Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA 2022)
219 authors
- Mawardi, Kholid
- Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
- Mawardi, Mukhammad Kholid
- Identification of Innovation Strategies in Companies Using a Systematic Literature Review
- Mawardi, Mukhammad Kholid
- Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
- Melinda, Diah
- Regional Economic Development Based on Local Potential
- Mubarrak, Milla Syahara Timur
- Performance Assessment and Measurement of Educational Institutions
- Mulyana, Guna
- Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
- Musadieq, M.
- A Systematic Literature Review: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Musadieq, M.
- A Systematic Literature Review
- Musadieq, Muhammad
- Market Orientation: Bibliometric Analysis
- Muslim, A. Qadir
- Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
- NP, Maria Goretti Wi Endang
- Optimizing Sales Growth for Millennial-Owned Small and Medium-Scale Businesses in Malang City: The Influence of Product Design and Copywriting Strategies
- Nawawi, Juanda
- Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
- Nimran, Umar
- The Influence of Innovation Culture, Self-efficacy, and Information Technology on Personal Knowledge Management
- Ningsih, Devi Nur Cahaya
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Ningsih, Devi Nur Cahaya
- Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
- Noerman, Teuku
- Identification of Innovation Strategies in Companies Using a Systematic Literature Review
- Normawati, Rani Arifah
- Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
- Novianti, Nurlita
- Anonymous and Reward Model: Intention in Becoming Whistleblower
- Novianti, Romlah
- Herd Behavior in Millennial Stock Investors in Indonesia: The Concept of Bandarmology
- Novie, Muhafidhah
- Bibliometric Analysis of the Aesthetic Innovation on SMEs Food Souvenir
- Novita, Asti Amelia
- Regional Economic Development Based on Local Potential
- Nugrahanti, Ratri Buda
- The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
- Nur, Hanifa Bennu
- Digital Financial Inclusion and Financial Performance
- Nurkumalawati, Intan
- Public Review of M-Paspor Application in Indonesia: Mobile Government, Digital Resilience, Cyber Security
- Nurrahmawati, An
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Nurtjahjono, Gunawan Eko
- Optimizing Sales Growth for Millennial-Owned Small and Medium-Scale Businesses in Malang City: The Influence of Product Design and Copywriting Strategies
- Nuzula, Nila Firdausi
- The Role of Business Models and Bank Competitiveness in Driving Bank Resilience Moderated by Ownership
- Nuzula, Nila Firdausi
- The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
- Panese, Joucelin Adalia
- Performance of Governance in Indonesian Army and Police Academy Based on Good Governance
- Pangestuti, Edriana
- Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
- Paramitha, Cintya Sahriza
- Analysis of Limited Face-to-Face Learning in Elementary School and Junior High School, Brawijaya Smart School
- Perwira, Himawan Tri Yudha
- A Study of the Effectiveness of the Tourism Development Grand Plan (RIPPARKAB) Sumenep Regency for Coastal Area Potential Development
- Perwitasari, Dian
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Prabowo, Ardian
- Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
- Prastiwi, Arum
- Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
- Premana, Kadek Dwi
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Puspaningrum, Astrid
- Bibliometric Analysis of the Aesthetic Innovation on SMEs Food Souvenir
- Puspita, Elsa Cahya Arum
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
- Putra, Endry
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Putra, Fadillah
- Indigenous Traditional Institutions and Common Pool Resources in Indonesia: The Case of Indigenous Society Tengger, Malang Regency
- Putra, Irfan Kharisma
- The Effectiveness of BUMDes Synergy with Business Partners in Achieving Village Economic Growth Acceleration During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rachmatika, Adhela Gina
- Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
- Rahayu, Karisma Sri
- Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
- Rahayu, Sri Mangesti
- The Role of Business Models and Bank Competitiveness in Driving Bank Resilience Moderated by Ownership
- Rahayu, Sri Mangesti
- Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
- Rahayu, Sri Mangesti
- The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
- Rahimah, Anni
- The Determinant of Purchase Decisions at Telecommunications Retail
- Rahmasari, Kharisma Alvin
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Ramadhani, Salma
- The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
- Rihidima, Lidya Veronica Christy
- The Determinant of Purchase Decisions at Telecommunications Retail
- Riyadi
- Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
- Riyanto
- Impact of Event Tourism Based on Local Wisdom on Coastal Communities
- Rizky, Widya Wahyu
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
- Rofii, Muhammad Syaroni
- Public Review of M-Paspor Application in Indonesia: Mobile Government, Digital Resilience, Cyber Security
- Rohman, Fatchur
- Bibliometric Analysis of the Aesthetic Innovation on SMEs Food Souvenir
- Rokhimakhumullah, Dewi Noor Fatikhah
- Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
- Rozikin, Mochammad
- Stakeholder Participation in Accelerating Digital Transformation in Indonesia’s 3T Region
- Runturambi, Arthur Josias Simon
- Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy
- Rusdi, Muhammad
- Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
- Rusydi, Mohamad Khoiru
- Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
- Said, Moh.
