Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019)

405 authors
Ecological Intelligence in 2013 Madrasa Curriculum
Bugis Cultural Taxonomy: An Overview of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension
Morning Spiritual Gathering (MSG) Leadership: A New Leadership Style?
Muryati, Sri
Language and Morality: A Case Study on Vulgar Contents in Song Lyrics Prohibited by KPID West Java
Mustafidah, Hindayati
Empowerment Model of Fish Breeder through Development of Catfish Breeding Using Biofloc Technology
Mustakim, Muh
School and Pesantren: Study of Institutional Transformation of Islamic Education in Pesantren-based Schools (SBP) Ibnu Abbas Klaten Indonesia
Mustofa, Triono Ali
The Use of Digital Map Innovations in the Learning of Islamic History
Muthmainnah, Rahmita Nurul
Math BRAINO – Mathematics Braille Dominos for Visually Disabled Students
Mutohir, Toho Cholik
Entrepreneurship Education Program: Analysis of Sorghum Products' Quality Parameters for Penetration of Potential Market
The Existence of Traditionalism of Pesantren Education in the Modern Educational System at Pesantren Miftahul Ulum Bettet Pamekasan
Natsir, Mokhamad
A Descriptive Analysis of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), Community Empowerment, and The Participatory Rural Appraisal Approach
Na’imah, Tri
Religious Maturity in Boarding School Students: The Effect on School Connectedness
Institutional Model and Financial Management of Karawo Artist Based on Local Wisdom Values of Gorontalo Society
Noerhartati, Endang
Entrepreneurship Education Program: Analysis of Sorghum Products' Quality Parameters for Penetration of Potential Market
Noerhartati, Endang
The Economic Performance of Indonesian Rice in The Integration of The Asean Economic Community (Mea) Free Market
Noholo, Sahmin
Institutional Model and Financial Management of Karawo Artist Based on Local Wisdom Values of Gorontalo Society
Noviani, Dwi
Innovation for Islamic Education Instruction through Reflective Learning
Nur, Indria
Urgency of Islamic Education based on Gender Equality in Restoring the Patriarchy Culture in the Woman Kokoda Environment of West Papua Indonesia
Nuraini, Fitri
Managing Literacy Classroom through Prezi
Nuraini, Kristi
Teacher Communication Pattern in English Learning Process as Foreign Language in Senior High School
Nurhakim, Moh.
Portfolio Assessment Problems in Islamic Learning: A Case Study in Islamic Senior High School 1 Model Bojonegoro
Nurrohman, Endrik
Antimicrobial Activity of leaf Apium graveolens L. Extract: An Exploration of Celery Potential as Hand Sanitizer
Social Identity of Millennial Generation: A Study on K-Pop Community of College Student
Octaviani, Dina
Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of ATM Services in Borneo
Oktarika, Dini
Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of ATM Services in Borneo
Oktaviana, Ulfi Kartika
Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking
Ong, Eng Tek
Scientific Reasoning Skills Among Arabic Secondary School Students and Its Relationship With Teaching Styles of Arabic Secondary School Brunei Darussalam Teachers
Pantiwati, Yuni
Student’s Creative Stages and Their Media Products through Project-Based Learning (PjBL)
Pasaribu, Munawir
The Integration of Sex Education in Islamic Education and Biology at MA Muhammadiyah Medan
Permadi, Bayu
The Effectiveness of Writing Approach Viewed From Students’ Self-Confidence
Pertiwi, Ruvita Iffahtur
The Portrait of Learning the Linear Program in Indonesian Universities
Pinilih, Sekar Anggun Gading
The Implementation of Recovery Policy towards Women Victims of Marital Violence as to Mental Care in Central Java, Indonesia
Poerwanti, Endang
A Reconstruction of Educational Curriculum of Children with Special Needs (ABK) for Inclusive Elementary School’s Prospective Teachers
Prasaja, Aditya
The Effects of Social Definition for the Village Development Planning Process of the RKPDES Drafting Team towards the Document Quality in Bumiaji, Batu Indonesia
Prasetya, Teguh
Improving the Quality of Herbal Pasteurization Milk with the Application of the Equipment and Environmental Sanitation SOP
