Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of the Impact of Domestic and Foreign Investment on Technological Progress of China's Manufacturing Industry

Ying Zhao, Jianhong Wu
The paper, on the basis of research at home and abroad , analyzed the impact of the domestic investment and foreign investment on China's technological progress in manufacturing. Empirical analysis method is used in this paper.
Proceedings Article

On the Ancient Vocational Assessment System for Secretaries and Contemporary Enlightenments

Yue Wang, Xin Lai Li, Ji Hong Wei
Along with the rapid development of modern society, the quantity of secretaries needed by society is rising year by year. The huge demand brings about opportunity and impetus for the vigorous development of secretary vocation but is also accompanied by such phenomena as varying professional quality of...
Proceedings Article

The Financial Development and Economic Growth: Based on the Data of City

Bin Gu, He Liu
This paper used urban data as analysis object. The author collected data from 2003-2013, 288 cities in our country as the research foundation, using cross-section data regression of econometric model. This paper explored the correlation between financial development and economic, expounded the action...
Proceedings Article

The Restrictive Factors and the Solution for the Development of Community Commerce--Take Yanta District as an Example

Guanhua Dong, Jie Shang
Community commerce is important for urban commercial space, and it is also an important part of modern service industry. There are several problems on community business development in Yanta district, such as low level of product differentiation, the consumer demand cannot be satisfied, community safety...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Building Practical Teaching System for Economics & Management of Applied Undergraduate Colleges-Based on the Practice of Shaanxi Institute of International Trade & Commerce

Min Lu
The construction of practical teaching system is a key way to improve students' ability. The theoretical study of the construction of the economics and management discipline and the process of practical teaching are stated views on the construction of practical teaching system, including objectives,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Knowledge-sharing Continuance Social Intention for Social Q&A Community

Longyi Li, Tao Yu, Qiong Wang
Based on the organizational commitment theory and self-efficacy theory,this paper constructs a social Q&A community user model for knowledge sharing behavior from four dimensions: Affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment and knowledge self-efficacy. Moreover, the model and hypotheses...
Proceedings Article

A Strategic Analysis of Enhancing the Economic Extroversion Level of Xi 'an from the Belt and Road Perspective

Min Lu, Ya-fei Guo
At present, our country economy enters the new normal, the strategy of the Belt And Road is not only beneficial to promote trade between the countries and regions along the interaction, more conducive to promoting the transformation of the pattern of economic development in our country. As the new starting...
Proceedings Article

Research on Social Commerce basing on Social Network Analysis

Ying-liang Wu, Xin Hu, Jiong-En Xiao
Social commerce(s-commerce), a new and hot area of E-Business which emerged and envolved rapidly in recent years, also the important stage characteristics of the current development and evolution of E-Business. Firstly, We combed the social commerce researches and development systematically. We analyzed...
Proceedings Article

The Mechanism of Border Crossings' Economic Impact on the City Under Geopolitical Factors

Yihui Ma
Border crossing which is set up in adjacent border areas as main door of foreign exchanges by a sovereign state according to the policy needs. due to the unique geographical location and rich natural resources, Border crossings have very important strategic position in the economic development of China....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Course Construction and Teaching Mode of Internet of Things System Integration

Jian Fei Wu, Tian Tian Xu, Hong Yi Wang
Nowadays, Internet of Things (IOT) is used more and more widely, and exhibited a sustained hot situation. IOT is China's strategic emerging industries, involving computer control, wireless communications, optical communications, network, software, information security and other fields. Colleges and universities...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Policy of Driving Xi'an 's Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Equity-based crowd-funding

Jing Ren
The rise of the Equity-based crowd-funding to raise equity to solve the mass innovation ,the entrepreneurial start-ups financing, financial resources, financial pattern of the problem. How to regulate the development of public equity chips, effectively boost innovation and entrepreneurship to achieve...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Influence Factors of Real Estate Price in Linyi City

Zhongxiu Liu
As an important industry in the national economy, real estate plays an extremely important role in China's economic development. The health status of a city's real estate development plays a vital role in this city's construction. However, judging whether the development of the real estate industry is...
Proceedings Article

The Preliminary Discussion of Chinese Character Font Design

Bing Liu, Fan Wang
Based on the frontier design theory, this paper deeply analyzes the formal beauty, decorative beauty and artistic conception beauty of Chinese character font design, and the design principles and techniques are studied. Combined with related theories, the author explains the creative thinking, cultural...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application and Promotion Strategy of the Support mode in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students under Constructivism

