Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education for All (ICEDUALL 2023)

143 authors
Adistiyani, Fahesta Sonia
Analysis of Standard Word Errors in Political Information News Newspapers as Teaching Material for Learning Indonesian
Afiahah, Noor Aida
Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019
Ahsanah, Finaty
Evaluating Integrated International Community Services in Malaysia: The Benefits and Possible Improvements
Al Farhan, Miftah
Expressive Speech Acts in the Instagram Comment Column and Their Relevance to the Formation of Student Moral Values in the Era of Globalization
Al Farhan, Miftah
Students’ Engagement in Reading Through Literature Circle
Alfiya, Nisa
Illocutionary Speech Acts in Advertisements in Public Spaces and Their Integration in Learning Advertising Texts in Junior High School
Ali, Abdul Halim
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Almani, Almani
Strengthening and Improving Cultural Literacy through Children’s Motor with Children’s Skills
Amalia, Nur
Circural School: As a Model for Integrating 21st Century Environmental Care Character Education in Elementary Schools
Anasari, Safitri
Utilization of Advertising in Public Spaces as Material Teach Persuasion Text Material for Class XI Students
Angeraini, Sri
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Anif, Sofyan
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Anisa, Fitri
Utilization of Advertising in Public Spaces as Material Teach Persuasion Text Material for Class XI Students
Annafas, Tazkiah
Strengthening and Improving Cultural Literacy through Children’s Motor with Children’s Skills
Anshari, Muhammad
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Ariyani, Herda
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Armiani, Risma Ika Putri
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Asshidiq, Fachrunnisa
Analysis of News Structure on Kompas.Com Online Media As Teaching Materials For News Texts In Junior High School
Awanis, Ghina Shabrina
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Azizah, Azaria Nur
Students’ Engagement in Reading Through Literature Circle
Baharizky, Alriana Saras Sri
Speech Act Advertising in Educational Posters as a Teaching Media for Persuasive Text
Cahyani, Nurlita
Directive Speech Actions on Ads/Banners in Public Space and Its Relevance as Teaching Material for Advertising Text for Grade VIII Junior High School Students
Chabibah, Ike Fitrah Atul
Nutrition and Fun: It’s Time for Children to “Talk to Friends” (Wisely How to Choose Snacks Properly)
Chaniago, Zamawi
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Desiyanti, Irne Wida
Nutrition and Fun: It’s Time for Children to “Talk to Friends” (Wisely How to Choose Snacks Properly)
Devikasari, Fani
The Use of Civility in News Texts Regarding Indonesia’s Rejection of Israel Participating in the World Cup as Teaching Material for Discussion Texts
Dewi, Puspa
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Elhawwa, Tazkiyatunnafs
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Fadillah, Umi
Expressive Speech Acts in the Instagram Comment Column and Their Relevance to the Formation of Student Moral Values in the Era of Globalization
Fajri, Wigati Hidayana
Speech Act Advertising in Educational Posters as a Teaching Media for Persuasive Text
Farah, Rafika Rabba
Building Student Disciplinary Character through the Atomic Habits Method at ICC Pahang
Fauziah, Rohadatul Aisy Agung
Analysis of Standard Word Errors in Political Information News Newspapers as Teaching Material for Learning Indonesian
Febrianty, Astrida Fesky
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Giyoto, Giyoto
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Hadi, Dani Anwar
Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019
Hamidah, Rifa Dwi
Rules of Persuasive Text in Banners and Posters Implemented in Learning Indonesian Class VIII Junior High School
Handayani, Raindini Citra
Utilization of Advertising in Public Spaces as Material Teach Persuasion Text Material for Class XI Students
Harsono, Harsono
Differentiated Learning: A Pre-School Student’s Perspective
Harsono, Harsono
Marketing Reorientation of Traditional Goyor Woven Sarong Using ATBM in Home Industry Beautiful World
Hermawan, Asep
Building Student Disciplinary Character through the Atomic Habits Method at ICC Pahang
Huda, Miftakhul
Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts
Hurriyah, Khilda Nur
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Ishartono, Naufal
Peer-Review Statements
Jamaluddin, Noorliza
Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019
Jelitasani, Ardina Rosanatan
Implication Analysis on News Headlines in Electronic Media
Kailani, Ahmad
Illocutionary Speech Acts in Advertisements in Public Spaces and Their Integration in Learning Advertising Texts in Junior High School
Kalaamiyah, Khaafidhatul
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Kartini, Nurul Hikmah
Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019
Khan, Tajuz Zahwa Asmar
Identification of the Affixation Process for Advertisements as a Medium for Learning Indonesian for Class IV SD/MI
