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189328 articles

Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Performance: A Correlation Analysis

Choiria Mahmudah, Ibrahim Bafadal, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri
This study aims to determine the relationship between principal transformational leadership and teacher performance. This research was conducted at State Vocational High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri / SMKN) Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive-correlational...

On the oscillons in the signum-Gordon model

Z. Świerczyński
Pages: 20 - 28
New periodic solutions of signum-Gordon equation are presented. We first find solutions φ0(x, t) defined for (x, t) ∈ ℝ × [0, T ] and satisfying the condition φ0(x, 0) = φ0(x, T ) = 0. Then these solutions are extended to the whole spacetime by using (2.4).

The Expression of the Form of Chinese Opera Painting in Folk Art

Xiaojie Zhang
In the ancient times without modern media, the visual communication mode of opera art mainly depends on fine arts. The forms and types of opera performance almost involve all kinds of fine art. From the perspective of ancient sculpture, New Year wood-block painting, ancient murals and other folk arts,...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Antigen Excretory-Secretory Schistosoma Japonicum in the Development of Elisa Method to Detect Schistosomiasis in Indonesia

Samarang, Made Agus Nurjana, Malonda Maksud, Sri Murtini, Fadjar Satrija
The development of ELISA method to detect patients with schistosomiasis in Indonesia is a detection of the antigens that are derived from the peripheral vessels in the blood serum. This research is conducted in the Napu Plateau of Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The goal is to develop ELISA...

Writing Competency of Inspirational Stories Through ATAP Method in Asosiasi Guru Belajar

Nani Solihati, Imam Safii, Rugi Astutik
Writing Competency of inspirational stories through ATAP Method in Asosiasi Guru Belajar. This Paper aims to describe the writing competencies of teachers in Asosiasi Guru Belajar in delineate the awalan, tantangan, aksi, dan pelajaran of the teachers’ inspirational stories. Method was used in the research...

Strategies for the Creative Economy Development of Urban Fishermen in East Java: A Multivariate Analysis Perspective

Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto, Candraningrat
This article is one part of research on strategies for developing the creative economy of urban fishermen in East Java Province. The research in this article focuses on efforts to prove the influence of Word of Mouth, Motivation, Destination Awareness, Destination Image, Destination Branding, Market...

Approaches to Design of the Linguocultural Type “Celebrities”

Halyna Melnychuk, Ryta Lopatych
This work is carried out in the framework of linguoculturology and the theory of linguocultural types as one of the current trends in modern linguistics. The article considers the linguocultural type “Prominente / Prominenter” as a special type of the concept. The choice of the object of study is dictated...

Efforts to Preserve of Minangkabau Songs by Dplust Band in Padang

Hanafi Riska, Ayu Niza Machfauzia
The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the attempts to preserve Minangkabau songs by the Dpllust band in Padang and figure out the privileges experienced by Dplust band after the group was founded. This study is classified into qualitative research. It used phenomenological approach with...

Differences Between Chinese and English Thinking from the Use of Nouns in Chinese and English

Jingqi Tang
Nouns play an essential role in the daily use of language, primarily identifying and naming people and things. Different language users have distinct rules and habitual methods to form words, as well as to pronounce and define grammars. These fixed and conventional language rules are influenced by speakers’...

Analysis of Students’ Satisfaction in Learning Government Accounting

Blended Learning Vs Traditional Learning

Dewi Pebriyani, Ade Elsa Betavia, Vita Fitria Sari
Blended learning is a learning method that incorporates face-to-face lectures with online teaching. Online teaching can be used to distribute learning materials, assign and collect assignments; conduct quizzes, and also allows for discussions and provides feedback and other functions through the features...

Formalization of Requirements for Spatial Development Investment Projects

Vladimir Kalugin, Aleksandra Dubskaya, German Poddubny, Eugeniy Bukhvald
One of the most important tasks in economy is to assess the economic efficiency of investment projects. Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects is of utmost importance at the pre-investment stage of the life cycle. However, the amount and nature of information available at this stage does...

