Proceedings of the UPY-ICCCM International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2024)
22 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [UPINCESS] during [Wednesday, October 30, 2024] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [UPINCESS Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article
Internal and External Pressures on Sustainability Report Disclosure
Tri Siwi Nugrahani, Ervina Febiyanti, Hari Purnama, Sri Widodo
Stakeholders have a role in determining company performance including sustainability report disclosure. Internal and external stakeholder pressures affect SR disclosure such as internal pressure from employees and external pressure from investors, consumers, and the environment. This study used a sample...
Proceedings Article
Socialization and Implementation of Automatic Watering System for Greenhouse in Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Siyono Tengah
Theofilus Bayu Dwinugroho, Dwi Setiawan
Lumbung Mataraman Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Siyono Tengah has a greenhouse as part of the implementation of the Lumbung Mataraman program from the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta government. This greenhouse is used as a means of cultivating food plant seeds. Watering plant seedlings in the greenhouse...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Implementation E-Procurement On Implementation Of Procurement Of Goods Or Services And The Impact On The Absorption Of The Capital Expenditure Budget
Maria Yosepha Sulistyawati Triyono, Bambang Sugeng Dwiyanto, Diana Anggraini Kusumawati
Electronic Procurement of Goods/Services (e-procurement) aims to produce the right goods/services from every money spent, measured from the aspects of quality, quantity, time, cost, location, and providers that have the ultimate goal of achieving the absorption of government spending budgets, especially...
Proceedings Article
Effective Management Strategies In Educational Counseling: Using A Logical Approach To Encourage Indonesian Students To Explore Education In China Through Scholarship Programs
Ali Mufti Hasyim, Cyntiani Putri, Sir Kalifatullah Ermaya, Angga Kurniawan
The interest of Indonesian students to continue their education abroad through scholarship programs, especially in China, is increasing along with globalization and rapid economic development. However, many students still do not understand the process and challenges faced in international study. This...
Proceedings Article
The Management of Impact and Interplay of Spousal Relationships on Work Engagement: a Study in International Transnational Education Association
Cyntiani Putri, Ali Mufti Hasyim, Sir Kalifatullah Ermaya, Angga Kurniawan
This study examines the influence of marital relationships on work engagement and interaction management in the context of the International Transnational Educational Association (ITEA). The study investigates how legally recognized marital dynamics affect employee work engagement....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Cyberloafing Behavior, Organizational Commitment, and Locus of Control on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable at CV. Maketees Industries
Lulita Rahmawati, Djoko Wijono, Putri Ana Nurani
This study aims to investigate the influence of cyberloafing behavior, organizational commitment, and locus of control on employee performance through job satisfaction as a mediating variable. This research employs a quantitative method with a survey approach involving employees of CV. Maketees Industries...
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of Ethno-STEAM Learning Using Digital Application
Kristina Warniasih, Siska Candra Ningsih, Abdul Aziz Saefudin, Meylani Nonsi Tentua
The study aims to determine the perceptions of junior high school Mathematics teachers regarding Ethno-STEAM based learning using digital applications. This study was a quantitative descriptive. A questionnaire as an instrument in collecting research data was distributed to 33 Mathematics teachers as...
Proceedings Article
Development Of Language Competence by Teaching Foreign Language Folklore Genres in Students
Rustamov Tursunovich, Rustamova Abdurakhimovna, Ishankulova Allovidinovna, Sidiknazarova Mirsharapovna
This article explores the importance of teaching foreign language folklore genres in enhancing students’ language skills. Incorporating folklore, such as storytelling, songs, and artistic expressions, into language instruction provides numerous benefits. These include vocabulary expansion, improved grammar...
Proceedings Article
Folklore Is Invariable Concepts in Genres
On The Example of English and Uzbek Anecdotes
Rustamov Tursunovich, Rustamova Abdurakhimovna, Yuldosheva Bakhtiyarovna, Saydivaliyeva Saidbakhramovna
Folklore acts as a cultural archive, preserving the essence of societies through stories, legends, and humorous anecdotes. This article explores folklore through a comparative analysis of invariant concepts in the genre of anecdotes from two distinct cultures: English and Uzbek. By examining these genres,...
Proceedings Article
Lexical Problems Encountered in The Translation Of Small Genres
Rustamov Tursunovich, Rustamova Abdurakhimovna, Yuldosheva Bakhtiyarovna, Ishankulova Allovidinovna
This article focuses on the lexical issues encountered when translating small genres. Smaller genres such as advertising and social media posts pose particular challenges due to their brevity and specificity. The author highlights several key issues, including cultural and contextual mismatches, preservation...
Proceedings Article
Concept Of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum Innovation
Arip Febrianto, Sukiman, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
The curriculum is one of the most decisive components in an education system, therefore the curriculum is a tool to achieve educational goals and at the same time as a guideline in the implementation of teaching at all types and levels of education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the basic concept,...
Proceedings Article
The Impact Of The Project Based Learning (PJBL) Model On Students’ Understanding Of Science Materials In Elementary School
Anggita Dedek Eka Fatmala, Setyo Eko Atmojo
The use of the Project Based Learning learning model is rooted in the challenges of the conventional learning process, which is often less effective in increasing active involvement and deep understanding of students. Traditional learning tends to focus on one-way teaching methods that emphasize memorization...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Video Learning Media on School Students ‘ Learning Activeness Base
Agista Putri Anindya, Setyo Eko Atmojo
The study aims to find out the effectiveness of using video learning media on the activeness of students’ science learning at Banyubiru 1 State Elementary School. This study uses an experimental research type with a Quasi Experimental design of the Nonequivalent Control Group Design type. The population...
Proceedings Article
Reading, Writing, Counting (CALISTUNG) Abilities In Mathematics Of Street Children At The Mandiri Shelter House In Yogyakarta
Hana Liawati, Bintang Wicaksono
The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The study subjects amounted to five people package B Mandiri Yogyakarta Halfway House. Data collection techniques use tests of reading ability, writing skills, numeracy skills and interviews. Data analysis uses data reduction, data display,...
Proceedings Article
The Method of Holistic Education and Development of Early Childhood Potential in SPS Mekar
This study was aimed to: 1) review the implementation of SPS Mekar Bantul, Yogyakarta, 2) Examine the process of inculcating character values of SPS Mekar Bantul, Yogyakarta. This study employed descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study showed that: 1) Child Mentoring Program of SPS...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Education in the Perspective of Multicultural Education within Indonesia's Multicultural Society
Arifudin Sibawaihi, Arip Febrianto
The objective of this research is to highlight the significant role of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in shaping the character of students who are faithful, pious, and possess noble morals, particularly within the context of Indonesia's multicultural society. In a community rich in cultural and...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning on Performance Study Mathematics
Arip Febrianto, Trio Pika Yuliana Sari
One of challenge in Learning Mathematics that is performance Study student part big Still classified as low. Research Objectives This For know How influence from the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model in increase performance Study mathematics student class IV SDN 1 Kadipiro. The research...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Habits of the Thursday Pahing Traditional Clothing of Yogyakarta in Instilling a Sense of Love for the Country
Arip Febrianto, Ririn Novita Sari
Research purposes This to analyze the habituation of traditional clothing culture every Thursday Pahing Yogyakarta in instilling a sense of love for the homeland at the Elementary School level. The method used in this study is the Literature Study Method or library research using secondary data sources...
Proceedings Article
Improved Access and Quality of Infant and Maternal Health Care in Vulnerable Areas
Ekha Rifki Fauzi, Herenda Sela Wismaya, Noor Alis Setiyadi
Hypothermia is a condition of extreme loss of body temperature in infants and can increase mortality or morbidity in infants. Hypothermia, a condition where body temperature drops below normal limits, is a serious issue commonly found in newborns. This condition is particularly frequent in babies born...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Adolescents in Stunting Mitigation Through the Creation of Nutritious Foods
A Case Study of the Adolescent Integrated Health Post in Karanganyar Hamlet
Rosmauli Jerimia Fitriani, Rosalia Indriyati Saptatiningsih, Danuri Danuri, Padrul Jana
Adolescensts are the future generation who play a crucial role in the progress of a nation, including efforts to mitigates stuning for future generations. As future parents, adolescents with a good understanding of child health and balanced nutrition have great potential to break the chain of stunting...
Proceedings Article
The Narratives of Muslim Converts on Their Conversion Experiences through the Perkampungan Baru Islam Project (PBI) in Rural Sarawak
Mohd Basir, Nur Tan Abdullah, Tan Ai Pao, Fariza Sham, Isdawati Ismail
This study aims to analyze the scenario of conversion to Islam among reverts in the rural areas of Sarawak through the New Islamic Village Project (PBI). This project is managed by the largest Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Sarawak, the Islamic Awakening Organization (HIKMAH). The primary focus...