Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

The Association Physical Activity (3–5 Years) to Gross And Fine Motor Ability of Preschool Children’s

Sofio Oulvan, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Zihan Novita Sari, M. E. Winarno, Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Imam Hariadi
The purpose of this study is to identify physical activity, gross motor, fine motor, and the link between physical activity and gross motor and fine motor in preschool children (3–5 years). The survey method, quantitative approach, and correlational approach are all used in this study. The sample for...
Proceedings Article

Nursing Students' Competencies in Evidence Based Practice

Chrisnawati Chrisnawati, Imelda Ingir Ladjar, Dwi Martha Agustina, Sabarina Oktarina
The world of nursing is growing and nurses are requiring being proficiencies and establishing their professional responsibility in health care services, especially in giving their best intervention for the wellness of their patients. Therefore, the nursing students are requiring earlier becoming competence...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Diabetes Self Management Training Independence of Patients Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Susiwati, Ida Samidah, Jon Farizal
Diabetes Mellitus if not managed properly, can cause complications in all organs of the body, from head to foot, in all places where the high glucose levels are flowing. The aim of the research to determine the effect of diabetes self-management training (DSMT) The ability of the patient to perform self-examinations...
Proceedings Article

Pathogenetical Peculiarities of Arterial Hypertension with Weight Increasing on Psychological Stress Background

S. Salekhov, G. Igimbaeva, M. Salekhova, N. Maksimyuk, A. Smambayeva
The article examines the pathogenetic features of the rearrangement of body functional state, against the background of psychological stress. At the present time the steady increasing of flow of information and emotional stress lead to load increasу of the central nervous system. It is necessary to increase...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Bird Sellers on Avian Influenza Control Program in Bird Markets

Ardilasunu Wicaksono, Chaerul Basri, Etih Sudarnika, Abdul Zahid
Sukabumi District located in West Java Province has not been free from rabies diseases. Thus, rabies should be taken seriously through several control programs. One of the programme were rabies mass vaccination targeting 80% vaccination coverage, however, there is many dog’s owners did not want their...
Proceedings Article

Development of Game-Based Under Volley Vocational Learning Variation on Medan Middle School Students in 2019

Siti Halimah Saadiah Tanjung
In general, the purpose of development research is to produce new products or improve old products. Later the product will be used in learning activities to add insight and make it easier for teachers to deliver each learning material. Related to the explanation above, the researchers conducted a preliminary...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Caffeine Using Acrylamide as Monomer

Saeful Amin, Shelma Az Zahra, Dang Soni
Objectives: Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) is a selective polymer that can bind target molecules, is made with a ratio 1:4:20 (mmol) between caffeine, acrylamide, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. The ratio will form a polymer that will be released again so that it can selectively recapture the...
Proceedings Article

Contributions of Physical Condition to Gymnastics Basic Skills of College Students

Ratna Budiarti, Wisnu Nugroho, Risti Nurfadhila
Physical conditions are considered a very important foundation for developing techniques. The aim of this study to determine the contribution of physical condition to Gymnastic basic skill. This Study is survey and used descriptive qualitative method. 82 students, whose aged 18-19 years and study in...
Proceedings Article

Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Effects Red Rosella Flower Steeping on Diabetic Rats

Ratna Indriawati, Vitis Vinivera, Tunjung Wibowo
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia and can cause dyslipidemia. One of the herbal plants that is thought to antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects is the red rosella flower. This study aims to identify the capacity of hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic of red rosella flower...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Detraining During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Ability of the Body Agility of Karate UKM Athletes State University of Malang

Latifatul Mufida, Olivia Andiana, Ahmad Abdullah
Detraining is a decrease in the body’s physiological adaptation caused by stopping exercise done for a relatively long time so that it affects a person’s physical fitness performance. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic make a person change their lifestyle to be less active, thus affecting the body’s...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Chronic Kidney Disease with Cardiomegaly Imaging in Posteroanterior Chest X-ray

Pradiba Amadita, Priatna, Hendri Priyadi
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a health problem which prevalence is still high and one of the causes of cardiovascular complications. One of those cardiovascular complications is cardiomegaly. One way to identify cardiomegaly is by measuring the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) in chest x-ray (CXR). The aim...
Proceedings Article

Nutrient Status, Having Style and Event of Anemia in Teenage Girl in SMAN 1 Kambowa, North Buton Regency

Ruwiah Ruwiah, Jufri Faisal, Zainab Hikmawati
Low iron levels Throughout the world, anemia is a dietary issue, particularly in underdeveloped nations. Young women in Indonesia continue to have a high frequency of anemia. This study sought to determine if the nutritional status and eating habits of teenage girls at SMA Negeri 1 Kambowa, North Buton...
Proceedings Article

The Association Between Taste Perception with Caries Experience and Body Mass Index of 12-13 Years Old Children in the 2 Sub-Districts in Medan

Ami Angela Harahap, Elita Elisabet Sihombing
Caries are a major dental health problem in Indonesia, especially in school-aged children, that affect the children’s dietary habits and growth. Taste perception is one of the determining factors of children choosing certain types of food that affect oral health and BMI. The research aimed to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Body-Focused Repetitive Disorder: A Case Report of Trichotillomania and Onycothilomania with Social Phobia in a 30-year-old Woman

