanation Text Using Multimedia-Based Pakem Model to Fifth Grade Students in Elementary School
- Cahyani, Putri Dwi
- Swearing Words on Yowis Ben Movie by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Skak
- Damayantie, Augustia Rahma
- The Effectiveness of Blogger as the Media in the Learning of Persuasive Writing for Grade X Students of Senior High School 8 Semarang
- Dewi, Yuni Iswari
- Application of a Process Approach in the Ability to Write Persuasive Text: classroom action research
- Efendi, Anwar
- The Effectiveness of Story Impression Strategy in Learning to Write Drama Scripts
- Efriyadi, Hendrik
- Colonial Stereotypes in Indonesian Society of Multimedia Era
- Ervina, Vivi
- Interpretation of Symbols in Tokopedia’s Advertisement “Start Family Kejar Jodoh”
- Fakhrudin, M.
- Teaching Creative Writing Using Wiki Collaborative Learning in Higher Education
- Febrianawati, Eka Putri
- Resistance of Colonial Power in Student Hidjo’s Novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo
- Fitriani, Oktavia
- Reading Literacy Culture of Junior High School Students and the Multimedia Age Challenges
- Fitriani, Rina
- Hedonism in “Protest” Short Story by Putu Wijaya
- Frandika, Edo
- Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in the Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy: Psychological Study of the Abraham Perspective Maslow Literature
- Gupita, Millatina Randu
- The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Writing Review Text by Using Short Stories
- Hafawati, Anis
- Reduplication Comparison of Indonesian and Asli Rawa Language
- Hafi, Isnaini Yulianita
- Artwoks Conversion Phenomena of Indonesia's Literary Works in Multimedia Era
- Hapsari, Winie Setia Prilapnita
- An Analysis of Word Meaning in Persuasive Discourse on Merry Riana’s Quotes
- Hartono, Hartono
- Improving Reading and Understanding Habits Text News with the SQ3R Method
- Hartono, Hartono
- An Application of Gallery Walk Learning Model in Learning of Writing Fairy Tales on Junior High School Students: Class Action Study
- Hartono, Hartono
- Application of a Process Approach in the Ability to Write Persuasive Text: classroom action research
- Harwati, Rina
- Improving Reading and Understanding Habits Text News with the SQ3R Method
- Haryadi, Haryadi
- Ethnopoetical Review of Treatment Mantras in Padang Sawah Village of Kampar Riau
- Hidayah, Indah Nurul
- The Emotions of the Main Character in the Novel Pulang the Work of Tere Liye
- Hidayat, Hidayat
- Iconity in Haji Backpacker Novel by Aguk Irawan MN
- Hidayat, Rian
- Ethnopoetical Review of Treatment Mantras in Padang Sawah Village of Kampar Riau
- Hidayati, Baiq Rizki
- Human Relationship with the Environment in the Community Collection of Karyamin Smile by Ahmad Tohari
- Idris, Nuny Sulistiany
- Teaching Writing Explanation Text Using Multimedia-Based Pakem Model to Fifth Grade Students in Elementary School
- Iskandarwassid, Iskandarwassid
- The Improvement of Literature Essay Understanding through Inquiry Model in Universitas Galuh
- Junus, Fifi Deswari F.
- The Influence of Examples Non Examples Method Toward Students’ Writing Competence on Descriptive Text
- Kenwening, Lilis
- Deviation of Cooperation Principles in Ini Talk Show Net.TV
- Khasanah, Niswatun
- Intolerance in Maryam and Pasung Jiwa Novels by Okky Madasari
- Kiswaga, Godlove
- The Application of Technology in Intercultural Language Learning: International Students Program at a University in Yogyakarta
- Kurniawan, Edi
- The Effectiveness of Predict, Organize, Search, Summarize, and Evaluate (POSSE) Strategy on Understanding Learning Reading at the Eleven Grade Students
- Kusmana, Suherli
- The Development of Poetry Text Materials Based on Poet’s Experience
- Lestari, Tentrem
- Improved Ability to Read Text of Biography with Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
- Lestariningsih, Esti
- Portrait of Poverty in the Pamangkulangit Yang Terhormat Short Story by Aba Mardjani
- Liliani, Else
- Feminism Analysis on Dewi Ria Utari’s “Topeng Nalar” Short Story
- Liliani, Else
- The Meaning of Shalawat Badar as Literary Work in the "Pengemis dan Shalawat Badar" Short Stories by Ahmad Tohari
- Liliani, Else
- Sociology of the Literature of Short Story “Tembiluk” by Damhuri Muhammad
- Liliani, Else
- An Analytical of Character Education Value and its Relevance as an Indonesian Language Learning Material in High School Based on Mengejar-ngejar Mimpi Novel by Dedi Padiku
- Liliani, Else
- The Analysis of The Reader’s Reception Novel “Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang” by Ayu Utami: A Case Study 10 Pop Literature in Solo
- Liliani, Else
- Resistance of Colonial Power in Student Hidjo’s Novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo
- Liliani, Else
