Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81578 articles
Proceedings Article

Preparing Quality Millennial Generation Through Anticipating Political Education

Al Rafni, Suryanef Suryanef
The political education, has given so far to the millennial generation, has not showed a new paradigm according to its era and the results have not been optimal. This has implications for their substantive participation in the political environments. For this reason, new ways are needed so that they...
Proceedings Article

Deconstruction of the Dilemma of Takeaway Riders from the Perspective of Labor Alienation Theory

Shen Jinyang
The 21st century is already the era of artificial intelligence. In recent years, while the food delivery platform centered on AI algorithms has flourished, it has also exposed some chaos in the food delivery industry. Based on this, Marx’s theory of labor alienation expounded in “Manuscripts of Economics...
Proceedings Article

Study on Problems And Countermeasures of Low & Medium Star Grade Tourist Hotels in Dujiangyan City

Denghuo Cai, Yang Liu
Influenced by a variety of factors, such as their own reasons, the competitive environment, national policies and April 20 Ya'an earthquake and floods and landslides in July of this year, the low & medium star grade tourist hotel in Dujiangyan City are facing with many problems at present, and lies in...
Proceedings Article

Research of Kindergarten Financial Management Strategy Based on ERP Environment

Lina Cheng
For management of kindergarten enterprise resource management this stage, ERP has a very significant meaning. It can help the kindergarten to better manage their resource plan for immediate and foreseeable future resource needs, reduce management costs and improve management efficiency. However, due...
Proceedings Article

Analysis On Phase Shift Method Of Stealing Electricity Meter Wiring

Fengbo Gu
The electric energy meter error for system operation because of stealing brings, will cause loss of energy meter measuring electric energy electricity, and affect accuracy and integrity of energy settlement. In real work, we not only need to view real-time electric energy meter display and measurement...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Relationship Between Painting and Animation

Li Yongjun, Li Wei
In the 21st century, the development of revolution in the new era emphasizes the development of universal art, and the cartoon develops rapidly in China, which realizes effective inheritance and development of painting and animation. How to ensure that painting and cartoon has better visual art and appreciation...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice on Creative Teaching Model about Environmental Protection of Pulp and Papermaking Course

XiaoFeng Xie, Ronggang Li
The course of environmental protection of pulp and papermaking is a elective course of pulping and papermaking engineering major, and it is a teaching material with rich content, much knowledge and strong practicality. In addition, the teaching content is dull and tedious. Based on the network-assisted...
Proceedings Article

The impact of new industrialization on the quality of life of the population of the Arctic territories

Olga Ikonnikova, Nataliya Zykova, Tatyana Ushakova
At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, issues related to industrialization come to the fore. The development of industry should become the engine of sustainable development of the country as a whole. The transition from a raw-material economy to an industrial-type economy should...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Value of College Chinese Courses

Yanan Cui
Based on college Chinese curriculum research, computer integration software is used. Data processing is achieved by an image compensation method suitable for moving target detection under rotating imaging. Then, the sliding window dynamic time warping and CNN video facial expression recognition are combined...
Proceedings Article

Examination on Status of Construction of Recreation Culture from 1949 to 1976 After the Founding of New China

Pengcheng Li, Yanling Mei
Since the world has moved towards a recreation era, attention should be paid to the fundamental situation of the construction of China’s recreation culture. This paper applies documentation and logical analysis method to analyze the era from 1949 to 1976 and the construction of recreation culture in...
Proceedings Article

Intellectual asset of Russian organizations

Valery Smirnov, Anna Zakharova, Vladislav Semenov, Galina Dulina, Svetlana Petunova
At the modern stage of the world economic development, the real wealth of leading countries is a population with a high intellectual level. Discussion of the problem of using the intellectual asset of an organization led to two conclusions: firstly, the total intellectual asset, as the intersectionality...
Proceedings Article

The ratio of social and human capital in the professional competition of the working youth in a cross-border region: results of a sociological research in the Tyumen region

V G Nemirovskiy, A V Maltseva
The article is devoted to the analysis of the resources of professional competition of the working youth in the Tyumen Region, one of the important transboundary regions of Russia. An attempt is made to examine the currently debatable problem of the predominance of human or social capital as its resources....
Proceedings Article

Interrelation of Philosophical and Religious Values of Russia and the USA: Historical and Cultural Context