Lastri Diyani Siregar, Vita Camellia
Background Trichotillomania (TTM) and Onycothilomania are defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as dermatological conditions categorized as obsessive-compulsive disorders. Based on DSM-5, OCRD (Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders) includes BFRB...
Proceedings Article

Clinical and Epidemic Characteristics of Patients with Tuberculosis in Early and Preschool Children

Nadezhda Gulyaeva, Maria Vinokurova, Olga Ivanova, Valentina Adamova
The aim of the research is to study modern clinical and epidemic characteristics of tuberculosis patients of early and preschool children in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Traditional methods of assessing the patient’s clinical condition and history have been used. Analysis of radiological and laboratory...
Proceedings Article

Conformance of Mc Isaac Modification of Centor Score with Microorganisms of Tonsil Core Tissue in Chronic Tonsillitis Patients

Yerni Karnita, Safarianti, Lily Setiani, Benny Kurnia, Zinatul Hayati
Background: A viral, bacterial, or fungal infection may cause tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The McIsaac modified Centor score, which differs from the original Centor score in that it only applied to patients who were at least 15 years old, is a tool for predicting tonsillitis...
Proceedings Article

Maxillofacial Fibrous Dysplasia

Christin Rony Nayoan, Dwi Antono, Rully Satriawan
Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a rare and benign bone disorder, where normal bone and bone marrow are replaced by fibrous connective tissue mixed with irregular bone trabeculae. FD located in the maxillofacial area might lead to bone deformity, facial asymmetry, hearing loss, nasal congestion, pain, paresthesia,...
Proceedings Article

Acceptability and Sensory Properties of Specific Enteral Formula for Stroke-Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Kartika Nugraheni, Listya Anggraeni, Ayu Okvytasari, Zahra Maharani Latrobdiba
Stroke-Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients are at risk of dysphagia which will reduce oral intake and increase the risk of malnutrition. Enteral formula is chosen as a nutritional therapy and must be specially formulated to manage hyperglycemia and meet dietary needs. This study aims to analyse the sensory...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment Through Training on Making Healthy Food Creatively Presented as a Business Opportunity Effort for the Tutul Village Community

Diyan Indriyani, Asmuji, Triawan Adi Cahyanto, Astrid Maharani, A. Sri Wahyuni
Community empowerment opens up opportunities for the community to take the initiative to start the process of social activities to improve the existing situation and conditions, including improving economic status. This activity aims to increase the community’s ability to make creative and healthy food...
Proceedings Article

Identification of High School Physical Education Teacher Assessment Model

M.E Winarno, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Mr. Taufik, Riyad Fadhli Nurrul
The purpose of this study was to determine the forms of learning assessments used by High School Physical Education Teachers in Malang City. The research method used is descriptive with an evaluation approach to learning activities. The results showed that the Physical Education (PE) learning assessment...
Proceedings Article

Anthropometric Factors and Physical Condition Dominant Determinants Overhead Throws and Batting Skills In Softball

Arif Eka Saraya, Mr Sugiyanto, Muchsin Doewes
Anthropometric factors and physical condition, among others, height, arm length, arm muscle strength, hand-eye coordination, balance, and reaction time. This research goal is to determine the anthropometric factors and the physical condition of the dominant determinant of overhead throws and batting...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Counseling Using Social Capital Implementation on Container Index (CI) of Aedes aegypti Larvae

Heru Kasjono Subaris, Heru Subaris Kasjono, Maria H. Bakri
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) still becomes one of community health problems in Indonesia, until now it cannot be overcome and become highest dengue fever case in the world. Even it can be found almost in every province in Indonesia. Mosquito nest eradication program (PSN) that has been conducted, and...
Proceedings Article

Instant grains in sports nutrition: effect of microwave processing on moisture content and moisture-binding capacity

G. Snurnicova, B. Kisimov, V. Mezentcev, N. Shepeleva
The article discusses the effect of microwave processing on the moisture content and moisture-binding capacity of grains. The samples of grains that underwent technological processing were analyzed. Two types of grains common in sports nutrition were studied: pearl barley and buckwheat. The effect of...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity of Combination of Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia Mangostana) and Green Tea Leaves (Camellia Sinensis)

Hari Susanti
Mangosteen peel and green tea leaves are natural antioxidants that have been widely used in the community. Usually, people use it as a tea drink. The aim of this study was to find the composition of green tea-mangosteen peel combination which has the highest antioxidant. The material used is a mixture...
Proceedings Article

Project Management Office Strategies of Hosting Indonesia National Olympic Games (PON) XIX/2016 in West Java

Yudha Munajat Saputra, Sandey Tantra Paramitha
With West Java about to host the National Olympic Games of Sport 2016. Therefore, this study begins by problematic the nation of sport multi events and the benefits. They are intended to bring to hosts. The study serves as a general introduction to papers that follow in this special issue. This study...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Enos Expression Regulators on Changes in the Endothelium Function Under the Intoxication Syndrome

S.G. Dzugkoev, F.S. Dzugkoeva, O.I. Margieva, O.Yu. Garmash, I.V. Mozhaeva, A.I. Tedtoeva
The study was conducted on a model of endothelial dysfunction caused by intoxication with nickel chloride and an eNOS inhibitor – L-NAME. The results showed a significant increase in oxidants and their inhibitory effect on the development of nitric oxide (NO) – a biochemical marker of the endothelial...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Covid 19 Virus Pandemic on Tulamben Bali Dive Tour Visits

