Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
144 authors
- Abyadati, Silka
- Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
- Adawiyah, Robiah
- Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
- Agustin, Rika R
- Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
- Agustin, Rika R
- Exploring the Implementation of Biology Teacher Education Curriculum Through Productive Pedagogy Framework
- Agustrianti, Yanti V
- Analysis of Students' Argumentation Skill and Conceptual Knowledge in Friction Force Lesson through Argumentative Task
- Anggraeni, Sri
- Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
- Anggraeni, Sri
- Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
- Anwar, Khairil
- Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
- Asri, Yoana N
- ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
- Azizah, Ilma I
- Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
- Dahlan, Jarnawi A
- The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
- Dahlan, Jarnawi A
- The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
- Dahlan, Jarnawi A
- Performance, Mental effort and Efficiency Of Multimedia-Based Discovery Learning in Mathematics Learning
- Destiansari, Elvira
- Teachers' Ability to Integrated Reasoning and Student Wellbeing in Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Diana, Sariwulan
- Dini, Kartari F
- Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
- Erasanti, Pipin D
- The Development of Mathematics Learning Material Based on Metacognitive Guidance Approach
- Fananta, Muhammad R
- Design Development of Inquiry-Based Teacher Training to Support Primary Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Feranie, Selly
- ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
- Firman, Harry
- Science Virtual Test: A Computer-Based Test to Measure Students' Critical Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme
- Fitriani, Any
- Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
- Girsang, Denni Y
- Correlation between Students' Understanding on Derivative and Integral Calculus with Thermodynamics
- Hamdiyati, Yanti
- Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
- Hamid, Rimba
- Students' Conceptual Change in Electricity
- Hardinata, Aristo
- Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme
- Haron, Muhammad A
- Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
- Hastuti, Saktiana D
- Design Development of Inquiry-Based Teacher Training to Support Primary Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Herlina, Kartini
- Development of Optics Learning Model to Build Mental Models and Problem Solving Ability
- Herman, Tatang
- Improving the Ability of Mathematics (Conceptual and Procedural) Through Mathematical Investigation on Prospective Elementary Teachers
- Herman, Tatang
- The Implementation of CORE Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Secondary School
- Herman, Tatang
- The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
- Herman, Tatang
- The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
- Herman, Tatang
- Theory and practice of mathematics teacher education: An explorative study at the department of mathematics education, Indonesia University of Education
- Hidayani, Ridha
- Implementation of Science Teaching and Learning in Natural School Exclusive Curriculum
- Hidayat, Topik
- Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
- Irham, Shavira M
- The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
- Juanda, Enjang A
- Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
- Juandi, Dadang
- The Development of Mathematics Learning Material Based on Metacognitive Guidance Approach
- Juliandita, Eva
- Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student
- Kamis, Rosnizam
- Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
- Kaniawati, Dewi S
- Implementation of STEM Education in Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Concept Understanding On Direct Current Concept
- Kaniawati, Ida
- Implementation of STEM Education in Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Concept Understanding On Direct Current Concept
- Kaniawati, Ida
- Best Practices In Physics Teacher Education In Selected ASEAN Countries
- Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa
- Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
- Khoerunnisa, Fitri
- Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
- Kristianti, Tati
- Bioinformatics Resources in Facilitating Students' Conception on Molecule genetics concepts
- Kurdita, Engkur
- Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
- Laelasari, Iseu
- Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
- Liliasari, Ms.
- The Description 12th Grade Students' Conception of Electromagnetics
- Liliawati, Winny
- Integrated Earth and Space Science Learning Model That Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Improve The Mastery of Concept of Secondary School Students
- Liliawati, Winny
- The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
- MZ, Zubaidah A
- Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
- Marisa, Rissa
- Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
- Mohammad, Nazeri
- Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
- Mr, Wahyudin
- Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
- Mr., Al Jupri
- Theory and practice of mathematics teacher education: An explorative study at the department of mathematics education, Indonesia University of Education
- Mr., Mahendra
- Developing Instrument to Measure Mathematical Reasoning Ability
- Mr., Mawardi
- The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
- Mr., Nahadi
- The Description 12th Grade Students' Conception of Electromagnetics
- Mr., Nofriyandi
- The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
- Mr., Turmudi
- Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
- Mr., Wahyudin
- Improving the Ability of Mathematics (Conceptual and Procedural) Through Mathematical Investigation on Prospective Elementary Teachers
- Ms, Hernani
- Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
- Ms., Runisah
- The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
- Muin, Abdul
- Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
- Mulyani, Sri
- Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
- Mursyidah, Lisda S
- The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
- Nur, Mohamad
- Development of Optics Learning Model to Build Mental Models and Problem Solving Ability
- Nuraeni, Eni
- Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
- Nuraeni, Hasna
- Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
- Nurlaelah, Elah
- The Improvements of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students through Modify-Action, Process, Object, Schema (M-APOS) Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model
- Nurramadhani, Annisa
- Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
- Oktavia, Budhi
- The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
- Permanasari, Anna
- Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme
- Priatna, Bambang A
- The Improvements of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students through Modify-Action, Process, Object, Schema (M-APOS) Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model
- Priatna, Nanang
- Purwianingsih, Widi
- Teachers' Ability to Integrated Reasoning and Student Wellbeing in Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Purwianingsih, Widi
- Integration of Reasoning and Wellbeing on the Lesson Plan and Implementation in Learning
- Putra, Wahyudi
- Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student
- Rachamatulloh, Arief
- Rahmadani, Dewi
- Short Analysis Review of Developing Method Study in Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Approach in Problem Based Learning Model towards Students' Problem Solving Ability
- Rahman, Taufik
- The Roles Of Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Improving The Independence Andthe Success of Prospective Teachers Learning
- Rahman, Taufik
- Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
- Ramalis, Taufik R
- The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
- Razak, Shuhari A
- Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
- Redjeki, Sri
- Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
- Redjeki, Sri
- The Identification of Local Science Learning Resources of Nusa Tenggara Timur for Developing Physics Instructions in High School
- Renocha, Putri D
- Junior High School Students' Reasoning
- Rochintaniawati, Diana
- Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
- Rochintaniawati, Diana
- Junior High School Students' Reasoning
- Rusdiana, Dadi
- Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
- Rusdiana, Dadi
- ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
- Rustaman, Nuryani
- Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y
- Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
- Rusyati, Lilit
- Science Virtual Test: A Computer-Based Test to Measure Students' Critical Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme
- Saepuzaman, Duden
- Prospective Physics Teachers' Consistency and Scientific Reasoning in the Learning of Force Concept
- Saepuzaman, Duden
- Correlation between Students' Understanding on Derivative and Integral Calculus with Thermodynamics
- Sanjaya, Yayan
- Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
- Sari, Delsika P
- Developing Instrument to Measure Mathematical Reasoning Ability
- Sari, Ika M
- Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective