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1582 articles

Financial Ratio Analysis for The Financial Performance of Soes in IDX 2017-2019 Period (Case Study PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

H Sidanti, R M Zahri, E W Sari, M Asmike, W D R Putri
The purpose of this study is to analyze state-owned airline companies listed on the IDX regarding the financial performance of the 2017-2019 period. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the annual financial statements of PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk on the IDX for the 2017-2019...

Analysis of Learning Difficulties and Self-Efficacy of Junior High School Students in Solving of Story-Form Mathematics Problems

Indah Putri Ratnasari, Sri Hasturi Noer
This study aims to investigate the learning difficulties and students’ self-efficacy of junior high school students in South Lampung Regency in solving essay mathematics problems. This research employed quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were obtained using descriptive question tests, interviews...

Determinants of Stunting Among Under-Five Years Children Using the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model

Marisa Rifada, Nur Chamidah, Putri Nuraini, Faris Dwiki Gunawan, Lailatul Muniroh
Stunting is a kind of chronic nutritional problem among under-five years children that characterized by a shorter height compared to other children of their age. The ordinal logistic regression is one statistical method that used to analyze the ordinal response variable with three or more categories...

Development of Classroom Assessment Tests Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Ni Ketut Widiartini, Putu Putri Dena Laksmi
This study aims to describe the steps for the development and quality of the Classroom Based Assessment course test based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). This research is a development research using a modified Borg & Gall model which consists of 4 main stages, namely needs analysis, initial...

Development of Media Literation on Group of Vocational School Students

Kiki Zakiah, Askurifai Baksin, Dian Widya Putri
The Principal of Vocational School realizes that students experience communication barriers, even though their ability to make communication media products is reliable. Problem solving offered by the Public Service (PS) team the development of media literacy. Media literacy education is carried out through...

Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students

Fayren Chaerunnissa, Sheyrin Putri, Lailatul Nursakinah, Fikri Arjuna, Ratna Djuwita
This study investigated methods to increase waste separation behavior among undergraduate students at the University of Indonesia. An experiment was conducted to determine whether participants kept their waste materials until being able to dispose the waste into the correct waste bin category or if they...
Proceedings Article

Prospective Purification and Assay of Thrombolytic Protease from Bacillus sp. HSFI-10 Isolated from Sand Sea Cucumber for Antithrombotic Agent Development

Bio Putri Ayanti, Stalis Norma Ethica, Ayu Rahmawati Sulisytaningtyas, Sri Sinto Dewi, Dewi Seswita Zilda
Thrombosis is a cardiovascular disorder due to the formation of a blood clot (thrombus), which can cause a blockage in a blood vessel. Such abnormality is responsible for more than millions of deaths per year in the world. In addition to cardiovascular disease, thrombosis can also occur in patients with...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Organic Fertilizer Due to Material Combination with Bio-activator

Allaily Allaily, Muhammad Aman Yaman, Zarra Putri Aprilia, Nur Santy Asminaya, Zulfan Zulfan
Litters or pine cage mats are very good at absorbing water and odours from broiler chicken manure. Pine-based litter takes a long time to decompose. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out how the waste was processed into compost using a combination of materials and levels of EM-4 bioactivator....

Analysis on the Effect of Location, Brand Image, And Word of Mouth on The Customers’ Decision Process in Choosing Hajj Saving in Sharia-Compliant Banking

Siti Sholihah Putri, Ade Sofyan Mulazid, Sofyan Rizal
This research aimed to find out, to analyze, and to explain the effect of location, brand image and word of mouth on the customers' decision in choosing hajj saving product in sharia-compliant banking in South Jakarta area, either simultaneously or partially. The result of the research was expected to...

Accounting Treatment for Financing Impairment on Sharia Banks in Indonesia

Mahfisyah Putri Isa, Dwi Martani
This research analyzes the accounting and calculation methods used in performing impairment on financing and aims to determine the accounting treatment used and the amount of impairment for each financing activities. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Data have been obtained through...

Effectiveness of Islamic Sex Education with Mediated Learning Experience Training for Early Childhood’s Parents and Teacher

Erhamwilda Erhamwilda, Nurul Afrianti, Putri Nurtsani, Arif Hakim
The purpose of the study was to see if there was an increase in respondents’ knowledge through Islamic sex education for early childhood training. The research design used is quantitative approach with quasi experiment method and research One Group Pretest-Posttest design. The research sample was determined...

Governance Structure, Tax Avoidance, and Firm Value

Yenni Mangoting, Cecilia Gunadi, Feren Priscilia Dinata Tobing, Olivia Ariyanto Putri
This study aims to determine the effect of good corporate governance with board size indicators, board diversity, independent commissioners, and audit committee on the firm value. Tax avoidance was also tested as mediation in Good Corporate Governance and firm value relationship. We used 132 publicly...

The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions

Dian Herlambang, Susi Indriyani, Renandi Eka Tama, Rizani Putri
COD transactions involving marketplaces, sellers and buyers are connected with other parties, namely couriers and goods delivery service companies, which are not found in conventional buying and selling transactions. The involvement of couriers in the Cash On Delivery transaction process is important...

Contercyclical and Omnisbus Law

Sustainable Welfare Regulation Model in Accelerating Economic Benefit in Tourism During the Unintended Consequences of Covid-19 Pandemic in Coastal Areas

Putri Purbasari Raharningtyas Marditia, Asmin Fransiska, A. Aris Swantoro
The Indonesian government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic is Government Regulator Number 23 the Year 2020 on National Economic Recovery Policy (Kebijakan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional/PEN). This paper aims to elaborate policy response due to the economic sustainability for the community and analyze...

Implementation of Parenting Style in Pertiwi Bireuen Kindergarten by Socialization Approach for Working Parents to Understand the Development of Early Children

Berliantika Putri Aswir, Rudy Juli Saputra, Muhammad Kharizmi
Parenting programs are informal activity carried out to harmonize childcare and educational children activities in playgroups or at home. Through good parenting, it is hoped that children with good personalities can develop. This approach of socialization aims to analyze the implementation of parenting...

Digital Literacy of ‘Aisyiyah Women for Continuity of Communication in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic

(Study on Aisyiyah, Bandung City, Indonesia)

Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Tia Muthiah Umar, Mohamad Subur Drajat, Dendha Ocha Permana, Ladita Trivira Putri S.
Digital literacy is an ability to use digital media that cannot be avoided amid the development of the current digital era. Digital skills are increasingly needed, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, due to restrictions in interaction and social mobility. This affects the sustainability of an organization....

Social Media and Green Movement: Investigating the Influence of GreenPeaceID’s Twitter on Environmental Issues

Alim Bubu Swarga, David Efendi, Febriana Andiani Putri, Anjas Rizky Pratama
Social media in providing and disseminating information is crucial in the rapid flow of information and technological sophistication. The absence of distance and time constraints makes the use of social media a vital alternative to providing massive and more effective dissemination of information. In...

Myth of Financial Statement in Indonesian College From Barthesian’s Semiology

Sri Pujiningsih, Sawitri Dwi Prastiti, Ika Putri Larasati
This research was aimed at identifying connotative meanings and myths of college financial statement in Indonesia. Data of the research were two college financial statements and notes to financial statements of state colleges in the form of public service agencies. A content analysis based on Roland...

Learning Guidance to Improve the Achievement Motivation of the O2SN Volleyball Athletes in Majalengka City

Yucky Putri Ediyanti, Bayu Dwi Febrianto
lack of achievement motivation in volleyball athletes in majalengka district. One effort to improve achievement motivation in the academic field is to use tutoring. The development of an increasingly modern era, especially in the era of globalization as it now demands high quality human resources. One...

Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners

Ariensa Gita Pralistyo Putri, Yuliati, Endang Purbaningrum
This research is motivated by the problems of deaf learners in writing. Incorrect use of spelling and punctuation, lack of vocabulary mastery, and irregular sentence structures based on language rules lead to the meaning of sentences, and the purpose of writing by deaf is less understandable. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Android Application of Booking System of Parking Slot using MQTT Protocol

Muhammad Khoirul Hasin, Angellia Kusuma Putri, Muhammad Basuki Rahmad, Ryan Yudha Adhitya
Every year the growth of the number of people in Indonesia continues to increase, then this situation is not accompanied by a safe, convenient, and nearest parking location to the destination location, this is what triggers a number of problems that develop in the community. Due to the increasingly dense...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Cooling Rate and Agitation on Fat Crystallization: A Mini-review

Qabul Dinanta Utama, Dewa Nyoman Adi Paramartha, Made Gendis Putri Pertiwi, Riezka Zuhriatika Rasyda, Firman Fajar Perdhana, Lalu Unsunnidhal, Rosyid Ridho, Lalu Danu Prima Arzani
Fat is a material that is widely utilized as a raw material in various industries including pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. One of the concerns is the ability of fat to form crystals. Cooling and agitation rates play an important role in fat crystallization. Variables such as temperature,...

Correlation Between Family Functioning and Caregiver Burden among Family Caregivers of Patients with Breast Cancer

Marisya Putri Andina, Lifina Dewi Pohan
Breast cancer is the most common chronic disease among Indonesian women. During treatment, patients require assistance with carrying out daily activities. Family members, as the basic unit, usually become caregivers for patients with breast cancer. As a caregiver, a family member must sometimes manage...

Community Participation in Sustainable Coastal Tourism Management (Case Study of Kuta, Kedonganan, and Jimbaran, Badung)

Ni Nyoman Triyuni, I Ketut Astawa, I Ketut Sutama, Anak Agung Putri Suardani
Sustainable tourism is the main goal of tourism development in the world, including in Bali. Bali tourist destinations have various types of tourist attractions, one of which is coastal tourism. The purpose of this research is to analyze the forms of community participation and coastal tourism management...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of the Performance of Two Circular Patch Antennas Made from Taconic RF- 60A Substrate with and without Artificial Dielectric Using Simulation Approach

Eka Pratiwi, Hepi Ludiyati, Sardjito, Ghania Yuntafa Putri, Nabila Alia Zahra
This paper presents a comparison of the performance of two circular patch antennas. The antennas use a natural Taconic RF-60A with and without modification using laminating metal strips as the substrate, respectively. The first and the second antenna are referred to as a conventional patch antenna and...

The Effects of Work-Life Balance towards Employee Engagement in Millennial Generation

Dwi Putri Larasati, Nida Hasanati, Istiqomah
Company needs to maintain and to give consideration to their employees as they want the company productivity to gain profits. The majority employees in the company are from millennial generation. Millennial generation without a doubt leaves their company when they have not felt yet attached to the company....

Optimism and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth Among Emerging Adults After the Death of a Parent

Evita Pamela Putri, Lifina Dewi Pohan
For an individual in emerging adulthood (the transitional stage between adolescence and adulthood), the experience of a parent’s death can be a traumatic event that challenges the individual’s way of understanding the world. However, the experience can also bring positive changes as a result of the individual’s...

The Effect Of TGT (Teams Game Tournament) With Snakes And Ladder Media On Primary School Activities And Learning Outcome

Intan Wardhani Putri, Ketut Prasetyo
This study aims at determining the influence of team games tournament with snake and ladder media on activities and learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary school students. This study used a quasi-experiment research design. The research design used was Non-equivalent Control Group Design with observation...

Women’s Representation in Media News During the Japanese Period

Wulandari Dwianty Putri, Siti Fatimah
The purpose of this study are: 1) to describe the lives of women during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia; 2) to describe the representation of women in Japanese media news. This research is a qualitative research that is as a research procedure that produces descriptive data. This research uses mass...

Engaging Children in Reading Jataka Reliefs of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia through Digital Picture Book

Maria Karina Putri, Riama Maslan Sihombing, Dianing Ratri
Jataka relief is one of the reliefs in Borobudur Temple, which is one of the biggest cultural heritages in Indonesia. Jataka reliefs tell the stories of the Bodhisattva’s past life in search of enlightenment. These stories are unique, because they contain humanity values, such as kindness, helping others,...

Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s Cinnamon Exports to the United States

Indah Utami Putri, Sri Ulfa Sentosa, Efrizal Syofyan
This study analyzes the influence of United States GDP, cinnamon export prices, cinnamon production, and the exchange rate on Indonesia’s cinnamon exports to the United States, both partially and simultaneously. The data used in this study are time series data from 1989-2018. The data obtained were analyzed...
Proceedings Article

The Combination of Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus L.) and Tofu and Alternative Medium for the Growth of Escherichia coli Bacteria

Teguh Pribadi, Niky Aulia Putri, Cindi Arista Putri, Fitrah Mega Fitriani, Yasmin Athi Ramadhani, Novita Indah Faradilla, Didimus Tanah Boleng, Dora Dayu Rahma Turista
Bacterial growth media is necessary for bacterial culture in laboratory. Bacterial growth media is sold commercially, but its distribution has not yet reached all regions. Local raw materials that have potential to fertilize the growth of microorganisms are jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus L.) and tofu. Jicama...

Project Baseline Design for Scope, Time, and Cost Aspect in Putri Provinsi Multi Set Toys Book Project PT XYZ Bandung

Nurul Fitri, Devi Pratami, Wawan Tripiawan
PT XYZ is a company that has business units such as product publishing, book printing, distribution, television production houses, online stores, applications publishers, and digital media distribution. In 2017 PT XYZ is targeted to start a new product project, but not realized by the target. Based on...
Proceedings Article

The Medical Officer Experiences of Indonesia Women Futsal Team

Upik Rahmi, Suci Tuti Putri, Afianti Sulastri, Siti Zulfa
Futsal is a kind of sport that has a high risk of being injured. Incident of injury can give serious consequence for player, team (especially when there is no substitute player who has the same quality), and public health system. The study shows that women tend to have ACL injury risk that is higher...

How Private High Schools Deal With Multiculturalism Issues in Surabaya After Terrorists Bombing

Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Awang Dharmawan, FX Sri Sadewo
Indonesia is a multicultural country, likewise all the citizens and the social institutions, such as school. When terrorists bombs some curches in Surabaya in 2018, the living in peace-situation of the city are distracted. The bombs blasted in places near of two private high schools, i.e. the educational...

The Concept of Women’s Happiness in Serat Wulang Putri

Yusro Edy Nugroho, Teguh Supriyanto, Fathur Rokhman, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro
Written in the form of tembang macapat, the Wulang Putri text features life advices for women living inside the environment of Javanese keraton (royal palace) during the 19th century. During the period, women in Java struggled to maintain their existence in facing pressures and marginalization from the...
Proceedings Article

Varietal Identification of Liberica Coffee in Kepulauan Meranti Riau using RAPD Marker: A Preliminary Study

Ninik Nihayatul Wahibah, Rizka Prathama Putri, Atria Martina, Arini Arini, Yasir Sidiq
Identity of plant variety is essential for crop production system. Two liberica coffee varieties, Lim 1 and Lim 2, have been cultivated in Kepulauan Meranti where peat lands area predominantly found. In addition to their adaptability to peat lands, the two varieties also were reported resistant against...

Systematic Literature Review: Gender Construction and Family Parenting Style in Early Childhood

Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Nur Ika Sari Rakhmawati, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Rivo Nugroho, Nursan Junita, Mimi Fitriana Zaini
This study aims to describe the relationship between the dimensions of parenting style, gender construction, and early childhood. This study combines research results obtained through meta data and published globally using the Systematic Literature Review method. The results of the research show correlation...
Proceedings Article

Promotion Strategy in Grand Mercure Medan Angkasa Hotel by SWOT Analysis

Riandhita Eri Werdani, Nurul Imani Kurniawati, Ghozian Aulia Pradhana, Treicy Putri Hagana Ginting
Economic developments and times are increasingly making people increasingly selective in choosing products or services. The emergence of new companies engaged in services and products that trigger the emergence of very competitive and tight competition in the business world. This situation is also experienced...

