Proceedings of the Fourth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (Prasasti 2018)
243 authors
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Language Choice in Female Dormitory of the Boarding School of Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Visualization of Spiritual Values on Relief Kunjarakarna at Jago Temple, a Visual Semiotics Study
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Local Knowledge and Wisdom in the Javanese Salvation of Women Pregnancy ‘Mitoni’: An Etholinguistic Perspective
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Bombongan: Expressive Speech Act Ethnic Java of Panaragan in the Art of Reyog (An Etnopragmatic Study)
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Speech and Politeness Disclosure Take Repentence in the Interaction of Students-Teacher
- Amalia, Rosaria Mita
- Grammatical Cohesion in article "A Student Activist Gives Jokowi A Yellow Card"
- Ana, I Wayan
- Translating Indonesian Notarial Documents into English: Issues and Its Strategies
- Anam, Moh. Khoirul
- Thai and Indonesian English Students' Problems in Pronouncing English Fricative and Affricate Sounds: A Case Study in IAIN Kediri
- Andriyani, Anak Agung Ayu Dian
- The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
- Anis, Muhammad Yunus
- The Strategies for Minimizing the Linear Dislocation between Arabic-Javanese Translation of Islamic Moral Ethic Books
- Ardi, Havid
- The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
- Artawa, I Ketut
- The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
- Aryana, Ida Bagus Putra Manik
- The Types of Sentence in the Essays of Grade VI Elementary School Students in Bali Province: A Syntactic Study
- Aryani, I Gusti Agung Istri
- Meaning of Terms in the Translation of Animal Science Texts
- Aryawibawa, I Nyoman
- Adults' Representations of Balinese Universal Quantifiers
- Atmawati, Dwi
- Influence of Societal Factor on the Emergence of Language Variants: the Study of Indonesia Language Use in Javanese Society
- Azyyati, Nurina
- Debating A Minimum Marriageable Age for Girl in Indonesian Marriage: A Semiotic Study
- Basri, Muhammad Muinudinillah
- Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
- Beratha, N. L. Sutjiati
- Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
- Budiarsa, I Made
- Translating Indonesian Notarial Documents into English: Issues and Its Strategies
- Budiarsa, Made
- Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
- Budiharjo, Bayu
- Google, Translate This Website Page-Flipping through Google Translate's Ability
- Budiyono, Sri
- Language Education and Education Challenges in the Mondial Era
- Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin
- Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
- Chalimah, Chalimah
- Evaluating Attitudes in News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Study
- Dhanawaty, Ni Made
- Meaning of Terms in the Translation of Animal Science Texts
- Dharmawan, Ruben
- Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Structures of Teen-Lit Stories Written by Indonesian Teenage Authors
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Evaluating Attitudes in News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Study
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Teacher Non-Verbal Behaviour as Part of Multimodal Interaction to Children With Autism
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Language Transitivity of Angkola Farmer
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Liability of Negotiation in the Procurement of Art Entertainment Services of Javanese Karawitan Tradition in Surakarta
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Responses to Caring Speech Acts: The Politeness Strategies of Indonesian Students in Academic Activities
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- The Optimal Relevance of American Dream Metaphor Translation
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Translation and Semantic Issues (A Translation Study of the Metaphor Text)
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Translation Quality of Expressive Speech Acts : An Implementation of Bald on Record Impoliteness in the Translation Novel "The Silkworm"
- Ekasani, Kadek Ayu
- The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
- Ferdianto, Setyangga Achmad
- Parikan in Ludruk's Kidungan (An Ethnolinguistics Study)
- Futih, Febriarni Fatiha Falahallaily
- Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
- Hafizh, Muhammad Al
- Verbal Abuse in Multiracial Communication: a Sociolinguistics Perspective
- Handayani, Khaerunisyah Risma
- The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language
- Hariri, Tatang
- Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
- Hartati, Hartati
- An Analysis on Forms and Context of the Word "When" in Japanese Language
- Haryanto, Sigit
- Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
- Hentihu, Ika Farihah