Khoirinnisa, Aliffia
Analysis of News Structure on Kompas.Com Online Media As Teaching Materials For News Texts In Junior High School
Kinasih, Laras
The Use of Civility in News Texts Regarding Indonesia’s Rejection of Israel Participating in the World Cup as Teaching Material for Discussion Texts
Lutfiah, Ajeng Lintang
The meaning of implications on banners and billboards in learning Class XII Ad Text
Maulana, Maulana
Identification of the Affixation Process for Advertisements as a Medium for Learning Indonesian for Class IV SD/MI
Megarizkiand, Berlianing
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Minsih, Minsih
Ecoliteracy as Deep Learning Innovation Realizing the Primary School Literacy Movement in the Freedom of Learning Era
Murtiningsih, Tenny
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Murtiningsih, Tenny
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Murtiningsih, Tenny
Students’ Engagement in Reading Through Literature Circle
Nadia, Hafizhatu
Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts
Nadia, Hafizhatu
Students’ Engagement in Reading Through Literature Circle
Napasti, Friny
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Narimo, Sabar
Differentiated Learning: A Pre-School Student’s Perspective
Nendriyani, Munika
Rules of Persuasive Text in Banners and Posters Implemented in Learning Indonesian Class VIII Junior High School
Nizaar, Muhammad
Circural School: As a Model for Integrating 21st Century Environmental Care Character Education in Elementary Schools
Noor, Ady Ferdian
Expressive Speech Acts in the Instagram Comment Column and Their Relevance to the Formation of Student Moral Values in the Era of Globalization
Nurfitasari, Dwi
Directive Speech Actions on Ads/Banners in Public Space and Its Relevance as Teaching Material for Advertising Text for Grade VIII Junior High School Students
Nurhanifah, Dewi
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Nurhidayat, Nurhidayat
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Nurjanah, Isnaini
Rules of Persuasive Text in Banners and Posters Implemented in Learning Indonesian Class VIII Junior High School
Nurlaila, Maryam
Ecoliteracy as Deep Learning Innovation Realizing the Primary School Literacy Movement in the Freedom of Learning Era
Nurmeidina, Rahmatya
Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation
Octaviana, Marista Bela
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Permatasari, Dini Pancawati
Speech Act Advertising in Educational Posters as a Teaching Media for Persuasive Text
Prabaswari, Anggrayni Dita
Implication Analysis on News Headlines in Electronic Media
Praditasari, Desy
Imperative Speech Acts on Billboards and Banners and Their Relevance to Teaching Materials in Junior High School
Prakoeswa, Flora Ramona Sigit
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Pramuningtyas, Ratih
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Prapanca, Detak
Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance
Pratiwi, Mita Adi
Strengthening and Improving Cultural Literacy through Children’s Motor with Children’s Skills
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Peer-Review Statements
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Expressive Speech Acts in the Instagram Comment Column and Their Relevance to the Formation of Student Moral Values in the Era of Globalization
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Utilization of Advertising in Public Spaces as Material Teach Persuasion Text Material for Class XI Students
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Illocutionary Speech Acts in Advertisements in Public Spaces and Their Integration in Learning Advertising Texts in Junior High School
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Circural School: As a Model for Integrating 21st Century Environmental Care Character Education in Elementary Schools
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia
Prayitno, Harun Joko
K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education
Purnomo, Eko
Circural School: As a Model for Integrating 21st Century Environmental Care Character Education in Elementary Schools
Putri, Dhea Ariesta
Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance
Putri, Melani Regita
Imperative Speech Acts on Billboards and Banners and Their Relevance to Teaching Materials in Junior High School
Rahayu, Desti
Ecoliteracy as Deep Learning Innovation Realizing the Primary School Literacy Movement in the Freedom of Learning Era
Rahim, Hindun
Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance
Rahim, Putri
Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance
Rahmaniati, Rita
Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts
Rahmat, Muhammad Awalun Nur
Building Student Disciplinary Character through the Atomic Habits Method at ICC Pahang
Rahmawati, Laili Etika
Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts
Rahmawati, Okky Putri
The meaning of implications on banners and billboards in learning Class XII Ad Text
Rahmawati, Rosyadi Nur
Implication Analysis on News Headlines in Electronic Media