Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2017)
189 authors
- Palupi, Sri
- Sensory Characteristic of Gluten-Free Popular Indonesian Cookies
- Pardjono, Mr.
- Building Enterpreneurship Competence: The Evidence of Edotel Effectiveness
- Pardjono, Mr.
- Implemantation of Integrated Work-Based Learning Model to Prepare Human Resource of Automative in ASEAN Economic Comunity
- Pardjono, Mr.
- Vocational Education Development Framework in 21st Century
- Paryanto, Mr.
- Developing the Radius Turner as the Radius Turning Tool
- Paryanto, Mr.
- Improving the Learning Quality in the Vocational High Schools through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model
- Pramudiyanto, Mr.
- The development of students internship model in Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Pratama, Galeh Nur Indriatno Putra
- Vocational High School Readiness in Facing the ASEAN Economic Community
- Premono, Agung
- Industrial Assessment to Technical Skills and Employability Skills Students Based on KKNI (In Jakarta Region)
- Purnomo, Mr.
- The Urgency of Transferable Skills Development for Vocational Teachers: A literature review study in Indonesia
- Purwanti, Sutriyati
- Praiseworthy Character Instruments Development Culinary Students Through Cooperation Habituation Course Practice Groups in Food Processing
- Puteh, Saifullizam
- Teaching and Learning Innovation among Trainer Lecturer: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students Teaching Training Program at the Polytechnic, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
- Puteh, Saifullizam
- The Influence Factors to Academic Performance of Architecture Students in Malaysia
- Rahdiyanta, Dwi
- Effect of the Project-Work Learning Model to Improve the Quality of Vocational Education in Indonesia
- Rahim, Mohd Bekri
- Communication in Teaching and Learning of Technology Design Learning for Teachers in Primary Schools
- Rahmawati, Fitri
- Needs Assessment of Model Career Bases Intervention as a Traverse for Culinary Vocational Education Graduates' Work Readiness
- Razzaq, Abdul Rasid Abdul
- Validation Measurement Model of Emotional Intelligence among Technical Teachers in Vocational Colleges, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- Razzaq, Rasid Abd
- The Influence Factors to Academic Performance of Architecture Students in Malaysia
- Ristadi, Febrianto Amri
- The Characteristics of Aluminum Casting Product Using Centrifugal Casting Machine
- Rohandi, Manda
- Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Application for English Intensive Course
- Rohiat, Mohd Akmal
- Tanjung Batu, Bebar the Potential of Tanjung Batu, Pekan Pahang as an Ecotourism Destination
- Romlie, Maftuchin
- The Urgency of Transferable Skills Development for Vocational Teachers: A literature review study in Indonesia
- Rzzaq, Abdul Rasid Abdul
- Tanjung Batu, Bebar the Potential of Tanjung Batu, Pekan Pahang as an Ecotourism Destination
- S., Arianto Leman
- Aluminum Casting Laboratory To Develop Competencies of Vocational High School Teacher Candidate
- Santoso, Agus
- Prediction of Lighweight Concrete Panel Homogeneity by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)
- Santoso, Djoko
- Values Identification for Visualization Development of 21st Century Vocational Teacher Competence which has Java cultural character
- Sasmayaputra, Nur Alfian
- Bamboo Mat as a Temporary Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall in a Railway Bed
- Sawitri, Sicilia
- How to Minimize the Fabric Waste in Fashion Industries
- Sayadi, Zainal Abidin
- Validation Measurement Model of Emotional Intelligence among Technical Teachers in Vocational Colleges, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- Setiadi, Bayu Rahmat
- Providing Space for Creative Industry Sub-Sectors to Meet the Labor Market For Vocational School Graduates
- Setyaningsih, Fatma Agus
- Interval Regression With Neuro-Fuzzy and Madaline Architecture for Prediction of Rice Production
- Sigit, Herlambang
- Design and Implementation of Low Voltage Three Phase Motor Speed Control and Visual Monitoring
- Siswoyo, Mr.
- Developing Learning Outcomes to be Recognized Profession Competencies: Case Study in Bachelor (D-III) Electronic Technology Study Program
- Soeharto, Mr.
- Communication in Teaching and Learning of Technology Design Learning for Teachers in Primary Schools
- Soenarto, Mr.
- Developing a Model of Recognition of Work Experience and Learning Outcomes Based on Indonesian National Qualifications Framework for Vocational High Schools Students
- Soenarto, Sunaryo
- Community College: Expectation and Reality
- Sofyan, Herminarto
- Implementation of Teacherpreneurship on Teachers at Vocational High School
- Sofyan, Herminarto
- The Implementation of Scientific Learning at Automotive Engineering Study Program on Vocational High School
- Sofyan, Herminarto
- Implemantation of Integrated Work-Based Learning Model to Prepare Human Resource of Automative in ASEAN Economic Comunity
- Sofyan, Herminarto
- Vocational Education Development Framework in 21st Century
- Solichin, Mr.
- The Urgency of Transferable Skills Development for Vocational Teachers: A literature review study in Indonesia
- Sriwardani, Nyenyep
- Characteristics of Droplet Formation Between Diesel Fuel, Emulsion and Pure Water
- Suarta, I Made
- Employability Skills Required by the 21st Century Workplace: A Literature Review of Labor Market Demand
- Subiyono, Mr.
