Proceedings of the International conference of Economics Business and Economics Education Science (ICE-BEES-24)

301 authors
Integrating Sustainability into Economics Teacher Education
Understanding The Dependency Between Environmental Intelligence, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behaviour
Kardoyo, Kardoyo
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Go-Organic Based Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Model with a Green Economy Approach
The Impact of GDP Per Capita, Trade Openness, Environmental Policy Stringency, Population, and Renewable Energy Consumption on Carbon Emissions in The BRICS, 1990-2020
Input-Output Analysis of The Central Java Forestry Sector
Kistanti, Nurjannah Rahayu
Input-Output Analysis of The Central Java Forestry Sector
Kiswanto, Kiswanto
Factors Affecting Tax Disclosure
Krisnaresanti, Aldila
Sustainable Teacher Professional Development: A Review from A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Perspective
Kurniasih, Fransiska Novi
How Does Green Human Resources Important in Green Financial Reporting: Evidence from A Conservation University
Larasati, Primadhani Dyah
Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institution (HEIs) Between Indonesia and Malaysia: Bibliometric Analysis
Latifah, L.
How Does Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Certification Affect Indonesia State-Owned Company Performance?
Latifah, Lyna
Preventing Corruption Behavior in Achieving Good Village Governance: Case Study in Semarang Regency
Legowo, Djoko
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Lestari, Puji
Promoting Green Development: Environmental Attention and Regulation by Local Government in Central Java, Indonesia
Lestari, Tiara Dwi
Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future Analysis and Strategy for Carbon Trading in Indonesia
Mafruhah, I
A Mapping Analysis of Air Quality Issues in Indonesia: An Atlas.ti Approach
Mahmoud, Nouraldeen Ameen Abaker
Transformative Dynamics of E-commerce Integration in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review
Mahmud, Amir
Preventing Corruption Behavior in Achieving Good Village Governance: Case Study in Semarang Regency
Malikah, Siti
Does the Role of Regional Heads in Managing Environmental Crises?: Advancing The Upper Echelon Theory
Mardiyah, Siti Umi Khayatun
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Marliana, H.
Determinant of Corporate Income Tax Payable with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in Indonesian Company
Marpaung, Grace Natalia
Exploring The Impact of Human Capital, Education, and Health Expenditure on Inclusive Growth in Indonesia
Martono, S.
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Maruto, Salsabila Nadianisa
Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in Plastic Waste Management: Towards Sustainable Environmental Practices
Masud, Osman
Bibliometric Analysis: Flipped Learning Practices between Indonesia and Bangladesh
Melmambessy, Dani
Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis
Miftahunnajah, Nimas Aulia Pambajeng
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Mudrikah, Saringatun
Understanding The Dependency Between Environmental Intelligence, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behaviour
Mudrikah, Saringatun
Review of Environmental Awareness, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behavior of Prospective Teacher Students: Towards Sustainable Education
Mukhibad, Hasan
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Mukhibad, Hasan
Sustainability Performance – Perspective on Islamic Entity
Mukhibad, Hasan
The Evolution of Environmental Disclosure Practices in Indonesia
Mukholifah, E.
Determinant of Corporate Income Tax Payable with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in Indonesian Company
Mulyono, Kemal Budi
Student Business Innovation Capability: The Urgency of Design Thinking-Based Learning
Murniawaty, Indri
Integrating Sustainability into Economics Teacher Education
Murniawaty, Indri
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University
Murniawaty, Indri
Sustainable Agriculture Policy Direction of Central Java Province by 2025
Murtadlo, Muhamad Nukha
Assessing Student Perceptions of PPG in UNNES Economics Program and Its Implications on Career Motivation in Economics Teaching
Murtadlo, Muhamad Nukha
Initiation of the Unnes Halal Center Collaborative Development Strategy for Product Development and Halal Product Guarantee Systems
Nafingah, Nurul
Factors Affecting Tax Disclosure
Integrating Sustainability into Economics Teacher Education
Naufalin, Lina Rifda
Adoption of Digital Technology among Pre-Service Teachers: Bibliometric Analysis
Promoting Green Development: Environmental Attention and Regulation by Local Government in Central Java, Indonesia
Nihayah, Annis Nurfitriana
Exploring The Impact of Human Capital, Education, and Health Expenditure on Inclusive Growth in Indonesia
Nihayah, Annis Nurfitriana
Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village
Nihayah, D. M.
A Mapping Analysis of Air Quality Issues in Indonesia: An Atlas.ti Approach
Nihayah, Dyah Maya
Exploring The Impact of Human Capital, Education, and Health Expenditure on Inclusive Growth in Indonesia
Noviani, Leny
Student Business Innovation Capability: The Urgency of Design Thinking-Based Learning
Noviani, Leny
Education for Sustainability: Teacher Professional Development Training Program in Green Entrepreneurship - A Systematic Literature Review
Noviani, Leny
Adoption of Digital Technology among Pre-Service Teachers: Bibliometric Analysis
Nurkhin, A.
