Proceedings of the International Conference Primary Education Research Pivotal Literature and Research UNNES 2018 (IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018)
62 articles
Proceedings Article
Children’s Experience and Learning Opportunities in PERPADUAN (Unity) Pre-school Settings in Malaysia
Nordin Mamat
This paper focuses on children’s experience and learning opportunities in ethnically diverse pre-school settings. The study involved 60 children and three teachers from three PERPADUAN (Unity) Pre-school settings. A qualitative methodology was applied to explore children’s experience and learning opportunities....
Proceedings Article
Analysis Trends Of Flipped Classroom Research In Education
Mahmud Mustafa, Ummiati Rahmah, Hasdar Hanafi, Nina Ikhwati Wahidah
The current learning system requires education to change the learning approach that is centered on educators into a learner-centered learning approach. One of the students-oriented approaches is Flipped classroom. Flipped classroom is a new pedagogical approach in which students develop a basic understanding...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Concept For Developing STEM-Based Integrated Science Teaching Materials Themed "Blood".
Arya Dwi Susetyadi, Anna Permanasari, R. Riandi
Innovations in learning science is needed to answer the needs of the paradigm in 21st century. Innovation in learning science can be achieved with STEM education because STEM education can accomodate STEM literacy and 21st century skills learning. Teaching and Learning involves three important components,...
Proceedings Article
Community Technology Science Approach To Improve Results Of Science Learning In Elementary School
Roos M.S Tuerah, Philotheus E. Tuera
This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of science using the Community Technology Science approach. Preliminary data show the results of fourth grade science learning at SD GMIM I Tomohon have not yet achieved the expected learning goals, because students tend to be passive and lack enthusiasm...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Science Technology- Society Approaches To The Science Process Skills Elementary School Students
Nurul Iman Nurahmanl, Siti Mualimahl, Regina Lichteria, Dadan Djuanda
The first observation at some schools indicated learning process of Natural Sciences just concept-oriented without observation or applied on the real nature. That was cause students Science process skills did not increased. This study aims to find out effect of Science-Technology-Society (STS) Approaches...
Proceedings Article
Learning Innovation Of Science Mathematic English Class In MI Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura
Ika Candra Sayekti, Fitri Puji Rahmawati, Asnina Putri
Science Mathematics English (SME) Class is a educational innovation which is founded in MI Muhammadiyah PK Kartasura. SME Class is designed for talented student in Science, Mathematics and English and it is one of the way to face competitive competition in globalization era to prepare talented students...
Proceedings Article
Student Response Of PGSD FKIP Sriwijaya University In Making IPS SD Learning Media Based On Edutainment
Bunda Harini
This study aims to determine the students response of PGSD FKIP Sriwijaya University in making IPS SD Learning Media Based on Edutainment. The method used in this study is qualitative in the form of survey research. The subjects of this study were all of PGSD students in the 2016 Class of FKIP Sriwijaya...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Android-Based Interactive Media To Increase The Learning Outcome Of Civic Education On 3rd Graders
Hafid Setiyadi, Harmanto, Farid Ahmadi
On a pre-research in Karangayu 02 Semarang elementary school , learning process has not been optimum in the use of media which caused students were lack of focus and the outcomes of learning were low, from 29 students only 7 students (24.14%) who reached the minimum score criteria (KKM), so android-based...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation Of Story Telling Method With Shopping Game Model To Improve Students Understanding Concept
Siti Mualimah, Danik Ekayani, Nurul Iman Nurahman, Ika Oktavianti
The purpose of this research is to explain the social studies in understanding concept of material and to describe learning activity in selling and buying material by using story telling method with shopping game model. This research used classroom action research and conducted in two cycles. Every cycles...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Scientific Learning Approaches with Comic Scientific Media on Mathematics Subjects in Private Elementary School, Bojongsari District, Depok
Dameis Surya Anggara, Heri Indra Gunawan, Enggar Prasetyawan
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the scientific approach with comic saintific media on mathematics subject which is measured through an analysis of differences in learning achievement, learning interest, and curiosity in learning mathematics between before and after being taught through...