Lei Yang
Constructivism is the theoretical source of support mode, and the application of scaffolding teaching mode is helpful to improve the traditional teaching relationship, and provide the necessary conceptual framework for knowledge construction. College Students' Ideological and political teaching in scaffold...
Proceedings Article

[WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)

Suwari Suwari, Herry Z. Kotta, Yohanes Buang
Seed kernel of Thevetia peruviana is non-edible material but a potential resource to produce lights of the lamp in local society of west Timor people. This implies that the seed makes it a probable feedstock for biodiesel production. In this report, the optimum condition for extraction of the crop oil...
Proceedings Article

[WITHDRAWN] The Information Framing Effect on Attitude towards Organizational Change

Tulus Winarsunu
This study aims to examine the effect of different information framing strategy on attitudes toward the organization change programs. The sample of this study was 358 middle managers. Furthermore, the instrument applied in this study was change attitude scale developed by Oreg. The information framing...
Proceedings Article

The Gender Sensitivity of Political Parties in Indonesia and Asean Women Politicians Network in Realizing Community Development Programs

Vina Darvina Salviana Soedarwo
Women are assumed to have more sensitivity on gender issues than men. It means that women are assumed to have more sensitivity to fight genders for their interests. However, the limited participation of women in politics is becoming a crucial issue since the political parties have not given serious attention...
Proceedings Article

The Folklore of “Wali9” (Islam Spreaders) in East Java as Cultural Identity of Multicultural Community

Arif Budi Wurianto
Wali is a word that refers to the person who spreads Islam in the land of Java around the 13th and 14th centuries. The number of wali in the land of Java is nine, so they are well-known as WaliSanga or Wali Sembilan. The word waliis an abbreviation of Waliullah(the trusted one or the saint) chosen by...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Low Health Literacy to Social Relationship of the People Living With HIV/AIDS

Rinikso Kartono, Mr Latipun, Abdulkadir Raharjanto
The development of HIV/AIDS is not only caused by virus, but also by the low health literacy. The low health literacy can also lead to various social problems including impeding the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) social relationship. This study aims to describe 1) The cause of low health literacy...
Proceedings Article

From Idealism-Rationalism to Pragmatism-Materialism: Shift in Understanding Religion to Islamic Society in East Java, Indonesia

Mr Ishomuddin
This research is conducted related to the tendency of society in understanding Islam in globalization era. With the many challenges faced in life, there is a change in understanding Islam from idealism-rationalism toward pragmatism-materialism. From the social phenomenon mentioned above, this research...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Headmaster in Revitalization of Vocational Education

Mr Akhyak, Mr Sokip, Mr Soim, Mr Riduwan, Yunis Hidayati
The headmater has a very important role and responsibility for education innovation in school both micro and macro scale. Vocational education in Indonesia as part of the national education system has a very strategic role for the realization of skilled labor. So the success of vocational education at...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Motivation, Communication and Work Culture on the Performance of Agricultural Extension in Parepare

Muhammad Siri Dangnga, Andi Nuddin, Irninthya Nanda Pratami Irwan, Mr Buhaerah
Agricultural counselling as an education for farmers should be used for the foundation of the work philosophy to increase the potential and ability of the farmers without depending on others. The results of this activity are farmers can be independent and be able to develop their agriculture business....
Proceedings Article

Responses and Efforts to Incorporate Essential Concepts of Food Safety into the Curriculum of Senior High School in East Java Indonesia

Ainur Rofieq
Teachers in Senior High Schools (Public Senior High School/Public Islamic-based Senior High School) in East Java only comprehend 42.5% out of thorough concepts of national food safety pursuant to Government Decree No. 28 Year 2004. Out of seven aspects of food safety, five of which are hard to comprehend,...
Proceedings Article

The Roles of Earthworms in Agroecosystem

Agus Mulyadi Purnawanto
Earthworms are invertebrates that have an important role in agro-ecosystems. Their burrow is the place where plant roots grow and develop and as well as the place where the water is stored. Earthworms are able to transform organic matters into inorganic matters that can be utilized by plants. Moreover,...
Proceedings Article