How Does Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Certification Affect Indonesia State-Owned Company Performance?
Nurkhin, Ahmad
Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror
Nurkhin, Ahmad
Financial Performance: Evidence on Environmental Disclosure, IT Adoption, and Corporate Governance
Nurkhin, Ahmad
Integrating Sustainability into Economics Teacher Education
Nurkhin, Ahmad
Promoting Green Development: Environmental Attention and Regulation by Local Government in Central Java, Indonesia
Nursyamsi, Idayanti
Trends in Research on Female Lecturers: A Bibliometric Analysis
Octavianto, Said Nur
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Oktarina, Nina
Development of Microsoft Excel Features as A Complete Letter Creation Database in Supporting Indonesian Correspondence Learning
Oktavilia, Shanty
Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour
Oktavilia, Shanty
Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village
Oktavilia, Shanty
The Evolution of Environmental Disclosure Practices in Indonesia
Oktavilia, Shanty
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University
Oktavilia, Shanty
Input-Output Analysis of The Central Java Forestry Sector
Pangestika, Maulida Dewi
Determinants of Electricity Consumption on The Green Economy Across Five ASEAN Countries: Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia
Perdhana, Mirwan Surya
Execution Capability and Learning Culture as Mediator of Alignment for Improving Performance in Higher Education Institutions
Permana, Dian Fithra
Development of Microsoft Excel Features as A Complete Letter Creation Database in Supporting Indonesian Correspondence Learning
Pertiwi, Meilani Intan
Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village
Pertiwi, Meilani Intan
Determinant of Corporate Income Tax Payable with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in Indonesian Company
Pertiwi, Meilani Intan
Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future Analysis and Strategy for Carbon Trading in Indonesia
Pinasti, Enggarningtyas Retno
Financial Services Industry Strategy Architecture for Initiating Biogas Finance Development In Indonesia
Pitaloka, Lola Kurnia
Understanding The Dependency Between Environmental Intelligence, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behaviour
Pitaloka, Lola Kurnia
Review of Environmental Awareness, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behavior of Prospective Teacher Students: Towards Sustainable Education
Prabowo, Gibran Regusta Ade
Analysis of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior of National High School Students in The City of Semarang
Pramusinto, Hengky
Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: Approach from the Economic Education Teacher Professional Education Program at UNNES
Prananta, Widya
The Role of Influencer Interactivity and Authenticity in Forming Brand Trust
Prananta, Widya
Building HR Character With an Insight to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through The Role of ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka’ (MBKM)
Prananta, Widya
Analyze The importance of The Theory of Planned Behavior in shaping The Purchase of Green Food Products
Prasetyo, Eko
Sustainable Agriculture Policy Direction of Central Java Province by 2025
Prasetyo, P. Eko
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University
Priantana, Riha Dedi
Does The Village Owned Enterprises Care About Environmental, Social, and Economics Sustainability?
Prihandono, Dorojatun
Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in Plastic Waste Management: Towards Sustainable Environmental Practices
Pujiati, Amin
Unveiling the Carbon Footprint: Investigating the Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Carbon Emissions through FMOLS Analysis
Pujiati, Amin
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials as an Effort to Foster Ethical Entrepreneurship in University
Pujiati, Amin
Exploring the Role of Personal Norms and Environmental Concerns in Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Value-Belief-Norm Theory Perspective
Pujiati, Amin
Sustainable Agriculture Policy Direction of Central Java Province by 2025
Pujiyanto, Eko
Transformative Dynamics of E-commerce Integration in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review
Purasani, Hana Netti
Role-playing Green Information System Analysis by Secretarial Students for Sustainable Education: 21st Century Digital Skills
Purasani, Hana Netti
Greening the Workforce: A Roadmap for Sustainable Employment in the Era of Environmental Challenges
Putri, Phany Ineke
Analysis of the Effect of Cayenne Pepper Prices in East Java
Putri, Phany Ineke
Sustainable Ecology: The Role of Local Communities in Achieving Sustainable Tourism Village
Rachmadani, Wulan Suci
Does the Role of Regional Heads in Managing Environmental Crises?: Advancing The Upper Echelon Theory
Rachman, Mohammad A.
Financial Services Industry Strategy Architecture for Initiating Biogas Finance Development In Indonesia
Raharja, Surya
Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education Institution (HEIs) Between Indonesia and Malaysia: Bibliometric Analysis
Raharjo, Teguh Hardi
Understanding The Environmental Attitude and Knowledge to Environmentally-Friendly Behavior on Conservation-Based University
Rahayu, Rahma Puspita
Investigate on Moral Hazard: The Impact of Cash Transfer on Household Spending Behaviour
Rahman, Fathur
Student Business Innovation Capability: The Urgency of Design Thinking-Based Learning
Rahman, Muhammad Aulia
Unveiling the Carbon Footprint: Investigating the Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Carbon Emissions through FMOLS Analysis
Rahman, Yozi Aulia
Analysis of the Effect of Cayenne Pepper Prices in East Java