Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

144 authors
Abyadati, Silka
Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
Adawiyah, Robiah
Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
Agustin, Rika R
Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
Agustin, Rika R
Exploring the Implementation of Biology Teacher Education Curriculum Through Productive Pedagogy Framework
Agustrianti, Yanti V
Analysis of Students' Argumentation Skill and Conceptual Knowledge in Friction Force Lesson through Argumentative Task
Anggraeni, Sri
Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
Anggraeni, Sri
Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
Anwar, Khairil
Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
Asri, Yoana N
ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
Azizah, Ilma I
Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
Dahlan, Jarnawi A
The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
Dahlan, Jarnawi A
The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
Dahlan, Jarnawi A
Performance, Mental effort and Efficiency Of Multimedia-Based Discovery Learning in Mathematics Learning
Destiansari, Elvira
Teachers' Ability to Integrated Reasoning and Student Wellbeing in Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Diana, Sariwulan
Dini, Kartari F
Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
Erasanti, Pipin D
The Development of Mathematics Learning Material Based on Metacognitive Guidance Approach
Fananta, Muhammad R
Design Development of Inquiry-Based Teacher Training to Support Primary Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Feranie, Selly
ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
Firman, Harry
Science Virtual Test: A Computer-Based Test to Measure Students' Critical Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme
Fitriani, Any
Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
Girsang, Denni Y
Correlation between Students' Understanding on Derivative and Integral Calculus with Thermodynamics
Hamdiyati, Yanti
Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
Hamid, Rimba
Students' Conceptual Change in Electricity
Hardinata, Aristo
Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme
Haron, Muhammad A
Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
Hastuti, Saktiana D
Design Development of Inquiry-Based Teacher Training to Support Primary Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Herlina, Kartini
Development of Optics Learning Model to Build Mental Models and Problem Solving Ability
Herman, Tatang
Improving the Ability of Mathematics (Conceptual and Procedural) Through Mathematical Investigation on Prospective Elementary Teachers
Herman, Tatang
The Implementation of CORE Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Secondary School
Herman, Tatang
The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
Herman, Tatang
The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
Herman, Tatang
Theory and practice of mathematics teacher education: An explorative study at the department of mathematics education, Indonesia University of Education
Hidayani, Ridha
Implementation of Science Teaching and Learning in Natural School Exclusive Curriculum
Hidayat, Topik
Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
Irham, Shavira M
The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
Juanda, Enjang A
Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
Juandi, Dadang
The Development of Mathematics Learning Material Based on Metacognitive Guidance Approach
Juliandita, Eva
Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student
Kamis, Rosnizam
Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
Kaniawati, Dewi S
Implementation of STEM Education in Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Concept Understanding On Direct Current Concept
Kaniawati, Ida
Implementation of STEM Education in Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Concept Understanding On Direct Current Concept
Kaniawati, Ida
Best Practices In Physics Teacher Education In Selected ASEAN Countries
Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa
Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
Khoerunnisa, Fitri
Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
Kristianti, Tati
Bioinformatics Resources in Facilitating Students' Conception on Molecule genetics concepts
Kurdita, Engkur
Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
Laelasari, Iseu
Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
Liliasari, Ms.
The Description 12th Grade Students' Conception of Electromagnetics
Liliawati, Winny
Integrated Earth and Space Science Learning Model That Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Improve The Mastery of Concept of Secondary School Students
Liliawati, Winny
The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
MZ, Zubaidah A
Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
Marisa, Rissa
Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
Mohammad, Nazeri
Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
Mr, Wahyudin
Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
Mr., Al Jupri
Theory and practice of mathematics teacher education: An explorative study at the department of mathematics education, Indonesia University of Education
Mr., Mahendra
Developing Instrument to Measure Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Mr., Mawardi
The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
Mr., Nahadi
The Description 12th Grade Students' Conception of Electromagnetics
Mr., Nofriyandi
The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
Mr., Turmudi
Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
Mr., Wahyudin
Improving the Ability of Mathematics (Conceptual and Procedural) Through Mathematical Investigation on Prospective Elementary Teachers
Ms, Hernani
Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
Ms., Runisah
The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
Muin, Abdul
Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
Mulyani, Sri
Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
Mursyidah, Lisda S
The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
Nur, Mohamad
Development of Optics Learning Model to Build Mental Models and Problem Solving Ability
Nuraeni, Eni
Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
Nuraeni, Hasna
Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
Nurlaelah, Elah
The Improvements of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students through Modify-Action, Process, Object, Schema (M-APOS) Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model
Nurramadhani, Annisa
Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
Oktavia, Budhi
The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
Permanasari, Anna
Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme
Priatna, Bambang A
The Improvements of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students through Modify-Action, Process, Object, Schema (M-APOS) Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model
Priatna, Nanang
Purwianingsih, Widi
Teachers' Ability to Integrated Reasoning and Student Wellbeing in Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Purwianingsih, Widi
Integration of Reasoning and Wellbeing on the Lesson Plan and Implementation in Learning
Putra, Wahyudi
Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student
Rachamatulloh, Arief
Rahmadani, Dewi
Short Analysis Review of Developing Method Study in Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Approach in Problem Based Learning Model towards Students' Problem Solving Ability
Rahman, Taufik
The Roles Of Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Improving The Independence Andthe Success of Prospective Teachers Learning
Rahman, Taufik
Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
Ramalis, Taufik R
The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
Razak, Shuhari A
Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
Redjeki, Sri
Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
Redjeki, Sri
The Identification of Local Science Learning Resources of Nusa Tenggara Timur for Developing Physics Instructions in High School
Renocha, Putri D
Junior High School Students' Reasoning
Rochintaniawati, Diana
Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
Rochintaniawati, Diana
Junior High School Students' Reasoning
Rusdiana, Dadi
Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
Rusdiana, Dadi
ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
Rustaman, Nuryani
Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
Rustaman, Nuryani Y
Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
Rusyati, Lilit
Science Virtual Test: A Computer-Based Test to Measure Students' Critical Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme
Saepuzaman, Duden
Prospective Physics Teachers' Consistency and Scientific Reasoning in the Learning of Force Concept
Saepuzaman, Duden
Correlation between Students' Understanding on Derivative and Integral Calculus with Thermodynamics
Sanjaya, Yayan
Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
Sari, Delsika P
Developing Instrument to Measure Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Sari, Ika M
Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective