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188265 articles

The Effect of Human Capital on Profitability with Productivity as Intervening Variable

(Study on Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Subsector Companies in 2017–2019)

Sri Sulasmiyati, Fathya Dina Adila
Human Capital plays a crucial role in companies by providing valuable knowledge and skills, motivating employees, promoting competence, and fostering teamwork. Research has demonstrated that a strong Human Capital can enhance a company’s profitability and productivity. For this study, the variable being...

Globalization’s Influence on Artistic Vision: Perspectives from Diverse Artists

Yue Wang
In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art, the influence of globalization on the artistic vision of diverse artists stands as a subject of profound significance. This academic article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted impact that globalization has cast upon artistic...
Proceedings Article

Numerical Investigation of Bond Interface Morphology between Normal Strength Concrete and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete under Shear Loading

Jiebo Fan, Mengkai Lin, Wen Sun
In order to address the challenge of accurately quantifying the roughness of the bond interface morphology between Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC), this study employed the spatial frequency content method to characterize randomly rough surfaces. The roughness...
Proceedings Article

Virtual Simulation Project Analysis of Shandong Traditional Handicraft Manufacturing “Jinan Black Pottery” Based on “Ideavr” Platform

Bei Han, Yu Niu, Jing Yang, Jilin Qin
This project is a VR education virtual simulation system creatively developed based on “ideaVR” platform. The experiencer enters the Jinan black pottery virtual simulation system and takes the four parts of the intangible cultural heritage protection policy, the origin of Longshan culture, folk handicraft...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Integrated Building Post for Non-communicable Disease Patients in Ngrampal District, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Adela Widi Etania, Rizky Rizani, Yusa Muhammad Thoriq, Leny Purnamasari, Wahyu Cipto Utomo, Pradhana Satria Pinandhita, Nengah Adnyana Oka Manuaba, Sani Rachman Soleman
Integrated Building Post (Posbindu) is a health-community resource-based to tackle non-communicable diseases provided by the Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia. Application this program focuses on diabetes and hypertension in the population. However, community utilization to come to the Posbindu...

Grammatical Markers of Enggano Transitive Verb in Perfective and Imperfective Aspect

Dendi Wijaya
This paper discusses the grammatical markers of the transitive verb of Enggano language based on both perfective and imperfective aspects, as well as the morphophonemic processes that occur in the grammaticalization process of verbs. Enggano language is a language with aspect but the markers of aspects...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation of Natural Disaster Investigation and Evaluation

Haofeng Zhang, Na Zhao, Yanan Sun, Yuanyuan Jiao, Jing Wan
Natural disaster is one of the important factors threatening the safety of human life and property, natural disaster investigation and assessment can effectively help human beings to understand the mechanism of natural disasters, the response process and the level of ability to defend against natural...

The Development of Short Film Media to Increase Tolerance in High School Students

Ruuhuly Ikbari Husna, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Budi Astuti
Build an attitude of tolerance is something that is really needed, especially among students. The data shown through research by the Wahid Foundation in 2019 shows that 61.3% in Indonesia have intolerance problems between groups. The results of the 2018 national survey show that 56.9% of school teachers...

The Revitalization of Local Literature in a Glocal Landscape through the Mediation of Cultural Festivals

Novi Anoegrajekti, Endang Caturwati, Sudartomo Macaryus, Miftahulkhairah Anwar
This paper emphasizes how to revitalize local literature through the power of the media to introduce local literature through the cultural festival Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC) as a visualization of tradition. Cultural events in Banyuwangi, such as the Barong ritual, Sri Tanjung folklore, and Mocoan,...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Diversity of Rhizophora Apiculata Blume in Banggai Kepulauan Inferred from Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) Marker

Seni Kurnia Senjaya
Mangroves are among the most productive and biologically important ecosystems in the world, providing many services that bridge processes in the ocean and land. One of the species of mangrove forest in the Banggai Kepulauan is Rhizophora apiculata Blume. Regional development and climate change pose a...

The Influence of Transfomational Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment and Working Spirit on Employee Performance

Study at On The Rock Hotel Kupang During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Lorens Riwu, Imelda Regina Pellokila, Merlin Luisa Malelak
This study aims to determine relationship between Transformational leadership style, organizational commitment, working spirit to employee performance where hotels are the main object of this research. Hotels in the tourism industry are accommodation facilities that can help tourists who are traveling...

The Reimagined Princess, The Empowered Female Warrior

A Comparative Analysis of Mulan (1998) and Mulan (2020) Using the Fourth-Wave Feminist Framework

Caroline Yiqian Wang
For nearly a century, the Walt Disney Company has been constructing the world-famous Princess Line and enjoying a lengthy reign of female-centred, female-targeted media productions. Relying upon a problematically androcentric formula, these princess fairy tales advocate stereotypical femininity and romanticise...
Proceedings Article

Inverse analysis of seepage Safety for earth dams based on monitoring data

Jinhui Lang, Cheng Fang
After several years of operation, there is a discrepancy between the measured data from the piezometric pipes and the initial design infiltration line of the dam. A mathematical model can be established to infer the permeability characteristics of the rock and soil materials in the earth dam based on...
Proceedings Article

Biodiesel Production from Tamanu Oil (Callophyllum Inophyllum) with Immobilized Lipase Catalyst Using Activated Carbon as Matrix

Martha Aznury, Ahmad Zikri, Siti Chodijah, Indiana Damayanti, Nova Rachmadona
Energy needs in Indonesia until now still depend on fossil energy sources whose availability in the world is running low. Therefore, the search for alternative renewable energy must be developed, one of which is biodiesel. The raw material used in the production of biodiesel is tamanu oil, which is tamanu...

Digital Governance Strategy to Realize Adaptive, Agile, and Fluid Government in the Provincial Government of West Java

Endah Mustika Ramdani, Rodlial Ramdhan Tackbir Abubakar, Rike Anggun Artisa, Chiquita Puspa Annisa Dewi
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 with technological advances has disrupted various strategic environments in human life. Likewise, governance must reposition itself so as not to be out of date in responding to public demands. This study aims to analyze the digital government strategy carried out by the...

A Study of the Effect of Digital Transformation on Firm Performance —— Based on the Mediating Effect of Green Technology Innovation

Jiaxin Luo
As electronic technologies rapidly evolve, digital transformation has become an important driving force for high-quality development of firms. In this context, studying the impact of digital transformation on firm performance is of great theoretical and practical importance. This paper selects all Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Planning and optimization of oilfield surface construction engineering scheme based on cyclic neural network

Wei Zhang
In order to solve the problems of high oil and gas gathering energy consumption and construction cost and poor efficiency after the application of oilfield surface construction engineering scheme planning, this paper studies an optimization method of oilfield surface construction engineering scheme planning...
Proceedings Article

Smart Mailbox Using Piezoelectric Sensors

Yew-Keong Sin, Joe-Win Ng, Zhe-Kang Lim
E-commerce is blooming in Malaysia. Benefited from the blooming of e-commerce, courier industry gained rapid growth in Malaysia as well. One of the challenges in delivery services is failed delivery attempt. Smart mailbox is a potential solution for this challenge. With the rising of Internet of Things...

The Happiness Concept for Community: A Studying Indigenous Psychology for Melayu Community of Kampar

Masyhuri Masyhuri
This study aimed to seek the meaning, source of Happiness, and unhappiness of the Islamic people of Melayu Kampar Riau. The subject of this research consists of 308 respondents who were affiliated with the people of Melayu Kampar. Data collection used an open-ended questionnaire. In the instrument, the...

Development of a Digital Test Instrument Using the Thurstone Scale to Measure Levels of Religious Moderation

Fadriati Fadriati, Fadhilah Rahmafitri, Dwifa Ramadhanty, Lita Sari Muchlis
There is an opinion by some people that religious moderation will shallow religious understanding. In fact, religious moderation actually implements true religious values. The phenomenon shows that people with a good understanding of religion will be friendly towards other people, especially when facing...
Proceedings Article

Seismic performance analysis of soft steel damper with single circular hole

Jinfeng Hao, Hao Liu, Fawei Diao
In order to investigate the effect of opening radius and different ways to change the cross-sectional area on the energy dissipation capacity of a single-circle hole mild steel damper, this paper changes the hole diameter by increasing the inner and outer diameters, keeping the radius difference unchanged,...
Proceedings Article

Slope Stability, Performance and Berm Design of Small Arms Ranges for the Canadian Armed Forces

Richard LeBlanc, Maria Skordaki, Nicholas Vlachopoulos
The soil berm stop butt used to arrest bullets behind targets of Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Ranges (SAR) infrastructure presents a geotechnical opportunity for optimization. Existing pre-emptive monitoring of the berms over the past decade has established multiple modes of failure. Previously,...

