Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
54 articles
Proceedings Article
Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme
Aristo Hardinata, Anna Permanasari
A research and development study was conducted to develop an scientific literacy instrument test in the global warming theme for middle school students. Random sampling method was used to involve 112 fifteen-year students who attend the natural science course at three middle schools in Bandung. The test...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student
Eva Juliandita, Wahyudi Putra
The purpose of this research is to develop a cognitive assessment in the topic of quadrilateral on 7th Grade Junior High School student based on the Revised Taxonomy Bloom. This is a development research which aims to produce an instrument to measure the validity and effectiveness of this assessment....
Proceedings Article
Science Virtual Test: A Computer-Based Test to Measure Students' Critical Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme
Harry Firman, Lilit Rusyati
This research is motivated by the importance of multiple-choice questions that indicate the elements and sub-elements of critical thinking. The method is Research and Development (R&D) to describe a process that used to develop and validate educational products. This research synergies between the lecturers...
Proceedings Article
Describing Teachers' Pedagogic Content Knowledge about Reasoning Development and Students' Reasoning Test
Rendi R Sukardi, Ari Widodo, Wahyu Sopandi
Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK) is very important for teachers because it shows teacher understanding of science knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. PCK covers the knowledge of content and pedagogy such as teaching knowledge (the subject knowledge and their belief in that, and how to teach it), curriculum...
Proceedings Article
Prospective Physics Teachers' Consistency and Scientific Reasoning in the Learning of Force Concept
Sakti P Sriyansyah, Duden Saepuzaman
Physics education research has been revealed that scientific reasoning was a hidden variable which influences student's conceptual understanding in physics. A student who has good understanding is characterized by their scientific consistency and representational consistency. Hence, this study was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of STEM Education in Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Concept Understanding On Direct Current Concept
Dewi S Kaniawati, Ida Kaniawati, Irma R Suwarma
This study has been conducted to investigate the comparisons of concept understanding students who has been subjected Learning Cycle (LC) 5E teaching model combined with STEM and students who has been subjected LC 5E without STEM on direct current electricity concept. Implementation STEM in this research...
Proceedings Article
Developing Instrument to Measure Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Delsika P Sari, Mahendra Mr.
This research is a quantitative research, which aims to find a valid and reliable instrument for testing the mathematical reasoning ability for junior high school students. The process of analysis this instrument starting from (1) a literature review, (2) the preparation of the instrument, (3) the teoritical...
Proceedings Article
Developing Integrated Real-life Video and Animation (IRVA) for Physics based on Constructivism with ADDIE model
Silka Abyadati, Dadi Rusdiana, Enjang A Juanda
Learning Physics still felt quite hard because containing an abstract concept and impressed have a lot of formula. Eventough the abstract concept actually relates with a daily life phenomena. Therefore it's needed an Integrated Real- life Video and Animation (IRVA) as a media that can be helpful for...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Guided Inquiry-based Worksheet on Colligative Properties of Solution for Chemistry Learning
Shavira M Irham, Mawardi Mr., Budhi Oktavia
This study aims to produce a teaching material in the form of guided inquiry based worksheet and to evaluate its validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The research was conducted using Research and Development (R&D) model. Development model that is used in this research is a 4-D model (define, design,...
Proceedings Article
Nanang Priatna
This study aims to determine the difference in the increase in mathematical reasoning ability between students who learn using mathematical interactive multimedia and students who learn using conventional learning, both in overall ability and by categories of early mathematical ability (high, medium,...
Proceedings Article
Students' Conceptual Change in Electricity
Rimba Hamid, Ari Widodo, Wahyu Sopandi
The phenomenon that represent electricity concept can be used to explore students' electricity concepts. Students' conceptual change toward electricity concept is taught through facilitation process, both in static electricity and dynamic electricity. The subjects of this research were 25 students of...
