Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2020)
287 authors
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- The Urgency of Guidance and Counseling at the Elementary School
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Investigation of Counselor Education Competence With Academic Competition Passing Standards: A Qualitative Study
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Application of Career Planning Services in the Perspective of the 2013 Curriculum
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Analysis of Understanding of Professional Identity as Efforts to Improve Counselor Teacher Performance
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Analysis of Problematic Implementation of the Counselor Code of Ethics in Indonesia
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Historical Guidance and Counseling Perspective in Indonesia
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Importance Meaning of the Counselor’s Identity Towards Assessment and Performance in School
- Rahmawati, Ninda Hidayatul
- Analysis of Understanding of Professional Identity as Efforts to Improve Counselor Teacher Performance
- Ramli, M.
- Spectrum of Guidance and Counseling Services Implementation in Strengthening Character in Junior High School
- Ramli, M.
- Saminisme Self-Management Technique on Middle School in Bojonegoro, Indonesia
- Rasyad, Ach.
- The Influence of Parental Communication Against the Learning Achievement of Children in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)
- Rasyad, Ach.
- The Influence of Independence, Adversity Quotient, and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Redjeki, Endang Sri
- Benefits of Teaching Foreign Language for Early Childhood
- Rini, Titis Angga
- The Portraits of Digital Literacy Awareness Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rini, Titis Angga
- School Leadership Skills in Educational Institutions
- Rizkita, Karine
- Public Relations Techniques in Elementary School
- Rizky, Nella Yanuar
- Compensation and Performance of Educators in Schools: A Qualitative Study
- Rumianda, Luis
- Gamification Application in Creating Active, Interesting, and Fun Sociological Learning
- Rumianda, Luis
- Constructing Collaboration Learning Outcomes as A Learning Object Through the Open Learning System
- Sakinah, Yunita Farah
- Importance Meaning of the Counselor’s Identity Towards Assessment and Performance in School
- Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
- Principal Learning Leadership Tips Managing Learning in Schools
- Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
- The Efforts of Young Counselors to Innovate Counseling Services in Schools
- Sare, Yanuarius Dhae
- Historical Guidance and Counseling Perspective in Indonesia
- Sari, Dika Novita
- Relationship Between Managerial Skills and Morale With Teacher Performance: A Regression Analysis
- Saryono, Djoko
- Strategy for Living Labors in Industrial Era 4.0
- Sa’diyah, Nurul Fatimah Tuz
- Efforts to Prevent Children From Accessing Adult Sites From Internet Sources Based on the Perspective of Child Legal Protection
- Setiawan, Antoni
- Investigation of the High School Teachers TPACK Competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia
- Setyo, Rino Hayyu
- Reporters as Digital Media Informal Educators
- Setyosari, Punaji
- Learning English Phonology on English Language Education Study Program State Universities in Malang
- Setyosari, Punaji
- Investigating Students’ Profiles and Perception of Using TPACK Framework of Primary Teacher Education Program
- Sholihah, Febrianita Putri
- The Portraits of Digital Literacy Awareness Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sistiarini, Rahmah Dwi
- Intensity of Motor Learning Physical Needs to Start in Early Age 5–6 Years
- Slamet, Taufik Ikhsan
- Investigating Students’ Profiles and Perception of Using TPACK Framework of Primary Teacher Education Program
- Soepriyanto, Yerry
- Investigating Students’ Profiles and Perception of Using TPACK Framework of Primary Teacher Education Program
- Soepriyanto, Yerry
- Screencast for Learning DOS Command
- Soepriyanto, Yerry
- Constructing Collaboration Learning Outcomes as A Learning Object Through the Open Learning System
- Somanedo, Ofri
- The Influence of Discipline and Aggressive Behavior on Children’s Independence
- Srikandi, Sardiah
- The Importance of the Role of the Family in Protecting Children: A Conceptual Papers
- Sukardi
- Reality of Communication Patterns Bsetween Parents and Elementary School Students in Facing the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Sukawati, Nadya Nanda
- Teacher Personality, Interpersonal Relationships, Performance, and Professionalism in the Learning Process: A Qualitative Study
- Sulton
- Learning English Phonology on English Language Education Study Program State Universities in Malang
- Sultoni
- Leader’s Strategy on Establishing Organization’s Academic Quality Culture
- Sultoni
- Relationship of Self-Efficiency and School Climate With Teacher Work Motivation
- Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
- Leader’s Strategy on Establishing Organization’s Academic Quality Culture
- Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
- Role of Transformational Leadership in Education 4.0
- Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
- How Teachers Optimize the Role of Classroom Administration in Learning?