Trading Influence as the Phenomenon of the Corruption in Indonesia (Study of application of UNCAC principles of trading influence in corruption act law in Indonesia)

Mokhammad Najih, Fifik Wiryani, Kenny Desinta Saraswanti
This study intends to describe the model of engaging in the influence of corruption in Indonesia. Although it has not been regulated in anti-corruption laws, some cases of trafficking have been prosecuted by applying the provisions of a bribery offense. Reviewing the application of the principles of...
Proceedings Article

Tolerance in Dealing with Different Mazhab (Schools of Islamic Thought) in Makassar City

Muammar Muhammad Bakry
This paper discusses the development of tolerant character in dealing with the differences ofmazhabfiqh(school of thought within Islamic jurisprudence) through the development of four aspects, namely spiritual and emotional, intellectual, physical and kinesthetic, as well as affective and creativity....
Proceedings Article

Regulations of Recognition and Protection on Ulayat Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia

Fifik Wiryani, Mokhammad Najih
The Ulayat Right of Indigenous People is a constitutional right and is an Indigenous People's Human Rights. The current problem is that there is an inconsistency of constitutional rights regarding Ulayat rights implementation. The inconsistency is in the form of recognition of the Ultimate MHA's Ultimate...
Proceedings Article

Determining of Parking Lot Area Policy Using System Dynamic Simulation Approach

Intan Berlianty, Yuli Dwi Astanti, Irwan Soejanto, Eka Febriani S.
Parking lot is one of the important public facilities for all people because of its function to accommodate the stopping vehicles. However, because of its limited parking area, a lot of vehicle users park their vehicles at side of the road. It resulted in street problems because the road become narrower...
Proceedings Article

Some Notes on the Contemporary Views of Validity in Psychological and Educational Assessment

Estu Widodo
This paper aims at providing an analysis of views of validity as an important concept in psychological and educational assessment which has undergone transformation for several decades. The revolutionary change took place along with the release of the 1999 Standards followed by the 2014 Standards in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions

Muntholib, Jian Mayangsari, Yunilia N. Pratiwi, Muchson, Ridwan Joharmawan, Yahmin, Sri Rahayu
Alternative conception is students' conception of scientific concepts that are inconsistent with the conception of scientists. Various studies show that alternative conceptions of chemical concepts occur in students, including acid-base concepts. Various identification of alternative conception methods...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy

Parlan, Suhadi Ibnu, Sri Rahayu, Suharti
Learning content of chemistry includes factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge. To well master the learning content, students’ metacognition is required. Students’ metacognition can be formed and developed through learning. Metacognitive learning strategy is one of the strategies...
Proceedings Article

[WITHDRAWN] On the Development of College English Teachers in Local Ethnic Universities

Ronglin Shan
The national medium and long-term education reform and development planning outlines the need to build a high-quality teaching team. The teachers are the base of education plan. Only if there are good teachers, can there be a good education. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility...
Proceedings Article

On the Development of College English Teachers in Local Minzu Colleges

Ronglin Shan
The national medium and long-term education reform and development planning outlines the need to build a high-quality teaching team. The teachers are the base of education plan. Only if there are good teachers, can there be a good education. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility...
Proceedings Article

Practice Report on Curwen Gesture Teaching -- Taking Do Re Mi as an Example

Lihan Fan
Curwen Gesture is an important component of Kodaly music teaching system. Through learning this group of gestures, it can help music beginners understand the sol-fa syllables and intonation concepts of the degrees in the scale; find out the high-low pitch connection between the degrees in the sol-fa...
Proceedings Article

Memetics and Pragmatic Cognition

Ran Li
This paper first introduces the definition of meme, and then analyzes its features and factors which play a significant part in its replication, spread, selection and elimination. After that the author studies and speculates the cognition process of language meaning and proposes the hypothesis of “pragmatic...
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching System of Engineering Graphics Course Group

Yuhuang Zheng
This paper studies the teaching content of engineering drawing course group and the teaching system facing innovation and entrepreneurship. Engineering drawing course group takes engineering drawing as the core and theoretical foundation, and computer aided analysis and manufacture is on the basis of...
Proceedings Article

Construction of College English Translation Teaching Model in the Context of Information Technology

Lu Qian
In the teaching of college English, English translation teaching can not only reflect the translation level of college students, but also a reflection of college students' ability to learn English. Therefore, it is important to say that the status of college English translation teaching in college English...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Training Mode of Entrepreneurial Talents in E-Commerce Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

