Proceedings of the International conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24)

301 authors
Abdussalam, Abdussalam
Analysis of Sustainable Livelihoods Impact Approach (SLIA) in Desa Berdaya
Abiprayu, Kris Brantas
Peer-Review Statements
Abiprayu, Kris Brantas
Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in Plastic Waste Management: Towards Sustainable Environmental Practices
Aeni, I N.
How Does Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Certification Affect Indonesia State-Owned Company Performance?
Aeni, Ida Nur
Financial Performance: Evidence on Environmental Disclosure, IT Adoption, and Corporate Governance
Afnia, Suci
Initiation of the Unnes Halal Center Collaborative Development Strategy for Product Development and Halal Product Guarantee Systems
Agustina, Linda
The Role of Information Technology (IT) as a Moderating Variable in Sustainability Report Disclosure: Empirical Study of ASIA Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRR) Participating Companies 2018-2021
Airyq, Irnin Miladdyan
Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in Plastic Waste Management: Towards Sustainable Environmental Practices
Airyq, Irnin Miladdyan
Understanding The Dependency Between Environmental Intelligence, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behaviour
Akbar, M. A.
Green Human Resource Management Effect on Job Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Technology Acceptance Model
Amanda, Septia
Financial Performance: Evidence on Environmental Disclosure, IT Adoption, and Corporate Governance
Andini, Prita
Servqual Agility On PTN-BH Performance with Environmental Dynamics as a Moderation
Anisyah, Siti
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Anisykurlillah, Indah
Sustainability Performance – Perspective on Islamic Entity
Annur, Abdul Fattah
Execution Capability and Learning Culture as Mediator of Alignment for Improving Performance in Higher Education Institutions
Ariadi, Wa
Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis
Arnandiani, Nafasafitri
The Impact of GDP Per Capita, Trade Openness, Environmental Policy Stringency, Population, and Renewable Energy Consumption on Carbon Emissions in The BRICS, 1990-2020
Astuti, Dwi Puji
Uncovering Women’s Empowerment in The Ecotourism Sector for Sustainable Livelihood – Case Study of Candirejo Village Cooperative System
Astuti, Dwi Puji
Raising Students’ Awareness and Attitudes on Environmental Education Issues
Aw, Suranto
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Azmin, Nur Azwani Mohamad
Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?
Baroroh, Niswah
How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University
Baroroh, Niswah
Determinant of Corporate Income Tax Payable with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in Indonesian Company
Budiantoro, Risanda A.
Financial Services Industry Strategy Architecture for Initiating Biogas Finance Development In Indonesia
Budiantoro, Risanda Alirastra
Uncovering Women’s Empowerment in The Ecotourism Sector for Sustainable Livelihood – Case Study of Candirejo Village Cooperative System
Budiantoro, Risanda Alirastra
The Role of Information Technology (IT) as a Moderating Variable in Sustainability Report Disclosure: Empirical Study of ASIA Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRR) Participating Companies 2018-2021
Budiantoro, Risanda Alirastra
Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future Analysis and Strategy for Carbon Trading in Indonesia
Budiantoro, Risanda Alirastra
Initiation of the Unnes Halal Center Collaborative Development Strategy for Product Development and Halal Product Guarantee Systems
Damayanti, Nadia
Unveiling the Carbon Footprint: Investigating the Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Carbon Emissions through FMOLS Analysis
Devitrisia, Naim
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Disman, Disman
Sustainable Teacher Professional Development: A Review from A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Perspective
Dyaningsih, Luvita
The Biodiversity Disclosure Determinants in Indonesian Chemical Companies
Fachrurrozie, Fachrurrozie
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Fadhila, Nur
Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour
Unveiling the Carbon Footprint: Investigating the Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Carbon Emissions through FMOLS Analysis
Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village
Go-Organic Based Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Model with a Green Economy Approach
Determinants of Electricity Consumption on The Green Economy Across Five ASEAN Countries: Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia
Farliana, Nina
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University
Farliana, Nina
Model of Literacy and Environmental Support System University to Enhance Sustainable Entrepreneurial Intention
Farliana, Nina
Greening the Workforce: A Roadmap for Sustainable Employment in the Era of Environmental Challenges
Fauzi, Ahmad Syahrul
Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour
Fauzi, Ahmad Syahrul
Go-Organic Based Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Model with a Green Economy Approach
Fauzi, Ahmad Syahrul
Promoting Green Development: Environmental Attention and Regulation by Local Government in Central Java, Indonesia
Febriatmoko, Bogy
The Role of Influencer Interactivity and Authenticity in Forming Brand Trust
Febriatmoko, Bogy
Building HR Character With an Insight to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through The Role of ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka’ (MBKM)
Febriatmoko, Bogy
Analyze The importance of The Theory of Planned Behavior in shaping The Purchase of Green Food Products
Febryanto, Dyto Try
Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: Approach from the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program at UNNES
Feriady, Muhammad
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis
Ghani, Rosmaiza Abdul
Is There Any Correlation Between Poverty, Income Inequality, and Environmental Degradation in Low-Income Countries?
