Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019)

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71 articles
Proceedings Article

Developing Physical Learning Multimedia Based on Physics Edutainment

Rafiqah, Santih Anggereni, Andi Ferawati Jafar, Muh. Syihab Ikbal, Andi Hasrianti, Hasmawati
The research is research and development, which aims to describe the process of developing multimedia learning based on physics edutainment that fulfills the valid and effective criteria. The research design used was the DDDE model. The research subjects consisted of 2 lecturers and one teacher as a...
Proceedings Article

Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture

Nurlina Syahrir, Septia Wulandari, Intan Permatasari, Putri Magfirah Salsabila, Azis
Before the Islamic religion entered the land of Bugis, Bissu had a central role in the Buginese Kingdom. There were no traditional ceremonies or rituals without the presence of Bissu as executors as well as leaders of traditional processes. But nowadays, the Bissu community is challenging to find because...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics

Andi Harpeni Dewantara, Fitriani Nur, Munawarah, Rahmadani, Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang, Ahmad Farham Majid
This study aims to: (1) find out the student’s mathematical connection ability who use the direct learning model with the problem-posing approach and the STAD cooperative learning model with the problem-posing approach, (2) find out the difference in students mathematical connection ability who use the...
Proceedings Article

Overview of School Readiness to Face the Computer-Based National Examination in Gowa District, South Sulawesi: Analysis of Test Results of Computer-Based Tests (CBT) and Paper-Based Tests (PBT)

Syahrul, Iwan Suhardi, N.F.H. Alifya
At present, the Computer-Based National Examination (CBNE) model to replace the Paper and Pencil-Based National Examination (PBNE). The National Examination Organizer assumes that the items displayed on the monitor screen have the same difficulty index when presented on paper. Based on this assumption,...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Analysis of Entrepreneurial Interests: Entrepreneurial Literacy, Self-Eficacy, and Entrepreneurial Characters Vocational Students

Muhammad Rakib, Amiruddin Tawe, Henni Zainal, Syurwana Farwita
Entrepreneurship is one of the supporting factors that determine the economic turbulence in Indonesia because in the field of entrepreneurship itself has the freedom to work and independently. The purpose of this paper is to explain the direct and indirect effect of entrepreneurial literacy and self-efficacy...
Proceedings Article

Farmer’s Behavior in Managing Postharvest in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Fatmawati, Lahming, Ahmad Rifqi Asrib, Nurlita Pertiwi
Seaweed production in South Sulawesi increased significantly and contributed to Indonesia total production in Indonesia. However, increasing production did not affect the welfare of coastal communities. This fact was significantly related to the behavior of farmers in post-harvest management. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Traditional Games Akkasing to Interpersonal Competence of Peers Group for Elementary School Children

Kurniati Zainuddin, Dian Novita Siswanti, Pratiwi Dian Anugrah
Through a game, children have opportunities to interact with their peers; at the same time, they can to improve interpersonal competence. Moreover, the pattern of play involving interaction with peers can be found in the traditional game, one of which is a traditional game akkasing. Therefore, the purpose...
Proceedings Article

Four-M Model for Bamboo Conservation in Riverbanks Management (Case Study in Communities of Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Indonesia)

Nurlita Pertiwi, Nur Anny S. Taufieq, Mithen
This article introduces the bamboo conservation training model along the river bank. This experimental research is part of the development of a community empowerment model involving 20 farmers who manage land on the banks of the Soppeng river. This model was trained in May-August 2019. The aspects of...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Therapy in Controlling Emotions of Adolescent Inmate

Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Ahmad Ridfah, Usrayanti
The present research focuses on teenage angry emotions which are efforts to reduce angry emotions. It used expressive therapy by writing down the deepest thoughts or feelings about depressed individual experiences. The therapy aim to help teens to express their angry emotions in a more positive direction....
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Models Guide Books Based on the Educator’s Needs in Physical Education

Hasmyati, Andi Suwardi, Andi Atssam Mappanyukki, Andi Asrafiani Arafah
This research aims to develop a guidebook on the application of teaching models in physical education based on the data obtained from the needs analysis of educators. This is a research and development (R&D) model study consisting of three stages, namely defining, designing, and developing. Validators...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Siri’ Na Pacce Traditional Values and Corruption Behavior of Public Employees in Jeneponto Regency

Faradillah Firdaus, Muh. Daud, Andi Harun
This article describes the relationship between Siri’ Na Pacce cultural values and the corrupt behavior of public employees in the Jeneponto Regency. The subject of this study is 58 public employees in one of the local government offices. The data are derived from a questionnaire in the form of a Likert...
Proceedings Article

The Supporting Activity for Mother Who Has Specially Needs Children

Haerani Nur, Dian Novita Siswanti, Rizky Rahim
Children born with special needs provide exceptional dynamics activities for a mother’s life. The reaction that the mother shows when the child is expected to have an abnormality can be negative. Mothers who can accept children with special needs believe that what they experience is a gift. This kind...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Flow and Performance of Employees of the Central Office PT. Pelindo IV (Persero) Makassar

Muh. Jufri, Asmulyani Asri, Iwan Prasetio
The relationship between flow and performance of employees is the focus of research. The research subject is employees who have worked for more than one year at the headquarters of PT. Pelindo IV (Persero) Makassar and they are in class positions 10 to 16, about as 149 employees. The researcher used...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Hypnotherapy Model for Smokers

Harlina Hamid, Ahmad Ridfah, Ayu Wulandari
Hypnotherapy is an effective technique to reduce the behavior of smoking by giving impulses to the subject in reducing the smoking desire. The research purpose is to analyze the hypnotherapy effect on decreasing the smoking intensity in adolescents. The research participant was 12 new students in one...
Proceedings Article

The Model of Explanatory Style Training for Futsal Athlete

Lukman, Faradillah Firdaus, Shaleh Afief Angga Mushawwir
Many factors cause athletes to experience competitive anxiety. One of the factors that often make athletes experience competitive anxiety is the environment and internal factors. This study aims to reduce competing for anxiety in athletes by using explanatory style training. This research is using the...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout Among Journalist Profession in Makassar City

Dian Novita Siswanti, Faradillah Firdaus, Fatma Husni
Journalist profession with irregular working time can cause burnout or fatigue. This condition can cause individuals to feel dissatisfied and doubt their abilities. Therefore, this article describes the relationship between perfectionists with burnouts in journalists in the city of Makassar. The research...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Consumer Decision in Buying Poor Rural Products

Andi Nasrawati Hamid, Muhammad Jufri, Adryan Yudhistira Purwanto
Products that have social value or impact on the poor will increase consumer purchasing decisions. This study aims to determine the effect of altruism on consumer purchasing decisions on products from the poor’s empowerment in Makassar. In this study, the subjects were 51 consumers who had bought products...
Proceedings Article

Customer Service Orientation, Emotional Labor Strategy, and Emotional Exhaustion

Resekiani Mas Bakar, Muhammad Jufri, Fajriani Tadjuddin
This study aimed to determine the relationship between customer service orientation with emotional labor strategy and emotional exhaustion among the sales employees. Customer service orientation is the predictor variable that influences emotional labor strategy and emotional exhaustion among the employees....
Proceedings Article

Motoric Stimulation on Early Childhood Development

Zarina Akbar, Awalludin
Early childhood is a golden period in child development, as, in this period, children undergo many significant changes. At an early age, children have great potential to continue to develop. Motor stimulation movements should be given to work as a stimulant for various aspects of child development to...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation of Human Resource Management in the Staffing Agency and Local Human Resource Development of Biak Numfor Regency, Papua

Dahlan, Fatmawada
This study aims to determine the transformation of Human Resource Management carried out by the Human Resource and Development Agency at Biak Numfor Regency. This study is descriptive qualitative — the instrument used in this study including an observation checklist, interview guide, and documentation....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Bureaucracy Politicization in the Public Services Process in Indonesia

Basmin Mattayang, Husain Syam, Haedar Akib
Good public services will undoubtedly increase public trust in government performance. Therefore, we need a bureaucracy that can make regulations by the expectations of the community. However, the politicization of the bureaucracy will affect the performance of the government. Moreover, a good bureaucracy...
Proceedings Article

Creative Industries Development Strategy Based on Craftsmen Vacuum Forming In Makassar

Dian Cahyadi, L. Lanta
One of the obstacles in developing a sustainable industry is related to limitations in terms of skills and knowledge. This is related to simple technologies that allow them to be used in the industry. This limitation results in their ability to be less aware of opportunities to participate in economic...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model in Mastery of German Language Vocabulary