Proceedings Article
Development of Optics Learning Model to Build Mental Models and Problem Solving Ability
Kartini Herlina, Mohamad Nur, Wahono Widodo
One of the goals of physics instruction should be to enable the students to solve problems in a flexibly way. This requires the students to consider and to use multi-representations as a natural part of the way they solve problems. This paper presents the results of our research on the development of...
Proceedings Article
Creative Personality Factors and Practices Among Mathematics Teachers: Principal Component Analysis Approach (PCA)
Nazeri Mohammad, Shuhari A Razak, Rosnizam Kamis, Muhammad A Haron
The practice of effective teaching is associated with the creative nature which is not just teachers plan learning activities, but also includes elements of creativity in the teaching process in the classroom. This study aims to make testing for the instrument creative teaching practices among Mathematics...
Proceedings Article
Biology Education Student's Profile On Microbiology Literacy
Yanti Hamdiyati, Fransisca Sudargo, Sri Redjeki, Any Fitriani
The purpose of this study is to investigate the biology education students' profile on microbiology literacy after completing microbiology course in UPI. Descriptive method was conducted in this research. The instrument employed in this study was developed based on PISA 2015 science literacy framework,...
Proceedings Article
The Roles Of Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Improving The Independence Andthe Success of Prospective Teachers Learning
Taufik Rahman
This study explored the roles of PBL to the independence and the success of prospective teacher learning. The problem of this research was how the role of PBL in increasing the independence and the success of prospective teacher learning. The research employed a descriptive method as it aimed at identifying...
Proceedings Article
Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
Iseu Laelasari, Sri Anggraeni
The aim of this study is to analyse the enhancement student's critical thinking and metacognition after the implementation Vee diagram in Problem Based Learning. This study applies quasi experimental method with matching pretest and posttest control group design. There are 74 studentsfrom two classes...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Ability of Mathematics (Conceptual and Procedural) Through Mathematical Investigation on Prospective Elementary Teachers
Nana Sumarna, Wahyudin Mr., Tatang Herman
This study aims to determine the increase in the ability of conceptual and procedural on prospective elementary teachers, through a learning experiment with a mathematical investigation approach. The results showed that (1) there is an increased ability to conceptual and procedural abilities which was...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students' Argumentation Skill and Conceptual Knowledge in Friction Force Lesson through Argumentative Task
Rendi R Sukardi, Yanti V Agustrianti
Scientific phenomenon found in daily life is highly related to friction force. However, students are not capable in comprehending that phenomenon conceptually or contextually. In the end, the science class is felt as less meaningful. Generally, students' answers in learning process is very limited and...
Proceedings Article
The Improvements of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students through Modify-Action, Process, Object, Schema (M-APOS) Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model
Santy Setiawati, Elah Nurlaelah, Bambang A Priatna
This study is motivated by the fact that students' mathematical problem solving abilities in junior high school are low. The purposes of this study are therefore (1) to find out whether there is a difference in mathematical problem solving abilities improvements between students who acquired learning...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of CORE Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Secondary School
Anisa Wijayanti, Tatang Herman, Dian Usdiyana
This research was conducted because the students' mathematical problem solving ability in secondary school is low. The goal of this research is to examine the enhancement of student mathematical problem solving ability after students learned using the CORE Model. The research method of this research...
Proceedings Article
Development of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Strategy based on Intertextual Learning of Acid-Base Concepts
Ilma I Azizah, Sri Mulyani, Fitri Khoerunnisa
The aim of this study is to develop the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) strategy of acids and bases concepts based on intertextual learning. The strategy was designed to assist students mastery concepts by interrelating the chemistry phenomena and acid-base concepts on three level representations:...
Proceedings Article
Development Of Self Construction Animation Software To Improve The Quality Of Science Instructional In Junior High School
Diana Rochintaniawati, Rika R Agustin, Yayan Sanjaya
This paper reports the result of study on development, implementation and evaluation of animation construction for integrated science teaching. The method of the study was research and development (R&D) consisted of two years research. The first year study was the development of animation resulted in...
Proceedings Article
The Enhancement of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics through The 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Technique
Runisah Ms., Tatang Herman, Jarnawi A Dahlan
This study aims to describe the enhancement and achievement of students' critical thinking skills in mathematics (CTSM) as a result of 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques (LCM), Learning Cycle (LC) and Conventional Learning (CL) implementation is measured entirely and based on student's Mathematical...
Proceedings Article
The Enhancement of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Contextual Approach with Bamboo Dance Technique
Nofriyandi Mr., Tatang Herman, Jarnawi A Dahlan
This study is based on students' lack of ability in mathematical problem solving . To overcome such problems, a mathematics teaching and learning was conducted through learning with contextual approach by using bamboo dance technique. The study reported in this paper discusses about the enhancement of...
Proceedings Article
Performance, Mental effort and Efficiency Of Multimedia-Based Discovery Learning in Mathematics Learning
Jarnawi A Dahlan
Design of learning development now is much more motivated by the importance of student-centered learning. In other words, students must be active in learning. Learning activity according to [8] consists of two parts: active cognitively and active behaviorally. The combination of both will affect the...
Proceedings Article
Junior High School Students' Reasoning
Putri D Renocha, Diana Rochintaniawati, Ari Widodo
This research aims toidentify at the argument of students reasoning between the group trained with reasoning and withouttraining. The method used was quasi-experiment. With the sampling technique by the cluster random sampling. Total sample of 33 students in experimental group and 33 students control...
Proceedings Article
Metacognition Think Aloud Strategies In Setting Cooperative Think-Pair-Share/Square to Develop Student's Math Problem Solving Ability
Zubaidah A MZ, Wahyudin Mr, Turmudi Mr.
The problem in this research is the lack of student's Mathematical Problem Solving (MPS) ability. To overcome this problem, researchers tested the learning strategies that hone skills that are called meta-cognitive. A Meta-cognitive learning strategy is a habituation learning to control the thought process...
Proceedings Article
Argument-DrivenInquiry (ADI): The Way to Develop Junior High School Student's Argumentation Skills in Science Learning
Annisa Nurramadhani, Hernani Ms, Taufik Rahman
Argumentation skills or the skills of making the argument on the process of learning science is required for the development of the concept and practicing how to think about a concept that is so that the students can find the fact, concept and other things related to whole science in students' long-term...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Student Generated Representations (SGRs) in Learning Cycles 5E towards Students' Senior High School Conceptual Comprehension
Endang Sulastri, Agus Setiawan, Parsaoran Siahaan
This study aims to determine how the impact of the integration of Student Generated Representations (SGRs) in improving senior high school students' conceptual comprehension as well as finding out the consistency of the strategy applied in two different concept samples. Thus, a learning design called...
Proceedings Article
ICARE Model Integrated with Science Magic to Improvement of Students' Cognitive Competence In Heat and Temperature Subject
Yoana N Asri, Dadi Rusdiana, Selly Feranie
The aim of this study is to determine the increasing of student's cognitive competence students impact to implementation of ICARE model integrated with science magic and ICARE model without science magic in heat and temperature subject. The ICARE model involves some cycles, namely: introduction, connection,...
Proceedings Article
Short Analysis Review of Developing Method Study in Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Approach in Problem Based Learning Model towards Students' Problem Solving Ability
Dewi Rahmadani
The present study aims analyze the theory at developing method study of integrating STEM approach to Problem Based Learning model and its correlation with students' problem solving ability. Problem solving is students' ability to use knowledge and concepts learnt in solving some problems in daily life....
Proceedings Article
Integrated Earth and Space Science Learning Model That Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Improve The Mastery of Concept of Secondary School Students
Ainun Suciati, Winny Liliawati, Judhistira A Utama
The aim of the research was to determine the implementation of integrated learning model from students in 9 grades secondary school in Warungkiara, Sukabumi District. This learning model basically combine the various related matter in order to produce some theme that can support the student's intelligence....
