Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET 2013)
782 authors
- Li, Sujuan
- Practice of Discrete Mathematics Teach-ing Method
- Li, Tian
- Dynamic Pricing with Consumer-Generated Information
- Li, Xiaohua
- Optimization of Computer Network Teaching and Learning Behavior Using Virtual Experiment Technology
- Li, Xiaojing
- Study on the Development of Profession-al Education Based on Biological Evolu-tion Theory
- Li, Xiaoyu
- An Algorithm to Find Cycles of Biochemical Systems
- Li, YanXia
- Information Technology Helps The Col-lective Account Management
- Li, Ying
- The Perception Layer Information Secu-rity Scheme for Internet of Things based on Lightweight Cryptography
- Li, Yueguang
- Application of IOT in Information Teaching of Ethnic Colleges
- Li, Yueguang
- Application of IOT in English Teaching of Ethnic Colleges
- Liang, Xidong
- Theoretical Analysis on Pollution Flashover Voltage Prediction Based on Leakage Current of Porcelain Insulator in Service
- Liao, Yifan
- Theoretical Analysis on Pollution Flashover Voltage Prediction Based on Leakage Current of Porcelain Insulator in Service
- Liao, Yong
- Design and Implementation of anti-cheating programming Examination system
- Liao, Yuanjiang
- The Innovation for College Teaching Practice Based on PBL Model
- Lijun, Zhang
- Probe on the Teaching innovation of ad-vanced manufacturing technology orient-ed to oceanic engineering
- Lim, Chuang Way
- Organizational Learning Capability and Academician’s Work Innovativeness
- Lin, Lung
- Geochemistry and origin of tektites from Dalat area, Vietnam
- Lin, ShuPing
- Innovative improvement method for e-learning quality: A case of government organizations
- Lin, XiaoYu
- Exploring the Emerging Technologies on Senior High School Curriculum
- Liu, Bangfan
- On the Network copyright’s Protec-tion in China
- Liu, Bangfan
- On the Chinese Network Art Educa-tion in the New Media Era
- Liu, Chengxia
- Design and Implementation of personal Information Management System in Internet
- Liu, Chunxiang
- A Study of Zhejiang Industrial Clusters’ Influence on Export by two cases
- Liu, Chunxiang
- On Training Mode of Applied Talents in International Economics & Trade of Zhejiang Wanli University
- Liu, Fan
- Research on Shanghai Shipping Fund Based on International Comparative Study
- Liu, Fenghua
- Managing Collaborative Innovation: How to Reduce the Signs of Job Burnout Stress for College Counselors on Campus
- Liu, Fenghua
- Managing Collaborative Education: How to Detect the Conditions of Interpersonal Disturbance of College Students from Poor Families
- Liu, Gengdai
- Multi-touch GIS Based on Optical and Computer Vision
- Liu, Jia
- The Intermediary Role of Integrating Resource Capacity on Global Industry Chain Embeddness and Radical Innova-tion: The Study of China’s High-tech In-dustry
- Liu, Kan
- The Models of Sectors' Investment restructuring
- Liu, Kegao
- Make Best Use of Open Experimental Project to Improve Practical Innovation Ability of College Students
- Liu, Ling
- A distributed interactive virtual classroom system
- Liu, Ruifang
- Mining Users for Organizations on Mi-cro-blogs
- Liu, Siping
- Network Architecture Under Cloud Eco-systems
- Liu, Siyang
- Web2.0-based Blended Learning in College English Teaching
- Liu, Tong
- The Research on Mutual authentication Protocol for RFID System Based on Combined Symmetric Key
- Liu, Weixing
- Business Model Dynamic Design and Analysis Based on System Method
- Liu, Wenhui
- A Multi-criteria Decision Making Method Based on Linguistic Preference Information for IT Outsourcing Vendor Selection in Hospitals
- Liu, Xia
- Existing Status of the Passbook Applica-tion and Prospect Research
- Liu, Xiangyu
- An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Demographic Characteristics and the Influencing Factors of Brand Sensitivity
- Liu, Xiaodong
- Practice and Research on Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching of “Introduc-tion to Materials Science”
- Liu, Xiaoling
- ICT Integration in FL Teacher Training
- Liu, Xiaosheng
- Analysis of Artificial Cobweb Structure Used in Power-line Communication
- Liu, Xiaowei
- A Sound Source Location Method Based on Wireless Sensor Network
- Liu, Xiaowei
- Study of distributed algorithm for water sources monitoring based on wireless sensor networks
- Liu, Xielin
- The Intermediary Role of Integrating Resource Capacity on Global Industry Chain Embeddness and Radical Innova-tion: The Study of China’s High-tech In-dustry
- Liu, Xin
- Application Research of Information Recommendation Based on Association Rules in Agricultural Information Net-work
- Liu, Xuan
- Probe on the Teaching innovation of ad-vanced manufacturing technology orient-ed to oceanic engineering
- Liu, Yongkui
- On the Network copyright’s Protec-tion in China
- Liu, Yongkui
- On the Chinese Network Art Educa-tion in the New Media Era
- Liu, Yunzhong
- Performance Empirical Analysis on China Non-ferrous Metal Listed Companies
- Lo, K l
- The relationships and directions between electricity consumption and economic growth for four regions in China
- Lo, Ying Tuan