Research on the Construction Path of Intelligent Financial Sharing Platform Under the Background of Industrial Interconnection

Guangmin Fu
In 2018, the scale of China’s digital economy has reached up to 31.3 trillion, accounting for 4.8% of China’s GDP. In the fourteenth five-year plan, the concept of “Digital China” was clearly put forward again. And the digital economy has been developing rapidly. Starting from the background of industrial...
Proceedings Article

Maximal Covering Problem Model for Determination of Fire Station Location

(A Case Study)

Darsih Idayani, Yesi Puspitasari, Lisma Dian Kartika Sari
This research aims to determine the optimal location and number of fire stations in Situbondo Regency by considering the travel time, development cost, and track record of fire incidents using the maximal-covering problem model. Furthermore, the model is solved using the branch and bound method using...

The Role of Agricultural Extension Workers in Urban Agriculture Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia

Retno Wulandari, Roso Witjaksono, Ratih Ineke Wati
To support urban agricultural development, the role of an extension worker is needed, where this role is needed to build farmer attitudes and participation towards, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The aims of this study were to describe urban agricultural activities carried out by farmers and...

Localizing the Korean Variety Shows in China Review of the Differences Between Policy, Market and Culture

Chenxuan Gao, Anqi Wu, Qingyuan Yang
This article aims to find out how the differences of policy, market and culture between Korean and Chinese influence the process of Chinese localization and the development of Chinese television industry. The collection of literature summaries from journals and news, the research methods of the literature...
Proceedings Article

Optimization Transportation Problem Using Generalized Unified Tabu Search: A Study on Ginger Distributions in Java, Indonesia

O.M Wijanarko, D Ertiningsih
In a minimization problem, there are some operational costs, such as transportation costs which are not negligible. In this research we discuss a transportation problem and propose a comparison of the generalized unified tabu search and the branch and bound algorithms. One of our concerns is the geographical...

Implementation of Knapsack Problem - Fuzzy Inference System Tsukamoto in the Admission of New Students Based on Zone System

Izza Hasanul Muna, Elok Mutiara Rakhmawati
Admission of new students is an annual activity process that exist in educational institutions. In this process, educational institutions try to get the best students among the other candidates according to criteria determined by institutions. In the last 3 years, the Ministry of Education of Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Vaccine Rejection Identity on Facebook in the Context of a Conflict

The Risk and Coping Strategies of Vaccine Refusal Group

Fathia Islamiyatul Syahida, Dinda Dania Nadine Asy Syifa, Indira Kirani Putri, M. Fathan Haidar Januar, Tito Edy Priandono
The success of the vaccination program is influenced by the presence of social media. Facebook gives vaccine repellents access to share content, express opinions about vaccines, communicate and interact. In revealing their identity, vaccine repellents are inseparable from risk and conflict. The main...
Proceedings Article

Combination Effect of Ethanol Extract of Pomegranate Peel (Punica granatum L.) and Lemongrass Stalk (Cymbopogon citratus) Against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538

Suci Ahda Novitri, Neng Fisheri Kurniati
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the bacteria that cause infectious diseases. Some cases were found to be antibiotic-resistant. That is why the development of natural antibiotics is necessary. The objectives of this study are to determine the effect of an antibacterial test from ethanol extract of pomegranate...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sodium Chloride with Varying Concentration on Characteristics and Rheology of Extracted Gluten from Wheat Flour

Nancy Siti Djenar, Retno Dwi Jayanti, Joko Suryadi
Gluten is a vegetable protein with the potential to be developed into functional food because of its high protein content. Gluten is viscoelastic which gives chewiness characteristics. In Indonesia, gluten is still imported and limited to processing food or to substitute for animal protein. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Mobile Intelligent Terminal in High School Physics Learning

Lihua Zhao
At present, the emergence of mobile smart terminals such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops has broken the constraints of traditional education and teaching in space and information transmission, which can effectively expand the ways for high school students to learn, and can help achieve the teaching...

