Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on the Effect on Tax Burden of Earning Management Based on Lipschitz Theory

Yunzhao Lu
Based on the features of Chinese market and Chinese institution, this paper intends to study the relationship between earnings management and tax burden by using the account error correction data. As is revealed in the study, the fundamental goal of the earnings management in the listed companies is...
Proceedings Article

Study on Risks in Mortgage Financing of Rural Land Management Right

Yan Peng, Wen-bin Liu, Chang Tan
With the continuous reform of the property rights system in rural China, pilot projects of mortgage financing for rural land management right have been conducted in large areas across the country. This is not only an innovation in the development of rural finance in China, but also a great impetus to...
Proceedings Article

Challenge to Transforming the Limitation on Overseas Investment in the Business of Internet Protocol TV Due to the Regulation in Indonesia

Vera W. S. Soemar
Indonesia has advanced to a new technological development era via digital television. The challenged was adopted in 2009 and later on was revised through the Regulation of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Number 6 Year 2017 about the Management of Internet Protocol Television Services (IPTV...
Proceedings Article

Study on Development of Public Administrative Participation in Contemporary China

Qiong-li MA
This paper mainly studies the problem about public administrative participation in contemporary China, expounds the research background and significance, analyzes the internal and external driving factors of public administrative participation, elaborates on the development process of public administrative...
Proceedings Article

Construction Policy Renewal of Criminal Law Through the Formulation of Corruption in the Penal Code Draft

Subaidah Ratna Juita, Deni Setya Bagus Yuherawan
The renewal of criminal law covers the main issues relating to the three fundamental issues in criminal law, i.e. prohibited acts, persons/corporations as subjects that conduct prohibited acts, and criminal. In the draft of the Penal Code (RKUHP), as one of the renewal efforts in the formulation of a...
Proceedings Article

A Reflection on Athletics Teaching Reform in Sport Universities According to the New Curriculum Standard

Wang Hongyu
According to the new curriculum standards, we need to establish an organic connection of athletics teaching in sport universities and elementary education, strengthen the reform in teaching content and methods, strive to cultivate qualified P.E. teachers for elementary schools and help elementary education...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Science Teaching Aid (KIT IPA) to Teach Earthquake of Junior High School Student

Veronica Purnama Sari Latupeirisa, Sri Atun
The threat of disaster encourages everyone to make preparations that must be done. Knowledge about these actions can be obtained through various activities that study learning activities at school. The 2013 curriculum for seventh-grade junior high school discusses the topic of disaster, specifically...
Proceedings Article

Perception Graduates Science Education in Socio Scientific Issues Related with Scientific Communication and Critical Attitude

Hanis Pramudawardani, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo
This study aims to investigate the views of science education graduates about Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) and SSI’s relationship with scientific communication and critical attitudes. The research data were collected using a questionnaire that included five open-ended questions. The research data were...
Proceedings Article

The Theoretical Framework and Realistic Direction of Das Kapital

Zhaoyang Cen, Xiping Cao, Xianglong Xiao
This paper combs the creation, publication, dissemination, and internal logical system structure of Das Kapital. It is proposed that the logical starting point of understanding Das Kapital is to understand the motivation of Marx’s research on economic problems, and the logical framework is to grasp the...
Proceedings Article

Success Rate of Mediation in Pilot Project Court After the Issuance of Supreme Count Regulation Number 1 Of 2016 Concerning Mediation Procedures in Court (2017-2019)

Nichola Timijaya, Stanislaus Atalim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the success rate of mediation in the Pilot Project court after the issuance of PERMA Number 1 of 2016. This research will use a type of normative juridical approach that is carried out by examining literature material related to the issue at hand. The research...
Proceedings Article

Relevance for the Establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the Enforcement of Human Rights in Indonesia

Woro Winandi, Endah Lestari Dwirokhmeiti
The rise of cases of gross violations of human rights in Indonesia that have not been revolved through the courts must be resolved by an institution that adopts the values of the local wisdom of the community. The formation of an institution called the truth and reconciliation committee is expected to...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Tea Art Courses on the Quality Improvement of Female College Students

Yang Li
In colleges and universities, it is necessary to pay more attention to female college students and the improvement of their moral education as well as cultivation. Female college students in colleges and universities represent women in the new era. They must not only have excellent cultural connotations,...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Sixth Grade Paramount Students’ Writing Recount Interest and Skill Through Group Discussion