Guanghua Wang
In recent years, the cultivation of entrepreneurial talents has been concerned by the society, especially in higher vocational colleges. The major of e-commerce has certain advantages in the aspect of entrepreneurship, but the current students of e-commerce major in vocational colleges are not very active...
Proceedings Article

On the International Education Strategies of Engineering Universities under “the Belt and Road Initiative”

Jiameng Sun
Among all the Chinese universities, engineering colleges are characterized with strong, distinct and industry-oriented disciplines. However, the classification and transformation of different colleges leads to apparent gap between engineering universities and their comprehensive counterparts, especially...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Implementation of Urban Color Planning System in Economic Development Zones Embodying Regional Characteristics -- Taking Hong'an as an example

Jie Shen, Xiaogao Qiu
Domestic cities focus on economic development in economic development zones, which ignores the regional characteristics of cities while pursuing economic benefits and construction speed. Taking urban color planning of the Yu'er Temple area in Hong'an Economic Development Zone as an example, this paper...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Use of Mathematica Software to Carry out Numerical Analysis Teaching

Jing Niu, Xueqin Lv, Jianfang Gao, Pingping Sun, He Gao
The numerical analysis course which is a widely applied and strong discipline mainly introduces the basic theories and methods of scientific computing. This paper discusses teaching concepts, textbook content, teaching links, and teaching methods combined with Mathematica software.
Proceedings Article

Innovative Research on Talent Cultivation under the Mode of University-enterprise Cooperation

Jian Bai, Yanqin Yu, Jianying Zhao, Jian’e Xue, Jun Li, Fang Guo, Rui Wang, Ping Gao
This paper takes the University-enterprise cooperation of the biological science major of Lüliang University as an example. Through the questionnaire survey and interviews with relevant personnel, we can comprehensively investigate the situation of University-enterprise cooperation in Lüliang University....
Proceedings Article

Supply-side Reform on Law Undergraduate Education: Path and Initiatives -- An Analysis Based on S Law Firm Case Study

Yi Wang, Weijun Wu
At present, there is a structural dilemma in the undergraduate education of law in our country. Efforts should be made to promote supply-side reforms to achieve the balance between supply and demand on the basis of “reducing excessive capacity”, “adjusting structures” and “improving weak links”. In terms...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Mean-Variance Model in Risk Measurement

Pei-Zhi Wang, Yu-Xin Zhao, Ling-Xi Chu
This paper applies the method of mathematical statistics based on the Markowitz Mean Variance Model to choose portfolio. The main purpose of the paper is to explore the application of the Mean-Variance Model in risk measurement, and use the Mean-Variance Model to select the investment assets to reduce...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration and Practice of the Teaching Reform for 3D Design Technology

Junsheng Jiang, Yun Liu, Shanshan Guo
To enhance the effect of classroom teaching and improve the teaching methods, three dimensional design technology is reformed from the following aspects: teaching method, teaching mode and assessment system. Through the application of multimedia assisted teaching, network teaching, discussion teaching...
Proceedings Article

An Innovative Study on Problem-based Learning and Literature Teaching

Yan Jiang
An innovative method of Problem-based Learning (PBL) in literature teaching has been proposed, consisting of seven equally important stages: group setting, problem identification, idea generation, learning issues, self-directed learning, synthesis and application, reflection and feedback. An empirical...
Proceedings Article

Teacher's Organizational Form and Role of Flipped Classroom -- Taking the University Students' Chemistry Course as an Example

Lizhu Zhang, Debin Xia, Ping Wang, Deyan Kong
Flipped classroom is a new form of teaching with students' self-study before class and discussion in class. It emphasizes students' self-learning and avoids lecturing in class. Whereas the role of teachers in all processes of teaching cannot be ignored. This subject took the chemistry class for international...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on the Content of Psychological Contract -- Taking Chinese hotel staff as the research object

Xia Wang
This study analyzes the structure and content of the psychological contract of hotel employees. This study Uses the empirical research through the questionnaire survey and analyzes the collected data using factor analysis method. The study found that there is a four-dimensional structure in the content...
Proceedings Article

How to Better Construct the National Image through the Party's Image Construction