Chistyakova Olga V., Chistyakov Denis I.
The article is dedicated to the consideration of the most important philosophical and religious ideas of modern American theology and Russian philosophy of the late 19th-early 20th centuries. The author scrutinizes the values and concepts of the Pilgrim Fathers and Eastern Christian Patristics in the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Training Mode of Logistics Management Applied Talents under the Background of "Internet +"

Yang Kang
As China enters into the era of "Internet +", the educational reform in colleges and universities has also been pushed to the cusp of times. Faced with the new round of educational reform opportunities for development, it is a thorny issue that how to understand "Internet +" and explore a suitable "Internet...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Potential Tourism in East Likupang Subdistrict Bangka Island North Minahasa

Kalvin Salindeho Andaria, Recku H. E Sendouw, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Xaverius Erick Lobja, Nixon J. Sindua
By using qualitative approach, this research intends to list the potential of tourism destination in the coast of Bangka island that is in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Indonesia. From the discussion above it can be concluded that the Bangka island has seven potential coasts that can be integrated...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Abilities in Primary Schools

Isnaeni Aprilia Kartikasari, Budi Usodo, Riyadi
One of the goals of Indonesian education in the 21st century is the development of students’ potential in order to become creative human beings. The ability to think creatively mathematically has not received special attention. This is because there are still many students who solve math problems just...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development of Higher Vocational Education in China in the 21st Century*

Zhangxing Gao, Tao Yu
Since the 21st century, China’s higher vocational education has developed rapidly. The surge in “quantity” has not improved the “quality” simultaneously. Instead, many disadvantages such as unclear positioning of higher vocational education, insufficient teachers, and lack of characteristics have appeared....
Proceedings Article

A Model of Friendly and Tolerant Community-Based School Mosque Management: Strategy Analysis and Empowerment

Imam Mawardi, Akhmad Baihaqi, Subur, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari
The phenomenon of community-based school mosque (CBSM) becomes very interesting when it can contribute to community empowerment, both in the religious and social fields. The study aims to analyze an CBSM management model in Magelang City to spread the values of peace and tolerance for the school and...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Bioinformatic Module Based on Problem-Based Learning Toward Technology Literation Skills of Biology Master Program Students

Mohamad Amin, Muhammad Khalil, Betty Lukiati, Yayoi Kodama, Umie Lestari, Dina Maulina, Muhammad Aziz, Hugeng Hugeng
Bioinformatics is one of the elective courses in the master degree of Biology study program, Universitas Negeri Malang, which prepares student technology literacy skills related to the field of biology through the use of available technology and information. This is in accordance with the learning outcomes...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence in English Translation Teaching Under the Belt and Road Initiative

Fa-de Wang, Minglan Zhang
Under the Belt and Road Initiative, intercultural communication is increasing, but there are some problems in cultivating students’ intercultural communicative competence in college English translation teaching, such as outdated teaching modes and teaching contents, lack of real translation environment,...
Proceedings Article

Snapshot of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Basic Public Services in the Ajatappareng Area, Indonesia

Haedar Akib, Akbar Mukmin, Arman Sahri Harahap, Lutfi Saefullah, Rede Roni Bare
The development of an inter-regional cooperation model in providing basic public services in the Ajatappareng area of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, is presumably not as effective as expected. This study aims to describe basic public services (health, education and transportation) and models or...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures of Expressway Maintenance Management

Lin Hui, Zhang Yufeng, Gao Fuliang
With the epoch-making progress and prosperity of Highway Engineering in China, the development route of highway industry seems to be changing. This change tends to be technical and intelligent. To be sure, the construction of Expressway provides great convenience for the traffic of our society. It speeds...
Proceedings Article

Nutritional Status of Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Children

Introduction: There was no official study on nutritional status of vegetarian children in Indonesia. Vegetarian children have risk of nutrient deficiency affecting their physical growth and mental development. The objective of this study was to investigate the difference between nutritional status of...
Proceedings Article

Conceptual Approaches to the Development of Indicators System When Analyzing Human Capital Inter-Territorial Relocation

Ekaterina Zharova, Nickolay Minaev
The results of the research on the development of indicators system for the assessment of interterritorial (interregional) human capital relocation are considered in the proposed article. A system of indicators, worked out on the basis of an approach to the development of the balanced criteria system,...
Proceedings Article

Authority of Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI) in Determining the Amount of Loan Interest Rates Limit in Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) Business Activities