Haryono, Tahrun, Hanni Yukamana
The action research was implemented at the sixth grade students of Paramount School Palembang in the academic year of 2020-2021. The study’s aim was to see whether using a group discussion approach could increase the interest and ability of sixth-grade students in writing recount texts. The issue with...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Marvel in the Chinese Teenagers

Hengda Zhu, Yishu Ren, Shuhui Chen
This research focus on the acceptance of Marvel films among young Chinese audiences, and the application of Marvel films in related fields. Unlike other papers, researchers get the results from young Chinese audiences. Many people are more interested in comic books or spin-offs after watching a Marvel...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Feasibility of Introducing the National Instrument Bamboo Flute into the Music Class of Primary and Secondary Schools

Ningbo Zhou
The introduction of bamboo flute into classroom as an instrument has changed the form of the traditional music classroom and diversified the music classroom. In this way, the learning enthusiasm of students has been greatly improved, and their music quality has also been improved along with it. This...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection for Cinematographic Copyright Holders Related to Alleged Violations of Economic Rights Through the Telegram Social Media Application (in a View of Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright)

Gabriel Lusia, Christine S. T. Kansil
Uploading a creation in social media app is an evidence that the internet presence becomes an impact in modern era that keeps getting sophisticated. However, it can’t be denied that it can cause several problems, with the occurance of speculation violation economy rights especially for cinematography...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Production Cost Calculations in Bio Seeding Block Based on Sugarcane Waste

Riza Rahimi Bachtiar, Adetiya Prananda Putra, Ayu Purwaningtyas
Bio seeding block is a soil block seedling based on sugarcane waste. It is environmentally friendly, practical, and rich in organic materials. Sugarcane waste has only been used as animal feed and fuel. The novelty of the Bio seeding block is soil block seedling based on sugarcane waste that does not...
Proceedings Article

Empowering Society by Collaborative Governance

Awang Darumurti, M. Eko Atmojo, Wildan Okto Maghribi
This study aims to comprehensively analyze the implications of collaborative governance and community empowerment in tourism development in the Pakem Sub-district, especially ecotourism development, regarding the outcomes of public policy integration felt by the community and the social dynamics in the...
Proceedings Article

Implicature of Selected Short  Stories  and Their Relationships in Learning Indonesia Language

Fachrunnisa Asshidiq, Markamah
The purpose of this study is to examine the types of speech acts with implicatures in conversation in Atta Verin's short story “Choice of the Father” and its relation to Indonesian language learning. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. In collecting data, it uses the technique...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Local Content Materials in EFT Class at UKI Toraja

Yizrel Nani Sallata, Viktor Siumarlata, Matius Tandikombong, Sushy Teko Patanduk, Linerda Tulaktondok
This research was to find out; how the English for tourism materials implemented by lecturers at UKI Toraja. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The subjects of this research are the two lecturers of English for tourism at English Department UKI Toraja The instrument used in this...
Proceedings Article

Audit Dynamics: Exploring the Nexus of Audit Delay, Public Accounting Firm Size, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change in Auditor Switching

Agus Salim, Murtanto Murtanto, Lidia Wahyuni
This research investigated factors influencing auditor switching decisions in transportation and logistics companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2020 and 2022. The study employed logistic regression analysis to examine the impact of five variables: audit delay, Public Accounting...
Proceedings Article

Protection of UMKM in Sustainable Creative Economy Development in Indonesia

Anak Agung Gede Oka Wisnumurti
This study aims to explore the protection related to UMKM in the development of a sustainable creative economy in Indonesia with a descriptive normative legal research method. This is because researchers examine primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, which consist of legal materials (laws,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Anxiety Disorder and the Relationship with Family

Bingyuan Chen, Haotian Deng, Yuhan Shi, Yu Tian
The most widespread and harmful mental health issues are anxiety disorders. The COVID-19 pandemic, according to the World Health Organization, has led to a 25% rise in the prevalence of anxiety disorders worldwide in recent years. Due to the exceptional stress brought on by the pandemic’s state of social...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Cultivation of Service Awareness of the Tourism Vocational Education in Japan

Yin Juan
Through examining the curriculum installation in the tourism vocational colleges in Japan, teachers and students’ awareness of the service and service consciousness cultivation, this paper analyzes the advantages of the vocational colleges of the cultivation of service awareness in Japan, and proposes...
Proceedings Article