- Suminah
- Application of the Mind Mapping Method to Natural Resources in Class IV Elementary Schools
- Sunaryono
- Degradation of Gayo Land Sumang Values and Youth Moral Decandencies
- Sunaryono
- Analysis of Differences in Student Confidence in Special Classes and Regular Classes: A Comparative Study
- Supriyanto, Achmad
- Leader’s Strategy on Establishing Organization’s Academic Quality Culture
- Supriyono
- The Influence of Discipline and Aggressive Behavior on Children’s Independence
- Supriyono
- The Effect of Media Literacy and Practical Experience on the Competence of Freshwater Fish Cultivation
- Surahman, Ence
- Social Media in the Classroom: A Literature Review
- Surahman, Ence
- School Leadership Skills in Educational Institutions
- Surahman, Ence
- Investigation of the High School Teachers TPACK Competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia
- Susandra, Elsadina
- Analysis of the Qualification of Counselor Educators Based on the Counselor Professional Education Program
- Susilaningsih
- Gamification Application in Creating Active, Interesting, and Fun Sociological Learning
- Suyanto
- Design, Development, and Implementation of Information Security Education for Teachers and Educational Personnel’s: Framework of Technology for Indonesia
- Taufiq, Ahmad
- Does Problem Base Learning Effective to Improve Decision Making Skills Student?
- Thaariq, Zahid Zufar At
- Investigation of the High School Teachers TPACK Competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia
- Tirtaningsih, Munaisra
- Intensity of Motor Learning Physical Needs to Start in Early Age 5–6 Years
- Toenlioe, Anselmus J. E.
- Screencast for Learning DOS Command
- Tristiadi, Ardani Ardi
- Multidimensional Assessment Model of Social Intervention and Bullying Behavior to Improve Students’ Mental Health
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Design, Development, and Implementation of Information Security Education for Teachers and Educational Personnel’s: Framework of Technology for Indonesia
- Triyono
- Multidimensional Assessment Model of Social Intervention and Bullying Behavior to Improve Students’ Mental Health
- Ubaidillah, Endra
- Students Perception of Technology-Assisted Services and Readiness of Employee Digital Competencies in Covid-19 Pandemic Era
- Ubaidillah, Endra
- How Teachers Optimize the Role of Classroom Administration in Learning?
- Ulfa, Saida
- Investigating Students’ Profiles and Perception of Using TPACK Framework of Primary Teacher Education Program
- Ulfa, Saida
- Screencast for Learning DOS Command
- Untari, Esti
- Smart Cards as Learning Media for the Development of the Match Index Card Method on the Theme of “Cita-Citaku” Class IV Elementary Schools
- Valdez, Anabelie V.
- Language Used in the Science Test: Its Effects to Meranao Students Test Performance
- Wahono
- Empowerment of Homeless and Beggars Through Education and Training
- Wahono
- Development of Innovative and Creative Villages as Educational Villages
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Empowerment of Homeless and Beggars Through Education and Training
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Implementation of Andragogy Approaches in Training Tourism to Develop Tourist Village
- Wahyuni, Sri
- The Effect of Media Literacy and Practical Experience on the Competence of Freshwater Fish Cultivation
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Development of Innovative and Creative Villages as Educational Villages
- Wardani, Adetya Dewi
- Teacher Personality, Interpersonal Relationships, Performance, and Professionalism in the Learning Process: A Qualitative Study
- Wardani, Adetya Dewi
- Compensation and Performance of Educators in Schools: A Qualitative Study
- Wardani, Adetya Dewi
- How Teachers Optimize the Role of Classroom Administration in Learning?
- Wulandari, Putri
- The Efforts of School Principal in Improving Quality of Learning Through Non-Thematic Learning Supervision in Elementary School
- Yuniawatika
- Profile of Mathematical Connection Abilities of Fraction Materials in Class V Students Viewed From Math Ability
- Zada, Tyas Hanifatul
- Application of the Mind Mapping Method to Natural Resources in Class IV Elementary Schools
- Zamroni, Edris
- Does Problem Base Learning Effective to Improve Decision Making Skills Student?
- Zulkarnain
- Empowerment of Homeless and Beggars Through Education and Training
- Zulkarnain
- The Influence of Discipline and Aggressive Behavior on Children’s Independence
- Zulkarnain
- Development of Innovative and Creative Villages as Educational Villages