- Moderating Effect of Brand Equity on Relationship Quality in Chain Restaurant Industry: A Conceptual Paper
- Lops, A
- Breast milk: an ancient tradition and an innovative investment for any community
- Lu, Changwen
- Research on Engineering Undergraduate Practice Teaching Model Based on Trinity
- Lu, Dianjun
- Applying the Item Response Theory to English Classroom Examinations for Ethnic Students
- Lu, Dianxiang
- Applying the Item Response Theory to English Classroom Examinations for Ethnic Students
- Lu, Jinna
- Applications of GRNN Based on Particle swarm algorithm Forecasting Stock Prices
- Lu, Xiaobin
- Empirical Study on Impact of New In-formation Communication Technology on Digital Divides:Beijing and Shanghai
- Lu, Xiaojin
- The analysis of the balanced develop-ment problem of China Tourism service trade
- Luan, Hui
- Improved AODV for engineering applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Network
- Luan, Hui
- Study of distributed algorithm for water sources monitoring based on wireless sensor networks
- Luan, RuPeng
- Application Research of Information Recommendation Based on Association Rules in Agricultural Information Net-work
- Ludvík, Ladislav
- The Size and Management Approach-es of Firms in the Czech Republic
- Luo, Jianshu
- Denoising of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image using Multiple Linear Regression and Wavelet Shrinkage
- Luo, Taian
- Practice and Research on Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching of “Introduc-tion to Materials Science”
- Luo, Xiaoqing
- Research and Analysis on DM6446 Da Vinci Platform-based Face Recognition System
- Lv, Huaqiao
- Analysis of Chinese Patents with Bioenergy Technology
- López, J. V.
- Specialized training through European Masters on environmental management and its risks and threats: Innovative teaching strategies and methodologies.
- Ma, Guojun
- Application of IOT in Information Teaching of Ethnic Colleges
- Ma, Hailong
- Cultivating Base Establishment of Postgraduates with Professional Degree on the Idea of Large-scale Engineering
- Ma, Hailong
- Cultivating Mode of University-Enterprise Cooperated Postgraduates with Professional Degree
- Ma, Hailong
- Establishment and Development of Cultivating Base of Postgraduates with Professional Degree by University-Enterprise Cooperating
- Ma, Hailong
- Training System for Innovative Talents Based on the Mode of Technical Assistant
- Ma, Xiaoqing
- The relationships and directions between electricity consumption and economic growth for four regions in China
- Ma, Xiuli
- On the Chinese Network Art Educa-tion in the New Media Era
- Ma, Zhansheng
- An approach of demonstrating network structure
- Ma, Zhanyin
- On the Chinese Network Art Educa-tion in the New Media Era
- Mahmud, Zamalia
- Exploring Readiness and Commitment of Senior Management towards Public Sector Transformational Change: A Rasch Analysis
- Maja, Maja Levi
- How to become a leader in higher education
- Majerová, Jana
- The proposal of activities of pricing policy in the process of building and managing brand value in Slovak Republic
- Mandula, Naren
- The Credit Regulatory System of Public Investment Agent Construction Project
- Maneepen, Theerapong
- e-Learning for Fundamental Production Management
- Mao, Haixia
- On the Chinese Network Art Educa-tion in the New Media Era
- Mao, Jianhua
- FPGA-Based Research on The Hardware Design of CAVLC Encoder
- Mao, Zhaolei
- Simulation and Analysis of DC Current Distribution in AC Power Grid around the UHVDC Transmission Ground Elec-trode
- Marcek, Dusan
- Managerial Forecasting System Based on RBF Neural Network for Financial Data
- Masrek, Mohamad Noorman
- The Effect of Institution Based Trust on Mobile Banking Utilization
- Masrek, Mohamad Noorman
- The Required Information Technology Skills of Malaysian Federal Records Managers
- Masron, Tarmiji
- The Design of a One-Stop Tourism Portal in Langkawi Island using Location Searching Method
- Mateen, Abdul
- A Case Based Study for Urban Traffic Control
- Matveeva,, E.F.
- Introducing CDIO Elements into Preparing of Students of the Faculty of Chemistry of Astrakhan State University for Innovative Activity
- Meng, Bochao
- Hybrid Library: The New Trend of the Traditional Library and It’s Modern Development
- Meng, TianHua
- Application of Local Polynomial Interpola-tion in Isomagnetic Map Magnetic Survey
- Meng, X. H.
- Towards Environmental Disclosure of Chinese Listed Companies: A Paper Making & Printing Industry Perspective
- Meng, Xi
- Empirical Study on Impact of New In-formation Communication Technology on Digital Divides:Beijing and Shanghai
- Mohaidat, J.
- School teachers’ technology readiness – An empirical study applying readiness factors and teacher type categorization
- Montaku, Sudjit
- The Construction and Evaluation of Model of Analytical Thinking Skill Training
- Mourlin, Fabrice
- Implementation of a fault-tolerant system for solving cases of numerical computation
- Myung, Jeong Ha
- An Activity Theory Approach to Contra-dictions in Intercultural Telecollabo-ration
- Nabeel Ismail, Hanaa
- Challenges to E-learning Success: The Student Perspective