Proceedings Article
Effect of Application of Physics Learning material Using Multimode representation to Improve Problem Solving Ability
Merta Simbolon, Parlindungan Sinaga, Setiya Utari
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying physics learning materials use multimode representation to enhance the problem solving. Samples in this study were students of class X one high school in Bandung with the number of 69 students who were divided into experimental class and...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Implementation of Biology Teacher Education Curriculum Through Productive Pedagogy Framework
Ari Widodo, Rika R Agustin
This study aims to attain an insight to curriculum implemented by Biology teacher education program at one of teacher education university in Indonesia. Nine university teachers were involved as participants as well as ten students of each course. Data were gathered from three types of courses; Biology...
Proceedings Article
Teachers' Ability to Integrated Reasoning and Student Wellbeing in Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Elvira Destiansari, Ari Widodo, Widi Purwianingsih
This research aimed to analyze the teachers' ability in integrating reasoning and students' wellbeing in the PCK. Research method used was case study. The subject of research is two science teachers in grade VII of junior high school in Bandung. Teachers' PCK were analyzed before and after reasoning...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Reasoning and Wellbeing on the Lesson Plan and Implementation in Learning
Reti Tresnawati, Ari Widodo, Widi Purwianingsih
This research aimed to analyze the teachers' ability in integrating reasoning and wellbeing on lesson plan and analyze implementation of the lesson plan in learning. This research was a case study research.The subject were two biology teacher of junior high school in Bandung. Method of data collection...
Proceedings Article
Biology Teachers' Inquiry Abilities When They Preparing in Inquiry-Based Teaching By Mentoring Program
Sri Anggraeni, Bambang Supriatno, Eni Nuraeni, Rissa Marisa, Kartari F Dini
The major purpose of this study was to investigate the abilities of inquiry biology teachers when they were preparing inquiry-based teaching trough mentoring program. First, 9 biology teachers from different high school was analyzing biological content potential to inquiry, then they found their inquiry...
Proceedings Article
Theory and practice of mathematics teacher education: An explorative study at the department of mathematics education, Indonesia University of Education
Al Jupri Mr., Tatang Herman
This article reports on results of a survey on the theory and practice of mathematics teacher education program carried out at the Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of Education), Bandung, Indonesia. The data were collected through questionnaires...
Proceedings Article
Best Practices In Physics Teacher Education In Selected ASEAN Countries
Ida Kaniawati
This study aims to increase the collaboration on quality educational research projects in different countries in the ASEAN region; and identify best practices in pedagogy and assessment in physics teacher education in selected country which are Indonesia, Philippine, Cambodia and Thailand. The study...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Mathematics Learning Material Based on Metacognitive Guidance Approach
Pipin D Erasanti, Dadang Juandi
To develop a learning that focus on students, we need an appropriate learning material. The purpose of the present study is to develop a learning material based on metacognitive guidance approach. The method of this research was research and development, which consists of four phases: define, design,...
Proceedings Article
Design Development of Inquiry-Based Teacher Training to Support Primary Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Tria Umbara, Muhammad R Fananta, Saktiana D Hastuti
In the effort to improve primary teacher's pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), this research aimed to develop inquiry-based teacher training model. The research participants were 31 elementary school teachers from 23 schools from 4 regencies (Tabalong, Balangan, East Barito, and Hulu Sungai Utara) in...
Proceedings Article
Sariwulan Diana, Arief Rachamatulloh
The study aims is to show genetics conceptual mastery improvement of biology teacher in Simeulue archipelago as the result of the implementation guided teaching strategy. This study was a follow-up of the needs of high school biology teachers in Simeulue archipelago for deepening genetics concepts that...
Proceedings Article
The Description 12th Grade Students' Conception of Electromagnetics
Rendy W. Wardana, Ms. Liliasari, Paulus C Tjiang, Nahadi Mr.