Pratiwi, Veronika Unun
Implementing the Project Based Learning Technique on English Narrative Text for 10th Grade Students of Veteran Vocational High School Sukoharjo
Pratiwi, Windi
Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of ATM Services in Borneo
Prayitno, Harun Joko
Growing Life Skill through Accounting Learning in Millennial Era
Prayuginingsih, Henik
The Improvement of Local Citrus’ Competitiveness to Strengthen the Rural Community Economy
Prihanta, Wahyu
Nutritional Content Characteristics of Dolichos lablab L. Accessions in Effort to Investigate Functional Food Source
Prihartini, Indah
Marketing Strategy for “Biofarm” Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Pujiharti, Yulita
The Inspiration of Singasari’s Statues as the Basic Design of Malang Batik, Indonesia
The Existence of Kerapatan Adat Nagari in Minangkabau Community, West Sumatra for the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
The Revitalization of Structural Criminal Responsibility of Indigenous Peoples in the Reform of the Criminal System in Indonesia
Purnomo, Budi
Marketing Strategy for “Biofarm” Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Purwaningrum, Septiana
Non-Dichotomic Islamic Education: Eclective Study on the Integrative and Multidisciplinary Approach as an Antithesis of Educational Dualism
Purwanti, Ani
Examining Local Policy to Improve Women’s Participation in Village Politics: A Case Study in Semarang Regency, Indonesia
Purwanti, Ani
The Implementation of Recovery Policy towards Women Victims of Marital Violence as to Mental Care in Central Java, Indonesia
Purwanti, Elly
Nutritional Content Characteristics of Dolichos lablab L. Accessions in Effort to Investigate Functional Food Source
Justice Creation for Indigenous Community in Palm Oil Plantation Investment in West Kalimantan
Qalyubi, Imam
The Internalization of Profane and Sacred in Forming the Character of Islamic Santri in the Islamic Boarding School of Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo
Qurrotaini, Lativa
The Effect of Learning Interest and Student’s Perception of Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency on Learning Achievement of Social Sciences: Survey at Labschool Elementary School, Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Rachmawati, Erny
Mediation Product Involvement against Purchasing Decisions
Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir
Impact of Implementation Crashes between Lesson Study and K-13 Curriculum in Educational Services at School: A Case study in Batu, East Java, Indonesia
Rahayu, Dwi Inggarwati
Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency: Implementation of 2013 Curriculum through a Sustainable Academic Supervision
Rahayu, Imbang Dwi
Socio-Economic Study of Food Stuff and Herbal Medicine for Free-range Chicken as Efforts to Increase Food Reliability and Edibility
Rahayu, Nuryani Tri
Sekaten Tradition; Preservation Through Commodification
Rahayu, Yayuk Ngesti
The Effect of Planned Behavior and Motivation on Pay Tax Compliance
Rahayu, Yayuk Sri
Switching Behavior of Customers from Conventional Bank Services to Islamic Bank Services
Rahma, Fariyatul
The Construction Meanings of Costs in Maudu Lompoa Rituals
Strategic Management, Competitive Advantage and Community Empowerment
Rahmawati, Hetti
Pragmatism-Philosophy of John Dewey’s Education: Role and Position in Learning Information Literacy (Study in Educational Psychology)
Retnowati, Endah
The Mathematical Literacy Skills of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Students in Sleman Regency
Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Compiling Cooperative Financial Statements
Ristianingrum, Anita
The Participation of Oyster Mushroom Farmers in Agro Ecovillage to Support Sustainable Development
Riyanto, Dicky Wisnu Usdek
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support to Employee Performance at University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital
Revitalization on the Suprastructure of Traditional Market Institutions
Robbie, R. Iqbal
Morning Spiritual Gathering (MSG) Leadership: A New Leadership Style?
Rochaeti, Nur
The Existence of Kerapatan Adat Nagari in Minangkabau Community, West Sumatra for the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
Rochaeti, Nur
The Revitalization of Structural Criminal Responsibility of Indigenous Peoples in the Reform of the Criminal System in Indonesia
Rodiyah, Isnaini
Design System of Small and Medium Industry Performance Measurement Based on Balanced Scorecard and Quadruple Helix Method
Roeswitawati, Dyah
Study of the Use of Organic Polybags based on Water Hyacinth and Coconut Fiber on Growth and Results of Big Red Chili (Capsicum Annum L.)
Rofieq, Ainur
The Control over the Population of Dermatophagoides Mites based on the Internal Environment Arrangement of Residences for Respiratory Tract Allergy Patients in Surabaya Indonesia
Rofieq, Ainur
Lesson Study for Learning Community in Teaching Human Body Skeleton Material in Muhammadiyah 8 Junior High School Batu
Rohani, Imam
Conflict Management between Students at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School Qurrota A’yun Ponorogo
Rokhman, Roli Abdul
Portfolio Assessment Problems in Islamic Learning: A Case Study in Islamic Senior High School 1 Model Bojonegoro
Romdaniyah, Sri Wulan
Implementation of Experiential Learning Model to Improve the Understanding of the Special Ray Concepts and Formation of Images
Romsan, H. Achmad
The Use of the Strict Liability Principle by the Indonesian Courts in Solving Environmental Conflicts
Ropii, Imam
Legal Protection of Youth Suffrage
Rumijati, Aniek
The Types of Organizational Culture in Private Higher Education
Rusman, Ade
The Strategy of Internationalization of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution: A Case Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Rusman, Farid
Interpersonal Relationship and Communication between Husband and Wife: A Case Study in Batu City
S.A.P, Rangga Sa’adillah
The Implementation of Spiritual Learning at an Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMPIT) Insan Kamil, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Saad, Noor Shah
Scientific Reasoning Skills Among Arabic Secondary School Students and Its Relationship With Teaching Styles of Arabic Secondary School Brunei Darussalam Teachers
Sabilah, Fardini
Best Practices Technique in Teaching Intercultural Competence of English to Young Learners: Some Classroom Activities in Primary Schools
The Effect of Planned Behavior and Motivation on Pay Tax Compliance
Santosa, Teguh Hari
The Improvement of Local Citrus’ Competitiveness to Strengthen the Rural Community Economy
Sanubari, Rizal Hari
The Development of Organic Farming by Sri Kuncoro Farmer Group in Pokoh Kidul, Wonogiri
Saputri, Lena Hambyah
Improving the Quality of Herbal Pasteurization Milk with the Application of the Equipment and Environmental Sanitation SOP
Saragih, Hendra Maujana
The Big Possible Future Use of Military Power in ASEAN
Saraswati, Ekarini
The Cultural Capital and Strategy of Indonesian Poets in the 2000s
Sari, Ima Frafika
E-learning in English Language Learning for Increasing Students’s Motivation
Sari, Loesita
The Inspiration of Singasari’s Statues as the Basic Design of Malang Batik, Indonesia
Sari, Lustiana
Comparing the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom and Online Learning on Improving Critical Thinking Skills in High School Physics Learning
Saridin, Rasman bin
The Effects of Madrasah Principal’s Leadership and Teachers’ Work Motivation on Learning Effectiveness in Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah
Sa’diyah, Dewi Fitrotus
The Effectiveness of Writing Approach Viewed From Students’ Self-Confidence
Sa’diyah, Wasiatus
The Metacognition of Pre-Service Biology Teachers: Awareness, Skills, Understanding, and Practices
The Study of Utilization of Coconut Shell Compost (ARKOBA) to Increase the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in West Kalimantan
Setiawan, Fajar Ahmad
Examining Local Policy to Improve Women’s Participation in Village Politics: A Case Study in Semarang Regency, Indonesia
Sholikah, Miftachus
The Effectiveness of Writing Approach Viewed From Students’ Self-Confidence