Study of The Second Language Acquisition and Its Bilingualism

Wenpin Fu
Our bilingualism mainly minority concentrated residential areas, bilingualism four multi-ethnic environment heteropolymeric district, a few foreign immigrants living area and bilingual families under, and bilingualism correspond to the presence of our national language and Chinese, Western and Chinese...
Proceedings Article

A Probe into the Moral Education in College English Teaching

Mengshan Jia, Xiao Tang
College English is a general compulsory course which lasts longest in the period of higher education. It means that College English teachers are the ones who contact with their students most often and influence their students most deeply. Every teacher bears the responsibility of teaching and educating,...
Proceedings Article

A review of the researches on WeChat

Yan Jinfang
In recent years, the development of WeChat received extensive attention of the academic circles, and the research on WeChat had made important progress in several ways. Research from the fundamental of WeChat, the transmission mechanism of WeChat, the influence of WeChat on college students' social and...
Proceedings Article

Thought on Propelling the Construction of Social Security System for Migrant Worker Group

Jiemei Li
With the continuous development of urbanization process, abundant surplus laborers in China's rural areas transfer to non-agricultural industries, so there are numerous issues in the social security system. Regardless of all sorts of social security systems enacted by the country, migrant workers, who...
Proceedings Article

Cultivation of Innovation Consciousness of Teaching Management Personnel in Colleges and Universities

Chunfang Wang
The education principles of colleges and universities should be based on the education and take the teaching work as the center. The innovation consciousness of the teaching management personnel in colleges and universities is the necessary consciousness to train the qualified talents for the future...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Training Mode of E-commerce Major in Higher Vocational Colleges based on “Internet +”

Ming Yang
In recent years, with the continuous development of science and technology, information technology and Internet technology have also been greatly developed, and the world has developed into an “Internet +” era of science and technology, networking, information technology. At present, most colleges and...
Proceedings Article

Non-standard composition: problem issues

Ulia Vairakh, Tatiana Dikun, Anna Kazorina, Elena Nikitina
The article gives a review on problem areas related to preparation for the composition. It is a part of final essay examination. The conceptual apparatus in terms of declared topic has been defined. There was revealed the way to achieve a successful finishing of the exam. In this article the author described...
Proceedings Article

Critical Awareness as an Antecedent in Strengthening the Side of Humanity in Education in the Disruptive Era

Oksiana Jatiningsih, Listyaningsih, Rahmanu Wijaya
Disruptive era marked by change driven by innovation in science and technology also penetrated the world of education. Teaching innovation in the form of online) is an option because it is considered effective, has a broad reach, crosses the physical boundaries of the school / campus and the state, and...
Proceedings Article

Aesthetic Expression of Folk Dance Works in Modern Beijing Area

Ningning Wang
As one of the major categories of dance art, folk dance is a cultural achievement jointly created by people of all nationalities. It not only accumulates the ancient culture but also inherits the national aesthetic psychology and reflects the regional characteristics and integrates spirit of the time...
Proceedings Article

Educational Research for BIM Technology in Applied Architecture Engineering Undergraduate

Ping Wei, Liuchuang Wei
BIM technology leads the construction industry in the future, conforms to the national vocational education development strategy, conforms to the Ministry of Housing and Construction's long-term plan for the construction industry, and promotes the reform of undergraduate education in Applied Construction...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation of Students' Enthusiasm in Physical Education Teaching

Wen Wei
As the concept of quality education is more and more advocated, schools are paying more and more attention to artistic courses. As one of the artistic courses, sports is also one of the compulsory courses, and it has received more attention than ever before. In this context, We must also recognize that...
Proceedings Article

Government Efforts to Raise Awareness of Palembang City Residents to the Culture of Participation

Heni Widia Nengsi, Karim Suryadi
This research is important to do because considering at the present time, the participation rate of citizens in the city of Palembang is quite low. This is evidenced by the decline in the level of citizen participation in the elections in 2013. Therefore, this study is deemed necessary to do because...
Proceedings Article

The Potentiality of Principal Leadership Implementation In North Sumatera

Wildansyah Lubis, Syaiful Sagala, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala
Previous researchers have had a long debate about the urgency of the application of transformational and instructional leadership models for educational organizations. Nevertheless, there is a stream of research that seeks to bridge the conflict by recommending the adoption of principal leadership in...
Proceedings Article

Law Enforcement and Integrity in The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption

Adensi Timomor, Wenly Lolong
Corruption is a disease of society which undermines the welfare of the people; impedes the implementation of development; harms the economy and ignores morale; and therefore must be continually eradicated. Law enforcement in the eradication of corruption can be done through the means of punishment and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, and Work Motivation on Employees Performance

Rosmidar Sinaga, Paningkat Siburian, Sukarman Purba
This study was aimed at finding: The influence of organizational culture on work motivation; the influence of leadership on work motivation; the effect of cognitive ability on work motivation;) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance; the influence of leadership on employee performance;...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games

Eka Fitri Novita Sari, Sujarwo, Sukiri
The improvement of locomotor basic movement through AniChrac Games is an action research to improve 8 locomotor basic movement such as running, walking, jumping, galloping, hopping, skipping, leaping, and sliding for class I students, in which the eight basic movements are conducted through games of...
Proceedings Article

Javanese Language in Cirebon: The Javanese Outside the Area of Use

Speakers have used Javanese in various places outside the area of use both in areas located on the island of Java and some islands in Indonesia and abroad. Javanese used in Cirebon called Cerbon Language or Crebon Language. This naming is because Javanese speakers in Cirebon feel that Cerbon Language...
Proceedings Article

Test Analysis of Policies in Public Health Emergency Management in China

Taking the Response of Jiangsu Cities to the Outbreak of Lukou Airport as an Example

Yin Zeyu, Yu Sixian
The distribution and combination of policy tools in public crisis management are significant issues in major public health emergencies. This paper takes the outbreak of Lukou Airport in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province as the background, and takes the relevant laws and policies issued by Nanjing, Yangzhou,...
Proceedings Article

An Evaluation of Quality of Working Life in the Tomsk Region

Evgeniya Ufimtseva, Irina Volchkova, Nikolay Shadeiko, Olga Gevorgyan
The article evaluates the quality of working life in the Tomsk region and determines the impact of the working life quality indicators of the Tomsk region have on its GRP. Comparative analytical, correlation-regression, and expert evaluation methods were used as the main research methods. Dependencies...
Proceedings Article

“Microcourse” Based Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode for Ideological and Political Education of Colleges and Universities

Yeqin Lu
“Microcourse” and flipped classroom are hot topics in the world higher education field in recent years. At present, the problems of teaching stylization and lack of learning motivation and autonomy are common in ideological and political teaching in colleges and universities. Therefore, introducing microcourses...
Proceedings Article

Non-linear Language Research on Font Art Design

Dan Chen
This paper takes “non-linear architecture” as the starting point, and through analysis and induction, it integrates the characteristics of non-linear thinking. As the carrier of culture and the trace of the times, there must be a certain related connection between character and architecture, which leads...
Proceedings Article

A Practice Study of Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in the Course Service Standards of Thai Tour Guide from the Perspective of “Telling China’s Stories”

Shuangfei Chen
Classroom is the main venue and students are the vigorous force of “telling China’s stories”. Ideological-political education not only strengthens all-round development of students but also improves the quality of talent training program for Thai language so as to train students as builders and successors...
Proceedings Article

Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic: How the Teacher Interprets the Curriculum

Puspa Sari, Hadi Pajarianto, Nasriandi
To keep up with the need of education in the course of Covid-19 pandemic, the school have no choice but to habituate with the virtual learning process. Accordingly, they have to adjust the learning process, interaction, evaluation, teaching tools as well as the curriculum. In spite of the fact that the...
Proceedings Article

Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom

Sabara Sabara, Sitti Arafah, M. Ali Saputra, Nensia Nensia, Syamsurijal Syamsurijal, Muh. Irfan Syuhudi, Paisal Paisal, Siti Aflahah, Muh. Dachlan
Religious moderation based on local wisdom is spread throughout Indonesian archipelago, one of which is that of the Kei ethnic group in Southeastern Maluku. This paper deliberates concepts and practices of religious moderation based on Kei local wisdom, as it is still practiced today. Due to the strong...
Proceedings Article

Does Providing Incentives During the COVID-19 era Increasing Employees' Motivation?

A Study in PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Head Office

Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, Dewi Embun Dzultawakal
This paper aims to determine the effect of incentives (X) on work motivation (Y) at the State Ownership Enterprise Financial Company in Indonesia. The population of this study were employees at the head office of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk. This paper is a descriptive analysis with a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Cross-Cultural Communication Factors of Black Myth Wukong

Hengbo Mao
BLACK MYTH WUKONG has attracted a great deal of attention from players both at home and abroad since the first release of its promotional video, which is unimaginable for a single-player game developed in China. Therefore, its successful road to the sea has a high research value, which can provide a...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Digital Literacy on Children Violence

R. Andi Ahmad Gunadi, Aswir, Maesaroh Lubis
The research objective is to determine the effect of digital literacy on violence against children. Digital literacy is information media connected or connected to the internet through portable computers (laptops) and mobile phones. The use of digital literacy media has both positive and negative effects....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Fiscal and Tax Policies on the Performance of New Energy Industries under the Dual Carbon Goal

Wenzhe Li, Haiyun Hu
The development of renewable energy sources contributes to energy and environmental security, the development of new energy industries under the guidance of the dual-carbon goal is the key to reshape China’s energy structure, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economy and industry. However,...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Main Obstacles and Improvement Pathways of Subsidizing Education in Private Vocational Colleges

Huiyin Mo, Ruiwen Yu, Yuzhen Wang
The funding and education mechanism is an important measure adopted by the country to ensure the comprehensive development of college students, and it is also a key link in promoting education reform and talent cultivation strategies. This study focuses on exploring the core issue of “funding education...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of the Imagery of Death in the Poetry of Kang Eunjo and Sylvia Plath

Keying Wang
After World War II, feminism flourished, and ever more feminist authors began to emerge on the literary landscape. Although living in different cultural and social contexts, the Korean feminist poet Kang Eunjo and the American feminist poet Plath both chose to present a great deal of death imagery in...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of Early Marriage in Junior High School Students in Rural Areas

Muhammad Azinar, Alfiana Ainun Nisa, Puput Ediyarsari
Early marriage (less than 19 years old) has a very serious impact on both the mother and the child being born. Grobogan Regency is an area in the province of Central Java, most of which is rural. The prevalence of women getting married and pregnant at an early age in this region is very high, reaching...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Automatic Scoring System in College English Writing

Weiwei Qu
Automatic evaluation system of composition is based on artificial intelligence and natural language technology, through the computer and network to evaluate written composition, and put forward the improvement suggestion of application software, is mainly used in large scale composition test score. In...
Proceedings Article

Diverse demands—Theme Strategies of Chinese Documentary with Intercultural Communication

Chengjun Zhang
TV documentary with documentary style and humanistic quality is an important path to intercultural communication and effective carrier. Chinese documentary creative vision need to globalization, cultural resources with the strangeness and commonality, who spread the idea of the diverse demands of the...
Proceedings Article

Ethno-cultural Foundations of Culture, Art and Education in the Context of Modern Educational Space

Lyudmila Mikheeva
In the article the author substantiates the necessity of accepting a spiritual heritage of our people, the riches of folk culture, to study which is vital in the moral and Patriotic education of youth, in the formation of moral compass, and emotional responsiveness, the development of creative talents.
Proceedings Article

Research Status of Garlic Harvester

Lufang Qin, Lijuan Yang
The author analyzes harvesting process and harvesting approaches of garlic, summarizes research status of garlic harvesters at home and abroad, discusses problems existing in garlic harvester researches at home and abroad and indicates development trend of garlic harvesters, thus providing references...
Proceedings Article

The Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Humanitarian Sphere

Anatoly Tsvyk, Galina Tsvyk
The following article highlights the key aspects of the bilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in the humanitarian field. The authors argue that Russia and China are interested in developing and deepening the strategic partnership in this sphere and come...
Proceedings Article

Teachers Present Situation of Information Literacy for College and University Teaching

Zheng Xu
With the continuous development of the Internet information technology, it had also changed for the colleges and universities education teaching model under this background. And it has become a very important task in today’s colleges and universities for the information technology literacy teachers training....
Proceedings Article

Labour Market and Forms of Professional and Personal Socialization Support

O. Istomina, M. Gaidai
The authors of this article by the example of the Irkutsk region analyze the problems of the modern labor market. The situation in regional labor market in many respects reflects the all-Russian trends and is characterized by polar processes: on the one hand, rather a high unemployment rate in different...
Proceedings Article