- Visualization of Spiritual Values on Relief Kunjarakarna at Jago Temple, a Visual Semiotics Study
- Hermawan, Gede Satya
- The Japanese Numeral Quantifiers: An Error Analysis of Student Writings (Sakubun)
- Ilham, Ilham
- The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
- Indratmo, Aloysius
- The Local Wisdom Behind the Intelligence of Javanese Sexual Text in Traditional Javanese Literature (An Ethnolinguistic Review)
- Indrawati, Ni Luh Ketut Mas
- The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
- Indrowaty, Sri Aju
- Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
- Irawati, Dyah Cita
- Psychoacoustic Study: Mapping of Language Deviation in Down Syndrome Children
- Isada, Novita Laily Fariana
- The Phonetic Adaptations of Russian Loanwords in Мир ФанTасTики (Mir Fantastiki) for the Cinematography
- Jufrizal, Jufrizal
- Inserting Spoken Language in Grammar Teaching Material Based on Interactive Mulimedia
- Kristina, Diah
- Multimodal Branding of Indonesian Online Promotional Discourse in Hospitality Industries
- Kristina, Diah
- Gender Bias in Textbooks and Test Items of English Language Learning in the Indonesian Context
- Kristina, Diah
- The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
- Kulup, Luluk Isani
- The Strategy of Avoidability in the Skill Based on Students Participants Study Program for Educational Languages and Literature Indonesia PGRI University Adi Buana Surabaya
- Kurnia, Ermi Dyah
- Parikan in Ludruk's Kidungan (An Ethnolinguistics Study)
- Kustinah, Kustinah
- Speech Act Analysis on Walt Disney Film Entitled 'Frozen' (A Pragmatic Study)
- Kusuma, Invandri
- Passive and Antipassive Voice Ergative Type of Nusantara Language
- Kusumaningsih, Dewi
- Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
- Kusumastuti, Fenty
- Analyzing Address Forms in Chinese and Javanese: A Comparative Study
- Laila, Malikatul
- The Study of Sub-Genre Initiation in Indonesia Lawyers Club Discussion
- Lestari, Prembayun Miji
- The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
- Mahmud, Erlina Zulkifli
- Strategies in Translating Minangkabau Cultural Words in the Land of Five Towers 'Negeri Lima Menara', Fuadi's Novel
- Malik, Njaju Jenny
- The Phonetic Adaptations of Russian Loanwords in Мир ФанTасTики (Mir Fantastiki) for the Cinematography
- Malik, Njaju Jenny
- The Russian Morphosyntax of Loanwords in the Automotive Magazine ''Моmоэксперm'' (Motoekspert) December 2017 Edition
- Malik, Njaju Jenny
- The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language
- Mardikantoro, Hari Bakti
- Analysis of Types of Ecolexicon Expression in Conservation News Text in Mass Media: Ecolinguistics Perspective
- Markhamah, Markhamah
- Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
- Marlina, Reni
- Reading Ability Analysis of Mandarin Language in Pontianak Junior High School VIII Grade Students
- Marmanto, Sri
- Language Choice in Female Dormitory of the Boarding School of Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki
- Marmanto, Sri
- Phatic Advice Giving of Javanese Youngsters in Friendship Domain as A Politeness Strategy to Tie a Union
- Merlyna, Putu Dewi
- Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
- Muhammad, Hujaefa H.
- Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
- Muljani, Sutji
- The Grammatical Structure of Discourse in the Notary Text
- Murti, Bayu Dewa
- The Role of Ergative Clauses in Developing Narrative Genre: A Case Study of A Detective Novel Entitled Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
- Mustikawati, Diyah Atiek
- A Study on Code Choice by Female Chief of Village
- Nababan, M.R.
- The Role of Ergative Clauses in Developing Narrative Genre: A Case Study of A Detective Novel Entitled Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
- Nababan, M.R.
- The Optimal Relevance of American Dream Metaphor Translation
- Nababan, M.R.
- Translation and Semantic Issues (A Translation Study of the Metaphor Text)
- Nababan, M.R.
- The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
- Nababan, M.R.
- Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
- Nababan, M.R.
- Translation Quality of Expressive Speech Acts : An Implementation of Bald on Record Impoliteness in the Translation Novel "The Silkworm"
- Nababan, M.R.
- The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
- Nadra, Nadra
- The Terms of Wedding Tradition in Minangkabau Isolect in Nagari Pariangan and Its Development
- Ngalim, Abdul
- Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
- Nila, Shafa Firda
- Mayor's Puns on Instagram: Classification and Function of Puns in Ridwan Kamil's Instagram Account
- Ningsih, Tri Wahyu Retno
- Psychoacoustic Study: Mapping of Language Deviation in Down Syndrome Children
- Nugroho, Miftah
- The Speech Acts of Suggestion by Islamic Preachers (Da'i) in Dialogic Da'wah in the City of Surakarta
- Nurdiyani, Netty
- Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors