Proceedings of the 3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)
875 authors
- Fivanda, Fivanda
- The Design Process of “Hanga” Luminaire in the Dining Room of a Residential House
- Fivanda, Fivanda
- Metaphoric Concept Implementation of Water Lily Towards ‘Lilya’ Luminaire Design
- Fivanda, Fivanda
- Implementation of the Green Interior Concept in Residential at Alegria Park BSD
- Fivanda, Fivanda
- Universal Design Principles on Three Generations of Residential Kitchen in South Jakarta
- Francesca, Molly
- The Endless Sunday: The Effects of Extended Lockdown on Adolescents Mental Health
- Fransiska, Yenita
- Designing a Resting Facilities on Employee’s Workstations
- Friscily, Friscily
- Implementation of Big Data in E-Commerce to Improve User Experience
- G. R., Chaithra
- Thrifting, New Atlas for Indian Millenials Shopping
- Gabriela, Gabriela
- Implementation of Big Data in E-Commerce to Improve User Experience
- Gan, Lady
- Literature Review: Psychological Social Impact in Indonesia during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Girlani, Jessica Archangela
- Correlation between Level of Stress and Risk of Eating Disorder Symptoms in Early Adult Individuals
- Gozali, Vanesa Aprilia
- Ways to Cope Depression During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Responsible PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk on the Use of Change Money
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Liability for Damages Due to Airline Negligence Based on Law Number 8 Year 1999 Concerning the Consumer Protection (A Study on the Decision No. 433/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Jkt.Pst)
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Liability of Instagram Social Media Platform as an Advertising Service Provider in Case of Online Shop Fraud
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Unilaterally-Cancelled Cooperation Agreement (A Case Study of Supreme Court of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Cancellation of The Grant Will by The Heirs
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Analysis of Legal Protection of Borrower’s Personal Data in Online Loan Application Services (A Case Study of PT. BFI)
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- Kuwu Election Winning Tips in Indramayu District in West Java in the Year 2021
- Gunadi, Ariawan
- The Paradigm of Democracy in Kuwu Election Practices in Indramayu District West Java 2021
- Gunardi
- Termination of Employment Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Gunardi, Gunardi
- Application of the Omnibus Law Number 11 of 2020 Concerning Work Creation in the Field of Business Licensing: Application and Implications
- Gunardi, Gunardi
- Social Security on Heart Attack as a Work Accident Review of Law Number 13 of 2003 Concerning Labor (Case Study on the Decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court: Number 169/G/2019/Ptun-Jkt)
- Gunardi, Gunardi
- Workers’ Rights to Wages in the Process of Being Dismissed Unilaterally by the Company (A Case Study of the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Number 516 K/Pdt-Sus-PHI/2019)
- Gunawan, Catherine Valencia
- The Effects of Pandemic Health Protocol to Territoriality at Residential Foyer
- Gunawan, Gunawan
- Mastery of Floating House Planted in Waters Reviewed by Object of Land and Rural and Urban Building Taxes According to Law Number 28 Year 2009 Concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retributions
- Gunawan, Johan
- Understanding Social Entrepreneurship Intention during Corona Outbreak
- Gunawan, Maria Josephine
- The Impact of Storytelling Marketing on Brand Equity and Purchase Decisions on Shopee During Pandemic Covid-19
- Gunawan, Novia
- Legal Protection for Land Buyers Who Lose Rights as a Result of the Sale and Purchase of Land that was Once the Object of a Dispute in The State Administrative Court (Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 658 PK/Pdt/2017)
- Gusnawati, Gusnawati
- Panic Buying Behavior during Pandemic: Protection Motivation Theory Paradigm
- Hadiati, Mia
- Different Marriage Analysis Based of Indonesian Law & Regulation (Case number 278/Pdt.P/2019/PN.SKT)
- Halim, Kritananda Tantra
- Education Changes during the Pandemic within Malaysia and Indonesia: A mini-observation
- Halim, Magdalena S.
- A Descriptive Study of Personality on Female Young Adult Fans with Celebrity Worship Towards K-Pop Boy-band
- Halim, Magdalena S.
- The Adaptation of COVID-19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale (C-19ASS) Measurement Tool in Indonesian Language
- Halim, Regina Aurelia
- Ways to Cope Depression During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hamidah, Tjitjik
- The Correlation Between Narcissistic Tendency and Subjective Well Being with the Intensity of TikTok Social Media Use on Adolescents
- Hanafi, Aji Ulul Azmi
- Legal Certainty on the Rights of Ex-Wife Post Divorce (Case Study of Religious Court Decisions North Jakarta Number: 299/Pdt.G/2021/Pa.Ju)
- Hanampi, Lailsapat
- The Relationship Between Past Parental Rude Behavior and Individual Low Self-Esteem in Adults
- Handoyo, Rico
- The Effectiveness of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Handoyo, Sarwo Edy
- Determining Factors of Fintech Ovo Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta
- Hanif, Adam Abdul
- The Effectiveness of Online Education during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Harahap, Shela Oktaharyani
- The Legal Binding Force of a Sale and Purchase Deed Containing Falsified Data (Case Study of the Depok District Court Decision Number 226/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Dpk)
- Hardi, Kevin
- Success Factors of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Jakarta
- Harjanto, Rudy
- Advertising Proposition as Effective Marketing Communication Tool
- Hartini, Hartini
- Psychological Analysis of Color in Commercial Buildings for Room Users
- Hartono, Evelyn
- The Effectiveness of Remote Working Enforcement During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hartoyo, Angelika Laurensia
- Correlation between Boredom and Meaning of Life in Late Adolescence during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Haryani, Elisabeth
- Legal Protection for Consumers Who Do Not Receive Purchasing Concert Ticket from Sellers Via Social Media Based on Law Number 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection
- Haryanto, Pipin
- The Impact of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) for Hospitality Industry in Bali
- Hasim, Husna Anith binti
- The Influence of Online Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention
- Hastuti, Rahmah
- Relationship Locus of Control Towards Psychological Distress of University Students in Pandemic Situation
- Hastuti, Rahmah
- Overview of Sense of Connectedness in Distance Learning for First-Year Students
- Hastuti, Rini Tri
- Student Perception about Higher Education Innovation: A Descriptive Study
- Hawari, Muhammad Hadlisina
- Analysis of Loss of Heirth Rights on the Consequence of Activities Against the Law Control of Individual Assets (Example of Decision Case No: 601/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Jkt.Pst)
- Hendy, Hendy
- Legal Protection for Land Buyers for Which Certificate Has Been Issued in His Name is Cancelled by The Supreme Court (Based on Case Decision Number 170 K/PDT/2017)
- Heng, Pamela Hendra
- Descriptive Study of eSports Viewership Motivation of Young Adulthood in Indonesia During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Heng, Pamela Hendra
- Correlation Between Social Support and Self-Regulated Learning in Senior High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Heng, Pamela Hendra
- Mediator Relationship of Social Support to Academic Stress and Self-Regulated Learning in Students
- Henry, Jessica
- The Impact of COVID-19 to Mental Health
- Herawan, Handi
- Indonesia’s Commitment to The Paris Agreement Based on Law Number 21 of 2014 Regarding Geothermal Heat
- Herawati, Herawati
- Analysis of e-Branding Strategic on Indomie Instant Noodles Before and During the Pandemic
- Herawati, Ima
- Literature Review: Psychological Social Impact in Indonesia during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Herfiana, Lionitya
- Sexual Violence That Occurs Between Children in the Perspective of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System in Indonesia (Case Study: District Court Decision No. 13/PID.SUS-ANAK/2019/PN SRG)
- Herwanto, Velma
- Principles of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using Medicinal Plants in Treatment Culture Indonesian Traditional and Ayurvedic
- Himaladin, Himaladin
- Interdisciplinarity: Umberto Eco’s Semiotics Approach in Architectural Design
- Himawan, Sandy
- Psychological Analysis of Color in Commercial Buildings for Room Users
- Hsin, Chang Yi
- Psychological Change among University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hugeng, Hugeng
- Emergence of Mental Health: The escalating Progression of mental health disorders during the pandemic.
- Hugeng, Hugeng
- Positive and Negative Consequences of Covid 19 Towards the Environment State
- Humam, M. Shobri Ikhtiari
- Analysis of the Use of 6 Canons of Journalism Code of Ethics in the ‘Spotlight’ Movie
- Husein, Chandra
- The Effectiveness of Remote Working Enforcement During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Criminal Responsibility Analysis for the Acculator That is Already Corrected (Medpledger) in the Criminal Action Case of Corruption in Jakarta State Court Case Center Decision Number: 22/PID.SUS-TPK/2020/PN.JKT.PST.
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Criminal Liability Against Business Actors Who Sell Imported Food Products Without Circulation License Through Online Store (Study of Decision No. 613/Pid.Sus/2019/Pn.Pdg)
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Analysis of Legal Certainty of the Indictment Against Corporation That Commited Criminal Acts in the Sector of Social Security in Criminal Justice on the Decision of the Sumedang District Court Number 109/PID.SUS 2017/PN.SMD
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Criminal Liability in Falsification of Letters Against Credits Agreements (Study Case Decision Number: 952/Pid.B/2019/Pn.Jkt.Brt)
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Criminal Analysis of Depok State Court Decision Number 392/Pid.B/2018/Pn Reviewed from Protection Of Victims With Disability
- Hutabarat, Rugun Romaida
- Analysis of the Accountability of Corruption Crimes Due to Losses of Soes Based on the Doctrine of Business Judgement Rule (Study of Supreme Court Decision No. 34/PID. SUS-TPK/2019/PT. DKI)
- Hutagalung, Windah Maria Sonia Nadiah
- The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Shopping Behavior
- Hutapea, Bonar
- Servant Leadership among Higher Education Academic Leaders: The Role of Personality Traits
- Ibrahim, Muhammad Ihsan
- The Effect of Working Environment on Burnout in Millennial Employees in Jakarta with Job Performance as Moderating Variable
- Ibrahim, Muhammad Raditya Pratama
- The Obligations of Notary as a Party Reporting Suspicious Transactions
- Idulfilastri, Rita Markus
- The Correlation between Self-esteem with Consumptive Behavior in Early Adult Women Who Shop for Cosmetics Online
- Idulfilastri, Rita Markus
- The Effect of Self-regulation on Consumptive Behavior Fashion Product for Young Adult Women
- Idulfilastri, Rita Markus
- The Role of Passion in Psychometrics Course during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ie, Mei
- The Effect of Job Insecurity, Work Stress, and Work-Family Conflict on Employee Burnout
- Ie, Mei
- The Effect of Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee Organizational Commitment
- Ie, Mei
- The Effectiveness of Indonesian Government Policies in Dealing with Pandemic Covid-19
- Ie, Mei
- Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on Fashion Brands and Designing a Flexible Business Model
- Ie, Mei
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indonesia’s Religions and Cultures: Article Review
- Ilham, Sulaiman Hadaya
- Functionalization of Criminal Sanctions Against Negligence in Aircraft Inspection in The Lion Air JT610 Case
- Inderadi, Andi
- Analysis of the Accessibility of Pedestrian Paths in Thamrin City Area Based on the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Concept
- Indrawan, Hafidh
- The Implementation of Artificial Lighting on Residential Interior Design in Green Village Cluster, Tangerang
- Indryawati, Rini
- Is College Students’ Happiness during Online Learning Affected by Academic Stress and Technology-Overload Perception?
- Iqbal, Muhammad
- Legal Protection Against the Publication of Personal Data on the Supreme Court Site in Criminal Action Cases and Divorce
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- Utilization of Social Media as a Communication Tool in Introducing the Advantages of a Higher Education
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- Thrifting, New Atlas for Indian Millenials Shopping
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- Education Changes during the Pandemic within Malaysia and Indonesia: A mini-observation
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- PESTLE Analysis for Indonesia’s MSME during Covid-19
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- Review on the Current Covid-19 Coping Mechanism in Indonesia
- Irawan, Agustinus Purna
- Impact of covid 19 pandemic on Learning at tarumanagara University in even semester 2019/2020