Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA 2022)
219 authors
- AJ, Syukur Muhaymin
- Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
- Abdillah, Yusri
- Market Orientation: Bibliometric Analysis
- Abida, Novita Rifky
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Abimanyu, Anggito
- The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
- Adib, Noval
- Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
- Afrianty, Tri Wulida
- The Influence of Innovation Culture, Self-efficacy, and Information Technology on Personal Knowledge Management
- Aina, Asri Nur
- The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
- Aina, Asri Nur
- The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
- Aisjah, Siti
- Digital Financial Inclusion and Financial Performance
- Aisyah, Dzurrotun Nur
- The Effect of Viral Marketing on E-Commerce Shopee’s Consumer Purchasing Intention
- Alfianti, Vina
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
- Amallia, Kharissima Ndaru
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Amin, Fadillah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Aprilian, Yudha Alief
- Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
- Arif, Ahmad Bachtiar
- The Effectiveness of BUMDes Synergy with Business Partners in Achieving Village Economic Growth Acceleration During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Arifin, Ridwan
- Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy
- Arifin, Zainul
- Identification of Innovation Strategies in Companies Using a Systematic Literature Review
- Arifin, Zainul
- Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
- Armani, Heidi
- Anonymous and Reward Model: Intention in Becoming Whistleblower
- Armanu
- The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
- Ashari, Nastiti Cahyaning Fitri
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Aspan, Henry
- Business Institutional Model in the Omnibus Law Cluster as an Effort to Develop SMEs
- Astuti, Endang Siti
- Systematic Literature Review
- Astuti, Endang Siti
- Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
- Astuti, Endang Siti
- Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
- Astuti, Endang Siti
- A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
- Avicenna, Fitria
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Ayuningsih, Putri Benida
- Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City
- B., Sofyan
- Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
- Bagaskara, Dhenindra
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Baharuddin, Aswin
- Reimagining Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia:
- Bahfiarti, Tuti
- Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
- Baridwan, Zaki
- Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
- Bharata, Wira
- Herd Behavior in Millennial Stock Investors in Indonesia: The Concept of Bandarmology
- Budiwibowo, Agung
- Systematic Literature Review
- Chayati, Nur
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
- Damayanti, Cacik Rut
- The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
- Darmawan, Ari
- A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
- Darwis
- Reimagining Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia:
- Daryoto, Dwi Wahyu
- The Influence of Innovation Culture, Self-efficacy, and Information Technology on Personal Knowledge Management
- Domai, Tjahjanulin
- Response of Regional Heads in Harmonization of Central and Regional Policy Directions to the Development of the National Capital in East Kalimantan
- Dwiatmanto
- Does CEO's Financial Behavior Affect Startup Performance?
- Effendi, Tolib
- A Study of the Effectiveness of the Tourism Development Grand Plan (RIPPARKAB) Sumenep Regency for Coastal Area Potential Development
- Endiramurti, Saktiana Rizki
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Ervianto, Whena
- Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
- Fahmi, Muhamad Robith Alil
- Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
- Fahrudi, Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam
- The Effect of Viral Marketing on E-Commerce Shopee’s Consumer Purchasing Intention
- Farid, Muhammad
- Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
- Febrianty
- Assessing the Effectiveness of the Village Internet Program and Village Websites in Promoting Good Local Governance (GLG) and Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) Through Administration and Governance Support
- Firera
- A Systematic Literature Review
- Firmansyah, Aji Widya
- Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
- Firmanto, Yuki
- Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
- Fourqoniah, Finnah
- Herd Behavior in Millennial Stock Investors in Indonesia: The Concept of Bandarmology
- Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, I.
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
- Gunawan, Alvien
- Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
- Gustin, Nindi Riyan
- Leadership and Integrity as Determinants on Job Performance at Hospitals
- Hadiwidjojo, Djumilah
- The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
- Hakim, Abdul
- Examine the Elements that Impact Food Security
- Hakim, Luqman
- The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
- Haliza, Diffa Nur
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Hanafiyah, Ayun
- Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
- Handayani, Sri
- Indigenous Traditional Institutions and Common Pool Resources in Indonesia: The Case of Indigenous Society Tengger, Malang Regency
- Hanita, Margaretha
- Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy
- Hanum, Latifah
- The Effect of PBB-P2 Online Service Quality on Taxpayer Compliance with Taxpayer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Sidoarjo Regency
- Hariati
- Response of Regional Heads in Harmonization of Central and Regional Policy Directions to the Development of the National Capital in East Kalimantan
- Hasanah, Uswatun
- Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
- Hasniati
- Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
- Hayat, Ainul
- The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Hermawan
- Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
- Hidayat, Kadarisman
- Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
- Hutahayan, Benny
- A Systematic Literature Review: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Hutahayan, Benny
- Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
- Hutahayan, Benny
- A Systematic Literature Review
- Imamah, Nur
- The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
- Indrawati, Cahyani Adina
- The Effect of PBB-P2 Online Service Quality on Taxpayer Compliance with Taxpayer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Sidoarjo Regency
- Iqbal, Mohammad
- Peer-Review Statements
- Iqbal, Mohammad
- Systematic Literature Review
- Iqbal, Mohammad
- Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
- Iqbal, Muhammad
- Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
- Irawan
- Business Institutional Model in the Omnibus Law Cluster as an Effort to Develop SMEs
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
- Irianto, Gugus
- Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
- Kaewmanee, Pongsathon
- Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
- Karima, Tsabita
- The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
- Karismariyanti, Magdalena
- A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
- Khasanah, Ulvi Rohmatul
- Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
- Kumalasari, Klara
- Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
- Kurnia, Lusi
- The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
- Kurnia, Nur Fera Indah
- The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
- Kurniawati, Estetika Mutiaranisa
- Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
- Kusmayadi, Dimas Rizky
- Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
- Kusumawati, Andriani
- Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
- Lestari, Yuliannova
- Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
- Lin, Tsui-Jung
- The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
- Ludigdo, Unti
- Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
- Maharani, Dea Avriliya
- Management of Educators in Improving the Quality of Education at the Junior High School Level in Magetan Regency
- Mandalika, Jerry Charisa
- The Role of Business Models and Bank Competitiveness in Driving Bank Resilience Moderated by Ownership
- Maulidia, Dina
- The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom