Advances in Health Sciences Research
4234 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Flipped Classroom Learning in Learning Motivation on Nursing Student Program During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nurlaila Fitriani, Arum Pratiwi, Chlara Yunita Prabawati, Enita Dewi
The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of the use of Flipped Classroom on student learning motivation during the covid-19 pandemic in nursing pedagogical learning models (adults). The learning of the nursing profession demands more practice than theory. In order to make it easier...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Hemoglobin Levels and Hematocrite Value in Stunting Children in Bukit Sileh, Solok Regency
Zufrias Riaty, Dian Eka Nursyam
Stunting is a linear growth syndrome that fails, according to the Ministry of Health, the stunting category is children under five with a z-score of less than -2SD called stunted. The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 stated that the incidence of stunting decreased from 37.2% to 30.8%. Hemoglobin...
Proceedings Article
Android Application-Based Interactive Services for Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Rara Warih Gayatri, Septa Katmawanti, Hartati Eko Wardani, Low Wah Yun
Android applications have been developed for an early detection of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). However, its development has yet to be interactive and has not involved experts, such as health consultants. The purpose of this study is to develop an interactive service and a product design based on Android...
Proceedings Article
Absolute Wave Latency of Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) in Children at Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung
Era Yulian Ineka, Wijana, Sally Mahdiani, Yanti Nurrokhmawati
Introduction: Children’s hearing problem will influence development, especially speech and language. Early detection is essential, but Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) reference for Indonesian hasn’t been present yet. Objective: to determine absolute wave latency of ABR in children Methods: A retrospective...
Proceedings Article
End of Life Care in Elderly: Family Experiences
Retno Indarwati, Rista Fauziningtyas, Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni, Elida Ulfiana
Mostly, death occurs due to aging, while the rest because of illness. In palliative care, Indonesian elderly with a chronic disease more likely to stay at home with their families until the death. These conditions give a unique experience to the family when taking care of elderly at the end of their...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Assessment of Adhesion to Dental Enamel and Friction Forces of Bracers
M.A. Khastsaeva, F.A. Dzutseva, Z.A. Shaova, I.V. Baroeva, S.K. Khetagurov, O.A. Farnieva, L.S. Kanukova
The study is devoted to comparative analysis of some technical aspects of braces. According to some reports, the prevalence of dentofacial anomalies in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania reaches nearly 40 %, which is slightly higher than the level across the Russian Federation in general. Undue detection...
Proceedings Article
Midwife service coverage, quality of work, and client health improved after deployment of an OpenSRP-driven client management application in Indonesia
Kevin Kurniawan, Inraini FitriaSyah, Ahmad Rafi Jayakusuma, Resty Asmauryanah Armis, Yusran Lubis, Muhammad Abdi Haryono, Benyamin Harefa, Anuraj Shankar
The quality of maternal and child health services remains suboptimal in most low and middleincome countries (LMIC). Data are routinely collected with paper-based systems but are incomplete, underutilized, and reported as poorly-usable aggregated indicators. Therefore, we developed the Open Smart Register...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Occupational Health and Safety Promotion between Safety Behavior Production Workers in Palm Plant PTPN IV Kebun Bah Jambi
Halinda Sari Lubis, James Steven F.D.
PTPN IV Kebun Bah Jambi is a company that does cultivation and processing of palm fruits. According to PTPN IV Kebun Bah Jambi's report of work accidents, occurred 15 cases of work accidents during the period January 2013-December 2015, that the highest number of accidents occurred in 2015. The most...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Fish Scale Powder Addition to Flexural Strength of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin
Kholidina Harahap, Ika Andryas
Heat cured acrylic resin has been used as dental prosthetic devices because of its excellent appearance, simple processing technique and easy repair. The absence of filler on acrylic resin causes limitation of flexural strength at the time of use. Fish scales can be used as filler to reinforce the acrylic...
