Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)
173 articles
Proceedings Article
The Development of Process Skill Based Interactive Multimedia in Science
Syahril Fazal, Mursyid, Sriadhi
The process skill based interactive instructional multimedia was developed to teach students in learning Scince independently with the content, exercise, virtual laboratory and evaluation connected to the process skill. This study aims to produce a process skill based interactive multimedia which is...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Anti-Language to Improve The Ability of Elementary Students of Grade 5 in Understanding The English Grammar
Mery Silalahi
Studying English as a foreign language, makes learning English difficult to understand, coupled with grammar that is complicated and far different from our native language, Indonesian. The formulation patterns found in grammar usually have to be memorized by students, but most students memorize just...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills in State Senior High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District
Hotrimsyah Simbolon, Martina Restuati Simbolon, Fauziyah Harahap
This study was conducted for students in State High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District with the aims were to find out: (1) the students’ scientific literacy skills; (2) the correlation between the parents’ formal educational background and students’ scientific literacy skills; (3) the correlation...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Parent Engagement Learning Model Through Suggestion Box and a Corner of Pouring of Students Heart in Public Junior School at Binjai
Lenni Arta FS Sinaga, Paningkat Siburian, Sukarman Purba, Panigoran Siburian
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the partnership model of parents through the vent in the corner box Binjai City Junior High School; found output partnership model parents through town and corner confide in SMP Negeri Binjai city; determine the responses of managers (principals, teacher...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students High Order Thinking Skills in Respiratory System Through a Scientific Approach
Ongguk Rotua Napitupulu, Martina Restuati, Hasruddin
This study aims to analyze the high-order thinking skills through a scientific approach on respiration system. The population was eleventh grade with total about 440 students. Sample were taken by purposive sampling technique, namely as many as 6 classes with a total of 210 students. This research was...
Proceedings Article
Developing the Mobile Learning-based Instructional Media of Excretory Systems in Increasing Students’ Concept Mastery at SMAN 1 Delitua
Suci Handayani Nasution, Martina Restuati, Hasruddin
The aims of this study were to find out (1) the feasibility of mobile learning-based instructional media; (2) the differences in students’ learning outcomes of concept mastery. The subjects were eleventh grade students and biology teachers. At the initial stage, a needs analysis was conducted in which...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of The Difficulties of the Mathematical Creative Thinking Process in Problem Based Learning
Elsa Nopita Sitorus, Bornok Sinaga, Izwita Dewi
The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the difficulties of mathematical creative thinking processes in problem-based learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The subjects of this study were students of SMP Negeri 13 Medan in class VIII-5 totaling 32 students. The data...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Brain Gym On The Memory Of Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6 Years In Maitreyawira School
Jenny, Meta Br. Ginting, Panni Ance L Tobing
Memory plays an important role in every psychological and cognitive functions which influence their ability to memorize the lessons. The Educational Kinesiology program called Brain Gym is reported as simple movements that can help to coordinate the body and brain thus can improve concentration and memory...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Feasibility Level of Practical Guidance Semiriset Based Guided Inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School
Fridawati Siburian, Iis Siti Jahro, Retno Dwi Suyanti
This type of research is research and development (R & D). The purpose of this study is determine the level of feasibility of practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School. This research was a descriptive analysis study. The sample are 3 lecturer of chemistry and 20...
Proceedings Article
Needs Assessment of Biology Learning Materials for Integration Curriculum in Chandra Kumala School
Silvia Sabatini, Binari Manurung, Mufti Sudibyo
The impact of globalization is multidimensional; the impact is also felt in the field of education, especially higher education that directly interacts with the international community. Specifically, globalization is driving the changing role of higher education institutions. Higher education institutions...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the Effect of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Phyisical Education Student
Wicaksono, Albadi Sinulingga, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun
This study aims to determine and describe the Comparison of the Effects of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of High School Physical Education Students. This research is an experiment through a test instrument technique for learning outcomes and a questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Student’s Science Process Skills and Cognitive Ability About Water Cycle in Elementary School
Rizqi Yusriana, Nurdin Bukit, Ely Djulia
The science learning process emphasizes giving direct experience to students. Science consists of three elements, namely products, processes, and attitudes. In learning science, requires science process skills, which involve mental and cognitive processes so that the knowledge gained by students is meaningful....
