Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018)
430 authors
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- The Implementation of STAD Combined with Dartboard to Increase Students’ Learning Outcomes and Cooperation
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- The Implementation of School Operational Assistance Program Policy at Primary School Levels
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- The Role of Principal Leadership to Improve Teacher Performance in Islamic Elementary School
- Rofiah, Khofidotur
- The Impact of Language Skills Guidance on Children With Hearing Impairment Language Development
- Rohmah, Atik Miftachul
- Application Of Stad Cooperative Learning Of Primary
- Rohmah, Nimatur
- Education Management of Early Childhood Education Programs (Case Study in Ciputra International School)
- Rosalina, Noerma
- Parenting and Self Esteem Levels Of Children
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- Influence of CTL Approach To Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Social Study Learning Outcomes In Primary Schools
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- Student Worksheet Based on Mind Mapping to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- The Effect of Scientific Approach Towards Students’ Activity and Learning Outcomes
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- Improving the Ability to Classify Animals Based on the Type of Food in Science Studies with STAD Cooperative Method
- Rustanti, Yayuk
- Implementation of Mind Mapping Method With Pop-Up Book Media to Increase IPS Study and Learning Activities on Natural and Artificial Environment of Grade III Grade SDN Grabagan Tulangan Sidoarjo.
- Rusydiyah, Evi Fatimatur
- The Development Of Children Expressive Languages Viewed From Parental Care
- Sabar, Sabar
- Development of Computer Learning Materials To Improve Spreadsheet Skills for Training Participants
- Safitri, Lidia
- The Effect of Geometry Box Media on the Ability to Know the Concept of Numbers and Geometric Shapes
- Salam, Muhammad Wafiq Arzaaq
- The Development of Mathematics Interactive Comic for Third Grades of Elementary School
- Samani, Muchlas
- The Evaluation of Development and Improvement Program of Traditional Art (PPST) on The Junior High School
- Sanjaya, Yayan
- Profile of Student Life Skills on Environmental Change Problems on the topic of Waste Recycling
- Santi, Santi
- Profile of Student Life Skills on Environmental Change Problems on the topic of Waste Recycling
- Saputra, Dedy Agus
- The Implementation of Audio-Visual Learning Media Based on Ispring Quizmaker on Thematic Learning Materials About Heroes to Improve Fourth Grade Students’ Activities and Learning Outcomes
- Sari, Yuniarini Kuspita
- The Effect of Geometric Puzzle Game Towards Children’s Recognition of Geometric Shapes and Fine Motor
- Sartinah, Endang Pudjiastuti
- The Blended Learning Model for Orthopedagogic of Children With Physical Disability Course
- Setiawan, Angga
- The Influence of “Problem-Posing” Learning Model To Activities and Learning Outcomes In Elementary School
- Setiawan, Eko Putro Andi
- Implementation of Problem Posing Learning on Conceptual Understanding and Adaptive Reasoning
- Setiawati, Denok
- Counselors’ Role to Improve The Resilience Broken Home Students of Junior High School
- Setiyo, Setiyo
- Comparison of Self Efficacy on Cognitive Apprenticeship and On The Job Training
- Setyono, Didik
- Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Thinking Skills Critical and Student Learning Outcomes Elementary School
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- Application of Make A Match Learning to Increase Learning Outcomes for Primary School
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- Application Of Stad Cooperative Learning Of Primary
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- Application of Problem Based Learning Model to Increase Learning Activities and Critical Thinking Skills
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- The Implementation of STAD Combined with Dartboard to Increase Students’ Learning Outcomes and Cooperation
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- Quantum Teaching-Learning Model to Increase Motivation and Learning Outcomes (Application Audio Visual Media to increase Understanding Symbols of Pancasila Principles)
- Setyowati, R.R. Nanik
- Implementation of Model Simulation in Improving Students’ Motivation and Cognitive Ability
- Setyowati, Sri
- Media Literacy in Extracurricular Activities of Journalism to Strengthen Civic Education
- Setyowati, Sri
- Implementation Of Neuroscience Learning To Develop Early Childhood’s Cognitive
- Setyowati, Sri
- The Effect of Ladders Snakes on Gross Motor and Cognitive Development in Kindergarten
- Setyowati, Sri
- The Effect of Geometry Box Media on the Ability to Know the Concept of Numbers and Geometric Shapes
- Setyowati, Sri
- The Development Of Expressive Languages Viewed From Parents Parenting Patterns
- Setyowati, Sri
- The Implementation of SBM in Extracurricular Activities at Elementary school
- Sholihah, Malikatus
- The Influence of Learning Models of Natural Materials on the Cognitive and Motoric Development of Children in Group B in Kindergarten
- Sholihah, Nia Aminatus
- The Influence of Modified Dakon on the Understanding of the Concept of Numbers and Motor Abilities
- Siswanto, M. Bambang Edi
- The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Social skills And Students’ Learning Outcomes of Mycultivation Theme in Fourth Grade of Elementary School
- Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko
- Training Model of Troubleshooting Mathematics Materials of LCM And GCD Through PBL
- Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko
- Implementation of Problem Posing Learning on Conceptual Understanding and Adaptive Reasoning
- Soedjarwo, Soedjarwo
- Transformation of Multicultural Education Management in Primary School
- Soedjarwo, Soedjarwo
- The Implementation of School Operational Assistance Program Policy at Primary School Levels
- Soedjarwo, Soedjarwo
- The Effectiveness Of Communication Of Subordinates To Superiors (Optimizing Gadget)
- Sofijah, Sofijah
- Problem Based Learning to Increase Activity and Learning Outcomes of Students Primary School
- Sofiya, Ana
- The Development of Sparkol Videoscribe Based Internet Learning Media in Improving Writing Skills of Indonesian Language for Elementary School Students
- Sriwahyuni, Yuyun
- Developing a Short Character Based Film Increasing the Moral Value of Kindergarten
- Sriwidari, Nur Azizah
- The Modification of Hopscotch for Developing Children’s Gross Motor and Social
- Subroto, Waspodo Tjipto
- Influence of CTL Approach To Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Social Study Learning Outcomes In Primary Schools
- Sudarto, Zaini
- The Development Of Project-Based Books In Media Learning Lesson To Improve The Ability Of Learning Students In Major Of Special Education
- Sugiyo, Sugiyo
- Relationship between Self-Concept and Socioeconomic Status with Student Career Planning in Vocational School
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- Enculturation of Character Education Through Transforming School Cultural Values at Elementary School in Indonesia
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- Problem Based Learning to Increase Activity and Learning Outcomes of Students Primary School
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- Development Learning Tools with CTL Approach for Elementary School Students
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Social skills And Students’ Learning Outcomes of Mycultivation Theme in Fourth Grade of Elementary School
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- The Effectiveness of Time Token Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Suhanadji, Suhanadji
- The Implementation of Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Learning Outcome by Applying Cooperative Learning Through the Material of Nationalism and Patriotism
- Suhartono, Suhartono
- Comparison of Students' Writing Ability Stimulated in Silent and Motion Series Image Media
- Suhartono, Suhartono
- Digital Storytelling Media by Paired Storytelling Model to Improve Speaking Skills
- Suhartono, Suhartono
- Identity in Literacy Artefact of Elementary School Student
- Sujarwanto, Sujarwanto
- Project Based Learning Through Hydroponic Farming to Students With Hearing Impairment
- Sujarwanto, Sujarwanto
- The Management of Beginning Literacy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Developing Science and Creativity Through the Water Playing Exploratory Game
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- The Effect of Pindan Gonnung Traditional Game Toward Cognitive and Rough Motoric Development in Kindergarten
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- The Effect of Geometry Box Media on the Ability to Know the Concept of Numbers and Geometric Shapes
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Development of Problem-Based Learning Models to Increase Learning Outcomes in the Subtheme “My Residence”
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Game Lempar Gelang for Problems Know the Concept of Numbers and Emotional Regulation on Child B Group Kindergarten
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- The Effect of Geometric Puzzle Game Towards Children’s Recognition of Geometric Shapes and Fine Motor
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- The Effectiveness of Course Review Horay Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Increasing the Students’ Civics Learning Results by Using Paired Reading Model
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- The Influence of Learning Models of Natural Materials on the Cognitive and Motoric Development of Children in Group B in Kindergarten
- Sulasminten, Sulasminten
- The Development of Character Education Management Model in Secondary School
- Sulistyowati, Sulistyowati
- Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Early Childhood Classroom
- Suprapti, Siti Ayu
- Implementation Of Strategic Management In The Establishment Of Characters In Basic School
- Suprayitno, Suprayitno
- An Integrative Thematic Textbook for Higher Education Based on Ethnopedagogy
- Suratman, Bambang
- A Special Service of Guidance and Counseling Management to Reduce the Students’ Glossophobia Level
- Suryanti, Suryanti
- The Effectiveness of Integrated Learning of Immersed Models to Improve Students’ Ability on the Environment
- Suryanti, Suryanti
- What is Visual Quantum Learning Effect to Student Learning Results
- Suryanti, Widi
- Profile of Student Life Skills on Environmental Change Problems on the topic of Waste Recycling
- Suryono, Wiwid
- The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning Strategy on Learning Outcomes of Engineering Physics Viewed From Different Learning Styles
- Susanti, Ari
- Entering Children’s Literacy Through Whole Language Approach
- Sutopo, Anam
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Translation Using the Power of Two Method
- Suwarjo, Suwarjo
- Evaluation Of Individual Student Planning in Junior High School Yogyakarta City: Discrepancy Model
- Suyanto, Totok
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning to Improve the Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
- Suyanto, Totok
- The Application of Inquiry Learning to Increase The Activity and Critical Thinking Skill
- Suyanto, Totok
- The Implementation of Quantum Teaching to Increase Students Activities and Learning Outcomes for Primary School
- Suyanto, Totok
- The Implementation of Academic Supervision in Senior High School Level
- Suyanto, Totok
- The Implementation of Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Learning Outcome by Applying Cooperative Learning Through the Material of Nationalism and Patriotism
- Tandyonomanu, Danang
- Convergence vs. Divergence Learning Style Study of Critical Thinking
- Theresia, Indrawati
- Readiness Of Community Learning Center in The ASEAN Economic Community Era
- Toyib, Muhammad
- An Analysis of the Possibility of Origami Implementation in Mathematics Learning Process in Indonesia
- Turhan, Muhammad Yani
- Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Thinking Skills Critical and Student Learning Outcomes Elementary School
- Ummah, Wachida
- Digital Storytelling Media by Paired Storytelling Model to Improve Speaking Skills
- Utami, Farida
- Teaching Remo Dance Art Using Surabaya Style to Improve Primary School Students’ Character Building
- Utaminingsih, Sri
- The Development of Textbook Based Approach To Teach Scientific Literacy At 5th Grade
- Uzliva, Citra Aulia
- The Role of Principal Leadership to Improve Teacher Performance in Islamic Elementary School
- Wahida, Siska Nur
- The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Social skills And Students’ Learning Outcomes of Mycultivation Theme in Fourth Grade of Elementary School