- Management of Educators in Improving the Quality of Education at the Junior High School Level in Magetan Regency
- Saifi, Muhammad
- Systematic Literature Review
- Saifi, Muhammad
- Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
- Saifi, Muhammad
- Does CEO's Financial Behavior Affect Startup Performance?
- Sandi, Kemal
- Does CEO's Financial Behavior Affect Startup Performance?
- Sandi, Renji Eko
- Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City
- Sangka, Khresna Bayu
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Sari, Miranda Novita
- Impact of Event Tourism Based on Local Wisdom on Coastal Communities
- Sari, Tri Puspita
- Regional Economic Development Based on Local Potential
- Sarwono
- Examine the Elements that Impact Food Security
- Satar, Abdul
- A Systematic Literature Review: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Sentanu, I Gede Eko Putra Sri
- Assessing the Effectiveness of the Village Internet Program and Village Websites in Promoting Good Local Governance (GLG) and Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) Through Administration and Governance Support
- Sentanu, I. Gede Eko Putra Sri
- Analysis of Limited Face-to-Face Learning in Elementary School and Junior High School, Brawijaya Smart School
- Sentanu, I. Gede Eko Putra Sri
- Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
- Setiawan, Abdi
- Business Institutional Model in the Omnibus Law Cluster as an Effort to Develop SMEs
- Setiawan, Eko Fajar
- Actor-Based Regional Development Strategy in Metropolitan Rebana
- Sevilla, Dhaniar Yossa
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Shinjee, Bolormaa
- Regional Economic Development Based on Local Potential
- Shobaruddin, Muhammad
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Sholikah, Imro’atus
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
- Sintong, Ishak Harel
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Solimun
- A Systematic Literature Review: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Solimun
- A Systematic Literature Review
- Solimun
- The Role of Business Models and Bank Competitiveness in Driving Bank Resilience Moderated by Ownership
- Solimun
- Examine the Elements that Impact Food Security
- Sudiro, Achmad
- Bibliometric Analysis of the Aesthetic Innovation on SMEs Food Souvenir
- Sugiastuti, Reika Happy
- The Effectiveness of BUMDes Synergy with Business Partners in Achieving Village Economic Growth Acceleration During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sugiastuti, Reika Happy
- The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
- Suhirman
- Actor-Based Regional Development Strategy in Metropolitan Rebana
- Sujarwoto
- The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
- Sujarwoto
- Indigenous Traditional Institutions and Common Pool Resources in Indonesia: The Case of Indigenous Society Tengger, Malang Regency
- Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
- A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
- Sulistyo, Ary Budi
- Stakeholder Participation in Accelerating Digital Transformation in Indonesia’s 3T Region
- Sulistyo, Dwi
- Resiliency and Existence of the Dairy Farm Cooperative in the Era / Period of Pandemic, Digital Economic, Creative Economic, and Free Market
- Sulistyo, Muhammad Cahyo Widyo
- Optimizing Sales Growth for Millennial-Owned Small and Medium-Scale Businesses in Malang City: The Influence of Product Design and Copywriting Strategies
- Sumartono
- Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
- Sumiati
- Digital Financial Inclusion and Financial Performance
- Supriyono, Bambang
- Management of Educators in Improving the Quality of Education at the Junior High School Level in Magetan Regency
- Supriyono, Bambang
- Performance Assessment and Measurement of Educational Institutions
- Supriyono, Bambang
- Indigenous Traditional Institutions and Common Pool Resources in Indonesia: The Case of Indigenous Society Tengger, Malang Regency