Park Plant Allocation Evaluation System Based on SBE

Lihan Wang
For the systematic, comprehensive and theoretical analysis and evaluation of landscape design of garden plants, the SBE method is used to evaluate the plant in the landscape quality assessment, and the results of the evaluation in the different groups were obtained. The analysis of data shows that plant...
Proceedings Article

The Combination of Literal Language and Visual Language When Poetry Meets Design

Tingjin Shi
As a graphic designer, the author deeply explores the spiritual connotation of ancient poetry and gives new inspiration to poster design. The expression of images to ancient poems can often carry more information and a modern meaning. Literal language starts from visual language and then turns back to...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Witchcraft Characteristics and Royal Power Symbols of Needle Carving Decoration of Lacquerware in Warring States Period of China

Qingjun He
Needle-carving technique of lacquerware is a method of carving patterns with needles and cones on the surface of dried lacquerware. As early as in the Warring States Period, needle-carving technique has been applied to the inscription and decoration of lacquerware, which has a far-reaching impact on...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Relationship between Urban Landscape Design and Cultural Influence

Liang Huang
With the development of economy and society, urbanization has been accelerating in China. In the process of urban development, the design and setting of urban landscape not only affect the appearance of the city but also has a significant impact on the display of urban cultural tension. This paper briefly...
Proceedings Article

Study on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in the Construction of Rural Circulation System

Jingfei Ran
Circulation is the blood of economic and social development, but the irregular circulation order in China's rural areas has been disturbing the rural economic development. There are widespread difficulties in circulation enterprises management, and adverse selection prevails. In terms of the adverse...
Proceedings Article

On Cultivation Measures of Cross-Culture Communicative Competence in English Teaching under the Background of “Chinese Culture Going Out”

Ming Zhao
Under the background of “Chinese culture going out”, the cultivation of cross-culture communicative competence has gradually become the focus of college English teaching, and the results have no longer been given priority. The change of teaching ideas requires teachers to appropriately readjust the classroom...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on Law Relief for Immunization Dispute of China

Yuqing Zhang
Since the implementation of the immunization, it has made great contributions to the prevention and control of infectious diseases in China, and has raised the overall health level of our citizens. However, the damage caused by immunization is difficult to completely eradicate. Many recipients suffer...
Proceedings Article

Discussion about the Development Channels for Small and Micro Enterprises

QianHong Li
Small and micro enterprises are an important force for the economic and social development, and play an important role in providing employment, increasing the national fiscal revenues, etc., but influenced by the international financial crisis and complex and volatile economic situations at home and...
Proceedings Article

Theodore Dreiser's Philosophy and Its Effect on Hurstwood's Downfall in Sister Carrie

Theodore Dreiser is famous for his work's truth and dependability, and in the novel- Sister Carrie, Dreiser draws a vivid picture of American life in the late 19th century, the vividness depends on his own experience and the influence of the Naturalism, and which help form his own philosophies on life....
Proceedings Article

Impact of Mental Illness on Creativity in Visual Art

Dhaneshwar Shah, Sunanda Rani, Meiyan Wang, Jining Dong
Mental illness, creativity, and visual art are often influenced by each other. Medical science proved that highly creative people are suffering from a different kind of mental illness or disorder. Mental illness and creativity is a comprehensive process and influenced by internal and external factor....
Proceedings Article

The Application of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills

Melva Melva Zainil, Melva Zainil, Anida Putri Nelsyam
This research is motivated by the low mathematical communication skills of students in the fourth grade of elementary school 20 Kalumbuk. This study aims to describe the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model to improve mathematical communication skills in the presentation of data in...
Proceedings Article

MADM Approach for Evaluating Learning Community-Based Programs for Students: IVDHF_UUBLS-VIKOR

Junling Zhang, Xiaowen Qi*
Due to the high complexity in the process of learning community-based programs for students, decision makers’ assessments for evaluating the programs unavoidably will involve decision hesitancy and uncertainty. Therefore, this paper develops multiple attributes of the decision making (MADM) method. Firstly,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Assisted with Recreation of Second Mathematics to Improve Numeracy and Problem Solving Skills