Creating a Model of Effectiveness Evaluation for the CEFE Method Entrepreneurship Training with Logic Model Approach and Based on Participant Needs

Sawidji Widoatmodjo
Entrepreneurship training interventions are the government’s choice in many countries to overcome their inability to provide job opportunities for their citizens. The Indonesian government uses the CEFE Method to provide entrepreneurship training to entrepreneurs in the trade, dairy, batik, and furniture...
Proceedings Article

Alzheimer’s disease detection using deep neural network in densenet 169

K. Ashwini, K. Valarmathi, B. Vanipriya, M. Devi
Globally, Dementia is most frequently caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). From range in severity, it steadily gets worse, making it challenging for the individual to complete any work without assistance. Due to populations growth and the frequency of diagnoses, it starts to surpass. Existing methods...

Review: Potential Effect of Black Garlic (Allium sativum L.) as Antioxidant

Pramudita Riwanti, Burhan Ma’arif, Miftah Zulfa Jannah
Black garlic is a fermented garlic product that is heated at a specific temperature and humidity are a certain time without additional treatment. Numerous studies have mentioned that black garlic extract exhibits several capabilities, inclusive of antioxidant, antiallergic, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory,...
Conference Abstract


Bernhard Hametner*, Stephanie Parragh, Anita Gerstenmayer, Thomas Weber, Siegfried Wassertheurer
Pages: 20 - 21
Since aortic pressure cannot be measured noninvasively, pressure signals are often measured at more superficial arteries and a transfer function is applied to obtain a surrogate for the central pressure curve. These transformations are usually derived from measurements in a specific group of subjects...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Shoot Water Potential in Plantation and Natural Forest Trees of Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey) Bunge ex Fenzl Desert Region, Mongolia

Enkhchimeg Tsedensodnom, Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj, Narantugs Dulamsuren, Khaulanbek Akhmadi, Batkhuu Nyam-Osor
Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey) Bunge ex Fenzl, (Saxaul forest) is a small tree and shrub belonging to the genus Amaranthaceae. We measured shoot water potential of saxaul trees, indirectly determined the current status of shoot water potential of natural forests and planted trees, the adaptability of...

The Effect of English Teaching Material Using Total Physical Response (TPR) Based Character Education in Elementary School

Rindilla Antika, Elsy Melia Syari
This research aimed to examine the effectivenes of the English teaching material oriented to character-based through the TPR as a learning model in improving students’ English ability. This research employed a pre-experimental research with the design one group pretest-postest. The improvemet was measured...
Proceedings Article

Are Cookies Based on Soybeans and Aren Safe for Autistic Children?

Revy Yuniarti Ningrum, Hartati Eko Wardani, Septa Katmawanti
1) Background: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have indigestion conditions, so diet in children with ASD is gluten-free and casein-free diet. Gluten-free and casein-free food products tend to be low in protein. Soy flour with a high protein content is expected to increase the nutritional...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between e-Health Literacy Competencies and Self-management of COVID-19 Disease

(Case Study of Health Information Managements Students in Semarang)

Enny Rachmani, Haikal Haikal, Eti Rimawati, M. G. C. Yuantari, Anasthasya Nisrina Arifin, Prima Pratiwi, Krhisna Prymaditya Achmad
Introduction: Mass open communication via social media and the internet causes infodemics and information gaps. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a driving force in global adoption of digital technology such as the internet, including in Indonesia. Individuals need eHealth literacy to assess the information...
Proceedings Article

Smallholder Farmers Market Options Within the Emerging Agri-Food Value Chain

Shaf Rijal Ahmad, Kodrad Winarno
Agriculture in Indonesia is facing challenges in the mid of agri-food value chain transformation. The transformation allows farmers to grow, however this also presented more barriers particularly for smallholder farmers with unfavorable characteristics. Unfortunately, these farmers are dominating agriculture...
Proceedings Article

A Computer Game Decision Interpretation Method Based on Salient Features

Haodong Feng, Shuqin Li
Artificial intelligence has greatly improved the efficiency of industry and life, but its algorithmic framework is often a black box, leading to a lack of understanding of how computers give decision results. So, the interpretability of artificial intelligence has been widely concerned in recent years....

