Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019)
248 authors
- Khanif, Muhammad Khusnan
- Understanding Students’ Concept on Space Geometry Subject Viewed from Cognitive Style of the 8th Grade Students at State Middle School 1 of Bima in the Academic Year of 2016/2017
- Kisworo, Banu
- The Development of Qur’ani Students Worksheet (LKPD) on the Atom Structure Materials in MAN 1 Cirebon City and MAN 1 Plered Cirebon Regency for the Student’s Science-Religious Character Building
- Kurniadi, E.
- Developing of Student Worksheets HOTS-Based for System of Two Variables Linear Equation Learning Topic in Junior High School
- Kurniasih, Nia
- Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Kurniawan, Dedi
- Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy and Its Effect Toward English Pronunciation of Pre-Service Teachers in Their Teaching Practice Program
- Kurniawan, Dedi
- Choral Speaking and Students’ Character Building in Indonesia
- Kurnisar
- Problem-Based Civic Education Textbook
- Kurnisar
- An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Character of Students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University as an Effort to Shape Independent Citizens in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era
- Kurnisar
- Character Value-Based Textbook of Constitutional Law Course
- Kusdarini, Eny
- Civic Education Teacher Efforts to Improve Learning Through the Internet Media
- Lasmiatun
- The Ability of Students in Understanding Minimal Pair
- Lengkana, Dewi
- The Effect of Mind Mapping and Learning Style on Concepts Mastery and Students’ Representation Skills
- Loeneto, Bambang A.
- Evaluation of Competencies of English Teachers and Students of Public Senior High Schools in Palembang City Using Information and Communication Technology
- Lora, Haditya Aprita
- The Analysis of Implementation of Assessment for Learning and Assessment
- MArdianto, Nurma S.
- Evaluation of Competencies of English Teachers and Students of Public Senior High Schools in Palembang City Using Information and Communication Technology
- Maftuh, Bunyamin
- The Value of “Silih Asah, Silih Asih, Silih Asuh” in Conflict Resolution Education at Elementary Schools
- Malikah, Nurul
- Inside-Outside: Model of Memorizing Hadith at Elementary Islamic School
- Marsinun, Rahmiwati
- Homosexual and Transgender Tendencies in Terms of Gender: A Rasch Perspective
- Mawarni, Anisa
- Optimism in the Youth Mental Health Online Counselling Environment
- Meriko, Lince
- The Practicality of Atlas Media Based on Constructivist-Oriented in the Subject of Plant Anatomy for Lecture in Collage
- Meryansumayeka
- Developing HOTS-Based Computer Assisted Instruction Media for Linear Program Learning Material in Senior High School
- Meylani, Yeni
- Development of Value Clarification Technique Learning Models-Based Role-Playing Game to Increase Internalization of Student Character Values
- Minsih
- Internalizing Social Care Characters Through Tadabbur Al-Qur’an in Elementary School
- Mirizon, Soni
- Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the 21st Century Education: A Comparative Study of Two Teacher Education Programs
- Moro, Hendro Kusumo Eko Prasetyo
- Association of Herbaceous Species on the Sand Dunes of Parangtritis Yogyakarta as Biology Learning Resource
- Muhammad, AR
- Character Education, Student Mental Revolution, and Industry 4.0: The Case of State Islamic Senior High Schools in Indonesia
- Muhsin, M. Rijal
- The Role of School Culture in Teacher Professionalism Improvement
- Mujahid, Imam
- Internalizing Social Care Characters Through Tadabbur Al-Qur’an in Elementary School
- Mulyati
- The Practicality of Atlas Media Based on Constructivist-Oriented in the Subject of Plant Anatomy for Lecture in Collage
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- The Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Muslimin
- The Implementation of Underpass Learning Techniques Volleyball for Junior High School
- Najla, A.
- Developing HOTS-Based Computer Assisted Instruction Media for Linear Program Learning Material in Senior High School
- Narimo, Sabar
- The Inhibiting Factors of 2013 Curriculum Implementation in Vocational High Schools (Case Study of Public and Private Vocational High Schools, Surakarta, Indonesia)
- Narjosoeripto, Pranowo
- Is there a Relationship Between Classmarker Application and Social Science Learning Outcomes?
- Ndiung, S
- The Treffinger Learning Model with RME Principles on Mathematics Learning Outcome by Considering Numerical Ability
- Ningsih, Sulia
- Android-Based Mobile Learning: Its Effect on Students’ Learning Achievement
- Nisa, Atsani Rohmatun
- The Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Nopalia, Yastri
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills Problem on Statistics Senior High School
- Novarita
- The Ability of Students in Understanding Minimal Pair
- Noviartati, Kurnia
- Lecture Design for Strengthening Concepts Understanding of School Mathematics for Prospective Teachers
- Noviati, Nur Pratiwi
- The Correlation of Career Adaptation and Career Preparation Behavior: The Mediating Role of Career Decision Self-Efficacy
- Nugroho, Imam Setyo
- Investigating Level of Academic Integrity on High School Students in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Nuraini, Febritesna
- Visual Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students on “Batik Cap” Aesthetic
- Nurani, Yuliani
- Curriculum Design of Early Childhood Life Skill Based on Indonesian Local Culture
- Nurkamto, Joko
- Spirituality in Education: Perception of Teachers of Middle School Teachers in Sukoharjo District
- Nurma, S.