- Soft Skill Education in the Positive Mindset Frame for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education Graduates
- Sudhana, IGP Fajar Pranadi
- Employability Skills Required by the 21st Century Workplace: A Literature Review of Labor Market Demand
- Sugijono, Mr.
- Praiseworthy Character Instruments Development Culinary Students Through Cooperation Habituation Course Practice Groups in Food Processing
- Suharni, Mrs.
- Analysis of Supporting Components for Quality Standards in Teacher Education and Vocational Training
- Sukardi, Thomas
- Soft Skill Education in the Positive Mindset Frame for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education Graduates
- Sulistyo, Bambang
- Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia of Automatic Transmission in Motor Vehicles
- Sunomo, Mr.
- Design and Implementation of Low Voltage Three Phase Motor Speed Control and Visual Monitoring
- Suparmin, Mr.
- Providing Space for Creative Industry Sub-Sectors to Meet the Labor Market For Vocational School Graduates
- Suprihatin, Sri Emy Yuli
- Pictorial Stories as Media of Prime Assistance Leraning For Vocational High School Students
- Supriyadi, Edy
- Is the Implementation of the New Vocational High School Curriculum Better than the Implementation of the Previous Curriculum?
- Surono, Mr.
- Developing the Radius Turner as the Radius Turning Tool
- Surwi, Faranita
- Development of the Automatic Control System Based On Human Machine Interface
- Surwi, Faranita
- Is the Implementation of the New Vocational High School Curriculum Better than the Implementation of the Previous Curriculum?
- Susilo, Catur Budi
- Standard Competence of Medical-Surgical Nursing Based on the Level of Clinical Competency Outcome in DIII Vocational Students of Nursing
- Sutadji, Eddy
- Program of Sarjana Mengajar to Improve the Quality of Education on Vocational High School
- Sutarto, Mr.
- Articulation of High Order Thinking Skills in Competency-Based Instruction in Indonesia Vocational and Technical High School
- Sutopo, Mr.
- Improving the Learning Quality in the Vocational High Schools through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model
- Suwintana, I Ketut
- Employability Skills Required by the 21st Century Workplace: A Literature Review of Labor Market Demand
- Suyanto, Wardan
- Communication in Teaching and Learning of Technology Design Learning for Teachers in Primary Schools
- Suyanto, Wardan
- Vocational Education Development Framework in 21st Century
- Suyanto, Wardan
- The development of students internship model in Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Suyitno, Mr.
- Implemantation of Integrated Work-Based Learning Model to Prepare Human Resource of Automative in ASEAN Economic Comunity
- Syafriyudin, Mr.
- Jumping Water Method on Microhydro Power Plant for Water Channel
- Tafakur, Mr.
- The Implementation of Scientific Learning at Automotive Engineering Study Program on Vocational High School
- Tafrikhatin, Asni
- Development of A Mobile Learning for Digital Logic Gates in Vocational Schools
- Tanumihardja, Effendie
- Interpersonal Relationship between Lecturers and Students of Technological and Vocational Education
- Taruno, Djoko Laras Budyo
- Analysis of Supporting Components for Quality Standards in Teacher Education and Vocational Training
- Tawardjono, Mr.
- Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia of Automatic Transmission in Motor Vehicles
- Tiwan, Mr.
- Aluminum Casting Laboratory To Develop Competencies of Vocational High School Teacher Candidate
- Tristantie, Nining
- Transformation of Ulos as Creative Textiles For Fashion Design Learning
- Tuwoso, Mr.
- The Urgency of Transferable Skills Development for Vocational Teachers: A literature review study in Indonesia
- Utami, Pipit
- Values Identification for Visualization Development of 21st Century Vocational Teacher Competence which has Java cultural character
- W, Prabudtya Bisma
- Jumping Water Method on Microhydro Power Plant for Water Channel
- Wagiran, Mr.
- Vocational Education Development Framework in 21st Century
- Waluyanti, Sri
- Values Identification for Visualization Development of 21st Century Vocational Teacher Competence which has Java cultural character
- Wibowo, Dian Eksana
- The Efforts to Improve Shear Strength of Clay Soil Using Plastic Waste
- Widarto, Mr.
- Developing SciDiPro in the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in SMK by Using Lesson Study
- Widarto, Mr.
- Aluminum Casting Laboratory To Develop Competencies of Vocational High School Teacher Candidate
- Widarto, Mr.
- The Relevance of Vocational Choice Theories to Students Career Insights and Choices
- Widiana, Hendra
- The Contribution of Internet Utilization and Learning Creativity on KKPI Subjects in SMK Negeri 2 Bandung
- Widodo, Slamet
- Prediction of Lighweight Concrete Panel Homogeneity by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)
- Wijanarka, B. Sentot
- Developing SciDiPro in the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in SMK by Using Lesson Study
- Yatmono, Sigit
- Developing Design of Mobile Robot Navigation System based on Android
- Yuniarti, Nurhening
- The Students' Teaching Quality in Teaching Experience Program at Vocational Secondary Schools
- Yunus, Mohd Faizal Amin Nur
- Communication in Teaching and Learning of Technology Design Learning for Teachers in Primary Schools
- Zamtinah, Mrs.
- Developing a Model of Recognition of Work Experience and Learning Outcomes Based on Indonesian National Qualifications Framework for Vocational High Schools Students