Innovative Development of Mathematics Beauty and Aesthetic Education

Zhuqi Yu, Jie Jiang, Lidong Wang
This paper seeks to discuss three issues: first, analyze the connotation of mathematical beauty to establish a multidimensional angle of mathematical aesthetics; Second, form the concept of “integration of disciplines” with an awareness of comparing mathematical beauty with other disciplinary beauty;...

Blindness and Fashion: Teaching Personal Stylists and Image Consultants to Work with Visually Impaired People

Tatiana Belova
This study is devoted to the issues of accessibility of fashion for people with visual impairments. We discuss the experience of teaching personal stylists to work and interact with visually impaired people within the “Blind Fashion” project. The project was aimed at helping the blind participants select...

Characterization of Organic Solvent Tolerance Lipase from Compost Indigenous Bacteria

Nurhasanah, Aspita Laila, Heri Satria, Ni Luh G. R. Juliasih, Qonita Nurul Husna
Lipases are a group of hydrolase enzymes that play an important role in industry and biotechnology. In addition, lipase has the ability as a catalyst in ester hydrolysis, transesterifications, alcoholysis, and acydolysis reactions. This study aims to obtains the character of the tolerant lipase of organic...

Self-regulated Learning Technique on the Career Maturity of Students

Nur Saidah, Rosita Endang Kusmaryani
The research aimed to identify the effectiveness of self-regulated learning techniques on the career maturity of Vocation High School 1 Cikarang Barat students. The research was an experimental study with a sample of 35 eleventh-grade students of Computer and Network Engineering Class A as the experimental...

A Preliminary Study on the Methods of Improving Emergency Management Capability by Frontier Information Technology

Musheng Ma
My country is one of the countries with the most serious natural disasters in the world. The characteristics of the disaster chain are increasingly prominent, and the rescue of all disasters is facing unprecedented challenges. Emergency management is an important part of the national governance system...

A case study of energy-efficient strategies for substation building in hot and humid climate zone

Dishan Yang, Xiaoyu Huang, Yubin Lin, Jinbo Zhang, Chenyuan Zheng, Feng Shi
Buildings in China account for 45.5% of the country’s total energy consumption. As part of the electric infrastructure, substation buildings house large-scale equipment prone to over-heating, necessitating substantial energy for cooling. In this study, we aimed to investigate the energy-saving potential...

The Vulnerability of The Javanese Language: An Analysis of Students’ Competence

Wening Udasmoro, Leo Marai, Sulistyowati, Aprillia Firmonasari, Wulan Tri Astuti
The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between language use and language proficiency in relation to language vulnerabilities, with a particular emphasis on the Javanese language. The research critically examines the extent to which a language becomes vulnerable as a result of its...

Characteristics of the Menstrual Cycle After Using One Month Hormonal Contraceptives Injection: Systematic Review

Dina Silfia, Sri Mulyani, Muthia Mutmainnah
Menstrual cycles changes after using injection contraceptive can be caused by hormonal imbalances. This hormonal imbalance causes the endometrium to undergo changes, making the uterine lining thin and unsuitable for a place to grow the product of conception. If this condition continues, it will increase...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Water Injection Application on the Performance of Internal Combustion Engines

Wawan Purwanto, Ahmad Arif, Martias, Hendra Dani Saputra, Yolana Nursyafti, Alif Adrilana
As the temperature of the air entering the combustion chamber rises, consequently the combustion temperature, resulting in complete combustion of air and fuel in the combustion chamber and a decrease in the performance of the internal combustion engine. It also influences increasing emissions while decreasing...