Matthew Gladden, St. Atalim
OJK function as a regulator and supervisor of the Fintech P2P Lending financial sector. OJK appointed AFPI to help OJK organize Fintech P2P lending based on Letter of Appointment Number S-5 / D.05 / IKNB / 2019. AFPI issues the LPMUBTI code of ethics, which regulates the loan interest rate limit. There...
Proceedings Article

Phonetic Teaching Strategies in Listening and Speaking Training of Primary-Secondary Students

Yi Ren, Jingjing Lu, Wei Zheng
The cultivation of English listening and speaking abilities has been paid more attention nowadays, while diversified phonetic teaching strategies provide students with approaches to learn phonetics native speakers. This paper aims to study the phonetic teaching strategies, particularly the impact of...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Culture Shock Phenomenon of Indonesian Students That Came Back After Living Abroad (A Case Study of Indonesian Students Studying in Taiwan)

Claudia Phillo, Eko Harry Susanto
With developments in the transportation aspect, many Indonesian students have finally decided to study abroad. And aftet they lived abroad for awhile, they will get used to the culture and customs that exist in that country, and this will cause them to experience a culture shock phenomenon when they...
Proceedings Article

The Challenge of EFL Teachers in Technology-Integrated Learning in the Society 5.0

Windra Irdianto, Irina N. Lazareva, Rahmati Putri Yaniafari
The main component of Society 5.0 is humans who can solve many social challenges and problems by utilizing various technologies which are existing in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In the era of Society 5.0, education has an important role to advance the quality of human resources. Therefore, education...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Pedagogical and Professional Competence in Utilizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Islamic Education Teachers

Yogi Muhammad Saputro, Nurul Latifatul Inayati, Mohammad Ali
The use of TPACK in Islamic education instruction at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Gondangrejo Karanganyar in 2022 became a study on teacher professional and pedagogical competence. The objective of this research is to investigate the supporting and inhibiting factors influencing the pedagogical and professional...
Proceedings Article

Playful Learning with Virtual Reality Media

Fatma Sukmawati, Eka Budhi Santosa, Triana Rejekiningsih, Suharno
Playful learning is a teaching and learning atmosphere that can focus participants’ full attention so that learning outcomes can be maximized. This study aims to analyze and understand virtual reality-based fun learning in increasing the learning motivation of elementary school students. Playful learning...
Proceedings Article

Arrangement for Settlement of Unlisenced Gold Mining Crimes Through A Restorative Justice

Husni Thamrin, Sukamto Satoto, Usman
Unlicensed gold mining damages the ecosystem of natural resources and the environment. The sanctions applied can be non-penal in the form of Restorative Justice in order to find a win-win solution. It is very important to pay attention to the forms of criminal sanctions that will be applied. This study...
Proceedings Article

Development of Disaster Geography Teaching Materials Due to Microorganisms for Geography Education Undergraduate Students

Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Muzayanah, Wiwik Sri Utami, Bambang Sigit Widodo, Eko Budiyanto
From the perspective of geography, the concept of biological disaster, especially concerning human health, can be viewed from the distribution and environmental conditions. Distribution is caused by the dynamics of the mobility of humans or certain animals. While the environment plays a role in conditions...
Proceedings Article

The Story of Pantun Badak Pamalang

A Structural and Semiotic Study

Yuliani Mayasari, Ruhaliah
The background of this research is the researchers’ interest in examining oral literary works in the form of Sundanese poetry stories whose language is rich in meaning. Another background is that based on research data on pantun stories that have been researched, it is found that the carita pantun research...
Proceedings Article

The Genre Construction of Chinese Scholar’s Research Articles Published in Local and International Journals during the Pandemic Period

Ping He
Critical genre analysis have been recognized as an insightful and instrumental framework in demystifying the internal generic structure and external impacting factors of academic writing. However, scant research has been done to analyze the genre integrity and innovation of research articles. Based on...
Proceedings Article

Application of Lost Foam Casting Process-based Virtual Laboratory to Improve Students’ Understanding

Purnomo Purnomo
Lost foam casting is a type of metal casting that can be categorized to help minimize the amount of used or unused foam. In contrast to the type of sand casting, the lost foam casting process is more effective in terms of time because there are no pattern-taking stages. To increase students’ understanding...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Mobile Money Adoption and Usage and Digital Consumer Protection on Financial Inclusion in Indonesia

Ste Sany, Agus Zainul Arifin, Halim Putera Siswanto
The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of Mobile Money Adoption and Usage (MMAU) and Digital Consumer Protection (DCP) on Financial Inclusion (FI) among Financial Technology users in Indonesia using the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and Restricted Access / Limited Control (RALC)...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Sports Public Service Supply System Based on Diversified Model in China

Ze Zhang
Sports public service is the sum of sports public products and service behaviors provided by public organizations to meet the sports needs of the people. Based on the analysis of the transformation and equalization measures of sports public service in developed countries, according to the public choice...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Food Processing Recipe Application as an Android-Based Learning Medium in Students of Culinary Study Program

Sulistiawikarsih, Dian Agustina, Mawadda Azizah Sari Waruwu
The development of technology affects the role of an android itself. Nowadays, all activities can be done with android. One of the obstacles in learning Indonesian food processing is the determination of raw recipes to be practiced. Based on this condition, the researchers made an application recipe...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Educational Leadership and Occupational Incentive to Academic Staff Motivation and Their Impacts on Occupational Resillience

Ida Zulaeha, Hamsan Hanina Halimatusaadiah, Lulu April Farida
The commitment of Universitas Negeri Semarang to become a University with an international reputation is realized through various breakthrough programs. These programs can run well under a good educational leadership. However, realizing various programs especially in an international level have many...
Proceedings Article

A Duo of Constructivism and Humanism—A Study of College English Teaching Assessment System Construction

Xueyun Zang, Juju Wang
The scientific assessment of teaching activities and the effect is the last step in the whole teaching process. It directly influences the objective assessment of students and the improvements of teaching contents and and methods. Learning is a process of construction. People acquire knowledge through...
Proceedings Article

Practice Teaching Innovation on Tourism Management Major of Middle Vocational Undergraduate

Hongyan Liu
Practice teaching is the teaching theory of value, is the need of modern tourism talents cultivation, in the teaching of tourism management major has an irreplaceable role. First of all, analyzing on the problems existed in the secondary vocational undergraduate tourism management professional practice...
Proceedings Article

Usage Research of Class Teaching Skills Based on Time Characters

Yan Qi, Li Jun
Teaching skills were analyzed by SPSS based on microteaching videos. The results showed that there was no significant difference between 5mins division, 15mins division and skills usage, while significant difference between the 10mins division, 20mins division and skill usage. The sorting of division...
Proceedings Article

On Construction and Practice of Library Resources and Service Support Platform oriented to Key Discipline Construction

XinYu Wang, QingSong Zhang
Along with the development of information technology and the reinforcement of subject construction in higher colleges, higher college libraries should innovate on service models to carry out subject services. This paper analyses the necessities of subject service carried out by higher college libraries,...
Proceedings Article

PBL Implementation In History Study Groups Integrated With Javanese Culture

Winahyu Yuniyati, Leo Sutimin, Mr Warto
Javanese culture are a way of living that will always evolve, this culture belongs to the people of Java and will be passed down to the next generation. The high schoolers often forgot the adiluhung of Javanese culture, so there need to be a lesson on the way to solve problems, in school. The goal of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Contemporary Chinese Animated Music Development from Jou Hisaishi Animated Music

Chao Guo
In the development process of animation, lots of excellent animation works and music works spring up. Among these works, people especially take delight in talking about the combination of Jou Hisaishi and Miyazaki Hayao which has presented a high level for no matter the animation works or the music works....
Proceedings Article

Authoritative Parenting by Father: A Strategy for Gaining Noble Character of Child in Indonesian Migrant Workers Family

Parenting is defined as the interaction between a child and his parents with love, in an effort to foster a child's character. In the family environment of Indonesian Migrant Workers / Female Workers (in Indonesia known as TKW), where mothers work as foreign workers abroad for a certain period of time,...
Proceedings Article

The Innovative Type of Technical and Skilled Talents and Training in Higher Vocational Colleges under Made-in-China 2025

Wanzhong Qin
Made-in-China 2025 Plan guides China's transition from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country and higher vocational colleges shoulder the responsibility of training innovative type technical and skilled talents for our country. The intelligent production mode, distributed production...
Proceedings Article

Research on Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Educational Information Reception

Caiyun Lv, Bin Chen
This paper investigates the process of college students' channel selection, information recognition, selection processing, acceptance and feedback of "outline" course teaching. Through statistical analysis and hierarchical analysis of the frequency, the information needs and acceptance of college students...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Website Characteristics on Consumers' Impulsive Purchase Intention

Shengnan Liu, Liang Xiao
This article explores the factors that influence the impulse buying intention of mobile cross-border imported e-commerce platform consumers based on the theories of environmental psychology and impulsive buying. The website characteristics of the mobile cross-border imported e-commerce platform are classified...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Reasons and Social Benefit for the Charge Dispute between Telecom Operators and WeChat

Meijuan Li, Lei Hou
Based on the charge disput between Chinese telecom operators and WeChat, this paper analyzes the reasons for the dispute by sorting out the event. Firstly, the transformation of the mobile Internet business model give rise to the marginalization of market interest entities as well as operators, which...
Proceedings Article

Research on mergers and acquisitions of the international hotel group -- Take Marriott M & A Starwood as an example

Junfeng Wang
The global hotel industry has begun to expand with mergers and acquisitions as its main form since the 20th century. M&A has become an extremely important way for international hotel groups to expand their scale and increase their competitiveness. This document analyzes the main motivations for the acquisition...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Promotion Role of Weibo on Public Art Education in Colleges and Universities

Yingfu Zhang
The advent of the information age has had a profound impact on university education. As a popular new media, Weibo will play an important role in the public art education in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the main problems, discusses the role and application strategies of Weibo in public...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Flipped Classroom and Social Engagement on Vocational Students’ Speaking Performance

Zelhendri Zelhendri Zen, Zelhendri Zen, Reflianto Reflianto
The aims of the research were to analyze the influence of the flipped classroom model and students' social engagement in the vocational class. The method of study was experimental-quantitative research with survey methods. The subject of the research was eleventh-grade students of State Vocational School...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Competence Approach in the IT Space of Higher Education

T.R. Lukashenok, E.G. Efimova, E.I. Okhrimenko
The article deals with the formation of professional competencies of a specialist based on educational standards and requirements of the professional community in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The analysis of the legal framework that imposes the necessary requirements for the content...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of New Media on University Students’ Time Anxiety

Leishan Deng
Because the psychology of the college students who grew up in the new media era is still in the developing stage, they are easily affected by the content on the media platform, resulting in time anxiety. Starting from the social and personal level, this paper studies the relationship between college...
Proceedings Article

Racial Stereotype and African American Resistance Against the Authority in Straight Outta Compton (2015) by Felix Gary Gray

D Agustinus, Risa Rumetha Simanjuntak
Racial discrimination and stereotyping are major social issues that create sense of difference towards a person or groups of people. This research will be analyzing about racial discrimination, stereotyping, and resistance that are portrayed in the movie Straight Outta Compton directed by Felix Gary...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of new Professional Farmer Cultivation in Sichuan Province Based on Process Model

Yu Han, Ge Wen, Yongmei Xia
The study aims to analyze the policy implementation of the new professional farmer cultivation in Sichuan Province using the method of policy implementation process model. It is pointed that policy within the system and the correlation of integrity is not enough, the coordination of executive organization...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Headmaster and Professional Teacher’s Ability on Teacher Performance at State Junior High School Pemulutan Sub-District

Zuryanti, Syarwani Ahmad
Teacher performance is the main target in improving the quality of education in general. Therefore, teacher performance improvement needs to get serious attention from various parties, and efforts to improve factors related to teacher performance such as the ability of the principal and professional...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Forest Resources Use Policy

I Nyoman Sutama
Forests are made up of a variety of trees that produce wood and oxygen, both of which are essential for human life. As a result, forests must be wisely managed, but in practice, there is still a lot of forest damage as a result of inappropriate forest use. Article 12 Paragraph (2) of Law No. 32 of 2009...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) Applications on the Spoken English Assessments in China’s Universities

Xiaomeng Li
The increased ownership of mobile phone and the advancement of mobile applications enlarge the practicality and popularity of use for learning purposes among Chinese university students. However, even if innovative functions of these applications are increasingly reported in relevant research in the...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Baduy Tribe Leaders and the Implementation of COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccination

Anwar Kurniadi, Christine Sri Marnani, Syamsul Maarif
Purpose: To determine the role of the Baduy tribal leaders in implementing the COVID-19 pandemic vaccination. Methodology: use a qualitative ethnographic design which is expected to analyze and even examine the wisdom of the Baduy Tribe such as culture, law norms, customs, habits, or beliefs that influence...
Proceedings Article

Intralingual Errors in Grammatical Aspects of Chinese University L2 Learners’ Compositions