Proceedings Article
Integration Of Environmentally Caring Character In Social Studies Lesson With Experiental Leaming
Rusmawan, Elly Malihah, Enok Maryani, Nana Supriatna
Prevention of environmental damage requires the character of environmental awareness. Environmental cares can be instilled into students through the integration of Social Studies (SS) learning with experiential learning. This article aims to describe the processes of forming environmentally caring character...
Proceedings Article
Wayang Kulit As A Medium Learning Character
Sumpana, Sapriya, Elly Malihah, Kokom Kumalasari
The purpose of this research is to find: 1 puppet usually becomes entertainment for the community can also used as a medium learning of character for school tuition.2 ) teaching value moral in social through the puppet packed by presenting puppet figures as a real life in social this can be embodiment...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Need for Development of Dance Learning Devices in South Sulawesi in Students of Sendratasik Education FSD, State University, Makassar (Dance CD Dance Mallatu ’Pakkuru Sumange Coffee and Dance’)
Andi Padalia, Bau Salawati
Dance in the world of education, especially Elementary University education, has a positive impact, not only for the preservation of dance, but also for the sake of education itself. Currently art subjects at the basic university no longer stand alone but become a unity in the form of thematic learning,...
Proceedings Article
Effects Of Social Capital Utilization On Strengthening Individual Character
Kurotul Aeni
This descriptive quantitative research on the effects of social media and social capital utilization on strengthening individual character involved 251 students of Primary School Teacher Education in Tegal. The objective of this research is to analyze and describe the effects of social media and social...
Proceedings Article
Teacher's Pedagogic Competence In Civics Learning To Fostering Student Character In Elementary Schools
Puspa Djuwita
Pedagogic competence is the main competency for teachers. With this competence the teacher will be able to make plans, carry out meaningful learning, have mastery of the characteristics of students, and be able to assess learning appropriately. Civics learning is learning in which the main mission is...
Proceedings Article
The Culture Of Parenting Indonesian Tribes In The Habituation Of Children's Character
Gunarti Dwi Lestari, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha
Indonesia is a rich country, both in natural and cultural resources. Indonesia has many ethnic groups. One of the ethnic groups in Indonesia is the Samin society in Bojonegoro. The purpose of this study is to describe the pattern of parenting applied by the Samin society. The second objective of this...
Proceedings Article
Communication, Language Acquisition And Development Of Visit Bengkulu 2020
Abdul Muktadir, Dionni Ditya Perdana, Meiselina Irmayanti
This study identifies, analyzes and reviews the extent to which communication, acquisition and language development has been carried out in introducing and promoting the Visit Bengkulu 2020 through articles on the website of the Bengkulu provincial government and local and national online media. This...
Proceedings Article
Application Of Discovery Learning Model To Improve Results Of Science Learning In Class V Students Of SDN I Tataaran
Fonny Katili
This study aims to improve learning outcomes of natural science subjects through the application of the Discovery Learning model to students in class V of SDN I Tataaran. The research method used is the method of classroom action research. The design of the implementation of this research is by following...
Proceedings Article
Development Of Money Market Media For Counting And Knowing Currency Class III Primary School
Riza Permadi, Desi Bella Putri, Hidar Amaruddin, Wiwi Isnaeni
This study aims to: 1) Develop Money Market media to facilitate students in counting and knowing currency class III primary school, 2) Knowing the feasibility of Money Market counting and knowing currency class III primary school that have been developed. This research is a type of research and development...
Proceedings Article
Transformation Leadership of Headmaster to Improving Teacher Learning Performance in SMP Islam Al-Azhar Makassar City
Ansar, Kartini Marzuki, Ismail Tolla
The general objective of this study is to reveal the extent to which transformational leadership is implemented in SMP Islam Al-Azhar in Makassar City. This leadership model is a type of leadership that many education experts recommend in improving teacher performance in achieving school goals. This...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Initial Competencies Of Primary School Teachers In The Principal Preparation Program
Ratna Juwita, Siswandari, Sutamo, Wiranto
This descriptive study aims to investigate primary teachers competencies before joining principal preparation program (PPP). Every teacher nominated as school principal has to join the PPP to prepare them selves in personal, managerial, supervision, entrepreneurial, and social roles. Those five competencies...
Proceedings Article
Management Of Post- Certification Primary School Teacher Performance In The Minahasa District Education Office Environment
Martinus M.M. Krowin, Risal M. Merentek
Management of Performance of Post-Certification Primary School Teachers in the Minahasa District Education Office Environment This study in more detail the objectives of this study are: (1) describe the performance of post-certification primary school teachers in Minahasa Regency; (2) describes the development...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis Training Basic English For Teachers At Primary School
H.B. Lukman
The main of this research was to find out the analyze the forms of basic English training needed by teachers At Primary School. Specific targets achieved was the availability of basic English training management model that was needed by teachers of primary school, especially basic English learning to...
Proceedings Article
The Needs Of Management Model For Professional Competence Training Of Basic School Teachers
Wahira, Abd. Hamid, Sitti Habibah
This study aims to: (1) To determine the needs form of professional competence training management model required in working groups of teachers (KKG); group5, region3in the district ofGowa (2) To obtain initial design model of professional competence training management of teachers working group (KKG)...
Proceedings Article
Primary School Teacher Strategy To Promote Student Engagement In Science Lessons
Irwan Koto, Muslima Harneli, Endang Widi Winarni
It is believed that student engagement is significantly associated with student interest and academic performance. This study reports the primary school teacher strategy to promote student engagement in science lessons to enhance student academic performance. There were 24 students in the fifth grade,...
Proceedings Article
Lesson Study Based Learning Can Develop Conservation Characters, Activities, And Learning Outcomes
Umi Setijawati
Education is a means of the mobilization process to form critical educated and well informed middle class which is ready to enter modern life. This research is focused on learning that develops conservation character based on lesson study. Lesson study is a practice-oriented approach designed to develop...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Ability Profile In Informing Healthy Reproduction For Elementary Students In Semarang City
Professional skills of teachers in creating quality learning greatly determine the success of education as a whole. The quality of learning depends very much on the professional abilities of the teacher, especially in providing students with the ease of learning effectively and efficiently. Syaodih (1998)...
Proceedings Article
The Influence Between Ice Breaker And Learning Motivation Toward Learning Achievement Of Elementary School Social Science Subject
Eko Purwanti, Dianita Solihati, Sri Sulistyorini, A. Busyairi
This study aims to examine the influence between ice breaker and learning motivation toward social science subject learning achievement. This study used correlational research design with quantitative approach. The sample of this study were 117 of fourth grade students of Elementary School in Dawe Sub-district,...
Proceedings Article
Tegalan Decorative Diversification and The Symbolic Meaning In The Millennial Era
Moh. Fathurohman, Suhardi, Noto Suharto
This study aims to describe the types and forms of development of decorative fields in the millennial era as a representation of current developments. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method or approach. Data collection techniques used was observation, interviews and documentation....
Proceedings Article
Empowerment Of Teacher Of Physical Education, Sports And Health In Learning Attitudes And Basic Movements As An Effort To Optimize Elementary School Children Growth
Akhmad Junaedi
One of the aims of physics education subject is to help grow and students body shape. The function of body shape is directed to optimize the physiologic potential of students so that their growing and developing can go optimally suitable with their basic potential. This includes the establishment of...
Proceedings Article
Learning The Concept Of Cube Using Cabri 3D V2
Yuli Witanto
The cube is one of the concepts of building the space that is carried out in elementary school. Build space is defined as an object that has dimensions of length, width and height. In order for students to understand the concept of the cube, an interactive media is needed that can help students understand...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Proportional Material in Representing Place Values in The Mathematics Learning of 2nd Grade Elementary School Students
Trimurtini, Evi Sofianingsih, Florentina Widihastrini, Sumilah
Teaching mathematics in elementary school without using props is impossible. Mathematics learning requires the right teaching aids in each learning by paying attention to the material and cognitive development of students. Material props that are often used can be grouped into two, namely proportional...
Proceedings Article
Utilization Of Digital Based Media In Dance Learning For Deaf Students In Inclusive Elementary School
Ika Ratnaningrum, Sri Hartati
Learning dance in some elementary school inclusion has a significant difference with learning in elementary schools in general. In school in general students are physically normal, but in inclusive schools there are students who have limited abilities. One of them is students who are deaf. It is known...
Proceedings Article
Mind Mapping Model in Learning Semarangan Batik Painting
Mike Mason, Atip Nurharini, Arini Estiastuti
Learning to paint batik in elementary school is one of the means to develop love for the motherland, appreciation and work ability. From the results of observations and pre-research interviews, there were several problems showing that students were less creative in generating ideas, hard to remember,...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Pancasila Cartoon Wayang Media on Students’ Characters of 1st Grade Elementary School
Sri Susilaningsih, Mela Ferantika
Based on students' performance and an interview with first grade SDN Tambakaji 01 Semarang teacher, it is known that limited learning media significantly affects PPKn learning result. This study aims in examining the effectiveness of wayang cartoon media to incorporate principles of Pancasila in PPKn....
Proceedings Article
Intensity Attention of Parents and Communication in Families to Learning Outcomes
Sri Sami Asih, Renggani
This study aims to examine the effect of parental attention and communication in the family on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Gugus Kartini, Bringin Subdistrict, Semarang Indonesia Regency. This type of research is quantitative with multiple correlation research design, the number...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of SQ3R Method Toward Reading Comprehension Grade III Elementary School
Hartati, Ilham Yuliawati
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Survey Question Read Recite Review (SQ3R) method toward the results of reading comprehension of grade III elementary school students in Gugus Srikandi Semarang. The type of research was Quasi Experimental research with NonEquivalent control...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based On Practicum in Applying Motion Energy Concept Topic
Desi Wulandari, Ana Rosiana, H.A. Zaenal Abidin
This research is based on the results of early observation in 3rd grade of primary school of Patemon 02, indicated in teaching materials only used theories without any practicum activity. The purpose of this research is to develop the design, to examine the feasibility, and to test the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Civics Picture Book Media for Third Grades Students
Fitria Dwi Prasetyaningtyas, Aftiina Siti Aisya Nuikn, Ali Sunarso, Umar Samadhy
This study aimed to describe the media design, test the media feasibility, and know the effectiveness of the Civics picture book media. This study used a quantitative approach. The type of research was Research and Development (R&D). The data collection techniques used were test, interview, questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article
Character Students and Liberation Movement in School
Sukardi Sukardi, Sutaryono Sutaryono, Isa Ansori, Yuyarti Yuyarti
Activity of habituation of positive attitude and behavior at school that starts gradually from basic education to higher education is the developing character. One of the habituation is in connection with school literacy movement that is a mandatory activity to use 15 minutes prior to the day of learning...
Proceedings Article
Innovation Strategy of Exploration in the Scientific Approached Study to Improve Expressive Language Skill in Early Childhood Education Labschool State University of Semarang
Diana, Sri Wiji Handayani, Sri Dewanti Handayani
Learning in Early Childhood Education (ECE) should be oriented to the needs of children. Children need stimulation to help their physical growth and psychological development optimally. Scientific Learning provides an opportunity for children to be able to think logically, provide opportunities for children...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of training needs for coastal communities using surveys
Daddy Darmawan, Cecep Kustandi, Aan Wasan, Karta Sasmita
The training of information system web-based for information service provide is one of the way to training information delivered to all village government, society, village organization and communities in the coastal village to give the effort for the development of fisherman capacity. This research...
Proceedings Article
Application of Performance Assessment in Professional Competency Test of Participants in Vocational School of Beauty Therapist
Emy Indaryani, Hartati Muchtar, Nomida Munsir
Performance Assessment, Professional Competency Test, Vocational School
Proceedings Article
PACITANIAN (Environment-Oriented Art Education Model)
Deasylina Da Ary
District of Pacitan has rich natural resources, not only in terms of its beauty, but also the historical traces of human evolution contained therein. These potentials are inspiring and providing ideas to be embodied into an educational model that could make children aware about such natural resources....
Proceedings Article
The Sufficiency of Basic Tasks and Functions of the Functional Position of the Educational Technologies in Schools
Haryono, Budiyono, Edi Subkhan, Ghanis Putra Widhanarto
Field studies in the sphere of learning technology developer functions in school are focused on four main activities, i.e the quality assurance of learning, development and management of the learning infrastructure, capacity building resources of schools that includes teachers and other educational personnel,...
Proceedings Article
Innovative Origami Handbook As Teaching Tool In Grade III
Deni Setiawan, Fakhruddin, Nomi Yunita
The learning and teaching in SDN Srikaton had not applied handbook for paper-folding because it had not been available. The teaching tool usage will stimulate the students’ creativity, including handbook for paper-folding. This investigation aims to study the feasibility of the handbook for paper-folding...
Proceedings Article
Parents’ Education Degree, Character Education In Children, And Primary Students Social Science Learning Outcomes
Sutaryono Sutaryono, Isa Ansori, Ziana Istafa, Sukardi Sukardi
The initial assumption of this investigation is that the parents’ education degree is found out to have quite significant impact on character building in children and students learning outcomes. This study aimed to: (1) identify parents’ education degree (2) character education method and process applied...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Competencies, Incentives, And Performance Of The Teachers Of Elementary Schools
Maxie A.J. Liando
This study aimed to find out weather or not there is a relationship between competencies, insentives, and performance of elementary school teachers in Manado City. It is also measured that the extent of contribution of each independent variabel on dependent variabel. The population of this study was...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Portfolio Assessments on Student Learning Outcomes in Learning for Civic Education in Primary School
Richard Daniel Herdi Pangkey, Zulfiati Syahrial, Etin Solihatin
The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of students in Civics Education learning by using portfolio assessment. This study was categorized in quasi-experimental research. This study wanted to see how the performance of students in Civics Education learning using portfolio assessment,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Organizational Culture on Competency of Educators Community Learning Activities Center (PKBM) In Minahasa District
Julduz R. Paus
The finding of this research: 1. Relationship Between Organizational Culture and the Competency of Educators of Community Learning Centers (PKBM) in Minahasa District and 2. How much is the degree of relationship between organizational culture and PKBM Educator Competencies in Minahasa District. The...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Facebook Social Media on Cyberbullying in Teen
Tellma Mona Tiwa
Social media is beneficial for humans to interact and meet human communication needs. One of the popular social media sites is Facebook. Social media is positively beneficial for adolescents, which is to make teenagers establish relationships with other people. However, there is one unique phenomenon...
Proceedings Article
Classical Mentoring Services To Overcome Consumptive Behavior Of High School Students
Meisie Mangantes
Classical guidance to overcome students' consumptive behavior is guidance and counseling services that can provide an understanding of a person's behavior. This study aims to look at classical guidance services in dealing with the consumptive behavior of high school students. It was found that students...
