Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social, Applied Science and Technology in Home Economics (ICONHOMECS 2017)
160 authors
- Putri, Selena Johanna
- Making An Apple Motif On Painted Hijab Originated From Malang For Female Prisoners
- Putri, Windi Eka Syah
- The Quality Of Transparent Soap With Addition Of Moringa Leaf Extract
- Rahayu, Imami Arum Tri
- Influence of Motivation and Competence Factor on Lecturers' Performance in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Rahayu, Imami Arum Tri
- Social Economic Empowerment for Ex-prostitutes and the Impacted Residents after Dolly and Jarak Closures
- Restami, Mafisa
- Computer Based Learning Media With Metacognitive Strategy : Improve Student's Learning Outcomes In Indonesian Food Processing Lesson
- Revitasari, Selvy
- Cross-Contamination In Beef Meatballs: Pork, Bacteria, Cadmium (Cd), And Lead (Pb)
- Rizal, Mochammad
- Influence of addition of moringa oleifera Lam Leaves Flour To Mocaf based Noodles Results
- Rohajatien, Ummi
- Bitter Melon Culinary Product Innovation As One Of Functional Food Varieties
- Romadhoni, Ita Fatkhur
- Indonesian Bridal Makeup Subject: E-learning Implementation
- Romadhoni, Ita Fatkhur
- Oyster Mushroom Addition On Nutritional Composition And Sensory Evaluation Of Herbal Seasoning
- Ruhana, Amalia
- Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L) Extract As Traditional Body Scrub For Skin Care
- Ruhana, Amalia
- Cross-Contamination In Beef Meatballs: Pork, Bacteria, Cadmium (Cd), And Lead (Pb)
- Russanti, Irma
- The Influence Of Fixer Types And Mixed Leaves-Soil On Batik Coloring
- Russanti, Irma
- Developing An Ergonomic And Flexible Gawangan Batik Design
- Sagita, Aftika Andra
- Mind Maple Lite Software : Improve Student's Learning Outcomes And Stimulating Metacognition In Nutrition Science Subject
- Santosa, Agus Budi
- Computer Based Learning Media With Metacognitive Strategy : Improve Student's Learning Outcomes In Indonesian Food Processing Lesson
- Setiawati, Teti
- Food Hygene Principles On Processing Practices Course At Vocational High School Culinary Major
- Singke, Juhrah
- The Influence Of Fixer Types And Mixed Leaves-Soil On Batik Coloring
- Singke, Juhrah
- Up-Cycling: Beautifying Old-Fashioned Clothes In Indonesia
- Sintawati, Esin
- Costumik Cosplay Alternative For Cosplay Lovers Tokusatsu And Indonesian Comic
- Soeratri, Widji
- Sensory Evaluation In Determining Acceptability Of Scrub Cream: Sumenep Kingdom Body Scrub Modifications
- Soeyono, Rahayu Dewi
- The Form and the Meaning of Bridal Dowry in Indonesia
- Sonhadji, Sonhadji
- Functional Literacy Skills And Problem Solving Skills In Culinary Vocational School
- Sriwahyuni, Endang
- Bitter Melon Culinary Product Innovation As One Of Functional Food Varieties
- Sufiana, Sufiana
- Intisari Magazine's Visual telling Technique as Texts and Text Production?
- Suhartini, Ratna
- Up-Cycling: Beautifying Old-Fashioned Clothes In Indonesia
- Suhartiningsih, Suhartiningsih
- Binahong As A Mask Facial Skin Care
- Sukopitojo, Soenar
- Consumer Preferences On "Bakso Malang"- Indonesia
- Sulandari, Lilis
- The Effect of Packaging Types on The Organoleptic Properties of Instant Ganyong Yellow Rice
- Sulandari, Lilis
- The Effect of Angkak and Chitosan Amounts on The Organoleptic Properties of Shrimp Corned
- Sulandjari, Siti
- The Influence Of Fixer Types And Mixed Leaves-Soil On Batik Coloring
- Sulandjari, Siti
- Traditional Indonesian Face Masks: Cypirus Rotundus L as a Hyperpigmentation Treatment
- Sulandjari, Siti
- Traditional Mask Made From Mangosteen Peel Extract (Garcinia Mangostana L) As Pimply Skinface Treatment
- Suparmi, Suparmi
- Development Of Batik Motif Barrau Cawul
- Susilowati, Susilowati
- Influence of addition of moringa oleifera Lam Leaves Flour To Mocaf based Noodles Results
- Sutadji, Eddy
- Food Hygene Principles On Processing Practices Course At Vocational High School Culinary Major
- Sutiadiningsih, Any
- Non-Rice Staple Food Patterns in Indonesia
- Suwardiah, Dwi Kristiastuti
- Effects Of Packaging Variations Toward The Level Of Bacteria's Contamination In Instant Uduk Rice
- Suwardiah, Dwi Kristiastuti
- Product Preferences: An Analysis Of Instant Uduk Rice
- Suwardiah, Dwi Kristiastuti
- Javanese Tamarind Solution And Sugar Concentration: Preferred Levels In Spicy Fried Dry Potato And Shrimp Sambal
- Syamwil, Rodia
- The Utilization Of Local Wisdom to Develop an Environment-Based Vocational School a Preliminary Study
- Triyono, Mochammad Bruri
- The Soft Skill Of Fashion Student For Entrepreneurship
- Wahini, Meda
- How To Optimize The Fusilli Carrot Pasta's Good Nutritional Condition?
- Wahyuningsih, Sri Endah
- The Utilization Of Local Wisdom to Develop an Environment-Based Vocational School a Preliminary Study
- Wahyuningsih, Urip
- The Utilization Of Local Wisdom to Develop an Environment-Based Vocational School a Preliminary Study
- Wahyuningsih, Urip
- Non-Rice Staple Food Patterns in Indonesia
- Wibowo, Priyo Heru Adi
- Developing An Ergonomic And Flexible Gawangan Batik Design
- Widodo, Slamet
- Innovation Of Watermelon Skin To Watermelon Skin Slice Jam
- Widodo, Wahono
- Mind Maple Lite Software : Improve Student's Learning Outcomes And Stimulating Metacognition In Nutrition Science Subject
- Widodo, Wahono
- Development Of Submitting Module Handware And Handmade Maintenance Competency To Increase Creativity And Student Learning Results In Vocational High School
- Widyastuti, Sri
- Milkfish , Apple And Pineapple Waste As Alternatif Liquid Organic Fertilizer
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- Creative Thinking Skills Enhancement Using Mind Mapping
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- The Effects of Cinnamon and Clove Powder Compositions on Hair Coloring
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- Social Economic Empowerment for Ex-prostitutes and the Impacted Residents after Dolly and Jarak Closures
- Yanti, Dwi
- Up-Cycling: Beautifying Old-Fashioned Clothes In Indonesia
- Yuliana, Siti
- Oyster Mushroom Addition On Nutritional Composition And Sensory Evaluation Of Herbal Seasoning
- Yuliati, Lilik
- Self-Control and Pornography Behavior Among Junior High School Student
- Yulistiana, Yulistiana
- Developing An Ergonomic And Flexible Gawangan Batik Design
- Yulistiana, Yulistiana
- Soil Batik: Innovation In Design And Coloring
- Zahro, Siti
- Improving Teaching Methods Through The Development Program For Teachers' Career And Leadership (An In-Depth Theoretical Study)