Misnawaty Usman, Ambo Dalle, Abd. Kasim Achmad, Ernawati
This study aims to (1) describe the mastery of the vocabulary of the German language in students by using the learning lecturer variation model, (2) describe students German vocabulary who studied by using the learning model Teams Games Tournament, (3) determine the significant difference between students...
Proceedings Article

Rebuilding Trust; Psychological Change in Couples Who Has an Affair

Asniar Khumas, Nur Afni Indahari, Andi Tenriesa Rachman
This study aims to determine the psychological changes that can foster trust in victims of adultery. This study involved 5 research subjects, consisting of 2 male subjects and 3 female subjects. The age of the subjects ranged from 26 to 35 years. In this study, the criteria of the research subjects have...
Proceedings Article

The Muslim Communities Forgiveness Effect in Ramadan Month

Ahmad Razak, Muflih Lukman, Ahmad Yasser Mansyur
Fasting is a worship that is identical with forgiveness, but what appears from many fasting Muslim societies is far from forgiveness when involved in the conflict. This study aims to look at the effect of the quality of fasting on forgiveness in Muslim communities. Fasting measured in this study is Ramadan...
Proceedings Article

The Model of Yoga Training for Women Adolescents

Widyastuti, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Andi Fitri Wahyuni
Separately living with parents causes adolescent girls who live in orphanages to have lower levels of positive affect. This study aimed to determine the effect of yoga training to increase positive affect adolescent girls in several orphanage in city of Makassar. The subject of the study (N = 10, age...
Proceedings Article

The Intervention of Nudge With the Social Norms

Approach to Increase the Reading Duration

Nurfitriany Fakhri, Lukman, Fahmi Yanuar
The duration of visitors who come to read books in the Library of the Faculty of Psychology is still low. This study aims to improve the reading behaviour of visitors to the Library of the Faculty of Psychology, State University of Makassar. This research used the theory of planned behaviour as a basis...
Proceedings Article

Directory and Inventory the Database of Silk Weaving Ornaments ‘Sabbe’ Sengkang as a Creativity Enhancement Equipment

Karta, Abdul Azis Said, Dian Cahyadi
This study aims to arouse creative efforts to support the diversification of Sengkang silk weaving products using the innovation strategy approach. Indexing motif data is a referential directory or method to document all the motifs of the work of the weavers intended for; (1) identify, classify, and...
Proceedings Article

The Students and the Ability to Verificate a Hoax Through the Application of Hoax Buster Tools (HBT)

Arnidah, Citra Rosalyn Anwar
Hate speech and hoaxes through social media, become an educational challenge for young people. Advances in digital technology that provides a variety of chat application (mobile chat applications) such as telegram, line, WhatsApp, and social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Path, YouTube,...
Proceedings Article

Overview of the Externalities Between Optimization and Overfishing of Fisheries

Muhammad Ikbal, Badriah Sappewali, Wahyuni Ismail
The externalities are conditions or side effects that arise due to economic activities. The externalities can bring positive and also negative impact for ecosystems, one of which is the marine ecosystem. Moreover, the government plays an important role in controlling economic activities so as not to...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Green Apples on the Lactic Acid Level After Physical Activity

Mutmainnah, Rachmat Kasmad, Maulana
This study aims to determine the effect of eating green apples to lactic acid levels after taking physical activity. This study used an experimental research method, with several samples of 15 sport science faculty students selected by random sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model to Increase the Students’ Creative Thinking

Syamsidah, Amir Muhiddin
This research aims to produce models and learning tools that are valid, effective, and practical to improve students’ creative thinking abilities. The research method used is development research adopted from the 4-D Model, which is modified through four stages, namely the defining stage, the design...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Optimism and Procrastination in Students Who are Writing Thesis

Sitti Murdiana, Ahmad Ridfah, Walidah Nudhar Anhar
Obstacles faced by students whilst preparing their thesis could lead to a decline in their motivation. Thus, they will prefer to procrastinate instead of trying to finish their thesis work. It is believed that procrastination is highly correlated with optimism. Hence, this study aims to investigate the...
Proceedings Article

Teachers Ability on Information and Communication Technology in Industry 4.0 Era

Purnamawati, Anas Arfandi
Being a teacher in industrial 4.0 is demanded to adaptable to technological developments. This study aims to describe the understanding and ability of teachers of Vocational High Schools to use ICT in learning. This research is survey research. Research respondents were 142 Vocational Teacher of Computer...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Token Economy Method to Increase the Middle School Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics

Muh. Ahkam, Hilwa Anwar, Arniana Aryanti
The present research is aimed to know the effect of the application of the token economy method on mathematics learning motivation. The experiment was set as the research method. The variables in this study were the token economy method as an independent variable, learning motivation as the dependent...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Sport Development Index (SDI) in Makassar Based on CIPP Evaluation Model

This study aims to resume the Sports Development Index or SDI implementation in the Makassar city South Sulawesi province. It determines the components based on evaluation CIPP include context, input, process, and product. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach in the administrative region...
Proceedings Article

The Prosocial Behavior of College Students at the City Park in Makassar

Dwi Yan Nugraha, Aviva R Scholten, Muhammad Daud
This research aims to look at the description of the prosocial behavior of students at the City Park in Makassar. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive methods. Subjects in this study were 1137 respondents obtained using a purposive sampling technique. Data from this study were obtained...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Work Productivity of Community Health Center Employees

Chuduriah Sahabuddin, Patmawati, Sukmawati, Basri
Employee’s productivity in an organization, both public and non-public organizations, is still an actual problem to be studied. Work productivity is always directed at how to do or utilize something to reflect the principles of effectiveness and efficiency. This research aims to measure the variables...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Psychoeducation to Reduce Homesickness in Islamic Boarding School Students’

Tri Sulastri, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Muh. Nurhidayat Nurdin
This study aims to explore the picture of homesickness in the first-year student of Islamic Boarding School Ummul Mukminin. The study was conducted using two approaches namely survey and quasi-experiment. Participants are new students aged 13-15 years old. Participants were divided into 2 (two) stages....
Proceedings Article

The Experimental Study for Increasing the Aerobic Skills of Students

This article describes about the implementation of an experimental study for increasing the aerobic skills of the student. There were 62 students in the 8th grade of Secondary High School in Makassar. The focus of research is divided into two variables that basic steps and arm movement. The experimental...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Training Methods and Self-Confidence Towards the Skill of Playing Football for the Students

Anto Sukamto, Hikmad Hakim, Ahmad Rum Bismar
This study aims to liken the two training types of playing football. The training method consists of a part-whole method. It establishes the interaction between training types and self-confidence toward the skill of playing football. Self-confidence consists of high and low types. This research was held...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Natural Intelligence Relates to Environmental Attitudes in Elementary School Students

Erma Suryani Sahabuddin, Andi Makkasau, Lutfi, Gita Candra Nurani
This article describes the relationship between Natural intelligence and environmental attitudes in elementary school students. The problems in this study are: (1) What are the description of Natural intelligence and a general description of the caring attitude of elementary school students? (2) Is there...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Ladder Exercises Varies on the Increase in Athlete’s Foot Agility

Nukhrawi Nawir, Jamaluddin
This research is a type of field survey research consisting of two variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. This study aims to determine whether the influence of ladder training varies on increasing the skill of sepaktakraw athletes. The population and study sample were...
Proceedings Article

Peer Conformity and Healthy Eating Behavior Among Adolescent

Rohmah Rifani, Faradilla Firdaus, Ilma Satriawati
Healthy eating behavior is a habit of consuming daily food-related to an individual’s aim to implement healthy living. The occurrence of healthy eating behavior can be influenced by peer conformity. Accordingly, this study aims to assess the relationship between peer conformity and healthy eating behavior...
Proceedings Article

Learning Model for Physical Education Based on Local Culture in South Sulawesi

Poppy Elisano Arfanda, Arimbi
Physical education is one of the subjects in elementary schools that aims to develop students’ physical and emotional abilities. The physical education learning model developed to increase students’ interest in practicing while learning. Many local cultures in South Sulawesi can be integrated into physical...
Proceedings Article

Study of Factors That Influence Women’s Diffidence in Marriage

Ahmad Yasser Mansyur, Nurfitriany Fakhri, Ilmi Amaliah Sudirman
Diffidence is considered as one of the essential components that can resolve conflicts between a man and a woman in a marriage. Besides, the humility of one’s in an interpersonal relationship can result in forgiveness that helps to maintain the relationship. This research will examine factors such as...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of the Insomnia Degree With Smoking Habit Overtraining