A Study of Teaching Decisions of Yangqin Teachers Based on Educational Requirements

Chulan Xue, Ruicong Ma, Zongchen Hou
The Yangqin was introduced to China in the late Ming Dynasty, initially popular in the coastal area of Guangdong and then gradually spread to the mainland. Through the continuous improvement of successive generations of artists, it gradually evolved into a characteristic national musical instrument in...
Proceedings Article

Scrum Implementation using ClickUp on Rentors Website Application Development

Syafira Widiyanti, Simon Pulung Nugroho
The Scrum methodology has been chosen as the software development approach for building the Rentors website application, as it can generate adaptive solutions to complex problems through iterative stages. Collaboration and team member management are essential to completing these stages. ClickUp is implemented...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Active Compounds and Analysis of Antibacterial Activity of Blended Essential Oil From Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus jowitt), Cananga (Cananga odorata), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

M. A. Fadhilah, A. D. Nugrahini, M. P. Kurniawan, D. A. Nugroho
Essential oil is an aromatic liquid obtained from various parts of plants. The growing need for essential oil functions has led to the proliferation of blended essential oil products aimed at achieving specific compositions and functions. Different terpenoid components in essential oils can interact...

Motivational Beliefs and Learning Effectiveness of Video Instruction in Procedural Tasks

Mukhammad Isnaeni, Achril Zalmansyah
This research aims to determine the advantages of using multimedia presentations in teaching-learning activities, especially the use of video tutorials that affect student work on procedural tasks. This study compares student learning performance using paper-based manuals to students using video tutorials....
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center

Alfinadelasari Putri Fariadi, Septa Katmawanti, Agung Kurniawan, Supriyadi Supriyadi
Pregnancy is a time to increase fetal growth and development. The growth and development of children certainly cannot be separated from the nutritional status of the mother. Lack of knowledge about nutrition can cause mothers not to know how to fulfill nutrition during pregnancy. The purpose of the research...
Proceedings Article

Parametric Study of Rectangular Microstrip Array Antenna at 2.2 GH

Agus Dwi Santoso, Ferry B. Cahyono, H. Bambang Bagus, Muh Harliman Saleh
This study aims to analyze antenna characteristics at a frequency of 2.2 GHz, including return loss, VSWR, gain, bandwidth, surface current, and radiation pattern values. Antenna characteristics were designed using simulations made with FR-4 substrates with dielectric constant ...

Exploring the Role of Interdisciplinary Communication Theories in Diffusion of Innovations: A Review

Yumna Zahran Ramadhan, Muharman Lubis, Deden Witarsyah, Luthfi Ramadani
This article discusses various interdisciplinary communication theories and their application in understanding complex social phenomena. The Diffusion of Innovations theory is discussed in detail, including its model, factors that influence innovation diffusion, and the role of communication theory in...
Proceedings Article

Feasibility Analysis of Excavator Vaia Car (Special Equipment) Engine Oil at the Ngrombo Railway Maintenance Center

Hari Boedi Wahjono, Fadli Rozaq, Dimas Adi Perwira, Naufal Wirawan
An oil Change is the act of maintenance on the Excavator Vaia Car (Special Equipment) at the Ngrombo Railway Maintenance Center. The research aimed to investigate the feasibility of engine oil for the Excavator Vaia Car. The method was taking the engine sample oil from 0 months to 6 months with 1 month...

Assessing Indonesia's Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to The Paris Agreement: Identifying The Obstacles Indonesia has in Addressing Climate Change

Ika Sri Hastuti
This study explores Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) as a sort of national commitment that incorporates steps for both mitigating and adapting to climate change in order to lower carbon emissions that contribute to the phenomena of global warming. Indonesia, as a nation that has officially approved...

Android-based Learning Media on PAUD Management Course

Nasriah, Elya Siska Anggraini, Dedy Husrizal Syah, Dito Aditia Nasution
This research aims at (1) android applications as a learning medium Paud Management; (2) Knowing the feasibility of the android application as a learning medium Paud Management; and (3) Know the assessment of media experts and material experts on android-based learning media in Paud Management courses....

Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Malaysian Case Study

Gomathy Balasubramanian, Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz
In 2020, the entire world was confronted with a pandemic that would inevitably cause profound changes in all spheres of life, from social to economic. The severe economic crisis that followed the pandemic outbreak has compelled organisations to reconsider the necessary changes and new challenges for...

Heutagogy: The Most Holistic Approach Utilizing Technology in Learning

Fitria Lapele, Badrun Kartowagiran, Haryanto Haryanto, Eko Wahyunanto Prihono
This research discusses the heutagogical approach, which is the most holistic approach in the era of Distance Learning that utilizes technological developments. Students have the independence to negotiate, determine to learn, and how it will be learned. This current research aims to expose and offer...

Professional and Psychological Potential of an Attorney: A Look at the Problem

Viktoriia Vladyshevska, Ivan Okhrimenko, Andrii Kubaienko
The article investigates the expediency of checking the psychological readiness of a person to independently engage in the practice of law at the stage of access to the profession, as a guarantee of compliance with the high ethical principles of the profession in the future. In this context, the problematic...

Analysis of the Effect of Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, and National Income on Financial Deepening in Indonesia From 2000 to 2020

Risma Nur Khomariyah, Eni Setyowati, Yuni Prihadi Utomo
This study aims to examine several factors that influence inflation, interest rates, currency exchange rates, and national income on financial deepening in Indonesia for the period 2000-2020. This research was conducted using time-series data in the form of quarters from 2000 to 2020. The analysis results...

The Urgency of Practicum Classes at Indonesian Vocational Colleges During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fajria Fatmasari, Dedi Febrianto, Avia Enggar Tyasti
As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced all teaching and learning to be done online, vocational colleges may face a variety of issues as a result of the big portion of practicum class they provide. Students will certainly need to use laboratory equipment, such as large-heavy machines, to expose them to the...

Using USR as Course Field in Business Ethical Teaching and Social Practice

Tai-Ho Yang
Business ethical issues tend to be too abstract, leading to students’ lack of interest in learning; students also presume that ethical teaching is merely “preaching”; thus, they have oppositions and even refusals to take such courses. Besides, lacking realistic job experiences make undergraduate students...

The Influence of the Scramble Learning Model on the Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII SMPN 2 Bungku Timur Morowali District

Eko Purnomo
This study aimed to determine the effect of using scramble learning models and direct learning models on student learning outcomes in mathematics in class VIII SMPN 2 Bungku Timur, Morowali Regency. This research is a Quasi Experiment with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this...
Conference Abstract


C. Palombo, C. Morizzo, V. Bianchi, B. Marchi, E. Randazzo, G. Federico, M. Kozakova
Pages: 154 - 154
Conference Abstract


G. Pucci, J. Cheriyan, L. Whittaker, S.S. Hickson, G. Schillaci, C.M. McEniery, I.B. Wilkinson
Pages: 154 - 155
Conference Abstract


M. Zagura, M. Sergejev, J. Lieberg, P. Kampus, A. Peetsalu, J. Eha, M. Zilmer, J. Kals
Pages: 154 - 154
Background: Arterial stiffening is an independent predictor for cardiovascular mortality. Preliminary studies have shown that arterial calcification may have impact on increased vascular stiffness. However, little is known about the role of calcification inhibitor osteoprotegerin (OPG) as an independent...
Conference Abstract


M. Salvetti, A. Paini, C. De Ciuceis, E. Porteri, C. Agabiti Rosei, C. Aggiusti, F. Bertacchini, D. Stassaldi, D. Rizzoni, M.L. Muiesan, E. Agabiti Rosei
Pages: 154 - 154
Conference Abstract


E. Bianchini, R.M. Bruno, A.I. Corciu, V. Gemignani, F. Faita, M. Demi, L. Ghiadoni, R. Sicari
Pages: 154 - 154
Conference Abstract


K. Angel, S. Provan, M. Fagerhol, T.K. Kvien, D. Atar
Pages: 154 - 154
Background: Chronic inflammatory arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. TNF-α antagonists are previously reported to improve vascular function in these patients and thus...