Electromagnetic concepts are abstract, difficult and complex concepts. There are different conceptions understood by students in learning electromagnetic concept. This study aims to identify and describe the conception of high school students who have been studying electromagnetic. Descriptive method...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Science Teaching and Learning in Natural School Exclusive Curriculum
Ridha Hidayani
Natural schools offer an education that integrates and friendly by nature. This study aims at investigating the implementation of science teaching and learning in the Natural School. The implementation was observed in terms of planning, implementation, and assessment. The research was conducted by qualitative...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Integrated Teaching Materials of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) with Accommodate Multiple Intelligences to Increase Students' Mastery Concept of Junior High School
Winny Liliawati, Taufik R Ramalis, Judhistira A Utama, Lisda S Mursyidah
This research aims to increase students' mastery concepts in the material motion of celestial bodies using integrated ESS (Earth and Space Sciences) teaching materials which accommodate multiple intelligences. Preliminary identification of the 32 students of ninth class in one of Junior High School showed...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Students' Questions in Physics Lesson
Desi F Wulandari, Agus Setiawan
This study aims at investigating the students' question profile in learning physics at one of the high schools in Tasikmalaya. Three classes were chosen randomly at the same level. The students were asked to write down two questions in a certain time interval after a reading session. Judging from the...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Students' Understanding on Derivative and Integral Calculus with Thermodynamics
Duden Saepuzaman, Aldi Zulfikar, Denni Y Girsang
This research was conducted in order to find the correlation between students' understanding on derivative and integral calculus with thermodynamics. The instrument used in this research was a test comprising of essays and interview questions. The participants in this research were 69 prospective physics...
Proceedings Article
Sundanese flute: from Art and Physics perspective
Ika M Sari, Khairil Anwar, Engkur Kurdita, Nuryani Rustaman
Suling sunda or Sundanese flute is a traditional wind instrument which comes from Sundanese tribe located in West Java Indonesia. Nowadays, the enthusiasm of young generation to learn and play the sundanese flute decreases from year to year. Whereas, sundanese flute is one of the unique musical instrument...
Proceedings Article
The Identification of Local Science Learning Resources of Nusa Tenggara Timur for Developing Physics Instructions in High School
Imelda P Soko, Agus Setiawan, Ari Widodo, Sri Redjeki
This ethnographic study attempts to explore andÿidentifyÿthe elements or cultural phenomena that can be integrated in physics learning and introduce students to the cultural values of daily life thatÿare alignedÿwith physics concepts. Culture based approach of contextual learning activities allows students...
Proceedings Article
Teacher's Knowledge Exploration about Environmental Problem in order to Enhanced Problem Based Learning
Marisa C Tapilouw
Environmental problem become a critical problem nowadays. Through science education, students understand environmental problem as a part of their learning process. Teacher need to find n appropriate learning approach that fits to teach about environmental problem. Many environmental problems trigger...
Proceedings Article
Bioinformatics Resources in Facilitating Students' Conception on Molecule genetics concepts
Tati Kristianti, Ari Widodo, Sony Suhandono, Bruce Waldrip
Molecul genetics concepts are dificcult concepts for students almost in every country. Students must strugle to visualize those concepts. In this study, we presented bioinformatics resources in facilitating students' conception on molecule genetics concepts. Our research questions targeted students conception...
Proceedings Article
Omay Sumarna, Risma Yulistiana
The main objective of this study was to obtain the information regarding freshman students' alternative conceptions, the characteristics of conflict cognitive strategy and the profile of students' conceptual change in Voltaic Cell, which were further elaborated into six determined indicators. The subject...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Inductive-Creative Reasoning, A Theoretical Study
Robiah Adawiyah, Abdul Muin, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa
Reasoning is one of ability that should be developed on students' mathematics learning process. Through reasoning students are expected to know that mathematics is not to rote the formulas but to understand, prove and make conclusion. This article discusses about students' mathematical inductive-creative...
Proceedings Article
Teacher's Understanding of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Hotspots Biodiversity Concepts
Hasna Nuraeni, Nuryani Y Rustaman, Topik Hidayat
One of the main problems of the global environment is the crisis of biodiversity loss. The ability of teachers was instrumental in the successful implementation of biodiversity and conservation education so as to produce citizens who are concerned and responsible. Depth questionnaire survey, aims to...