Proceedings Article
Antifertility Effect of N-hexane, Ethyl Acetate and Water Fractions from Carica papaya Leaves on Sperm Motility in Male Wistar Rats
Nur Laili Dwi Hidayati
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the antifertility effect of N-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water fractions from C. papaya leaves on sperm motility in male Wistar rats. Method: Twenty four rats used in this study. Rats were devided into 4 groups: normal group and Carica papaya fraction...
Proceedings Article
Ammonia Exposure Among Citizen Living Surrounding Fertilizer Factory
Achmad Fickry Faisyah, Yustini Ardillah, Dini Arista Putri
Air pollution remains problem around the world. One of dangerous chemical substance is ammonia. Fertilizer factory emission is ammonia that could affect to people health. The purpose of this study was to describe ammonia effect to health among citizen living surrounding fertilizer factory.Methods: This...
Proceedings Article
The Family Role of Patient with Pulmonary TB About Prevention of Household Contacts Transmission in the Work Area of Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak
Sitti Syabariyah, Dithya Enggal Pratiwi
Pulmonary TB cases at Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak in the last 2 years (2014 and 2015) was the cases highest in Pontianak. Based on interviews at health center officer Perumnas II Pontianak that the obstacles faced by the officer were the patients came to the health center without accompanying family...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Local Application of Platelet Rich Fibrin versus Hyaluronic Acid on Postoperative Sequelae After Surgical Removal of Impacted Lower Third Molar
Imad Marouf, Atalla Rejab
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of local application of platelet rich fibrin and hyaluronic acid on postoperative sequelae after surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and Methods: The research included a total of 66 healthy patients, from both genders,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Brain Jogging Method to Improve Motivation Learning Outcome of Physical Education on Vocational High School
Willy Ihsan Rizkyanto, Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Tri Ani Hastuti, Herka Maya Sujatmika
This study aims to produce a product in the form of modified brain jogging training with an online system. So that it can facilitate the learning process for Physical Education in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. This research is a 4-D development research (Four D) developed. In this study, researchers...
Proceedings Article
Blood Pressure and Sleeping Patterns of Adults Consuming Black Coffee, Café Latte, and Non-Caffeine Beverages
Rr. Annisa Ayuningtyas, Inovani Wafda Naili Muna, Ria Purnawian Sulistiani, Yuliana Noor Setiawati Ulvie
Coffee consumption can affect blood pressure and sleeping patterns because the caffeine content in the coffee may trigger adrenaline hormones and affect nerve cells. This study aims to determine the difference in blood pressure and sleeping patterns of adults consuming black coffee, café latte, and fruit...
Proceedings Article
Cooperative learning vs problem-based learning: which one is better for basketball learning?
Muhammad Sigit Antoni, Saryono Saryono, Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Nur Rohmah Muktiani
One of the study materials in physical education is basketball. Based on several research results, there are several obstacles in implementing game learning in physical education (PE): low enthusiasm, motivation, and students’ seriousness. This research aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Stress Level with Quality of Life in Elderly with Hypertension
Nayodi Permayasa, Suryadi, Regina Junisna Waldani, Indra Maulana Dongoran, Haslinah Ahmad
Hypertension is a disease that has a very close relationship with the elderly. This study aims to determine. The correlation Between Stress Levels With Elderly Quality Life of Hypertension Patients at Working. The Type of quantitative research with descriptive correlation design with cross sectional...
Proceedings Article
Financing Health in Indonesia: A Literature Review
Nadhila C. Nurmalasari, Erna Yuliandri
The economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges to healthcare systems as they reduce public revenue while increasing the need for publicly funded healthcare. This increases when people are entitled to means-tested benefits, can no longer afford privately funded treatment, or need more care...