Vera Septi Sistiasih, Nur Subekti, Agam Akhmad Syaukani, Muhad Fathoni, Satrio Sakti Rumpoko, Rizka Nur Ariyanti Aliya
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has yet to show a decrease in its spread. The latest data shows 2.98 million cases of covid 19. In dealing with the increasing spread of the covid 19 virus, the government has also overcome it by implementing Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) throughout Java-Bali...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Determinants of Breast Self-Examination Practice in Midwifery Students, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Novita Nining Anggraini, Siti Nurjanah
Awareness is a way of early detection of tumors or lumps in the breast to reduce the death rate due to breast cancer. Breast cancer data in the World is 13%, in Indonesia 16.85% and in Semarang 39.63%. Breast cancer is known as one of the cancers that most often attack women after cervical cancer. Cancer...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Cardiometabolic Risks and High-Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP) Levels in Serum Among Young Adults with Overweight and Obesity

Erlina Marfianti, Eko Andriyanto
Introduction: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults is increasing worldwide, including in Indonesia. Previous studies have shown that obesity increases inflammatory factors and is closely related to the incidence of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Cardiometabolic risk factors...
Proceedings Article

Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern

Vitri Widyaningsih, Nurussyifa Afiana Zaen, Najlah Amalia, Septyan Dwi Nugroho, Akhmad Azmiardi, Tri Mulyaningsih, Ari Probandari
Maternal complications can lead to serious effects to mothers and newborns. This study aims to evaluate the current prevalence of self-reported maternal complications in Indonesia and its regional differences as a basis for targeted strategy for improving maternal health. This study analyzes the latest...
Proceedings Article

Family Coping Affects The Quality of Life Patients with Tuberculosis

Trisca Haprilianingtyas, Makhfudli Makhfudli, Ika Nur Pratiwi
Patients with Tuberculosis (Tb) often have high morbidity and low quality of life. Family coping was the essential part of patients' quality of life and may also give support to patients with Tb. Our study aimed to determine the correlation of family coping and quality of life in patients with Tuberculosis....
Proceedings Article

Anthropometric Evaluation of Lip Symmetry following Cronin Method Labioplasty for Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Cases

Made Widya Utami, Muhammad Syafrudin Hak, Lilies Dwi Sulistyani, Pradono Suhardi
Surgical treatment for patients with cleft lip aims at restoring facial balance and harmony. Cronin method labioplasty in patients with unilateral cleft lip and pal-ate (UCLP) produces symmetrical lips with minimal scarring. This study evaluates lip symmetry following Cronin method labioplasty in patients...
Proceedings Article

Religiosity, Social Support and Anxiety in Mothers of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Umi Fetriyah, Rifa’atul Mahmudah, Alsia Damayanti, Syamsul Firdaus
The incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cancer continues to increase every year. Child with cancer and undergoing therapy causes anxiety for parents such as sleep disorder, inability to make decisions, and panic. Severe anxiety contributes to decrease quality of life. Factors that are needed in...
Proceedings Article

Hazard Identification and Risk of Work Assessment on Street Sweeper in Medan City

Umi Salmah
In 2015 Social Security Agency Employment (BPJS) reported that in the first semester reached 50.089 cases of occupational accidents. The work accident can be avoided by knowing and recognizing the potential hazard and risk of work environment the act of controlling can be implemented. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Case Report: Mandibular Third Molar Impaction Features in CBCT 3D Radiography

Gunawan, Lusi Epsilawati, Ivony Fitria
The mandibular third molar impaction is a frequent case in dentistry. Various investigations are required prior to the removal of the mandibular third molar impaction, such as CBCT 3D radiography. This radiograph can provide optimum results for the investigation of mandibular third molar impaction. Case...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Pelvic Rocking Exercises on the Length of Time of the First and the Second Stage of Labor

Surtiningsih, Linda Yanti, Wilis Sukmaningtyas
Background: Prolonged labor is the most common cause of cesarean delivery. Risks of prolonged labor in mothers are bleeding due to uterine atony, laceration of the birth canal, infection, fatigue, and shock while the risks of prolonged labor in the fetus can increase the risk of severe asphyxia, cerebral...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative Study: Leverage and Barrier Factors of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program in Tangerang and Subang Regency

Mara Ipa, Endang Puji Astuti, Wawan Ridwan, Rachmalina Soerachman
Tangerang and Subang Regency had implemented a national effort to eliminate lymphatic filariasis by five rounds of Mass Drug Administration (MDA) using diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and albendazole (ALB), pre-Transmission Assessment Survey, TAS-1 (Subang Regency); and TAS-2 (Tangerang Regency). The aim of...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Character Education In Student Development Lecture

Setya Wahyuningsih, Tetty Fatimah Tsuroya, Hetty Patmawati, Aep Sunendar, Nandhini Hudha Anggarasari
The integration of character education in Student Development lecture (a descriptive study in the Faculty of Education, University of Siliwangi). Character education is an effort to improve the quality of the learning process and learning results that lead to the formation of learners’ characters emphasizing...
Proceedings Article

The Responses of HIF-1α and HSP70 to Interval Training with Various Intensities in Indonesian Junior Sprinters

Eddy Purnomo, Mohamad Sadikin
Interval training (IT) is a method of exercise to improve running ability in predetermined distance and time. This study aims to describe physiological responses (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70)) to several IT in male Indonesian junior sprinters. In this experimental...
Proceedings Article

An Exploratory Study of Psychological Changes in Families of Heart Failure Patients

Beti Kristinawati, Mutiarani Jazilatul Fikriyyah, Nyofan Wahyu Mardana, Itsnaani Rahmadita Nur Latiifah
The family plays a significant role in the provision of care for those diagnosed with heart failure. The emergence of family psychological difficulties can be attributed to changes in the patient’s health and the challenges encountered in fulfilling one’s duty. This study elucidates the psychological...
Proceedings Article

Understanding and Implementation of Physical Education Teachers in Depok District in Realizing The Role of Social Responsibility

Muhammad Hamid Anwar, Caly Setiawan, Fathan Nurcahyo
This study explores the extent to which social responsibility, which should be one of the tasks of the Physical Education learning process, is understood and implemented by teachers. This departs from various questions related to the concept of education, one of which carries the task of realizing its...
Proceedings Article

Exposure to Cigarettes in Pregnant Mothers and the Incidences of Low Birth Weight in Labuan Toposo

Rosmala Nur, Rahma Dwi Larasati
Low birth weight is the condition of babies body length at born weighing less than 2500 g. Since 2013 the number of low birth weight incidences in Central Sulawesi is still above the national average of 10.6%. Pregnant mothers who are exposed to cigarettes are at greater risk of miscarriage or giving...
Proceedings Article

Decision Tree Algorithm In Analyzing The Incidence Of Neonatal Sepsis At Ulin Hospital Of Banjarmasin In 2016

Fitri Yuliana, Novita Dewi Iswandari, Topan Aditya Rahman
Objective: To analyze the factors most related to the incidence of neonatal sepsis at Ulin Hospital of Banjarmasin in 2016. Method: This research used Rapid Miner simulation model with population of all newborns at Ulin Hospital of Banjarmasin in 2016 and the sample size was 210 infants consisting of...
Proceedings Article

Performance Profile of Kayaker Team Indonesia

Syahid Nur Yasin, Amung Ma’mun, Agus Rusdiana
The purpose of this research is to know the fitness level of physical condition of athletes National Kayak Kayak Indonesia. The sample in this study is the national athlete of the son of Indonesian rowing totaling 19 people with the average age of 25 years, 175 height and body weight 74. The method in...
Proceedings Article

Factors that Influence Rabies Dog Vaccination Among Dogs‟ Owner in Sukabumi District, West Java

Ardilasunu Wicaksono, Abdul Zahid, Etih Sudarnika, Denny Lukman, Yusuf Ridwan
Indonesia is avian influenza endemic area since the first case in 2003 in West Java Province and had been quickly spread to other areas including Jakarta as the Capital City of Indonesia. Jakarta became the center of attention from the government to control avian influenza due to high population of bird...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Puskesmas Officers in Medical Waste Management in the Health Service Work Area, Padang City, in 2019

Luthfil Hadi Anshari, Nizwardi Azkha, Rahmayuda
Community health center (puskesmas) is one of the health service units that in its activities produces medical and non-medical waste in both solid and liquid forms. This type of research is a quantitative study with cross sectional design where the independent variable consists of the knowledge and attitudes...
Proceedings Article

Development of Movement Activities Based on Play Approach in Order to Develop Skills Children’s Basic Movement

Rahma Dewi, Amir Supriadi, Nono Hardinoto, Rima Gustira
This study aims to produce a product design development of a valid, practical and effective in book form so that the activities of the motion that was developed to improve the ability of students in designing the motion activity with the approach of playing to do children with joy that motor skills are...
Proceedings Article

Improving Forehand Drop Shot Stroke Skill in Badminton Through the Drill Method for Children

Mahmuda Permata Sari, Oni Bagus Januarto, Tatok Sugiarto
The aimed of this research is to improve forehand drop shot stroke skill in badminton for 8-12 years old athlete in Brawijaya Jr. Badminton’s club Malang. This study uses the Sports Action Research (PTO) method using two tiered cycles covering planning, implementation, observation, reflection and with...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Visfatin Level and Other Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Children and Adolescents with Obesity

Mithal R. Alkubaisi, Raghd A. Y. Alkhader, Noor Thair Tahir, Abdilya R. ALAbdaly, Luay Asaad Mahmood
In this study, the aim was to evaluate visfatin level in Iraqi children and adolescents with obesity, as well as to study the association of serum visfatin level with different biochemical variables. Ninety participants were included. Participants’ ages ranged between (5 and 18) years. Sixty obese children...
Proceedings Article

Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Has Different Correlations With Haemoglobin Levels in Young Women at Karanganyar Regency

Liyana Ilmiyati, Dono Indarto, Brian Wasita
Indonesia still encounters a nutritional problem since the morbidity rate of anemia in young women has increased in the last few years. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in susceptible age groups especially in young women. Based on the results of Basic Health Research in Indonesia, low...
Proceedings Article

Weight Training With a Set System Has Influential Effect Weightlifting Snatch Force Ability