Proceedings Article
Primary Education Program Development Strategies In Order To Achieve National Accreditation as Excellent Higher Education Institution
Isa Ansori, Florentina Widihastrini, Farid Ahmadi, Susilo Tri Widodo, Novi Setyasto
This investigation aims to develop the strategic measures of Department of Primary Education in order to get National Accreditation as Excellent Higher Education Institution. This study was conducted in Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The subject of...
Proceedings Article
Development of Material Learning Based Multimedia for Early Childhood Inclusion Education
Indryani, Nimoda Musnir, Syarif Sumantri
This study aims to develop learning materials based multimedia for Early Childhood Inclusion Education courses as the development of a multimedia learning model for student based on early childhood education.Method of research is R n D, development model used was the Merger of Dick & Carey, Borg & Gall...
Proceedings Article
The Application Of Make A Match As A Model Of Cooperative Learning To Improve Students Learning Achievement In The Learning Of Locomotor Organs In Animals And Human Beings To Grade V Students Of Sekolah Dasar Lab School UNNES
Sri Sulistyorini, Deni Setiawan, Kurnia Widi Haryono
To grade V students of V SD Labschool UNNES Make a Match as cooperative model had not been applied, so that the students did not have the best learning achievement, interaction during was not so good, and the students tended to be uninterested during the learning. This study aims to find the learning...
Proceedings Article
Implementing E-Learning System Success to Measure Quality of Online Training in Jakarta Religion Ministry Affair Training Center
Asip Asip, Basuki Wibawa, Asmaniar Idris
This study is a descriptive explorative research aims to assess the quality of LMS in Jakarta Minister of Religion Affair Training Center. The assessment uses E-Learning System Success (ELLS) formulated by Wang and colleague that consists of five dimension and 34 items. Data has been collected through...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Models for Programming Algorithms and Structure of Data I for E-Learning Assistance
Yasin Efendi, Diana Nomida Musnir, Robinson Situmorang
This research aims to develop a learning model of Programming Algorithms and the Data I Structure of e-learning assistance. Research and development of this model will produce products in the form of print modules, learning designs and e-learning assisted media for Algorithms and Data I Structure courses....
Proceedings Article
Development of E-Learning Models in Database System Courses
Rustam Effendi, Robinson Situmorang, Diana Nomida Musnir
This study aims to develop products in the form of teaching materials database system subjects with the application of e-learning. The research method used is the Rn D method. The results of the formative one-to-one learner evaluation were carried out between the developer and three individual students....
Proceedings Article
Character Education Model Based On Parents-School Partnerships
Edy Purwanto, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Mulawarman
The purpose of this research was to study the effects of character education programs based on parent-school partnerships in improving respect character among elementary school children in a private school. This study used an experiment method with one group pre-test post-test design. The study consisted...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of SBK (Art, Culture, Skills) Learning on The Curriculum 2013 i n Pelita Harapan Bangsa Elementary School Tegal City
Eka Titi Andaryani, Teguh Supriyanto, Sigit Yulianto
The curriculum 2013 is basically a simplification and thematic-integrative effort prepared to create a generation that is ready to face the future. The emphasis of the curriculum 2013 implementation is that students are able to perform process skills better. Cultury Art and Handicraft is a clump of art...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Program Teaching Skills Practice (TSP) by The Center of The Field Experience Center (FEC) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Corry Iriani Rochalina, Nomida Musnir, Atwi Suparman
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of TSP courses by EDI UNJ. The TSP Program Evaluation by the EDI Center UNJ focused on four aspects including: (1) context, (2) input, (3) process, and (4) product between the 2011/2012 academic year and the 2015/2016 academic year. Viewed from...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation Of Tactical Approach On Football Subject To Enhance Cooperative Values
Kriswantoro, Sri Haryono, Syahru Romadhoni
The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of tactical appoarch on the football game learning activities in order to enhance cooperative values for students of year 2016 in Sport Training Education of Sport Science Faculty of UNNES. The study used a qualitative approach and the method...