Jiangting Yu
With the progress in China's building of a well-off society and the continuous improvement of its international status, it is imperative to strengthen both domestic and international recognition of our party and country. The article shed light on the relationship between the images of the party and the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Elements Allocation of Education Supply-Side Reform in the Era of “Internet Plus”

Xiaofang Duan
In view of the problem of resource allocation and allocation methods that current education needs to solve, it is very urgent to further launch the research on the elements allocation of education supply side reform under the era of “Internet plus”. Take the advantage of the new-type education tool and...
Proceedings Article

Study and Analysis of the Current Situation of Students' Oral English in Medical Colleges and its Countermeasures

Yuan Kong, Jie Jiang
This paper aims to show up the present situation of oral English in the contemporary students of medical majors, explores the causes of its formation and proposes strategies to enhance oral ability of students of medical majors. We do a survey to 368 medical majors' undergraduates who come from five...
Proceedings Article

Does Ethical Leadership Really Act as a Positive Role in Sustainable Supply Chain Management?

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan, Jian Chen, Yu Zhang, Hêriş Golpîra
This research explores the role of Ethical leadership, green trainings, green supplier selection and green manufacturing in Sustainable supply chain. A sample of 367 firms’ data was collected from Indian manufacturing industry and used structural equation modeling technique to evaluate research hypothesis....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Micro-Course in College English Teaching

Dan Li
The traditional teaching method in universities needs transforming in technology so as to drawing students’ attention. Fundamental changes have taken place in teaching mode and teaching method when micro course is applied in college English teaching. As a new media mode, micro-course has clear interaction...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures for Course Teaching of "Contemporary Chinese Language" in Normal Colleges

Linbo Hou, Jisheng He
Normal colleges aim to cultivate some general teachers, which weakens the teaching of "Contemporary Chinese Language". As a result, students are lack of learning incentive, so the teaching effect is unsatisfactory. Aiming at existing problems, the author explores new methods and forms following referential...
Proceedings Article

A study on the Legal System of Endowment Insurance for the Lost Only-child Elderly in China

Fan Zhang, Xueyuan Tang
With the increasing of the lost only-child elderly, to protect their legitimate rights. Solving the legal security system problems such as the security system is unsound, the regulations are not specific, and the guarantee remains weak. This paper draws the following three conclusions through literature...
Proceedings Article

Study on Strategies for the Development of Talent Introduction of Local Universities in the New Era

Qian Zhang, Jing Cui
With the implementation of national strategies such as "One Belt and One Road" and "double first class", it has put forward unprecedented requirements for the cultivation of talents and international communication in universities. Local universities should pay fiercer personnel to grab the battle, use...
Proceedings Article

A Brief Analysis of College Students Using the Internet to Start Their Own Business

Dan Li
With the number of college graduates increasing and the number of social employment posts not increasing, the pressure on the job market is increasing. The impact on the employment of college graduates is inevitable, and the contradiction between the employment and the market is gradually emerging. And...
Proceedings Article

On Contents and Characteristics of Lake Environmental Accounting Elements

Yanli Li
Lakes are important natural resources in our country. Due to the expansion of the human economic activities, the lake resources increasingly decrease, and the lake environment is deteriorating. The lake management needs introducing the accounting information for response and supervision. This paper researches...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Scientific Instruments Management which Combined Multilevel Sharing with Self-Hosting

Zhengjun Huang, Lei Zhang, Weidong Song, Yu Liu, Dong Zhang, Wei Liang
Opening, sharing and efficiently managing scientific instruments can increase their utilization and specialization. It also attaches great importance to optimizing resources allocation, enhancing the capacity of independent innovation and quality of the scientific research in universities. We should...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reforms Based on College-Enterprise Cooperation

Xucheng Liu, Hongtao Wang, Hui Huang, Yuebang He, Yihong He, Dongyu Yang, Shizhun Jia, Langxiong Xie
The college-enterprise cooperation is an effective method to cultivate innovative and applied talents facing enterprises, achieving the transformation of student status to staff. In this model, the resources of college and enterprises could be exchanged more efficiently to maximize the mutual benefits,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Website Construction of Shanghai A-Level Tourist Attractions Based on eMICA Model

Kaibo Zhou, Xiaobo Jia
This paper uses Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption (eMICA model) to analyze the website construction of e-commerce of Shanghai A-level tourist attractions. In the light of eMICA model, this paper divides these websites into different stages in order to find out problems such as slow information...
Proceedings Article

On the Path of College Students’ Mental Health under the Internet Plus

Haizhao Li
Today, the information technology grows faster than ever before. The popularity of the Internet has brought unprecedented experiences to people. However, many college students cannot use the network properly while enjoying the convenience and pleasure brought by the Internet age, which seriously affects...
Proceedings Article

Research on Several Problems in Class Management

Ping Li, Zhi-po Zhang, Chang-tong Yun, Ying Li, De-zhong Ren
To understand the problems in the management of university classes. Interviews and discussions were used to investigate college students, class cadres and head teachers in applied chemistry. 39.2% of the students were not interested in the majors they were studying, and they were confused about their...
Proceedings Article

College Students’ Psychological Crisis: Types, Factors and Countermeasures

Ping Li, Zhi-po Zhang, Qing-qing Wang, Jing-kun Yan
Psychological crisis of college students means the discomfort or more serious psychological problems caused by not being able to well solve problems. It mainly includes the problem of learning, employment, interpersonal relationship, love and family and life direction. And the origin of the psychological...
Proceedings Article

Guidance and Regulation of College Students' Network Public Opinion from the Perspective of Law

Lin Zheng
College students’ network public opinion objectively reflects their ideology and is one of the important indicators for observing and studying college students today. The ideological and political education workers in colleges and universities should make it a priority to research on college students’...
Proceedings Article

Research on Legal Risk Prevention and Control Mechanism of Personal Data in China’s Shared Economy Model

Xin Li, Zhi Yang, Shiqi Zhou
In recent years, shared economy model has emerged in the world. However, for its development is not perfect and the law is lagging behind, there are still a lot of legal risks and problems existing in the risk regulation on personal privacy and information data security under such market innovation....
Proceedings Article

“Learning through Racing” -- Research on the Training Mode of Innovative Ability of Law Students

Xin Li, Shiqi Zhou, Zhi Yang
As a kind of important legal practice teaching method, the moot court plays an important role in cultivating the innovation ability of law students. It has been widely used in universities and colleges, but it still has a lot of space to improve while achieving certain results. In view of this, the teaching...
Proceedings Article

The "Inverted U-shaped" Hypothesis of Urban-Rural Income Gap in the Process of Urbanization: Empirical Testing and Policy Implications

Yeying Hong
How urbanization affects the regional economic development. And it has been praised by educational world attention, especially the current unbalanced development. This is not fully the most outstanding performance as the gap between urban and rural areas, and the main performance in the income gap between...
Proceedings Article

Education is an Innovative Development of Internet Thinking and Ideological Politics

San-chi She
With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has influenced and intervened in a series of major changes in global social economy since the 20th century, changing people's traditional production and life style. College students are the main force of network society, and college campuses...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Cultivating Applied Talents in Colleges against the Background of Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Hai-sheng Yi
Cultivating the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability of application-oriented talents is an important embodiment of implementing and cultivating high-quality application-oriented talents. Therefore, college teachers should actively study the training mode of college application-oriented talents...
Proceedings Article

Research on Student Management System in Colleges

Shu Tao
The responsibility of colleges and universities is to train high-quality socialist talents in the new era. Through effective student management, it is particularly important to make students become the pillar of the country. This paper will explore the student management of colleges and universities...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Professional Development of College Teachers against the Background of Internet Plus Education

Xue-bin Jia
In today's Internet era, information technology promotes the modernization of education. As college teachers should follow the trend of The Times and constantly improve their professional comprehensive quality. This includes not only the specialization of subjects, but also the specialization of education,...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Teaching Ability of College Teachers

Chao Liu
Building a high-level team of innovative and entrepreneurial teachers is not only a prerequisite for improving college students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability, but also an important factor for ensuring the teaching quality of education. This paper expounds the knowledge and ability that innovative...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation Strategy of Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

Chao Liu
This paper expounds the knowledge and ability of innovative and entrepreneurial teachers, and probes into the countermeasures for improvement and development of innovative and entrepreneurial education teaching ability of university teachers from the aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship education...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Reform of Discrete Mathematics Teaching in Combination with Cases

Xue Xing, Bingtao Jin
The traditional discrete mathematics teaching mode has not adapted to the needs of the training of applied talents at the present stage. Therefore, combining the practice case with the practice case, the students will connect the students to the knowledge and the application effectively. The students...
Proceedings Article

Research on Legal Supervision of False News on WeMedia Network

Xiaoxun Huang, Lijuan Huang, Xinyu Wang
In the information explosion age, many WeMedia operators always exaggerate the news facts deliberately in order to pursue the economic benefit, which causes more and more false information spread on the Internet by their own influence. Therefore, how to perfect the construction on administrative proactive...
Proceedings Article

Discourse, Identity and Strategy: The Analysis of China’s Cultural Diplomacy Based on the Case of Confucius Institutes

Kun Yang
While China’s rise in economic and military power, it adjusted its strategic perspective and it has put many new measures in place of which the Confucius Institute is one. Being one of the strategies of cultural diplomacy, Confucius Institute is mainly to improve the soft power of China in the age of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evaluation Index System for Patent Financing Capacity of High-tech Enterprises

Zhao-Hui Chen, Zhi-Juan Zhou
High-tech enterprises have been playing important role in R&D and patent commercialization, yet the process often face capital bottlenecks. Under these circumstances, this paper proposes an index system for evaluating the patent financing capacity of enterprises from the perspective of the combination...
Proceedings Article

On the Application of the Idea of Human Centered Education in the Political Education of College Students

Wei Jiao
This paper analyzed the ideological and political education of college students from the perspective of humanistic thought, and probed into the problems and challenges in the application of humanistic thought to college students ' ideological and political education. of the key point of this paper is...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Countermeasures of Sanya Smart Tourism Destination Construction against the Background of Global Tourism

Kun Zhang, Jia Zhu, Zhuang Li
With the National Tourism Bureau to establish Hainan as the first whole country tourism creation Province, Sanya as the central tourist city of Hainan has the opportunity to develop, Sanya should combine tourism information technology to create a smart tourism platform. The level of tourism product development...
Proceedings Article

Study on Electronic Records Filing of Mobile Terminal

Yu-fen Jiang, Ping Wang
Many of electronic records produced by mobile terminal are important information resources for individuals and society, which have preservation value and are a treasury of archives. However, mobile terminal updates quickly, tends to lose data and has security risks; it is not suitable for long-term preservation...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Discourse Analysis

Yina Wu
Ecology has inevitably become the core issue of the 21st century, and ecolinguistics, the interdiscipline of ecology and linguistics, therefore has become the focus of study. This paper starts with different definitions of ecolin¬guistics, then contrasts “ecological discourse analysis” with “the analysis...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Academic Status of Students and Its Key Controlling Factors in a Newly-Built Local Medical College

Jun Li, Shiying Liao
To investigate the academic status of students and to analyze the trend of students' academic achievement in a new local college of medicine and probes into the key control factors that affect the students' academic failure. Academic cleaning, questionnaire investigation and interview were used to analyze...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Illustrations in Modern Publications

Shui Jin, Yanran Shang
As an art form in modern publications, illustration is closely connected with people's reading. Especially at present, illustration plays an important role in print media. It is more and more closely related to the field of book publishing. With the development of illustration, its expression has become...
Proceedings Article

Local Practice of Women Law Education -- The History of Women's Law and Politics Seminar of Sichuan Public School of Law and Politics

Kaiyue Liu
After the Revolution of 1911, women's desire to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs became increasingly stronger. In order to adapt to the tide of women's liberation in the new era, many women's School of Law and Politics or seminars sprung up. Sichuan Provincial School...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Professional Title Reform of Chinese Local Universities in New Era

Liwen Zeng, Hua Yin
China's social development has entered a new era. The main idea of "Some opinions on deepening to streamline government functions and administration, delegate powers while improving regulation for higher education " is consistent with the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress in China. Guided by...
Proceedings Article

Practical Teaching, Social Resources Embeddedness, and Undergraduate Employment

Lei Zhou, Li Ma, Rui Wang
This paper analyzes the social resources embedded in practical teaching and its impact on undergraduate employment, in order to provide guidance for solving the problem of "employment difficulties" caused by the disconnection between classroom teaching and enterprise needs. Firstly, social resources...
Proceedings Article

Symbolism in Katherine Anne Porter’s Novelettes

Ru Wang
Katherine Anne Porter is a famous American novelist in the 20th century. With superb writing skills and a unique literary style, she has become a recognized literary stylist in American literary circles. Porter is not a prolific writer, but her works are excellent, which gain the attention and praise...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform and Practice of Ornamental Botany Course in Tourism Management (Ecotourism)