Hermanzoni, Ade Rezky
The problem in this study is the low performance of PABBSI weightlifting athletes in Tanah Datar District. The purpose of this study was to see the extent of the effect of the training system set method on the ability of the PABBSI weightlifting snatchatlet Tanah Datar District.This type of research...
Proceedings Article

Application Based on Technological Advances in the Health Sector During a Pandemic: A Study of Telemedicine in Indonesia from Legal Perspective

Ferdhika Audrey Ivanocalzha, Drifarrosa Aisy Aufanuha Machfudz, Adji Suwandono
In the response of COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of health care facilities, telemedicine started to campaign by the Government. Indonesia goverment already established some telemedicine regulation through health ministri decree. This regulation was made in response of ensuring citizen rights to...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Environmental Sanitation and Flies Density Rate in a Slaughterhouse in Sidoarjo Regency

Nailul Izzah Mahrusah, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Agung Kurniawan
This study aimed to determine the relationship between fly density and environmental sanitation in Slaughterhouse. This research is quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach. Data analysis in this research was done using the ETA correlation test and showed a p-value of <0.05, which means...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Anatomic Images in Examination of the Ap Axial Cranium Towne’s Method With 30° and 37° Caudal Light Directions to View the Foramen Magnum

Oktavia Puspita Sari, Darmania Putri
The phenomenon in the field, the researchers found that there was an examination of the cranium using the Towne method using only one beam direction, in theory there were variations in the direction of the beam 30° caudal and 37°. The aim of this study to see better anatomical information and which results...
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma of Using N95 Masks for Health Workers

Shenda Maulina Wulandari, Apriana Rahmawati, Ulfa Nur Rohmah, Harizza Pertiwi, Zakiyah
The N95 Particulate Respirator (N95 mask) is the highest filtering mask, but there are some complaints about its use, one of which is difficulty breathing. Objective. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether the use of N95 masks had any effect on oxygen saturation, respiration rate, and complaint...
Proceedings Article

Hypocholesterolemic and Hypoglycemic Effects of Soursop Fruit (Annona muricata) Ethanolic Extract in High Fat Diet and Alloxan Induced Wistar Rats

Evi Sovia, Nurbaiti Nazarudin, Ilma Fiddiyanti, Dinyar Supriyadi, Wini Fatimah Junaidi, Hidayah Dwijayanti, Helmi Makarim, Aprilia Grace Sweetasari
Annona muricata (soursop) is a plant belonging to the Annonaceae family. It’s a medicinal herb that’s been used for centuries as a natural cure for a number of diseases. Several investigations in animals showed that the bark and leaves of the plant possessed antihypertensive, vasodilator, anti-spasmodic,...
Proceedings Article

Refractive Errors and Learning Achievement: A Cross-Sectional Study on Elementary School Students

Irwandi Rachman, Andi Sengngeng Relle, Sasmita Tahir
Refractive errors are an imbalance in the eye’s visual system, resulting in blurred vision. If not properly addressed, it can have a negative impact on the intellectual development of children and their learning process. This study aims to determine the relationship between refractive errors and the...
Proceedings Article

Urine Protein Level In Pregnant Women Trimester Second And Third In Singaran Pati District Of Bengkulu City

Zamharira Muslim, Sahidan, Syifa Alfa Rahma
Proteinuria in pregnancy screening focused on the detection of plasma and renal glomerular filtration rate, and changes in pre-eclampsia as the most common cause of proteinuria in pregnancy. Protein urine exceeds the normal values
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Adsorption and Reduction of Au(III) on Esterified Humic Acid

Dian Prasasti, Sri Juari Santosa, Sri Sudiono
Electronic waste is increasing every year, one of which is electronic waste metal. Gold mining is less profitable than taking gold from electronics. One of the adsorbents that can be used is humic acid. To study the effect of functional groups on the adsorption of Au (III) ions, the adsorption-reduction...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Activity Analysis of 3-(10-Bromodecyl)-5-isopropyl-2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone: In-silico Approach

Novia Eka Setyatama, Siti Mariyah Ulfa, Hideki Okamoto
The 3-(10-bromodecyl)-5-isopropyl-2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (1) have been synthesized and structurally characterized by mass spectrometer (LC-MS), FT-IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra. The synthesis was carried out by refluxed Thymoquinone (TQ) with bromoundecanoic acid in the presence of acetonitrile:water...
Proceedings Article

Ethanol Extract Activity of Yellow Pumpkin Flesh (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) on the Cataract Formation

Tita Nofianti, Nurlaili Dwi Hidayati, Vera Nurviana, Ruswanto, L Rani Yunda
Objectives Oxidative stress is suspected as a major factor triggering cataracts. Yellow pumpkin contains beta-carotene compounds can reducing oxidative stress, and it is suspected to be able to reduce the occurrence of cataracts. This study aims at determining and proving the benefits of yellow pumpkin...
Proceedings Article

Handling Survey Physiotherapy Sprain ACL Injuries in Clinic Physiotheraphy Physioset Malang

Galuh Pratiwi Agustina, Mahmud Yunus, Olivia Andiana, Rias Gesang Kinanti
Compared to traditional medicine, physiotherapy is more reliable because patients are treated by specialist physiotherapists and physiotherapists with modern tools. Physiotherapy at the PhysioSET Physiotherapy Clinic handles patients with injuries caused by exercise using modern equipment. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Level of Interest in Participating at Sports Extracurricular Activity of High School Students