Xinyi Liu, Mengying Wang, Lingyue Zhang, Mengxiao Zhou
Writing is one of the most challenge tasks for EFL learners. Intralingual errors in L2 writing greatly reflects leaner’s target language proficiency. This study aimed to identify different types of intralingual errors and determined the most frequent one in the augmentations written by Chinese university...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Equal Rights Law and the Reversal of Burden of Proof in Racial Discrimination

Yuxuan He
Racial discrimination is one of the major issues that jeopardizes international relations and the country’s long-term development, and it has long been a source of concern and research among academics. The international community has gradually become more aware of the related crimes caused by racial...
Proceedings Article

Model of Financial Information System Based Google Spreadsheet for Control Effectiveness of Company’s Working Capital

Enos Kabu, Stella Y. Sahetappy Engel
This study aims to design and develop a model of integrated financial information system based on Google Spreadsheet for Control Effectiveness of Company’s Working Capital. Data were collected using observation, interview and mini experiment. This study shows that the model of the application are very...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on Public Expenditure Policy for Employment Training: Evidence from China

Xiaoqing Xie
Presently China's employment policy is facing severe challenges and difficulties. China had amendment policies about labor force but unfortunately they are having a deficiency of skills due to lack of training programs. This paper discussed the employment structure of China and Government's public expenditure...
Proceedings Article

Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: An Ethnographic Multi-sited Analysis

Olga Jubany
The complexity of our global economic, social and political climate has provided a platform for exacerbating tensions between heterogeneous groups, often expressed through increasing levels of hate speech, fostered by intolerance and racism. With the emergence of different social media platforms, such...
Proceedings Article

Studying the Cultivation of Public Humanities and Social Science Literacy on the Horizon of Ecological Civilization

Qing Cheng
Based on the analysis of ecological civilization under the horizon of the importance of cultivating the public quality of humanistic and social science, this paper discusses the construction of ecological civilization as a systematic project, and development of humanities and social science literacy,...
Proceedings Article

Academic Thinking on Athletics Teaching in College

Shiqian Yao
Along with the gradually promoted reform in education, China has made lots of excellent records in athletics (here "athletics" equals to "track and field") events. However, in the course of college physical education, what we are faced with now in educative reform is how to make real improvements in...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Multiple Cultural Characteristics and Social Value of Chinese Nationality Sport

L.H. Xu, Ping Zhao
The essay conducts a research on characteristics of Chinese nationality sport and indicates that the development of Chinese nationality sport possesses such characteristics that region integrates culture cultural ecology integrates naturality as well as the one that combines traditional and modern culture...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Europe and the United States Musical Compose Mode Development and the Influences on Computer Music in China

Sui Wu
In this paper, we conduct research on the Europe and the United States musical composes mode development and the influences on computer music in China. All referrals audio music system and software audio sound is provided by the electronic sound, because of the different on the basis of the electronic...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis on Psychology about Employment of Contemporary College Students

Guocheng Li
With the gradual advance of reform on socialist market-directed economy system and higher education system, the employment problems of college students will affect the existence of colleges and the development of society directly. The employment of college students are affected by various factors, which...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Video Resources in Conspectus Teaching

Jing Huang
With the development of media technology, we are stepping into a “Screen-reading era”. The appearance of Massive open online course (MOOC for short) and Inverted Classroom makes video “reinvent education” all the time. A means of knowledge transfer mode of education based on video starts to have increasing...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Implementation Strategy of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching

Qian Li
Cooperative consciousness, cooperative spirit and cooperative ability are basic qualities of modern people. With the deepening of English teaching reform, cooperative learning gains acceptance from scholars due to its significant advantages. This paper analyzes the practice effects of cooperative learning...
Proceedings Article

The Environmental Effect Of Zhejiang's Foreign Trade Against the Background of Internet Plus ——An Empirical Analysis Based On Simultaneous Equation Models

Chen Shengjie, Huang Juan, Gao Chaonan
Based on the perspective of Internet plus, this paper constructs a simultaneous equation model which includes e-commerce dependence degree for the external trade environment. The panel data of 11 major cities in Zhejiang Province from 2008 to 2015 are selected for empirical analysis. The research shows...
Proceedings Article

Sufficient Exposure to New L2 Input Produces More Acquisition than Comprehensibility in Discourse with EFLs: Hybrid of “Macro-Social Factors”, and “Interactional Input Modifications” with Exposure to New L2 Input

Bai Chen
The study aims at examining the role of frequency of L2 exposure combined with interactional input modifications and macro-social factors in achieving more real bilingual acquisition than sole comprehensibility in the setting of Second Language Acquisition. As EFLs speaking Mandarin as the first language...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Relationship of Quality of Life Factor to Achievement in MDGs’– SDGs’ Indicators of Poverty and Hunger Index with variations in PHI Data Input

Ery Jayanti, B.S. Nazamuddin, Said Muhammad, T. Zulham
The sustainability development is a development that relevant to the present time, with a plan in accordance to national mid-term development plan which are MDGs and SDGs. It is a development by approaching the improvement of the quality of life and prosperity. The aim of this research is to observe...
Proceedings Article

Challenges and Prospects of Management of Quality of Educational Services in Russian Technical University

N.N. Sazonova, S.I. Sorokin
The paper provides a detailed analysis of the concept of "quality of educational services", discusses promising methods and techniques used to evaluate educational services, analyzes the impact of social and economic factors on the structure of education. The management of the quality of educational...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Intergenerational Transmission Based on Grounded Theory??"??"A Case Study of Lingqing in Shanxi

Yunan Tao
This paper explores the influencing factors of intergenerational transmission and mechanism of action based on the grounded theory in Lingqiu. It found that social exclusion is the logical starting point for intergenerational transmission, and brewing poverty culture, both of which together weaken family...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Population Aging on the Industrial Value-Added Rate of China

Li Lin
The industrial value-added rate(VAR) is an important index to measure the industrial development level of a country. It will be affected by many factors, among which the gradually increase of the population aging rate is of great importance and will inevitably affect the industrial VAR. This paper conduct...
Proceedings Article

The exploration research of community social work participates in the grass-roots social governance innovation

Juan Li
The major strategic task of social governance is put forward in Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, including the innovation of social governance, improving the level of social governance, improving the way of social governance. From the "social management" to "social governance...
Proceedings Article

Research on Cost Control of Fixed Assets’ Overhaul

Yiyu Wang
This paper, aimed at the problem of electric power enterprises, will describe the way of making the activity-based cost quota of the fixed assets’ general overhaul, propose suggestions to optimize and update the overhaul cost quota and illustrate the advantages of putting it into practice, so that they...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Healthy Tourism Development of Zhuhai Hengqin New Area Based on RMP Analysis in the Background of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Shengxi Liang, Dingling Wang
The planning and construction of the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” has been clearly written into the Party’s 19th National Congress report and government work report, which shows that it has been upgraded to the national development strategy level. The planning and construction of the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Locke's Thought of Rule of Law

Wenliang Zhang, Dong Long
John Locke is an important philosopher who built the modern Western philosophical system and the founder of Western modern liberalism. His theory of political philosophy has not only played a pivotal role in the history of Western political thought, but also has profound impact on the current political...
Proceedings Article

The Flipped Classroom: A New Attempt in English Interpreting Teaching in Universities

Yingfei Xiong
Under the background of information network, the flipped classroom provides a new way for the construction of English interpreting teaching model. At present, there exist many problems in interpreting teaching in regular higher education institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out interpreting...
Proceedings Article

Participant Structure in Learning English: Linguistic Anthropology Approach

Tasnim Lubis
Studying about students’ participant structure in learning English has important role in evaluating their character toward implementing a method or technique further. To figure out their participant structure, the researcher used linguistic anthropology approach. It is able to provide information about...
Proceedings Article

Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’

Nedia Erlini, Insih Wilujeng, Susilawati, Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan, Djuniar Rahmatunnisa Haristy
Pre-service science teachers’ understanding of soft skills is very important. Soft skills are skills closely related to intrapersonal abilities that determines the success of individuals in conducting their profession as teachers. This study aims to find out the initial profile of pre-service science...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Humanistic Ecology in Chinese Tourist Cities: A Case Study of Qingdao

Yan Jiang
As an effective means of measuring the sustainable and healthy development of cities, eco-health assessment is mainly conducted through evaluation of natural, social and economic indicators. To evaluate the eco-health of tourist cities with humanistic features within the traditional assessment model...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)

Samsul Bahri, Husaini, Nurul Akmal
The idea of fundamental mathematical concepts used by students in finding formal mathematical forms are the context of fact and science through the SAVI approach (Somatics, Auditory, Visual, Intelectual). The purpose of this research is to know the ability of students to build ideas for mathematical...
Proceedings Article

Disciplinary Power and the Emergence of Student Protest on Anpo Protests in Japan in 1959

