Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Community Development (AMCA 2018)
338 authors
- Purnadi, Mr
- Analysis of Salary and Reward Effect toward Performance of Administrative Employees at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
- Purnawanto, Agus Mulyadi
- The Roles of Earthworms in Agroecosystem
- Purwanti, Ani
- Gender-Equality Development Strategy for Fisherwomen in Morodemak Village
- Purwanti, Eko
- Learning Model of Performing Arts of Dance Based on Conservation
- Purwanti, Elly
- Ethnobotany Medicinal Plants For Local Community in Southwest Sumba District
- Purwidianti, Wida
- An Empirical Study on Family Financial Behavior
- Putera, El Amry Bermawi
- Indonesian National Power to Achieve the Global Maritime Fulcrum
- Putri, Octavina Rizky Utami
- Students’ Mathematical Connection in Programming Using GUI Matlab
- Qalyubi, Imam
- The Duality Conception on Ngaju Dayak Thoughts in Central Kalimantan
- Rachmawati, Erny
- Product Knowledge Review on the Purchase Decision
- Rachmawati, Iva
- Noken: Women Empowerment & Tourism Industry in Papua
- Rahammah, Tawany
- Implementation of Character Education Management and Establishment of Religiosity Values in Learners
- Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir
- Study of Learning Strategy Integration of Science and Religion on the Development of Student Character
- Raharjanto, Abdulkadir
- The Impact of Low Health Literacy to Social Relationship of the People Living With HIV/AIDS
- Rahatmawati, Istiana
- Coastal Tourism Management to Support Economic Community Development in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
- Rahayu, Imbang Dwi
- The Addition of “JamuLempuyang” (Zingiber Zerumbet Herbs) in Chicken Feed toward the Condition of the Nutrition Digestibility of Free-Range Chicken
- Rahayu,, Mudji
- The National Defense Education as the Way to Build National Integration in the Millennial Era
- Rahmatu, Rostiati Dg.
- Strategic Formulation of Local Resources Management To Reduce Poverty
- Ramdhani, Zada Talitha
- Development of on Line-Based Evaluation on Material of Environmental Damage Prevention
- Rasima, Hasan Basri
- Implementation of Holistic Education in Shaping Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Munawwarah Guppi in Parepare
- Relawati, Rahayu
- Supply Chain and Profitability of Cassava in District Trenggalek, East Java
- Riduwan, Mr
- The Role of Headmaster in Revitalization of Vocational Education
- Riyanto, Mr
- The Influence of Flipped Classroomon the Competence of KKPI Course
- Rizali, Nanang
- Elements of Design in Batik Tiga Negeri, Lasem
- Rochdiani, Dini
- Supply Chain and Profitability of Cassava in District Trenggalek, East Java
- Rofieq, Ainur
- Responses and Efforts to Incorporate Essential Concepts of Food Safety into the Curriculum of Senior High School in East Java Indonesia
- Rosanty, Niluh Putu Evvy
- Strategic Formulation of Local Resources Management To Reduce Poverty
- Ruyadi, Yadi
- The Use of Gurindam Dua Belas as a Learning Resource in Islamic Education
- S, Muhammad Afdhal
- The Quality of Income of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Based on the Tax Planning and Deferred Paid Tax
- S., Triningsih
- The Entrepreneurship Factors on Handicapped Business Owner in Malang Indonesia
- Sabilah, Fardini
- Intercultural Competence in Learning English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: A Pragmatic Analysis
- Saddhono, Kundharu
- The Implicature of Begalan Tradition as an Effort to Develop a Good Character in the Community in Banyumas Central Java
- Salam, Norodin D.