Wenhe Wang, Xiangfeng He, Ruili Zhang, Yazhou Zhao, Xuelian Guan
This paper analyzed the complex content and poor effectiveness in practical teaching of “Ornamental Botany” which is widely opened in China's Tourism Management specialty. The paper proposed to streamline curriculum content according to the orientation of ecotourism. Deliver introduction with vivid cases...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Design Specialties Practice Course Teaching Mode Based on “Four Stratums and Four Modules” in the Context of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education”

Yan Zhao, Jing Su
Now it is the consensus of universities and colleges nationwide to launch teaching reform through positive innovation and entrepreneurship education. Cultivating the consciousness of innovation, entrepreneurship and practical abilities of the college students and encouraging them to start their own business...
Proceedings Article

Optimization and Design of Regional Innovation Resources Allocation Strategy in China -- Based on the Measurement of Innovative Polarization Contribution

Rui Huang, Su Zhang, Wen Guo
This paper uses the factor analysis method to measure the degree of polarization of innovation resources in China. The results show that between 1997 and 2016, the degree of polarization of innovation resources in China has generally shown an upward trend, that is, the flow of regional innovation resources...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Solution of the Problems in Professional Postgraduate Practice Bases

Zheng Zheng, Yongshuai Wang, Jianxing Jin, Kaili Guo, Jun Zhu
According to the state's aim of accelerating the training of high-quality and applied professional degree postgraduates, Henan Polytechnic University and Xu Ji Electric jointly built the Henan Province Graduate Education Innovation Base, the base played an important role in the implementation of the...
Proceedings Article

A Tale of Two Cities: Woman and City in “The Age of Innocence” and “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow”

Shiyu Zhou
Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and Wang Anyi’s The Song of Everlasting Sorrow are regarded as masterpieces in their respective countries and arouse many critics’ interest. This essay explores how the two heroines, Wang Qiyao and Ellen, are closely connected with the cities they live in. Although...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Two-way Conflicts of Medical Staff work-families on Burnout

Pinyi Sun, Ping Wang
The long working hours and high-intensity work pressure of medical staff cause conflicts between their family and work roles, a high level of burnout, and various psychological and physical problems, which are urgently needed to be resolved. Therefore, with the medical staff as the research object, the...
Proceedings Article

On Optimization and Innovation of Rural Circulation System in Western China under the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy

Rong Pu
The poor development of the circulation industry in rural areas of western China is a major issue restricting the economic development of the region. This paper analyzed the development of circulation industry in western China and the mechanism of circulation industry and targeted poverty alleviation....
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study of College English Autonomous Learning Ability Based on Flipping Classroom Mode

Weiqiang Qiu
Cultivating students' autonomous learning ability is one of the important goals of college English education. Based on the theory of constructivism and relying on the network platform, this study constructed a flipping classroom teaching model. By means of comparative teaching, questionnaires, interviews...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Continuous Use Intention of MOOCs -A Perspective from Subjective Task Value

Genfu Yang
Although MOOCs have developed rapidly in recent years, little is known about learner engagement. This paper integrates ECM and subjective task value to analyze the influencing factors of MOOCs users' intention to continue to use. A total of 294 learners participated in the survey. The research shows...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Polarization Effects of Regional Innovation in China -- Calculation Based on TW Index

Su Zhang, Wen Guo, Rui Huang
Innovative resources are concentrated from the surrounding backward areas to the economic center, thus forming an innovative polarization effect. As the growth poles appear to the surrounding areas, the polarization effect transitions to the diffusion effect. This paper uses the factor analysis method...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Practice of the Cultivation Methods of Students' Innovative Ability Based on Industry- University-Research Cooperation

Shuqin Li, Kun Meng, Meng Ding
The most popular technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are inseparable from the support of computers. Those who are proficient in the working principle of computer systems and innovative in using computer technology to solve real problems in production and life have become the shortages...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on the Reform of Basic Course Teaching Based on Discipline Competition

Yuci Wang
The combination of subject competition and basic course teaching can achieve the purpose of “promoting learning by competition and promoting competition by learning”. In order to promote the reform of basic courses by subject competition, it is necessary to integrate the discipline competition into the...