Weisen Wang
This paper aims to study whether we can understand student activism through the theory of Foucault, and it will mainly depend on document analysis to accomplish this assignment, because analyzing and applying Foucault’s thoughts to the student protests in Japan is the primary task. This paper can’t give...
Proceedings Article

Fundamental factors and tax management as a measure of company performance during the Covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia case of LQ 45 shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

Erwin Harinurdin
Since The development of digitalization in the current era has an impact on various areas of people’s lives. Changes are very fast, fundamental by messing up the pattern of the old order to create a new order. This era is usually called the era of disruption. Disruption targets inefficient industries...
Proceedings Article

Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding

Nanda Anggrahini, Diyah Santi Hariyani, Liliek Nur Sulistiyowati
Cash is an essential asset because cash is internal funding in a company. Companies usually have cash on hand (cash holding) used in case of a financial crisis in the future. This study aimed to determine the effect of Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding. This...
Proceedings Article

Overview of Affiliation Needs in Late Teens Active Twitter Users in Surabaya

Lira Dewisufi Ratunegoro, D. Ririn Dewanti, Effy Wardati Maryam, Rajabova Marifat Bagoevna
This study aims to determine the picture of affiliation needs in late adolescent active twitter users in Surabaya. This study used descriptive quantitative methods. This study was conducted on the late adolescent active twitter users in Surabaya with a sample of 348 taken using a simple random sampling...
Proceedings Article

The Adaptation Study of “The Diary of a Young Girl” in 1950s America

Cong Xu, Jian Bai
Although the Holocaust has become one of the most important public issues in American society, in the 1950s, the Holocaust had no resonance in the United States. An exploration of the renowned text “The Diary of a Young Girl” and its adaptations from that era exposes the suppression of Holocaust awareness,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the multi-party linkage mechanism of equalization of public services from the perspective of common prosperity

Fengbo Han, Huangfu Yue
Common prosperity is the unity of development, sharing and sustainability. The equalization of public services is the only way to achieve common prosperity. How to promote the equalization of public services at a higher level and with high quality is crucial to the realization of common prosperity. In...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Willingness of Government-funded Teacher Trainees to Leave Their Villages at the End of Their Term and the Factors Influencing Them

Jiaqi Wang, Qiran Sun, Yimeng Li, Xinyi Qiao
Government-funded Teacher Trainees is an important initiative to build rural teacher capacity and promote the revitalization of rural education, and the implementation of this policy is more important in fostering outstanding rural teachers who can teach for a long time and for life after the expiry...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Childbirth Assistance by Independent Midwifery Practice During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dewi Maritalia, Siti Rahmah, Anna Malia
Childbirth is one of the health services provided by the Independent Midwifery Practice (IMP) in addition to public health centre and hospitals. IMP providing pregnancy care as well as delivery assistance must be certified, licensed and apply the Normal Delivery Care procedure. Childbirth assistance...
Proceedings Article

The Factors Impacting Binge-Eating Disorder Severity

A Literature Review on Effects on Binge-Eating Disorder

Tianhongyu Gao
Eating disorders have become more prevalent in recent years, while society has concurrently adopted higher standards for physical, especially bodily figure. This paper summarized the factors impacting the symptom severity, the significance of the disorder’s impact and potential treatments for binge-eating...
Proceedings Article

Identify Product Quality, Brand Image and Promotion on Purchasing Decisions of Epson Ink Products in Batam City

Fuad Arif Rahman, Fandy Bastian Harlan, Nora Pusfita Sari
PT. Epson Batam (PEB) is a manufacturer of inkjet printer cartridge products, devices, and scanners, which are shipped to customers around the world. Based on this description, this study aimed to determine the influence of brand image, promotion, and product quality on consumer purchasing decisions...
Proceedings Article

Customer Satisfaction Factors and the Implication on Customer Loyalty of BNI in Border Zone Indonesia

Arkas Viddy, Siti Hajar
Customer satisfaction and loyalty will be fulfilled since the company could provide the best products and promotions programs. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of product and promotion on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for BNI Bank in Indonesia, specifically in Nunukan,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Aesthetic Value of Weinan Shadow Playing Music

Qian Wang
At present, the state for the shadow art and culture of the protection and inheritance efforts to increase, and gradually attach importance to the protection of the shadow play, in the development of outstanding culture of folk background, shadow play as the earliest and most complete drama art and pure...