- Portrait of Poverty in the Pamangkulangit Yang Terhormat Short Story by Aba Mardjani
- Liliani, Else
- Sociological Analysis of “Dua Wajah Ibu” a Short Story by Guntur Alam
- Liliani, Else
- Social Criticism in the FSTVLT Song Literature Sociology Study
- Liliani, Else
- Colonial Stereotypes in Indonesian Society of Multimedia Era
- Liliani, Else
- Social Criticism in a Short Story of “Corat-Coret di Toilet” by Eka Kurniawan
- Liliani, Else
- Hedonism in “Protest” Short Story by Putu Wijaya
- Liliani, Else
- Social Criticism in “Orang yang Selalu Cuci Tangan” Short Story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma
- Liliani, Else
- Interpretation of Symbols in Tokopedia’s Advertisement “Start Family Kejar Jodoh”
- Lisnawati, Iis
- An Application of Gallery Walk Learning Model in Learning of Writing Fairy Tales on Junior High School Students: Class Action Study
- Maulida, Evira Nida
- The Ideology Construction in Poetry of Generation of 1980s Poets of South Kalimantan
- Maulita Suryandari, Ayu
- Linguistic Level Equivalence in the Kartini Film Subtitle Translation
- Mayestika, Vidha Verdian
- Landslide in Translation
- Muliawati, Hesti
- Gogok War Tradition as a Way of Local Culture Preservation in Globalization Era: A Study of Anthropolinguistics on Buara People, Brebes
- Muliawati, Hesti
- Women's Struggle Against Colonial Imperialism in the Tetralogi Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
- Mulyaningsih, Susi
- Comparison Personal, Indicator Pronouns in Indonesian and Malay Riau Language of The Teratak Dialect
- Munirah, Munirah
- Development of Learning Syntax Model in Determining Structure Pattern End of Language Based Mobile Learning QR Code
- Mutiarasari, Mutiarasari
- The Development of Poetry Text Materials Based on Poet’s Experience
- Nasution, Muhamad Syahnan
- Understanding the Meaning of Semiotics and the Culture of Human Rights Culture in ICT-based Java Wedding Recipes: Digital-based Semiotics Study
- Nugrahanto, Septya
- Indonesia PISA Result and Impact on The Reading Learning Program in Indonesia
- Nugroho, Arifin Rifan
- The Effectiveness of the Acrostic Technique Toward the Poetry Writing Class for Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 5 Wates
- Nurcahyati, Indah
- The Characters’ Schizophrenia as seen in Bulan Nararya Novel
- Nurgiyantoro, Burhan
- The Characters’ Schizophrenia as seen in Bulan Nararya Novel
- Nurhadi, Nurhadi
- Lakon Besutan Brengos and Kualat Gitu Loooh Narrative Structure Study
- Nurhadi, Nurhadi
- Need Assesment of Interactive Multimedia Development for Listening Based on Metacognitive Strategy for Intermediate Learners of Bahasa Indonesia for Speakers of Other Languages
- Nurlatifa, Miftakhul
- The Function of Pak Guru Inyong Comic Discourse Implication on the WEBTOON Line
- Nuryana, Zalik
- The Characters’ Schizophrenia as seen in Bulan Nararya Novel
- Pamungkas, Anas Putra
- Code Switching of Council Commands in Rising Force Games
- Parancika, Rd. Bily
- An Application of the Creative Problem Solving Model in Analyzing the Structure of Complex Explanatory Text on XI Grade SMKN 4 Bandung
- Pebriani, Rizky
- An Application of Gallery Walk Learning Model in Learning of Writing Fairy Tales on Junior High School Students: Class Action Study
- Priyambodo, Senda Tegas
- Lakon Besutan Brengos and Kualat Gitu Loooh Narrative Structure Study
- Pujiatna, Tri
- Women's Struggle Against Colonial Imperialism in the Tetralogi Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
- Purnama, Ardian Pitra Satya
- Ideology Representation in the Interaction of Teaching and Learning between Lecturers and Students of Economic Education Department of Jenderal Soedirman University
- Purnawarman, Purnawarman
- Artwoks Conversion Phenomena of Indonesia's Literary Works in Multimedia Era
- Puspita, Nadia Ayu
- The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Learning Strategy in Reading Short Story on VII Grade Students SMP Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul
- Puspitasari, Andhika Dyah
- Feminism Analysis on Dewi Ria Utari’s “Topeng Nalar” Short Story
- Rafli, Zainal
- Understanding the Meaning of Semiotics and the Culture of Human Rights Culture in ICT-based Java Wedding Recipes: Digital-based Semiotics Study
- Rahayu, Ira
- Women's Struggle Against Colonial Imperialism in the Tetralogi Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
- Rahayu, Yayuk Eny
- Metaphorical Expressions in News Discourses of Setya Novanto’s Graft Case
- Rahmawati, Alfi
- The Translation of Addressing System in the Movie Subtitle “Yowis Ben”
- Rahmawati, Devi
- An Analytical of Character Education Value and its Relevance as an Indonesian Language Learning Material in High School Based on Mengejar-ngejar Mimpi Novel by Dedi Padiku
- Rahmawati, Fitria
- Analysis of Simple Codes in Teletubbies Short Cartoon Movie