- Evaluation of Competencies of English Teachers and Students of Public Senior High Schools in Palembang City Using Information and Communication Technology
- Nu’man, Thobagus Mohammad
- The Correlation of Career Adaptation and Career Preparation Behavior: The Mediating Role of Career Decision Self-Efficacy
- Pebriantika, Leni
- The Development of Module on Subject of Simple Media and Digital Printing at Baturaja University
- Perdana, Ryzal
- Analysis of Students Inquiry Skills in Senior High School Though Learning Based on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model
- Pramita, Esti
- The Inhibiting Factors of 2013 Curriculum Implementation in Vocational High Schools (Case Study of Public and Private Vocational High Schools, Surakarta, Indonesia)
- Prasetyadi, Mawi
- An Analysis of Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Terms of Understanding the Concepts of Direct Current Electricity
- Prasetyo, Giri
- The Needs Analysis of Multimedia Learning as a Solution to Strengthen Character Education
- Pratiwi, Niken
- Curriculum Design of Early Childhood Life Skill Based on Indonesian Local Culture
- Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
- Analysis of Students Inquiry Skills in Senior High School Though Learning Based on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model
- Prihata, Levi
- Interactive Physics E-Book Design of Energy Resources to Optimize Self-Directed Learning and Critical Thinking Skill
- Primasanti, Iftitah
- The Development of HOTS Problems on Geometry and Measurement for Junior High School
- Probosiwi
- Visual Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students on “Batik Cap” Aesthetic
- Purbosari, P.M.
- Is there a Relationship Between Classmarker Application and Social Science Learning Outcomes?
- Putri, Febrina Riska
- Islamic Religious Education Module Understanding Antiradicalism and Terrorism: Practicality
- Putri, Risnawati
- The Development of HOTS Problems on Algebra for Junior High School
- Qosim, Arief
- The Development of Module on Subject of Simple Media and Digital Printing at Baturaja University
- Rachmawanti, Ranti
- Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Rachmawati, Annisa
- Internalizing Social Care Characters Through Tadabbur Al-Qur’an in Elementary School
- Ridwan, Ridwan
- School-Based Management in Indonesia: Decision-Making, Problems, and Problem-Solving Strategy
- Rini, Riswanti
- School-Based Management in Indonesia: Decision-Making, Problems, and Problem-Solving Strategy
- Rochsantiningsih, Dewi
- The Effectiveness of Virtual Fairy Tale Based on the Values of Wulang Reh Script in Elementary School
- Rohayati, Ayi
- Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Romadhianti, Rona
- The Strengthening of Literation and Character Building Through Drawing Stories
- Rosidin, Undang
- Interactive Physics E-Book Design of Energy Resources to Optimize Self-Directed Learning and Critical Thinking Skill
- Rosidin, Undang
- Class Assessment, Problems in Learning Physics in Senior High School
- Rosidin, Undang
- The Analysis of Implementation of Assessment for Learning and Assessment
- Roza, Prima
- Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Rozali, Yuli Azmi
- Pedagogic Competence Development Model: Pedagogic Knowledge and Reflective Ability
- Rudibyani, Ratu Betta
- Analysis of Students Inquiry Skills in Senior High School Though Learning Based on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model
- Saepudin, Epin
- Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Sagita, Dony Darma
- Contribution of the Internet Uses to Student Morale: Study in High School
- Said, Nurmayani J.
- The Implementation of Physics Learning Based on Teacher Competency
- Sajidan
- Analysis of Students Inquiry Skills in Senior High School Though Learning Based on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model
- Salim, Abdelrahim A.
- Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the 21st Century Education: A Comparative Study of Two Teacher Education Programs
- Samaya, Doni
- Improving Writing Skill of Research Proposal Through Mind Mapping of Economics Faculty Students of Tridinanti University Palembang
- Sanjaya, M. Rama
- The Ability of Students in Understanding Minimal Pair
- Sari, Desi Ratna
- The Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Junior High School
- Sari, Farnia
- Needs Analysis for Designing ESP Course of Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Tridinanti University
- Sarwanto
- Profile of Learning Process Based on Students’ Scientific Literacy in Senior High School in Surakarta
- Setiawan, H.
- Needs Analysis for Designing ESP Course of Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Tridinanti University
- Setyaningrum, Fery
- Visual Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students on “Batik Cap” Aesthetic
- Setyawan, Theresia Yunia
- Primary School Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of CourseLab 2.4 and Its Attributes as a Free E-Learning Content Creation Software
- Setyawati, Lia
- The Inhibiting Factors of 2013 Curriculum Implementation in Vocational High Schools (Case Study of Public and Private Vocational High Schools, Surakarta, Indonesia)
- Soetikno, Naomi
- Role of Self-Concept and Conformity on Bullies
- Sofendi
- Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the 21st Century Education: A Comparative Study of Two Teacher Education Programs
- Somakim
- The Development of HOTS Problems on Algebra for Junior High School
- Somakim
- The Development of HOTS Problems on Geometry and Measurement for Junior High School
- Somakim
- The Development of Mathematics HOTS Problems on Trigonometric for Senior High School
- Somakim
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills Problem on Statistics Senior High School
- Sonny, Michael
- Comparison of Learning Management System Moodle, Edmodo and Jejak Bali
- Sri, Anitah W
- Development of an Advanced Organizer Model Based on Open-Ended to Increase Student Punishment in Elementary Schools
- Subanti, Sri
- Understanding Students’ Concept on Space Geometry Subject Viewed from Cognitive Style of the 8th Grade Students at State Middle School 1 of Bima in the Academic Year of 2016/2017
- Suganda, Lingga Agustina
- Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy and Its Effect Toward English Pronunciation of Pre-Service Teachers in Their Teaching Practice Program
- Suganda, Lingga Agustina
- Choral Speaking and Students’ Character Building in Indonesia
- Suhaimi
- Character Education, Student Mental Revolution, and Industry 4.0: The Case of State Islamic Senior High Schools in Indonesia