Indriana Eko Armaidi, Hardi Suyitno, Nuriana Rachmani Dewi
Innovative elementary school education demands students to be active, one of the effort to develop students numeracy skill is mathematics learning. The purpose of this research is to know the effectivity of Problem Based Learning assisted with recreation of second mathematics to improve numeracy and...
Proceedings Article

Measuring the Spirituality in Group Addiction Counseling Using Sandtray Therapy

Muhammad Farhan Mahmud, Salleh Amat, Ku Suhaila Ku Johari, Mohamad Isa Amat
The element of spirituality plays an important role in addiction counseling and recovery of an addict. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences on spirituality level before and after intervention using sandtray therapy. This study was a quasi-experimental repeated-measure design utilizing...
Proceedings Article

Research on Tourism Driving the Development of the Tertiary Industry

Xinyi Deng
The tourism industry has gradually become an important part of the development of my country’s service industry. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the tourism industry and the characteristics of the tertiary industry, the article derives the association mechanism between the tourism industry...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Financial Literacy Towards Financial Management and Its Impact on Family Welfare

F Komalasari, R J Cindi
Based on survey from Indonesian Financial Services Authority, the number of people considered well literate of financial literacy in Indonesia is 21.84%. Further data showed that financial literacy rate of housewives in Indonesia is 2.13%. This bring concerns considered that in managing the family money,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Female Image in Webcast from Gender Perspective

HongMeng Dong, QingWei Jiang
with the development of Internet, webcast as a new media came into being, more and more women enter webcast. Under the influence of this new media, the image of women still presents the gender order of the traditional society, which is full of discrimination against women, and the new media plays a limited...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Snare of Law for “Pay Day Loan” Providers According to Indonesian Criminal Law

Pudji Astuti
Financial Services Managers have been regulated in Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority (OJK Law). The goal is to grow the country’s economy by providing opportunities for financial service managers who are able to carry out activities to grow the national economy in a sustainable...
Proceedings Article

The Inevitable Victory of the Proletariat -- Comment on the Documentary National Memory, New China, 1949

Zhu Tong
In the form of five episodes, the documentary National Memory · New China 1949 shows a series of historical events that took place with Peiping as the core on the eve of the founding of new China, highlighting the preparations made by our Party for welcoming the new regime before the founding of New...
Proceedings Article

New Ideas of Environmental Dance Choreography under the Mode of Aesthetic Engagement

Weiyan Wang
Environmental dance, as an important part of the current performing arts, has attracted more and more attention by public. The appearance of the environmental aesthetic not only poses new challenges to the aesthetics and choreography of dance in a specific environment, but also brings new ideas. This...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Communication Skills and Work Motivation through Online Learning Understanding on Teacher Teaching Satisfaction at SMAN 1 Cikarang Pusat

Febiyanti, Muhammad Fahmi Johan Syah
This study aims to examine the effect of communication skills and work motivation on teacher teaching satisfaction at SMAN 1 Cikarang Pusat through online learning understanding as an intervening variable. The method used was the quantitative method with the path analysis model. This study collected...
Proceedings Article

Development of Biochemistry e-Module to Improve Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills

Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Pasar Maulim Silitonga, Marudut Sinaga
Generations in the 21st century must be prepared to have competencies and skills that include: critical thinking and problem-solving competencies, creativity, communication skills, and the ability to work together. The application of HOTS abilities in the learning process makes students more resilient...
Proceedings Article

A Scooping Review of Determinants of the Graduation of Professional Competencies for Medical Education Students in Indonesia

Yani Istadi, Sukestiyarno, Tri Joko Raharjo, Mahalul Azam, Edy Mulyono
The competency certificate is part of the registration requirements so that a doctor can arrange for a practice license. This competency certificate is obtained by first having to pass the Medical Profession Education Student Competency Examination (UKMPPD). In fact, many prospective doctors did not...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of English Education on Social Development: Enhancing Career Opportunities and International Communication

Jie Peng
English education has emerged as a significant force shaping both individual advancement and societal progress. This paper delves into the multifaceted influence of English education on social development, focusing on its role in fostering career growth and facilitating global communication. Through...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Singing of Cadenza of Vocal Works in Different Periods

Yingjie Chen
Cadenza is an important singing technique in vocal works, and it is also a difficult skill for many vocal learners. Rhythm, intonation, and expression are all important reference factors for good singing. Cadenza has been developed by composers for a long time. However, some students and even teachers...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on How to Absorb Excellence from National Culture for Chinese Art Design