Proceedings Article
The Difference of Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self Regulated Learning Taught Contextual and Cooperative Learning Models
Meytri Laurence Sihotang, Mulyono, Ani Minarni, Else Frine Tamba
This study aims to analyze wether (1) there is a difference in students' mathematical problem solving abilities and self regulation learning (SRL) taught contextual learning models with students taught cooperative learning models geogebra assisted; (2) there is an interaction between learning models...
Proceedings Article
Development of Chemistry Practical Guide Book Innovative on General Chemistry Integrated Problem Based Learning Models
Rhindra Pahlawan, Ramlan Silaban, Ida Duma Riris
This study aims to obtain an innovative on general chemistry lab guide for agrotechnology study programs. The research was a development research referring to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Practical guidebooks were arranged following the steps of the...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Instructional Video in Drawing Illustration at Fine Arts
Sri Juita Br Ginting, K. Abdul Hamid
The instructional video was developed to teach Senior High School students in drawing illustration at Fine Arts in effective and efficient way independently or collectively in the classroom. This study aims to produce an instructional video in drawing illustration which is decent to be a reference in...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Instructional Video in Manicure for Vocational High School Students of Skin Beauty Department
Purnama Sari, Sahat Siagian
The instructional video was developed to teach Vocational High School students in learning Manicure in effective and efficient way independently or collectively in the classroom. This study aims to produce an instructional video in manicure which is decent used by students in the department of Skin Beauty....
Proceedings Article
The Development of English Teaching Material Based on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) at Sailing Vocational High School
Ria Lestari, Efendi Napitupulu
The aim of this research and development was: (1) Produce a proper English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students; (2) Finding out the effectiveness of the implementation results of English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students. This study belongs...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Local Cultural Based Interactive Instructional Media in Learning English
Nazlia, Julaga Situmorang
The local cultural based interactive instructional media was developed to teach students in learning English independently with the content, exercise and evaluation connected to the local culture. This study aims to produce a proper local cultural based interactive instructional media and to know the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
Nurvita, Bornok Sinaga, Mukhtar
Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
Proceedings Article
Speech Acts in ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) Talk Show Program
S. Lisna Rifkadiana., Busmin Gurning, T.Thyrhaya Zein
This study was concerned with the use of speech acts in ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) Talk show program. The objective of this study was to describe the types of speech acts used by the host and the guests of ILC. Qualitative content analysis method was applied in this study. The sources of data were...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Multiple Intelligences Aspects on Science Process Skills of High School Students in Ecology Topic
Riyanti, Binari Manurung, Mufti Sudibyo
This research was conducted to determine the contribution of multiple intelligences aspects on science process skills of Senior High School student’s in ecology. This research is a descriptive research. The population in this study were the first grade students of Senior High School in Medan in academic...
Proceedings Article
Speech Function in E-Talk Show Program
Berlin Sibarani, Didik Santoso
The choice of speech functions and the mood realization are part of the interpersonal functions which can influence the interpersonal relationship between the speakers in a conversation. The objectives of this study are to describe kinds of speech functions found in the guest utterances in E-talk show....
Proceedings Article
The Development of Teaching Materials Explanatory Text Based on Interactive Multimedia of Students Class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal
Victorya Sianipar, Biner Ambarita, Abdurrahman Adisaputera
This study aims to produce teaching materials explanatory text based on multimedia interactive of students class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal. The product of teaching materials produced is CD interactive. The method used in Research and Development (R&D) method with ADDIE development model. The trials carried...
Proceedings Article
The Enhancement Difference of Eight Grade Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability
Adrina Fauza, E. Elvis Napitupulu, Nerli Khairani
The aims of this research are to analyze: the difference of the improvement mathematical problem-solving ability between students taught by guided discovery learning with the students taught by expository learning, and the interaction between mathematics learning with students 'early mathematical abilities...
Proceedings Article
Development of Moodle E-Learning Media in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Nur Aulia Khairani, Juniastel Rajagukguk, Derlina
This study aims to produce moodle e-learning media that is feasible to use as a medium for learning the physics of geometric optical matter. The main problem is in the current era of industrial revolution 4.0, teachers as the front guard in the world of education are able to improve competence in facing...
Proceedings Article
ELT Descriptive Hypothesis
Tagor Pangaribuan, Kammer Tuahman Sipayung
Teaching is an epitome. It is the core of intellectual gain as truth. A teacher learns learning by doing and doing by learning. The purpose is to find out acts of empowerment, its effectiveness as revitalization and reinforcement through ELT classroom acts. The research methodology is an experimental...
Proceedings Article
The Integration of Character Value in English Lesson Planning With Workshop Strategy on Tourism High School
Kammer Tuahman Sipayung
The objective of this study to improve the teachers competence on integrating character based on lesson plan. Workshop is one method that the researcher did to achive the aim. This research is school action research with quantitative and qualitative design. The data of this reseach are teachers’ competence...
Proceedings Article
High-Level Comprehension Skill by using Competencies PISA in Indonesia's Education System
Sahyar, Wawan Bunawan, Muhammad Aswin Rangkuti, Jeddah Yanti
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an assessment of global competency in education that leads to adoption and development of sophisticated to equip next-generation for success in education and produce the world-renowned tech entrepreneurs. Asian countries dominate the top of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Learning Strategy and Locus of Control Toward Learning Outcomes by Controlling Prior Knowledge
Parulian Sibuea, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Sahat Siagian
The objectives of this research was to determine the effect of learning strategies Contextual Teaching learning (CTL) and expository learning) and locus of control on learning outcomes, after controlling prior knowledge. This research conducted at Air Putih 1 High School, North Sumatera during August...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Principal Leadership, School Climate and Teacher Achievement Motivation to Teachers Work Commitment
Yulia Hafni, Darwin, Zulkifli Matondang
The study aims to determine the effect of Principal Leadership on Achievement Motivation, the influence of School Climate on Achievement Motivation, the influence of Principal Leadership on Teacher Work Commitment, the influence of School Climate on Teacher Work Commitment, and the effect of Achievement...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Web-Based Learning Media on Economic Subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
Amiruddin, Juwita Ulfa, Suraiya Nana
This research has a focus on problem solving related to webbased learning media which developed for the economic subject. The aim of this research was to develop and design the web-based learning materials in order to measure the properness on economical subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh. This research...
Proceedings Article
Training Management Model of Kindergarten Teacher in Medan
Musdhalifah Zebua, Paningkat Siburian
Training management can be used as a training model of kindergarten teacher to conduct training activities with the aim in producing professional teachers. Kindergarten Teachers are professionals in carrying out their activities as educators of kindergarten with an age range of 5 (five) to 6 (six) years...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Training Needs for Improving the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees (Study in Riau Province, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra)
Ali Hamdani, Paningkat Siburian, Zainuddin
The purpose of this study was to analyze the training needs to improve the performance of Forest Management Unit (FMU) employees in Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces. This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research by gathering information from all...
Proceedings Article
Learning Model Based Traditional Game to Improve Motoric and Keeping Culture of Traditional Games
Muhammad Fauzi Purba, Novita, Albadi Sinulingga
This study aims to produce a good, effective and fun primary school learning using model based traditional game to improve motoric and keeping culture traditional game in a, which can be used by sports education and physical health teachers. This study uses research and development approach (R and D),...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation Of Curriculum 2013 In 1 State High School Secanggang
M. Irwan Syahputra
The implementation of the curriculum is expected to improve the quality of education. Meanwhile some difficulties could be happened in learning process. This research is conducted in order to know what are difficultier of implementation of curriculum 2013 in 1 state high school Secanggang. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Managerial Competence, and Work Motivation on The Principals Performance in the State Elementary School of Medan
Wanti Simanjuntak, Paningkat Siburian, Benyamin Situmorang
determine and examine the effect of managerial competence on principals performance and the effect of working motivation on principals performance, and find a model for developing principals performance. This research is using correlation research with an approach of ex-post facto research and held out...
Proceedings Article
Difference in Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Discipline Learning Through Problem Based Learning and Matlab Assisted Think Pair Share
Hanifan Nursyah Fitri Siregar, Mulyono, Bornok Sinaga
This paper is just a sample template for the prospective authors of IISTE Over the decades, the concepts of 1) A difference in the increase in mathematical creative thinking skills between students given a higher Problem Based Learning (PBL) model than students given Matlab Assisted Think Pair Share...
Proceedings Article
Improving Teaching Skills of Pre-teacher Students With Modified Jigsaw on Biology Instructional Methodology Course
Relsas Yogica, Lufri, Rahmadhani Fitri, Arief Muttaqiin
The development of education is strongly influenced by global factors. This global development has a serious impact on the quality of education graduates. Many standards emerge to meet these demands. This responsibility rests with the university, especially the university which produces graduate teacher...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Using CTL-Based Comic Media on Learning Outcomes of Third Grade Students
Dewi Sartika Panggabean, Mutsyuhito Solin, Zulkifli Matondang
This research was conducted to know the impact of using CTL-based comic media on learning outcomesof third grade students of Private Elementary School of Nurul Hasanah Tembung usingthe material on the sub-theme "My Rights and Obligations". Type of research was a Quasi-Experimental Design with Nonequivalent...