Research on Teaching Reform of Electronic Information Technology Courses in Vocational and Technical Education Based on CDIO Concept and Virtual Simulation Technology

Li-hua Qi, Dong-qiu Xing, Jing Zhao, Xi-wei Gao
In order to change the current situation that the teaching theory and practice of electronic technology course in vocational and technical education are disconnected, and improve students’ practical ability and engineering thinking ability. The teaching reform focuses on the demand design of the course...

Exploring Innovative Approaches and Evaluation Techniques in Physics Education at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri

Muh. Asriadi AM, Epi Purnama
Fundamental scientific concepts are integral to our daily lives, influencing decision-making and problem-solving, spanning from the intricate principles of physics governing everyday motions to the biological processes affecting health. This qualitative research delves into the teaching and assessment...

Review of Environmental Political Theory on Environmental Policy in Indonesia

Andi Ridha Aulia Ar Jabbar, Ulfa Angraeni
Environmental issues are increasing day by day, showing the failure of implementing environmental policies that have not been completely successful. This is caused by a lack of targeted accuracy in policy implementation. Environmental policies are very important in life to maintain balance, because as...
Proceedings Article

Dispatch optimization of battery energy storage systems considering degradation effects and capacity inhomogeneities in second life batteries

Melina Graner, Vivek Teja Tanjavooru, Andreas Jossen, Holger Hesse
The performance of battery energy storage systems (BESS) along their lifetime is significantly influenced by their degradation. The rate of degradation depends on stress factors such as the state of charge, charge-discharge rate, and depth of cycle, but evolves differently for every individual battery....
Proceedings Article

Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Jasminum sambac L.: Identification, Histological Observation, and Content Analysis of Secondary Metabolites

Utami Sri Hastuti, Vivi Novianti, Dwi Rahmawati, Ria Yustika Sari, Nadila Sekar Zahida
Jasminum Sambac L. plant, especially the flower used for ritual ceremony, i.e.: the wedding ceremony. Commonly medicinal plants have an interaction with endophytic fungi species that lived in their tissues, the interaction form is mutualism symbiotic. The research was done to: (1) identify the endophytic...
Proceedings Article

Micropropagation of Ten Genotypes of Sugarcane Mutants on Media Containing BA and Thidiazuron

Sukendah Sukendah, Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih, Rossyda Priyadarshini
Mutation induction in sugarcane by gamma irradiation has produced 10 mutant clones. Each mutant clone needs to be reproduced before further release. Multiplication of mutant clones is done in-vitro to produce true-to-type mutant sugar cane seeds. Four in-vitro media containing BA (Benzylaminopurine)...

Literature Review of Community of Inquiry Model in China and Abroad

Wei Zhang, Jiaqi Guo
Since the integration of computer and internet technology into education, the related theories of online learning and blended learning have always been the focus of researchers. As a theory that can be well applied to online learning and blended learning, which integrates modern information technology,...

The Impacts of Business Model Innovation on Enterprise Development: Taking East Buy Holding Limited as an Example

Yingfei Xia
Nowadays, Internet is very developed, so plenty of enterprises choose to expand new sales channel, which is e-commerce. This study is going to explore the impact of business model innovation on enterprise development. The study adopts case study to analysis a specific company: East Buy Holding Limited....

Analysis of the Spatial Morphology Characteristics of Urban Built-Up Areas in Shanghai

Wenlong Yu, Fanqiang Gao, Jiahai Liu, Chao Zhang, Xiaolei Ju, Bin Li, Xiangyang Cao
The morphological characteristics and spatial patterns of urban built-up areas reflect the characteristics of urban development. This paper takes Shanghai as the study area, uses the landscape pattern index to analyse the morphological characteristics and spatial patterns of urban built-up areas from...
Proceedings Article

Research on frequency calculation of short suspender with fixed support at both ends

Yijun Liu, Lijuan Wang, Quan Chen
In order to analyze the influence of flexural stiffness on the frequency of short boom, the calculation accuracy of natural vibration frequency of short boom cable force is low. Based on the existing formula for calculating natural vibration frequency of the cable with fixed supports at both ends and...