Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Community Development (AMCA 2018)
338 authors
- Totanan, Chalarce
- An Effect of Perceived Usefulness and User's Attitude to the Intention of Using the Technology-Based Cost of Production Calculation System
- Totanan, Chalarce
- The Quality of Income of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Based on the Tax Planning and Deferred Paid Tax
- Trimurtini, Trimurtini
- Primary School Teachers’ Capability in Developing Learning Media Basedon Tangram Interactive Game
- Tristiana, Novita Eka
- How to Make Employee Work? Figuring Out What Factors Cause It
- Tubastuvi, Naelati
- An Analytical Network Process Approach for Strategy Priority in Islamic Microfinance
- Turmudi, Mr
- Islamic Education Based on Multiculturalism through Experiential Learning Approach at University of Muhammadiyah Malang
- Ummah, Siti Khoiruli
- Analysis of Mathematical Thinking Styles through Oral Test for Proving Curvature Theorem
- Utomo, Dwi Priyo
- An Analysis on Creative Thinking Skill on Algebra Materials of Students in Regular, Acceleration, and Olympiad Classes
- Wahidin, Mr
- Risks of Multi-Contract in Sharia Financial Institutions, Indonesia
- Wahyono, Poncojari
- The Prevention againstPhotoaging onSkin as an Effect of UV-B Radiationby Using Tomatoe (LycopersicumPyriforme) Juice
- Wahyuni, Erly
- Improving Students’ Independence and Collaboration With Blended Learning
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Islamic Social Reporting Disclosure and Determinant Factors: Empirical Evidence from Islamic Banks in Indonesia
- Wahyuningsih, Ms
- Strategic Formulation of Local Resources Management To Reduce Poverty
- Waluyo, Lud
- Antagonism of Microbial Consortium Decomposers in Deadly Water-borne Pathogens in Domestic Wastewater
- Wardani, Susilo
- Legal Protection of Daily Freelance Labors in Small-Scale Industry: A Study on Wig and Fake Eyelashes Industries in Indonesia
- Wibowo, Ugung Dwi Ario
- The Big Five Personalities as Antecedents of Nurse Performance
- Widagdo, Bambang
- An Effect Analysis of Company’s Size, Profitability, and Age towards Islamic Social Reporting Disclosure and Company’s Valuation
- Widiawati, Ayu
- Resiliency in Adolescents Who Live in Disaster Area: Phenomenology Study
- Widodo, Estu
- Some Notes on the Contemporary Views of Validity in Psychological and Educational Assessment
- Widodo, Wahyu
- The Addition of “JamuLempuyang” (Zingiber Zerumbet Herbs) in Chicken Feed toward the Condition of the Nutrition Digestibility of Free-Range Chicken
- Winarni, Retno
- Teaching Indonesian Communicative Skill Based on Culturefor Foreign Student
- Winarsunu, Tulus
- [WITHDRAWN] The Information Framing Effect on Attitude towards Organizational Change
- Wiryani, Fifik
- Trading Influence as the Phenomenon of the Corruption in Indonesia (Study of application of UNCAC principles of trading influence in corruption act law in Indonesia)
- Wiryani, Fifik
- Regulations of Recognition and Protection on Ulayat Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia
- Wurianto, Arif Budi
- The Folklore of “Wali9” (Islam Spreaders) in East Java as Cultural Identity of Multicultural Community
- Yamin, Ms
- The Quality of Income of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Based on the Tax Planning and Deferred Paid Tax
- Yamin, Nina Yusnita
- The Management of Non-Tax Revenue: An Evaluative Review
- Yulianeta, Ms
- Ronggeng: Cultural Artifact and Its Representation in Indonesian Film
- Yuliati, Uci
- The Entrepreneurship Factors on Handicapped Business Owner in Malang Indonesia
- Yuniwati, Eny Diah
- Production Potential and Product Diversification to Increase Farmer’s Business Capacity of Gondang Manis Rose Apple (S. Malaccense) in Jombang Regency East Java
- Yuswati, Ms
- Indonesian SPA asSharia Tourism Education Opportunity
- Yuyarti, Ms
- Learning Model of Performing Arts of Dance Based on Conservation
- Zahroh, Umy
- An Analysis of Students’ Reasoning Ability in the Differential Calculus Course
- Zailani, Mr
- The Concepts Related to Islamic Education Modernisation
- Zaitun, Ms
- The Use of Gurindam Dua Belas as a Learning Resource in Islamic Education
- Zakiyah, Ms
- Spiritual-based Moral Value Approach in Kindergarten
- Zakky, Akhmad
- The Role of Muhammadiyah in Preventing Islamic Radicalism in Banten (2000-2017)
- Zuriah, Nurul
- Social Engineering Model for Character Education in Higher Education