Zhenglei Dong
This article aims at explaining that Chinese art design shall absorb nourishment from national culture through analyzing characteristics of Chinese national culture and relationship between modern art design and national culture, in order to improve quality, perfect theory and enrich pattern of manifestation.
Proceedings Article

Research on Ecological Benefits Compensation for Forest Resource inState-owned Forest Area

Mei-Yan Liu
It's one of the results to trace high-speed development of economy for a long period in the country that the climate turns worse. People start to pay attention to the ecological issues when the economy was developed to a certain level. Now it's a main aspect to establish ecological civilization in the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Enterprise Annuity System under the Background of Aging in China

Ting Liu
At present, all countries are promoting the comprehensive development of the social old-age security system, and in China, although the enterprise annuity system is a very important part of the social old-age security system, but the enterprise pension system has not played it Ideal effect. In China,...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Lisbon Treaty on EU Trade Policy and EU-China Trade Relation

Ke Hong
The Lisbon Treaty is intended to make the EU more efficient, more democratic internally and more coherent on the world stage. There is no doubt that EU external trade policy is indeed affected by the Lisbon Treaty. And for EU-China trade relation, at this stage we can say that China will have to look...
Proceedings Article

Functional Requirement and Performance on Analysis of Computer Network Teaching System

Jingxian Wang
The development of modern education needs the network system of online teaching, the needs analysis is the basic work to build an network system of online teaching. Clarify the tasks and the process of needs analysis based on and study functional requirements analysis and analysis of performance requirements....
Proceedings Article

On the Advantages of Constructing Interactive Cooperative Teaching Mode in the Inorganic Chemical Experimental Teaching in Higher Normal Education

Fengchun Wang
Inorganic Chemistry Experimental course is an important basic compulsory course for students with chemistry major, which can lay solid foundation in the whole process of learning chemical professional knowledge. By starting from the inorganic chemical experimental courses in university, this paper analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Vortex Shedding Characteristics of Flow Past two Different Diameters Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement at Low Reynolds Number

Yongtao Wang
Flow vortex shedding from two circular cylinders of different diameters in tandem arrangement is investigated by means of numerical simulations. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a fractional step upstream finite element method at a relatively low Reynolds number Re = 100. The...
Proceedings Article

Brief Analysis on “Non-material” in the Future

Dalei Chen
In the information society, culture revolution is a procedure which transforms from a society taking creation and production of material product as its center to a society taking service or non-material product as its center. As an advanced future design, non-material design has positive significance...
Proceedings Article

Review on middle managers’ performance appraisal

JunYing Jia, Jianxin Shi
Literatures on middle managers’ performance appraisal are reviewed in this paper. To summarize methods and limitations on evaluating middle managers’ performance appraisal, a conceptual framework is developed. Based on the review, improvement of the methods for future research and the scientific appraisal...
Proceedings Article

Applied Research on Steps of Vocal Music Teaching

Lingyi Li
Vocal music teaching can be divided into three steps as regulation first, technique second and reprocessing according to the general vocal music teaching theory and practise. Regulation is to balance all the functional organizations in the singing practise in order to reflect the willness of the singer....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Financial Capital Efficiency of Supply of Public Products in New Rural Construction

Xiaoyan Guo, Zhiyun Dong, Guanghui Li
With continuously deepening reform and opening-up, China’s economy also got rapid development. In recent years, rural economy represented rapid development momentum. Moreover, peasants also harvested the achievements of the reform and opening-up policy in economic development. Now, rural income level...
Proceedings Article

Does Migration Matter for Agricultural Productivity?

Naswatun Zikra, Fakhruddin Fakhruddin
This study aims to analyze the impact of out-migration on agricultural productivity in Pidie district using qualitative descriptive analysis model. The primary data from this study was obtained through direct interviews using questionnaires. The results showed that out-migration has no impact towards...
Proceedings Article

Origin, Alienation and Domestication: On the Case Method Teaching in Law Undergraduate Education

Yuqing Zhong, Weijun Wu
This paper explored how to apply case method teaching in undergraduate law teaching in China through comparative analysis, literature research and practical investigation. It was analyzed that the case method teaching has specific content, applicable scenarios and important significance in the United...