Mutmainnah, Rachmat Kasmad, Darul Husnul
Smoking habits become common in students and affect their quality of life. Also, heavy exercise habits can have an impact on performance. This study reviews the relationship between insomnia and smoking habits and overtraining in Sports Science Faculty students at Makassar State University. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Physical Activities on Physical Fitness Level

Adam Mappaompo, Hasbunallah, Kasman, Muhammad Nur
This study aims to find out whether there is a relationship between the nutritional status and physical fitness of Islamic Senior High School’s students and investigates the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness of the Islamic Senior High School’s students. This study also examines...
Proceedings Article

Applying Audio Visual as Learning Media in Increasing Learning Outcomes of Forehand and Backhand Drive on Squash Subject

Irvan, Hasbi Asyhari
Audiovisual learning media in enhancing learning outcomes of forehand drive and backhand punch squash courses at the Department of Sport and Health Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with a total sample of twenty-nine...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Shadow Training Model on VO2 Max Ability in Badminton Game

Muhammad Ishak, Achmad Sofyan Hanif, Firmansyah Dlis, Herman
This study aims to determine the effect of a patterned shadow training model and non-patterned shadow training on the performance of the body’s aerobic metabolism VO2Max in badminton games. By using the field experiment method, the population used in this study were badminton athletes in Makassar City...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Hand-Eye Coordination, Wrist Flexibility, and Self-Confidence on Serve Ability in Badminton on Senior High Schools Students

M. Rachmat Kasmad, Benny Badaru, Rosmanita
One of the objectives of student skills in sports subjects is service short in badminton training. This study focused on describes the factors that influence the students’ specific skills on short serve abilities in badminton games. This research uses a path analysis design involving 60 senior high school...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement of Gross Motor Skill on Rhythmic Gymnastics Activities of Kindergarten Student

Salwiah, Asmuddin, Muh. Safiuddin Saranani, M Mansyur
This study aims to improve children’s gross motor skills (GMS) on rhythmic of gymnastics activities in kindergarten school. This type of research is a classroom action research and was conducted in two cycles. The steps in this study follow a classroom action research procedures, namely: (1) planning,...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Lecturers’ Competence and the Learning Motivation of Students

Novianty Palayukan, Sunarlia Limbong
The purpose of this study is to find out 1) to find out the profile of English lecturers’ personality competence at maritime schools, 2) to describe the profile of students’ learning motivation at maritime schools, 3) to analyze the effect of the lecturer’s personality competence toward the students’...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Physical Training on Rowing Sport Achievement

Asmuddin, Muhammad Rusli, Abdul Saman, Suhartiwi, Salwiah
The aims of the study explored the different effects of plyometric training and coordination on rowing sport achievement. This research was involved 40 rowing beginner athletes at Kendari from July up to September 2019. The research method was a quasi-experimental method that tested two methods for two...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Emotional Intelligence for Team Conflict: Case Study in Government Hospital

S. Lukman
Organizational development requires human resources. Professional organizations manage systems and organizational mechanisms of existing resources to support flexible responses of change. As one of the service industries with a very complex business process, hospitals certainly have a quite large potential...
Proceedings Article

Emotional Aspects and Dribbling Motor Skills in Football Players

Nurussyariah Hammado, Sahabuddin, Reza Mahyuddin, Rahmat Risan Jalil
This research is a descriptive survey that aims to determine the contribution of emotional aspects on functional motor skills among football players in Sports science faculty Universitas Negeri Makassar. The study was conducted involving 40 samples in Universitas Negeri Makassar. Emotional aspects in...
Proceedings Article

Enhancement Shotput Skills With Shot Modification on Students

Ad’dien, Musfira A. Nurul, Herman
This study aims to determine the increase in students’ skills through the application of tool modifications. This study uses a two-cycle action research method with the design of planning, observation, action, and reflection. The subjects in this study were 23 students of SDN I Complex IKIP Makassar...
Proceedings Article

Study of Availability of Productive Subjects’ Teaching Materials in Vocational High Schools in South Sulawesi

Iwan Suhardi, Riana Tangkin Mangesa
One of the main obstacles to the vocational high school revitalization process is the unavailability of teaching materials that can be used for teaching and learning activities. The availability and quality of productive subject teaching materials depend heavily on efforts conducted by the school and...
Proceedings Article

Reviewing Community Land Ownership Certificate Services in Various Studies

Yusran Paris
The community highly desires excellent public services in the land sector. Ownership of land certificates is a necessary political and business economic foundation because it can improve people’s welfare, dignity, and dignity. This research is a systematic review that aims to identify, evaluate critically...
Proceedings Article

Student Knowledge of Global Environmental Issues in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

A. Zulfikar Syaiful, B Abd H Muh. Fikruddin
This paper aims to analyze student knowledge of global environmental issues. This study was conducted on 200 students from five large universities in Makassar and taken proportionally by the simple random sampling method. Selected students are then asked to answer questionnaires arranged so that they...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Running Practice Method on Football Shooting Skills of Sport Science Students

Andi Ridwan, Juhanis
This study aims to determine the effect of straight running practice and zigzag running practice with drill methods on football shooting skills and determine the difference in the impact between the two practices in improving football shooting skills in Sport Science Students of Makassar State University....
Proceedings Article

The Contribution the Physical Condition on Underhand Serve Ability in Volleyball of Elementary School Students in Makassar City

Silatul Rahmi, Ishak Bachtiar
This research is a type of descriptive study that uses a “correlational” research design. This study aims to determine the contribution of physical condition to the ability to serve in volleyball of elementary students. The physical condition indicated on arm muscle strength, length of the arm, hand-eye...
Proceedings Article

Symbol of Social Phenomenon in the Drama Script “Orang-Orang Pinggiran” Written by M. Hasan Pabdatabi Syam

A. Asmara
This study aims to describe the symbols of social phenomena in the text of the drama “Orang-orang pinggiran” by M. Hasan Pabdatabi Syam. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The data in this study are written data in the form of symbols of social phenomena. The source of the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Sentra Learning Model to Build Early Childhood Characters in Kindergarten School

Fatmawaty Yusuf, Muhammad Akbar
The study aims to describe the development of a learning model for character building in kindergarten students. The study employed the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The developed...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Anxiety Therapy and Self-Confidence Therapy on the Shot Accuracy in Football Game

Irfan, Ihsan Abbas
This study aims to find out the effect between anxiety therapy and self-confidence therapy on the shot accuracy in football games. This study applied an experimental design involving thirty students of one of the Soccer Clubs in Gowa regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data were collected by conducting...
Proceedings Article

Community Engagement in Erosion Control of Riverbank in Walanae Watershed, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

A. Rumpang Yusuf, Muhammad Ardi, Mohammad Ahsan Mandra
Community involvement in environmental protection is one of the implementations of sustainable development. This study describes the effectiveness of training models to increase the knowledge and attitude of participants in controlling riverbank erosion. The study method is an experimental design with...
Proceedings Article

Conceptual Errors of Students in Solving Mathematics Problems on the Topic of Function

The purposes of this study were to describe the students’ conceptual errors in solving mathematics problems on the topic of functions and the cause of errors. This research is categorized into qualitative research with a descriptive-explorative approach. Diagnostic tests and interviews are the data collection...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Training Methods and Motor Ability on Overhead Passing Skills in Volleyball Games

Hikmad Hakim, Anto Sukamto
This is the experimental study to find out the comparison of two training methods to improve the skills of passing techniques for playing volleyball. The training method consists of the powerful opponent training method and the passive opponent training method. This study also aims to determine the interaction...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Instructional Media and Motivation on Student’s Skill of Dribbling in Indoor Hockey Games

Syahruddin, Muhammad Syahrul Saleh, M. Sahib Saleh
This study describes the differences between two learning media on the Skills of Dribbling (SoD) in indoor hockey games. The study design was a simple factorial design 2x2 with a sample of 40. These samples were taken using random sampling techniques divided into four groups, with ten people per group....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Human Physical Components Against the Students Psychomotor Ability to Kick the Ball in Soccer Games at SDN 23 Kanaungan Labbakkang, Pangkep Regency

La Kamadi, Hasyim
This article describes the human physical components’ contribution to kick a ball in soccer games for students at primary school. This research uses descriptive analysis with two variables used in this study: the independent variable is the human physical component of leg power, and abdominal muscle...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Kelong Texts in Learning the Makassarese Syntax to Students

Kembong Daeng, Syamsudduha, Sakinah Fitri
This research aims to describe the students’ mastery of Makassarese before and after utilizing kelong texts in learning Makassarese Syntax. This is descriptive research that describes data according to facts or reality. The research population was students of Regional Language and Literature Education...