Rifan Abdurrohman, Tatok Sugiarto, Febrita Paulina Heynoek
The purpose of this study was to determine the participants’ interest in extracurricular activities for volleyball at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Kota Batu. The research design was a descriptive research design. The method used is a survey method. The research subjects were 24 participants consisting...
Proceedings Article

A Correlation of OA Genu Severity and Radiological Description

Siti Endah Virajati Buana, Priatna, Yudith Yunia Kusmala
Osteoarthritis (OA) was a degenerative, chronically progressive disease of the joints. The most common medical condition among older adults was osteoarthritis. The research aimed to find the correlation between the severity of OA and the radiological description. The method of this study was an analytical...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Economy and Health in Bengkulu City

Diana Laila Ramatillah, Stefanus Lukas, Mutiara Nanda
Early 2020, a new type of virus emerged, namely the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and the disease is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Covid-19 appeared in Wuhan City, and on March 2th, 2020, it was officially announced that Indonesia had 2 cases of this virus. The Covid-19 cases in Indonesia have...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Brown Sugar Addition on Total Acid, pH, and Antioxidant Activity of Young Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera L,) Probiotic Drinks

Fahdah Haniyah, Eni Purwani
Coconut water is a clear liquid from the coconut endosperm, containing sugars, vitamins, and minerals. Fermentation of young coconut water with Lactobacillus casei can generate a probiotic drink that can maintain digestive tract health and increase immunity. As a carbon during fermentation, the amount...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Cocoa Pod Extract (Theobroma cacao L.) On Gout Levels of Mice (Mus musculus) Hypercholesterolemia Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Model Through Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Reader Examination

I Putu Sudayasa, M. Rilan Ampurama Ruslan, Gita Julianti Malik, Muhamad Reza Iskandar
Hyperuricemia is a condition that describes an increase in uric acid levels in the body, increased uric acid levels in the blood beyond normal limits will cause pain or tenderness. Cocoa pod skin contains a number of antioxidants such as flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols and tannins which can be used...
Proceedings Article

People's Knowledge on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Fithria Dyah Ayu Suryanegara, Ndaru Setyaningrum, Suparmi Suparmi, Akhsan Triaji, Mukfi Rahman Wibowo, M. Yudi Ransatullah
The incidence rate of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia has increased year by year, from 0.05/100,000 in 1968 become 35-40/100,000 in 2013. It indicated that Indonesia still being an endemic country for DHF. The efforts to prevent DHF are closely related to people’s knowledge of DHF. Objectives:...
Proceedings Article

High Prevalence Anemia in Female Adolescents with Low Intake of Vitamins and Minerals

Ani Noviani, Dono Indarto, Ari Probandari
Anemia is a global public health problem which female adolescents are one of the most vulnerable age groups. Anemia in female adolescents which is caused by micronutrients deficiency can influence physical growth and academic performance. Vitamin and mineral have important roles in erythrocyte formation...
Proceedings Article

Anaerobic Capabilities of 8-9 Year-old Football Players

Evgenii Kolunin
Aim - to examine the functional status of 8-9 years old football players' cardiovascular system and their maximum alactic capacity. Materials and methods: the study was implemented at the Futsal club “Tyumen” (sport reserve training center) with the participation of 30 athletes of 8-9 years old. To assess...
Proceedings Article

Under-Passing Learning Using a Playful Approach in Volleyball Game

Sumbara Hambali, Sutiswo Sutiswo
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of under receiving skill in a volleyball game through a play approach. Research method used was Action Research. The subjects in this study were grade V Primary School students in Cimahi, Indonesia. This study was conducted in six meetings...
Proceedings Article

How is Picture Mnemonic Implemented in Teaching English Vocabulary to Students with Intellectual Disability?

Diah Kurniati, Dwi Rukmini, Mursid Saleh, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati
It is challenging for most teachers to teach English to students with intellectual disability. One of the reasons is because English is considered as a difficult subject especially for foreign language students, including students with intellectual disability. Furthermore, it is because students with...
Proceedings Article

A Concept of Automated Selection of Orthopedic Shoes

E.O. Ermakova, S.U. Kiselev, V.V. Kostyleva
There are various approaches to providing patients with orthopedic shoes. This may be the selection or customization of ready-made orthopedic shoes according to a specific deformation, or custom production of shoes. In any case, the selection of a shoe model requires an integrated approach, since when...
Proceedings Article

Interaction of Health Variables with Economic Variables (Case Study in West Sumatera)

Syamsul Amar, Ali Anis, Alpon Satrianto, Ariusni
This study was conducted to examine the interaction of health variables like (the expectancy of life, nutrition and morbidity) with economic variables (the economic growth). This study using the analytical method with Granger causality test, the function of impulse response and prediction of error variance...
Proceedings Article

Diabetic Foot Exercise, and Care to Prevent Mortality and Morbidity in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Pandemic Covid-19 Era: Case Report

Yuningtyaswari, Titiek Hidayati, Ayunindya Adila
Non-pharmacological interventions that can be undertaken include a proper nutritional diet, regular physical exercise, and smoking cessation. Diet and regular exercise will change the glucose level of Type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers to achieve standard metabolic control, normal HbA1c levels, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Circuit Body Weight Training on the Muscle Strength of Basketball Players