Employee's Trust and Work Commitment With Management Using Internal Social Media Application, TAP Playground, in PT. Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV)

Putri Ayu Ningtyas, Firman Kurniawan Sujono
One indication of the success of a company's communication is how the company can build internal commu-nication so that there is trust in the employee to the company where they work. Current internal communication becomes the basis for an organization in developing and moving towards the desired destination....
Proceedings Article

Phenotypic Variability of The S2 Families Derived from Crosses Between Local and Introduced Okra Cultivars

P. K. Dewi Hayati, Rahmi Aprilia Adianto, Sutoyo, Renny Eka Putri
Okra (Abelmoschus esculenthus L.) is a functional food crop consumed when the pod is immature and tender. Crosses the local okra, i.e. green and red okra, with introduced varieties B291 and Ve022 aimed to improve the local cultivar traits. This study aimed to assess the agronomic variability of S2 from...

Social Marketing as a Means for Socializing Individual Income Tax for MSMEs in Malang City

Arif Budi Prasetya, Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan, Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Intan Pryllia Rahmi
Improving the formation of tax administration capacity is indispensable since it may lead to the potentially unstable tax ratio in Indonesia in the next few years. The delivery of information to the taxpayer becomes essential in revamping the tax administration. In the area studied in Malang city, information...

The Effectiveness of Course Review Horay Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students

Paramananda Hutomo Putri, Aminuddin Kasdi, Wahyu Sukartiningsih
This study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of review horay cooperative learning model with power point media to improve critical thinking skills and student activities. The research used evaluation sheet and observation sheet. The participants were 50 fourth grade elementary school students in Sidodadi...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Impact of Open Kinetic Chain and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Josevania Fellyta Putri, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah
Background: There are differing views on the impact of performing Open Kinetic Chain (OKC) and Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC) on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR). Purpose: This research aims to compare the effects of OKC and CKC exercises on knee function following ACLR. Method: Systematic...
Proceedings Article

Visual Studio Code for Activity Monitoring Interface

Nyayu Latifah Husni, Putri Adelia Rahma Sari, Tresna Dewi, Ade Silvia Handayani, Devi Sartika, Akhmad Mirza
The Activity monitoring system is urgently needed due to the development in the infrastructure is not equal to the human consciousness to protect and keep it. This system can be used to prevent human to destroy the environment. However, how to design the device interface that can be used to monitor the...

English Dialogue Produced by Indonesian Monocultural Class Students from Teenagers' Perspective of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC)

Girindra Putri Dewi Saraswati, Galuh Kirana Dwi Areni, C. Murni Wahyanti
This study aims at finding the pattern of intercultural communication reflected from the English students’ dialogues from the perspective of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC). In addition to the general aim of the study, research was conducted in the 2nd year speaking class of English Department...

Personality and Social Media Addiction Among College Students

Indri Utami Sumaryanti, Salma Azizah, Fanni Putri Diantina, Endah Nawangsih
Previous survey indicated the tendency of social media addiction among university students in Bandung. Other research reported that personality dimension had significant effect on social media addiction. This research aimed to provide information about personality and social media addiction among university...
Proceedings Article

Introducing SOMA-DEF: An IT Service Requirement Engineering Model

Nabila Rizky OKTADINI, Putri Eka SEVTIYUNI, Muhammad Ali BUCHARI
To provide IT services according to the needs of users, the services provided should ideally go through a mature design process. Several studies that have been done previously explain the life cycle of a service. But until now there has been no research that explains how to identify the needs of IT services...

Students’ Creativity in Project Based Learning

Siti Munawaroh, Imam Sukwatus Suja’i, Dian Septi Nur Afifah, Ika Mariana Putri
Students interaction with computer is needed to sharpen student skills. However, there are still students who use computer to play games, not for learning. This causes student has not reached the competence that expected. For that, teacher needs to apply project-based learning to assist students learning...

Parenting Role: Parents’ Education Level and Children’s Life Skill Development

Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Rohmatul Maulidya, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Putri Rachmadyanti, Ratna Faeruz
This study aims to determine the relationship of parents’ level of education with the development of life skills of early childhood during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The population in this study were parents of young children affected by the Covid-19 pandemic on the island of Java. The sample...