Proceedings Article
Developing the Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test Based on Content, Construct and Language Feasibility in Identifying Students’ High-Order Thinking Skills
Suyedi Hendra Yanto, Herbert Sipahutar, Syahmi Edi
This type of research is a Research and Development (R & D) referred to Borg & Gall model. The aims of this study were to find out the content, construct, and language feasibility of the two tiers multiple choice test that have been developed. The data obtained was adjusted to the objectives and development...
Proceedings Article
The Differences of The Influence of Teaching Method and Self-Reliance on The Students’ Learning Outcomes of Long Jump Ortodock Style at SMA Negeri 1 Stabat in the Academic Year2018/2019
Azwar Annas, Amir Supriadi, Imran Ahmad
This Research is conducted by using experimental methods. Experimental research methods are methods used to find the influence of treatment a certain . The research design used was by level 2 x 2 with three variable research, one variable and two free variables. As a (the dependent variables) is the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cooperative Learning and Learning Motivation on Mathematical Learning Outcomes
Elvina Natalika Damanik, Edy Syahputra, Anita Yus
The aim of this study was to find out : (1) Student learning outcomes of cooperative learning type of Student Teams Achievement Divisions model were higher than co-operative learning type send greetings and questions, (2) Mathematics learning outcomes of students who had high learning motivation are...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model with Crossword Puzzles and Motivation Against Digestive System Learning Outcomes of Students
Rodiah Nasution, Ramlan Silaban, Fauziyah Harahap
The problem based learning model with crosswords provides more interesting lessons and exciting to take part in learning for students. Interesting and exciting learning can improve student learning outcomes of the digestive system. there was a requirement of creative and interactive educational method...
Proceedings Article
ICT-Based English Learning Innovationto Improve Learning Outcomesof PGSD Students
Naeklan Simbolon, Eva Betty Simanjuntak, MariatiPurnama Simanjuntak
This study aims to find the effect of ICT-based learning on English and to find out the percentage increase in English learning outcomes in PGSD students. This research method is quasi-experimental with pretest post-test control group design. Where sample of this research was taken by using cluster random...
Proceedings Article
Political Education Through the Application of the Abstentions Countermeasure Model by KPUD (Regional Election Commission) Deli Serdang
Mohammad Yusri, Dedi Amrizal
The implementation of the abstentions countermeasure model conducted by KPUD Deli Serdang can be an effective means of political education for the success of the general election in Deli Serdang. The objectives of this research are: 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of the new...
Proceedings Article
Values of Character Education and Internal Conflict of Main Figures in Sinar Novel by Aguk Irawan Mizan as Literature Reading Material
Risma Martalena Tarigan, Biner Ambarita, Khairil Ansari
Character is an important element in humans. Humans who have good character, are able to manage the knowledge and conflicts faced based on virtue values. The purpose of this research is analysis description values of character education and internal conflict of main figures in Sinar novel by Aguk Irawan...
Proceedings Article
The Acquisition of Syntactical Relation Among Indonesian Children of 1.5-4 Years Old with Different Parents Background Education
Dita Sofiah Nur, Berlin Sibarani, Rahmad Husein
Sentence in the language acquisition context is the utterances of two or more words which has syntactical relation. [1] states that it isn't until real two-word utterances begin so that we can say, syntactic (grammatical) constructions have started to form. According to [2] syntactical relation is the...
Proceedings Article
Performance Analysis of Primary School Physical Education Teacher in Sibolga Post Taking Teacher Competence Test 2015
Roiman Dolok Tarsisius Situmorang, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang
This study aims to analyze the performance of Primary School Physical Education (PJOK) teachers in Sibolga who took the 2015 Teacher Competency Test scores below the national minimum completeness score of 41 people and above the minimum national completeness score totaling 16 people. This research is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Vocational High School Chemical Teaching Material on Atomic Structure Materials Based National Education Standard
Frensi Hasanah, Simson Tarigan, Retno Dwi Suyanti
One effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia was to develop teaching materials that are not yet in accordance with the national education standards. This study aims to analyze the suitability of teaching materials based on national education standard. This research was part of development...
Proceedings Article
Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in English Political Text at Newspaper
Wirna Astuti Rajagukguk, Siti Aisyah Ginting, Meisuri
This research deals with the realization of ideational metaphor of political text in the local e-newspaper. It aims to identify the types are used in political text, to describe how the ideational grammatical metaphor are found in political text at newspaper and to reason for ideational grammatical metaphor...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mathematical Learning Tools to Improve Representation Ability Based on Think Pair Share Models Assisted Virtual Manipulative
Faradilla Bafaqih, Dian Armanto, Elvis Napitupulu
This study aims to: (1) Determine whether Think Pair Share (TPS) learning tools developed in grade VII of SMP Negeri 11 Medan are valid, practical, and effective. (2) Knowing whether students' mathematical representation ability through the use of learning tools can be improved. This type of research...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Process Evaluation Model in Ips Integrated Learning Based on 2013-Curriculum
N Suraiya, MOR Maulidian, Nurmasyitah
The research aims to develop a process evaluation model in Integrated IPS learning at Junior High School based on the 2013-Curriculum. This research development uses a method developed by Borg and Gall (1983). Subjects involved were teachers, principals, and students, who came from junior high schools...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis on Training Management Model Development
Fibie Liona Pangaribuan, Darwin, Wanapri Pangaribuan
Needs analysis is the formal process to determine the gap between the ideal form and the current condition. This research aimed to analyze the needs of developing student training management models in Diploma III mechanical engineering department. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Teaching Materials in Learning Evaluation for Performance Assessment Based on National Standard University
Febiana Wulandari, Ajat Sudrajat, Mahmud
The implementation of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) in higher education curriculum will strengthen the accountability of the implementation of education while ensuring the quality of graduates. The quality of graduates can be seen from the results of learning outcomes that have...
Proceedings Article
The Supervision Model of Principal in Improving Teachers Performance (Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi)
Efni Efrida, Benyamin Situmorang, Eka Daryanto
The purpose of this study is to determine the principal supervision strategy in improving teachers performance at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi. This study used qualitative research methods. The data obtained based on observations, interviews, and documentation. The research has drawn...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, and Work Motivation on Employees Performance
Rosmidar Sinaga, Paningkat Siburian, Sukarman Purba
This study was aimed at finding: The influence of organizational culture on work motivation; the influence of leadership on work motivation; the effect of cognitive ability on work motivation;) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance; the influence of leadership on employee performance;...
Proceedings Article
Speech Function of Teachers and Students’ Utterances in Classroom Interaction at The Elementary School
Rafika Nur Rahman, Rahmad Husein, Meisuri
Speech function is an exchange communication between speaker and listener where the speaker adopts a speech functional role and signs the addressee a complementry role. This research discusses a case study of speech functions are used by teachers and students in the classroom interaction and how the...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Morphology Acquisition Among the Children of 1.5 – 3.5 Years Old
Rikha Tania, Sumarsih, Berlin Sibarani
The aim of this study is deals with the development of morphology acquisition among the children of 1.5 until 3.5 years old a. The objectives of the research were to find out morphemes are acquired by the children 1.5 until 3.5 years old. This research conducted by the qualitative research and the research...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students
Yenni Dwi Aprilita Sagala, Mariati P. Simajuntak, Nurdin Bukit, Motlan
This study aims to (1) determine an increase in collaboration and communication skills through project-based learning, (2) determine the relationship of collaboration skills and communication skills through project-based learning. The population of this research is six classes XI MIA and a sample of...
Proceedings Article
Discovery Learning Based E-Module on Protein Material Development
Eika Abigail Munthe, Saronom Silaban, Zainuddin Muchtar
Modules are teaching materials that are designed to be independently studied by learning participants. This study aims to determine the eligibility of biomolecular e-module that have been developed with discovery learning models on protein material. This study uses the ADDIE development model (Analyze,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive Multimedia in Learning to Read Genre Text with Local Wisdom for Students Junior High School Silangkitang
Nurhapni Handayani Optapia Siregar, Abdurahman Adisaputera, Amrin Saragih
Interactive multimedia is a collection of several media such as text, images, audio, video, and animation that are interactive that are used to convey information. Multimedia is the use of several media to present information. This combination can contain text, graphics, animations, images, videos and...