- Readiness of Higher Education in Southern Philippines: Internationalization of Higher Education System in the Philippines
- Salsabila, Luqyana
- Customer Satisfaction on Bio-Farm Biodegrading Agent: A Study on Agricultural Product Customers
- Santosa, Riyadi
- "Kesaktianmu" an Expression of Language Beauty with the Content of Infidelity in a Popular Love Song Study of Language Creativity and Sexism
- Saragih, Hendra Maujana
- Indonesian National Power to Achieve the Global Maritime Fulcrum
- Saraswanti, Kenny Desinta
- Trading Influence as the Phenomenon of the Corruption in Indonesia (Study of application of UNCAC principles of trading influence in corruption act law in Indonesia)
- Saraswati, Ekarini
- Habitus Poet, Social Capital, and Literary Works
- Sari, Elok Fariha
- Primary School Teachers’ Capability in Developing Learning Media Basedon Tangram Interactive Game
- Satiti, Novita
- An Effect Analysis of Company’s Size, Profitability, and Age towards Islamic Social Reporting Disclosure and Company’s Valuation
- Semaun, Syahriyah
- Risks of Multi-Contract in Sharia Financial Institutions, Indonesia
- Shinta, Meilan Nirmala
- The Effect of Using English Videos on Vocabulary Achievement at the Fifth Grade of Elementary School 10 Poasia
- Shofiyani, Anis
- The Effect of Light and Medium on Secondary Metabolite Production in Callus Culture of Kaemferia galanga Linn
- Siregar, Ramlan
- Indonesian National Power to Achieve the Global Maritime Fulcrum
- Slamet, Y
- Teaching Indonesian Communicative Skill Based on Culturefor Foreign Student
- Soedarwo, Vina Darvina Salviana
- The Gender Sensitivity of Political Parties in Indonesia and Asean Women Politicians Network in Realizing Community Development Programs
- Soejanto, Irwan
- Determining of Parking Lot Area Policy Using System Dynamic Simulation Approach
- Soenaryo, Siti Fatimah
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Basic Training Tiered Kindergarten Educators in Sidoarjo
- Soim, Mr
- The Role of Headmaster in Revitalization of Vocational Education
- Sokip, Mr
- The Role of Headmaster in Revitalization of Vocational Education
- Solikhah, Imroatus
- Revising EAP Programs in Indonesia: Where to Go?
- Subroto, D. Edi
- "Kesaktianmu" an Expression of Language Beauty with the Content of Infidelity in a Popular Love Song Study of Language Creativity and Sexism
- Sudana, I Nyoman Degeng
- Information Literacy in Class Culture-Based Learning
- Sudardi, Bani
- The Reflection of Socio-Cultural Change in Batik Motifs
- Sudiar, Sonny
- Indonesia’s Development Policy to Increase Prosperity of the People in the Border Area
- Sudjiwanati, Ms
- The Benefit of Renewable Indonesian Traditional Therapyto Enhance Recovery of Physical-Mental Illness
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- The General Principles of Establishment of Regulations as a Testing Tool of Harmonization Policy of Local Regulation Product in Indonesia
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Promotion Policy of Civil Servant Based on Meritrocracy Principle In Local Government of Indonesia
- Sugiarti, Ms
- Aesthetic Energies Portrayed in Indonesian Novels in the 2000s
- Sugiarto, Meilan
- Noken: Women Empowerment & Tourism Industry in Papua
- Sukardi, Tanto
- The Influence of Critical Thinking Skill on Students’Social Sensitivityin History Learning
- Sukarsono, Mr
- Islamic Values in the Practice of Natural Conservation in Indonesia
- Sulaiman, Umar
- Rabbani Character as a Medium to Establish Spiritual Intelligence in the Learning Process
- Sulistyowati, Tutik
- Self-Identity Construction of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the Destination Country
- Sumarlam, Mr
- The Implicature of Begalan Tradition as an Effort to Develop a Good Character in the Community in Banyumas Central Java
- Sumarsono, Puji
- Authentic Assessment Applied in Authentic English Language Teaching (ELT) Textbook of Vocational School
- Sumiyadi, Mr
- Social Identity in Indonesian Children’s Literature: Materials of Self-Literacy for Elementary Students