Gunawan, Aditya Rahmat
Analysis of Sustainable Livelihoods Impact Approach (SLIA) in Desa Berdaya
Gunawati, Iva Sofi
Does the Role of Regional Heads in Managing Environmental Crises?: Advancing The Upper Echelon Theory
Hadi, Samsul
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Hajawiyah, Ain
Factors Affecting Tax Disclosure
Hajawiyah, Ain
How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University
Hakim, L.
A Mapping Analysis of Air Quality Issues in Indonesia: An Atlas.ti Approach
Handayani, Bestari Dwi
Does The Village Owned Enterprises Care About Environmental, Social, and Economics Sustainability?
Hardianto, Hanif
Model of Literacy and Environmental Support System University to Enhance Sustainable Entrepreneurial Intention
Harjanto, Atta Putra
Factors Affecting Tax Disclosure
Harmoko, Fendi Setyo
Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: Approach from the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program at UNNES
Harto, Puji
The Biodiversity Disclosure Determinants in Indonesian Chemical Companies
Hasibuan, P. Erianto
Servqual Agility On PTN-BH Performance with Environmental Dynamics as a Moderation
Hasibuan, P. Erianto
Building HR Character With an Insight to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through The Role of ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka’ (MBKM)
Helmi, Sulaiman
The influence of Product Knowledge and Product Quality on Buying Interest is mediated by Product Advertising for MSMEs
Hidayah, Raudhatul
Does The Village Owned Enterprises Care About Environmental, Social, and Economics Sustainability?
Hidayah, Retnoningrum
How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University
Hidayah, Retnoningrum
The Evolution of Environmental Disclosure Practices in Indonesia
Hidayanti, Alfiyani Nur
Financial Performance: Evidence on Environmental Disclosure, IT Adoption, and Corporate Governance
Hidayat, Deddy Rakhmad
Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis
Himmatina, Dina Nur
Sustainability Performance – Perspective on Islamic Entity
Hindrayani, Aniek
Education for Environmental Sustainability: Does the Vocational High School Industrial Internship Program Develop Students’ Green Innovation Skills?
Hindrayani, Aniek
Education for Sustainability: Teacher Professional Development Training Program in Green Entrepreneurship - A Systematic Literature Review
Hisjam, Muhammad
Transformative Dynamics of E-commerce Integration in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review
Ikhsananto, Aan
Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: Approach from the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program at UNNES
Indrawati, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum
Adoption of Digital Technology among Pre-Service Teachers: Bibliometric Analysis
Indriayu, Mintasih
Role-playing Green Information System Analysis by Secretarial Students for Sustainable Education: 21st Century Digital Skills
Indriayu, Mintasih
Education for Environmental Sustainability: Does the Vocational High School Industrial Internship Program Develop Students’ Green Innovation Skills?
Indriayu, Mintasih
Adoption of Digital Technology among Pre-Service Teachers: Bibliometric Analysis
Indriyani, Lilis
Assessing Student Perceptions of PPG in UNNES Economics Program and Its Implications on Career Motivation in Economics Teaching
Isdiati, Erni Harlina
Assessing Student Perceptions of PPG in UNNES Economics Program and Its Implications on Career Motivation in Economics Teaching
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Ismiyati, Ismiyati
Exploring the Role of Personal Norms and Environmental Concerns in Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Value-Belief-Norm Theory Perspective
Istanti, Fredianaika
Servqual Agility On PTN-BH Performance with Environmental Dynamics as a Moderation
Istiqomah, Ni’matul
Local Business and Gentrification: Using Online Market to Increase Competitiveness
Jaafar, Noor Ismawati
Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institution (HEIs) Between Indonesia and Malaysia: Bibliometric Analysis
Jaenudin, Ahmad
Raising Students’ Awareness and Attitudes on Environmental Education Issues
Jaerawibawa, Fawwaz
Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour
Jannah, Richatul
Uncovering Women’s Empowerment in The Ecotourism Sector for Sustainable Livelihood – Case Study of Candirejo Village Cooperative System
Jannah, Richatul
The Role of Information Technology (IT) as a Moderating Variable in Sustainability Report Disclosure: Empirical Study of ASIA Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRR) Participating Companies 2018-2021
Jannah, Richatul
Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future Analysis and Strategy for Carbon Trading in Indonesia
Jannah, Richatul
Financial Services Industry Strategy Architecture for Initiating Biogas Finance Development In Indonesia
Jati, Kuat Waluyo
The Role of Information Technology (IT) as a Moderating Variable in Sustainability Report Disclosure: Empirical Study of ASIA Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRR) Participating Companies 2018-2021
Jayanto, Prabowo Yudo
Sustainability Performance – Perspective on Islamic Entity
Jayanto, Prabowo Yudo
Initiation of the Unnes Halal Center Collaborative Development Strategy for Product Development and Halal Product Guarantee Systems
Joyoatmojo, Soetarno
Role-playing Green Information System Analysis by Secretarial Students for Sustainable Education: 21st Century Digital Skills
Kamilia, Nurul
Servqual Agility On PTN-BH Performance with Environmental Dynamics as a Moderation
Kamilia, Nurul
Execution Capability and Learning Culture as Mediator of Alignment for Improving Performance in Higher Education Institutions
Raising Students’ Awareness and Attitudes on Environmental Education Issues
How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University