Proceedings of the International Conference Primary Education Research Pivotal Literature and Research UNNES 2018 (IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018)
This conference proceedings volume contains the written version of all of the contributions presented on the International Conference of Primary Education Research Pivotal Literature and Research UNNES 2018 (IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018). The international conference held by the Department of Primary School Teacher Education Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Semarang is a research-based conference. The conference was held on 15 November 2018 at Hotel Santika Premiere, Semarang, Indonesia.
IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018 was attended by lecturers, researchers, practitioners and students from various regions both from within and outside the country. 61 papers were accepted for our conference, with all 200 participants coming from various educational institutions at home and abroad. The institutions also vary, some from the State and Private Higher Education. Our international conference concerned the topic of Primary education in the digital era. I expect that the forum could give significant contributions to the issues related to Character Education, Media on Learning, Literacy Education, Education Research and Development, Art Education, and Teacher Competencies.
Basic education in this digital era is currently very important and more exciting to discuss. This international conference aimed to provide an overview of general conditions regarding the development of basic education across generations, provided an overview of current issues and the development of world basic education programs, provided a map of basic education concepts in the digital era and answersed to global constraints and challenges to compete in the era of modern technology.
We would like to thank all participants for their contributions to the Conference program and their contributions to the Proceedings. Finally, we would like to offer our appreciation to all invited speakers, who have travelled from other countries to share their great ideas in the plenary talks. Thank you for those presenters who submitted their papers. We also would like to thanks all presenters, reviewers, delegates, sponsors, committee members, staffs, and students of Universitas Negeri Semarang for making this conference a success.
Conference Chair
IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018 was attended by lecturers, researchers, practitioners and students from various regions both from within and outside the country. 61 papers were accepted for our conference, with all 200 participants coming from various educational institutions at home and abroad. The institutions also vary, some from the State and Private Higher Education. Our international conference concerned the topic of Primary education in the digital era. I expect that the forum could give significant contributions to the issues related to Character Education, Media on Learning, Literacy Education, Education Research and Development, Art Education, and Teacher Competencies.
Basic education in this digital era is currently very important and more exciting to discuss. This international conference aimed to provide an overview of general conditions regarding the development of basic education across generations, provided an overview of current issues and the development of world basic education programs, provided a map of basic education concepts in the digital era and answersed to global constraints and challenges to compete in the era of modern technology.
We would like to thank all participants for their contributions to the Conference program and their contributions to the Proceedings. Finally, we would like to offer our appreciation to all invited speakers, who have travelled from other countries to share their great ideas in the plenary talks. Thank you for those presenters who submitted their papers. We also would like to thanks all presenters, reviewers, delegates, sponsors, committee members, staffs, and students of Universitas Negeri Semarang for making this conference a success.
Conference Chair