- Sunaryo, Hari
- An Analysis of Social Phenomenon of Metropolitan Short Stories for Literary Learning Based on Critical Appreciation
- Sundhani, Elza
- Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Juice and Ethanol Extracts of Garcinia Mangostana L. Leaves
- Sunendar, Dadang
- Social Identity in Indonesian Children’s Literature: Materials of Self-Literacy for Elementary Students
- Sungkawati, Endang
- Building Loyalty of Woman Cooperative Members through Perception and Trust
- Suparno, Mr
- The Benefit of Renewable Indonesian Traditional Therapyto Enhance Recovery of Physical-Mental Illness
- Suprapto, Budi
- Dakwah and Social Concern
- Supriyanto, Eko
- Adjustment of the curriculum of gifted Student Madrasah through Designing the Curriculum Based System Credit Semester
- Sureda, Ms
- Improvement of Quality of Learning of Islamic Education at National Senior High School of Parepare
- Suredah, Ms
- The Influence of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence of Educator towards Learning Quality Improvement
- Suroso, Eko
- The Implicature of Begalan Tradition as an Effort to Develop a Good Character in the Community in Banyumas Central Java
- Susanti, Reni Dwi
- The Application of Mind Mapping Method in Learning of Mathematics
- Susanti, Reni Dwi
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Basic Training Tiered Kindergarten Educators in Sidoarjo
- Susanto, Mr
- Fish Community of Cyprinidae Family in Serayu River Banyumas Regency
- Susetyarini, Eko
- Lesson Study Learning Community for Prospective Biology Teachers in Teaching Genetics
- Susilo, Priyo
- The Role of Muhammadiyah in Preventing Islamic Radicalism in Banten (2000-2017)
- Susilowati, Retno
- The Potential of Rambutan Seed Extract to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Susilowati, Retno
- Study of Learning Strategy Integration of Science and Religion on the Development of Student Character
- Suswandari, Ms
- Cultural Properties as a Source for Learning History: A Case Study in Cilacap Regency, Indonesia
- Sutanto, Adi
- The Addition of “JamuLempuyang” (Zingiber Zerumbet Herbs) in Chicken Feed toward the Condition of the Nutrition Digestibility of Free-Range Chicken
- Sutawi, Mr
- Farmers’ Understanding of Organic Agriculture Practices
- Sutawi, Mr
- Customer Satisfaction on Bio-Farm Biodegrading Agent: A Study on Agricultural Product Customers
- Suwandayani, Beti Istanti
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Basic Training Tiered Kindergarten Educators in Sidoarjo
- Suwarno, Mr
- An Analysis of Landslide Occurrence Distribution and Geomorphological Conditions of Arus River Sub-Watershed in Banyumas Regency
- Suyadi, Aman
- Empowering Teen Dropouts inBerkoh Village, Purwokerto Selatan Sub-District
- Suyahman, Mr
- The Reinforcement of Child’s Independent Character Value through Humanistic-Based Family Education
- Suyoto, Mr
- An Analysis of the Influence of Parenting Style on Children’s Involvement in the Decision of Purchasing Gadgets
- Syafri, Ulil Amri
- The Development of Teaching and Learning Methods in Hadits in the Islamic Education Program at Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah Singapore
- Syahri, Mohamad
- Reinforcement of Character Education Love for the Living Environment based on Conservation School Model
- Syaifuddin, Wan
- Malay Oral Literature on Billah Riverside and Flood Prevention
- Tain, Anas
- The Adaptation Strategy of Fishermen Households in the Over fishing Areas of East Java
- Tajudin, Nor'ain Mohd
- Islamic Education Based on Multiculturalism through Experiential Learning Approach at University of Muhammadiyah Malang
- Tanjung, Ellisa Fitri
- Improving the Quality of Religious Islamic Education Learning through Collaborative Learning Approach in SMP Al-Muslimin Pandan District Tapanuli Tengah
- Tarihoran, Naf’an
- Exploring the Role of Madrasah Service Learning in Enhancing Capability and Promoting Human Development in Banten