Faza Annasai, Sigit Nugroho, Fuadi Raja Baja
This research aims to determine the effect of circuit body weight training on the muscle strength of basketball players. This research used Pre-Experimental Design. Research and the design used the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Research population of basketball extracurricular players at SMA Negeri...
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Epilepsy in Healthcare Facilities in Medan Period of 2015–2020

Andika Wiguna, Aida Fitri, Chairil Amin Batubara
Background: Epilepsy is brain disorder marked by the tendency to continuously causing epileptic raise with neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences. About 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making epilepsy the most common neurological disease globally. There are minimal...
Proceedings Article

How Psychoeducational Intervention Effects on Burden in Caregivers of Schizophrenia: A Systematic Literature Review

Eirene Adeleine Silaen, Fransisca I. Roesmala Dewi, Heryanti Satyadi
This systematic literature review investigates the effectiveness of psychoeducational intervention on the burden of caregivers of people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a severe, prolonged, and disabling mental disorder that requires a caregiver to care for it. Often the caregiver does not have...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Nurse Job Satisfaction in Hospitals

A Literature Review

Dyah Ashari Putri Dewi, Sri Darnoto, Noor Alis Setiyadi
Nurse job satisfaction can be assessed based on the measurement of the difference between expectations and the reality of their real experience at work. Nurse job satisfaction needs to be specifically addressed because if nurse job satisfaction can be achieved it will benefit and affect the quality of...
Proceedings Article

Epigenetic Regulations, Motif and Pathway Identification of Gabaergic Neurotransmitter’s Chip Sequence

I. A. Shylesh Murthy, Preenon Bagchi
Background: The next generation techniques has revolutionalized the biology era. In this work we are using Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChiP) technique on the ChIP–seq of Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA). GABA is a brain-made chemical. It also found in some foods. The effect of GABA in brain is anti-seizure...
Proceedings Article

Occupational Factors Associated with Noise Induced Hearing Loss among Welders in Bandar Lampung Indonesia

Diana Mayasari, Aulia Salma Azmi, Agustyas Tjiptaningrum, Winda Trijayanthi Utama
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is sensorineural hearing loss induced by prolonged high-intensity noise exposure. Industrial workers, such as welding workshop personnel, are at risk of getting occupational NIHL. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between occupational characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Follicular Lymphoma Mimicking a Benign Submandibular Gland Tumor

Izry Naomi Lumbantobing
Follicular lymphoma of the submandibular gland is exceptionally uncommon. Lymphomas within the head and neck region do not have particular clinical behavior and manifestation. Furthermore, frozen section and fine-needle aspiration cytology can only provide a provisional diagnosis. Therefore, surgeons...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review: Exclusive Breastfeeding Description in Indonesia from Social Cultural Aspects

Danty Sekar Aurellia, Septa Katmawanti, Agung Kurniawan, Hartati Eko Wardani
The socio-cultural environment influences people’s speculation, attitudes, and behavior, including breastfeeding. Socio- cultural factors related to exclusive breastfeeding, one example is found in the Ngalum ethnic community, Papua, where the community does not give colostrum to their babies. Studies...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Interleukin-4-590 C/T Variants Between Batak People with Schizophrenia and Healthy Control

Margreth Abletara Banurea, Mustafa M. Amin, Elmeida Effendy
Background: Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by disturbances in thinking, perception, emotion, and behaviour. Although the exact causes are unknown, research suggests that genetic and environmental factors contribute to its development. Besides, the interleukin-4 (IL-4) 590 C/T...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Peripheral Vascular Status With Quality Of Life Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patiens

Fahrun Nur Rosyid, Tomy Adi Prasetyo, Liana Safitri
One of the complications of Type 2 diabetes, which affects the peripheral nervous system, is the Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). It is often associated with reduced physical abilities and functional decline. This condition can lead to decreased quality of life (Health Related Quality Of Life). This...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Physical Condition and Self Efficacy Towards the Gyaku Zuki Chudan

Memet Muhamad, Aridhotul Haqiyah
This study aims to determine the effect of power arm, flexibility and self efficacy towards the gyaku zuki chudan on the national athletes karate the of Indonesia. The research method is a descriptive associative, and the analysis technique is path analysis. The sampling technique used is total sampling...
Proceedings Article

How is the Achievement of Students’ Physical Literacy?

Brio Alfatihah Ramayudha
The purpose of this study was to find out how the physical literacy of elementary school students. This research is a survey research with 21 students. The instrument used in this study was Canadian Physical Literacy Assessment (CAPL). The results showed that the Physical Literacy Profile of Grade 6...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Upper and Lower Lip Growth following Cronin Method Labioplasty in Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate Cases

Made Widya Utami, Muhammad Syafrudin Hak, Lilies Dwi Sulistyani, Pradono Suhardi
The importance of lips in influencing facial profile quality is now a major consid-eration in the surgical treatment of patients with cleft lips. Orbicularis oris recon-struction is important in the Cronin method of labioplasty in order to balance up-per lip growth. This study evaluates upper- and lower...
Proceedings Article

Effect 1 Vs. 1 as Continous Game Against Learning Outcomes Dribbling and Controlling in Football

Mochamad Ridwan, Gatot Darmawan, Frisillia Adiyta Mukti
1 Vs. 1 continuous is a game model in football with a one-on-one player, the first player to dribbling and control the ball and the second player as the opponent who becomes the shadow to seize control of the ball from the first player. The purpose of this study is to find information from existing problems,...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency Assessment of Biological Samples for Destruction of Phenol Compounds

N.A. Ilina, E.I. Tikhomirova, N.A. Kazakova, T.V. Andronova, O.Yu. Ksenofontova
The issues of soil contamination in production territories, solid waste landfills and urban environment are discussed by scientists of many countries. The problem of rehabilitation of such territories is considered relevant, and thus requires the corresponding technologies. Regarding phenol compounds...
Proceedings Article

Dentist's Knowledge Level about Early Treatment for Maxillary Sinus Perforation in District Helvetia Medan 2017

Hendry Rusdy, Bella Risqi
Maxillary sinus perforation is one of complication from tooth extraction that could create a connection between antrum and oral cavity (oroantral communication). The aim of this research is to determine the level of dentists' knowledge about the initial treatment to handle the sinus maxillary perforation...
Proceedings Article

Does Local Dairy Agro-tourism Business Model in Indonesia concern Animal Health?: Lesson Learned from Sentulfresh and Cibugary

Annisa Ramadanti, Andina Oktariani
Dairy agritourism growth in Indonesia is increasing as it has potentials from its growing demand and business diversification. Many farmers/entrepreneurs work on this potentials to establish a local dairy agro-tourism based on their economic interest. To achieve their economic interest, the dairy agritourism...
Proceedings Article

Establishing Novel Drug Leads For Bubonic Plague Using In-Silico Approach

Pratik Dherange, Shraddha Lavhale, Preenon Bagchi
Bubonic plague is an infection spread mostly to humans by infected fleas that feed on rodents which is also known as ‘Black death’. It killed millions of Europeans during the middles ages. Bubonic Plague is an infectious disease caused by a specific type of bacterium called Yersinia pestis. Which is...
Proceedings Article

Needs Analysis Study: Android-Based Multimedia Development to Increase Physical Education Learning Activeness

Andry Akhiruyanto, Dewangga Yudhistira
The application of physical education learning through digitalization has been experienced, including the use of Android-based learning, flipbooks, mobile learning, and other tech-enhanced methods. However, much of the research has focused on elementary school children and has not addressed small ball...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) Extract in the Production of Aromatic Wax as a Repellent for Haouse Flies (Musca domestica) in Preventing Incidents Diarrhea in Kendari City

Siti Rabbani Karimuna, Winda Nirmala, Syefira Salsabila, Yasnani Yasnani, Asnia Zainuddin
Plant-based insecticides are single active ingredients derived from plants that can be used to control house flies (Musca domestica). One of the plants that can be used as a Plant-based insecticide is cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract. House flies (Musca domestica) are a vector of various...
Proceedings Article

Formulation of Dietary Supplement Chewable Gummy with Bastard Cedar Leaves (Guazuma Ulmifolia), Senna Leaves (Cassia Angustifolia) and Lime Extracts Using a Simplex Lattice Design

Muhammad Labib Qotrun Niam, Rosa Sayentina Amin, Nuri Utami, Arifah Sri Wahyuni
A major issue with nutrition and health is obesity. Many synthetically produced slimming medications that can have serious negative effects have been consumed by people. The purpose of this research is to determine the best formulation with the the Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method. As a result, a...
Proceedings Article

Family Experience in Care of Patientsdiabetes Mellitus Type 2: Phenomological Study

Mastiur Napitupulu, Natar Fitri Napitupulu, Suryani Sagala, Asnil Adli Simamora, Olivia Feby Mon Harahap
The function of the family to care for family members with health problems is that the family is able to provide a sense of security, comfort in the environment needed for patient healing. The purpose of the study was to determine the family’s experience in treating patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus....
Proceedings Article

The Determination Of Coliform Bacteria Numbers In Beverages Iced Cappucino Sold At Roadside Stall On Pantai Panjang Of Bengkulu City

Krisyanella, Sahidan, Resva Meinisasti, Heti Rais Khasanah
Consuming ready-to-drink beverages is now a lifestyle. However, consuming bacteria contaminated drinks can cause a number of diseases. There are still many traders who do not understand the importance of using good ingredients and maintain the hygiene of the manufacturing process in making this beverages,...
Proceedings Article

Functional Cardiovascular System State of Males in Yakutia Depending on Age

Alla Guryeva, Vilyuya Alekseeva, Anastasia Beloborodova, Victoria Pryadeznikova, Victoria Zakharova
The purpose of the research was to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system of men in Yakutia of 22–60 years old (depending on the age group). A morphofunctional survey included 295 men of the first mature age (21–35 years old) and 502 men of the second mature age (36–60 years old). An...
Proceedings Article

Political Constraint on Financing Child Marriage Prevention: A Case Study in Wiralaga, Mesuji

Arief Priyo Nugroho, Diyan Ermawan Effendi, Choirum Latifah, Iswari Hariastuti, Lestari Handayani
The Government has formulated a series of policies to reduce child marriage as an effort to promote adolescent (sexual and) reproductive health. One of them is the Child Protection Act No: 35, 2014. The high prevalence of child marriage demonstrates that the system did not work as expected. One of the...