Proceedings Article
Development of Poetry Writing Learning Module Assisted by Religious Songs for Junior High School UNIVA Medan
Hainur Anisa, Khairil Ansari, Mutsyuhito Solin
Development of teaching materials is done as an effort to improve learning outcomes and determine the material based on the context of the situation that exists in schools. Paradigms and perceptions that have occurred so far at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah PGA Univa Medan Project namely in developing a teaching...
Proceedings Article
Development of Environmental Love Theme Materials Learning in Description Text Learning for Seven Junior High School
Elisa Anggraini, Wisman Hadi, Mutsyuhito Solin
Reading material development is an activity that designs innovative learning resources. Reading material is also usually equipped with various kinds of illustrations. Reading material developed with the right strategy will foster a creative effort to find the contents of the students' own reading. The...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Affective Assessment Material in the Textbook Evaluation of Chemistry Learning Outcomes Based on SNPT and Curriculum KKNI
Helmi Fauziah Nasution, Ajat Sudrajat, Iis Siti Jahro
This study was aimed at describing: affective assessment material in the textbook evaluation of chemistry learning outcomes in the UNIMED chemical education study program according to the national standards of higher education and curriculum KKNI. This study was contentanalysis using the qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Impelementation of Teaching Factory on Training Management Model Development of Diploma III Students in Mechanical Engineering Departement, State University Medan
Siti Aisyah Siregar, Eka Daryanto, Restu
This research aim to determine the design of teaching factory, analyze the design manual and analyzing teaching factory quality control and follow-up in the development of the management model student training Diploma Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Medan. This research uses...
Proceedings Article
Loss and Gain in Translation on Bilingual Online News Text
Adrian Rasyki, Sri Minda Murni, Amrin Saragih
This research was aimed to investigate the loss and gain in translation process based on the equivalence in bilingual online news text. The objective of the research is to find out the kinds of loss and gain that found in the news text. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. Ten online...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Participative Leadership , Team Work, Stress Management on Teacher’s Affective Commitment at Senior High School
Elprida Sulastri Lumbantoruan, Sukarman Purba, Eka Daryanto
The objective of this study to analyze the effect of: Partisipatif Leadership on Stress Management, Teamwork on Stress Management, Partisipatif Leadership on Teachers Affective Commitment,Teamwork on Teachers Affective Commitment and Stress Management on Teachers Affective Commitment. This research was...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Principal Managerial Competencies and Interpersonal Communication on Teachers Performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School
Chandra, Mananda Situmorang, Mahyudin Situmeang
A principal must have five basic competencies: personality competence, managerial competence, entrepreneurial competence, supervisory competence and social competence. In managerial competence, a principal is expected to be able to plan, organize, mobilize and evaluate the school properly and responsibly...
Proceedings Article
Participant Structure in Learning English: Linguistic Anthropology Approach
Tasnim Lubis
Studying about students’ participant structure in learning English has important role in evaluating their character toward implementing a method or technique further. To figure out their participant structure, the researcher used linguistic anthropology approach. It is able to provide information about...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students’ Knowledge on the Structure and Function of Plant Tissues in Senior High Schools of Medan
Riesyatul Khairiyah Nasution, Fauziyah Harahap, Syahmi Edi
The aim of this study was to determine the students' knowledge on the structure and function of plant tissues inSenior High Schools of Medan in 2017/2018. The analysis of students’ knowledge can be seen from two aspects, namely: 1) an analysis of students’ knowledge on the structure and function of plant...
Proceedings Article
The Increasing of Student’s Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Problem Based Learning
Yunita Sari, Edy Surya, Asmin
Critical thinking is a part of higher order thinking ability that require students to develop the process of analyzing or evaluating information on a problem based on logical thinking to determine decissions. But the fact in learning mathemathics, this ability is still not developed well, so that the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Guide Book the Behavior Polinator’s of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Suci Rahmawati, Syarifuddin, Mufti Sudibyo
The aim of the study were to determine the quality and feasibility of guide book on behavior insecta polinator tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). This book development was based the Thiagarajan. Developed guidebook are validated based on the three criteria namely material/content, instructional media design...
Proceedings Article
Interpersonal Metaphor of Mood in the Courtroom Interaction
Pera Handayani Harahap, Anni Holila Pulungan, Amrin Saragih
This study was investigated interpersonal metaphor of mood used in the Courtroom Interaction based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach. The objective of this study was to investigate the kinds of interpersonal metaphor of mood in the courtroom interaction. The research was conducted by using...