Proceedings Article
Fast Food Contribution Toward Obesity In The Students Of Junior High School
Jumiyati, Lisma Ningsih, Miratul Haya
An imbalance between nutrient intake and the recommended nutritional adequacy causes the emergence of nutritional problems in adolescents. One of the causes of obesity in adolescents is an increased frequency of consumption of fast food that contains high calories, fat, sodium, and low fiber. The effect...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Beach Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
Mr. Roesdiyanto, Mrs Sulistyorini, Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Mr. Taufik
The purpose of this research was to develop beach volleyball learning product using blended learning model integrated with E-learning of State University of Malang (UM). The research method used was the research and development method (R&D), with the following steps (a) needs analysis, (b) initial product...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Noise Intensity and Hearing Function Disorder in Ground Handling Workers at Kualanamu International Airport
Safrina Ramadhani, Gerry Silaban, Wirsal Hasan
Noise is all unwanted sounds sourced from the tools of production process or work tools that in some degree may cause hearig function disorder. Noise with treshold level value (TLV) of 85 dB is considered safe for most workers when they are working 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week.The objective of...
Proceedings Article
The system of daily self-monitoring of physical activity of youth in various move and energy modes
Roman Nagovitsyn, Aleksander Osipov, Mikhail Kudryavtsev
Objective of the study was develop a system for daily self-monitoring of the physical activity of young people in various move and energy modes and experimentally prove its effectiveness by increasing the level of physical health and body mass index of participants in the experiment. Organization and...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Family Support to Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Self-Management Behavior in Sumbang Health Center 1, Banyumas District
Maria Paulina Irma Susanti, Adiratna Sekar Siwi
Self-control is important for people with Diabetes Mellitus, this is obtained if you get support from your family. Reminding each other or controlling management is diabetics. Whether we realize it or not, when someone experiences diabetes mellitus they will experience difficult times. They must begin...
Proceedings Article
Phenomenology Study of Menopause Experiences About Physical and Psychological Changes in Menopause Period in Nagari Tabek Pariangan District of Tanah Datar 2020
Sandra Hardini, Ninin Marlina, Sri Yudawati
Every woman will experience menopause in her life cycle. Significant changes in menopause seen in physical and psychological changes. Menopause occurs because hormonal changes in the body. The physical and psychological changes during menopause will cause variety of complaints in menopause. This will...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound Examination in Patients With Suspected Acute Appendicitis
Ana Majdawati, I Gusti Ayu Putri Anom Sari
Background: Acute Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, which manifests as pain in the lower right abdomen that can develop into an acute abdomen. This situation can end in the emergency room and require immediate surgical treatment. Ultrasound is the initial choice most often used for the diagnosis...
Proceedings Article
Tenofovir Lamivudine Efavirenz Side Effect and Its Efficacy Among People Living with HIV in Jayapura
Setyo Adiningsih, Mirna Widiyanti, Muhammad F. Rokhmad
Tenofovir lamivudine efavirenz (TLE) as a single-tablet regimen is preferred to the long use of combination antiretroviral therapy. TLE is safer than another antiretroviral drug regimen for first-line of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment. However, there is little information about the side...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Family Functioning and Burden Among Family Caregivers of Schizophrenia Patients in Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya Indonesia
Dya Sustrami, Candra Maulidya Dwi Pratiwi, Ah. Yusuf, Rizki Fitryasari
Background: The phenomenon of a family caregiver caring for family members with schizophrenia requires a balance of family functions. However, mental illness affects the entire family structure. Poor family functioning is associated with emotional changes and burdens. The burden among family is related...
Proceedings Article
Early Childhood Education Program Integration to Prevent Stunting (PAUD-Incasting) Through Audiovisual Media to Improve Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in Preschool Children
Titih Huriah, Trie Ardi Febrianti
Introduction Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that affects children with a picture of growth failure before and after birth due to a lack of nutrient intake. Clean and healthy living habits are one of the factors that stunt preschoolers’ development. Clean and Healthy Living Behavior is an effort...
Proceedings Article
Study of the Morphology of Erythrocytes in Patients with Cervical Cancer: A Technique for Machine Recognition of the Shapes and Sizes of Erythrocytes SEM Images
S.N. Mamaeva, O.A. Semenov, I.V. Kononova, A.R. Ermolaev, V.V. Gerasimova, G.V. Maksimov
The aim of the study is to develop a technique for machine recognition of the shapes and sizes of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of erythrocytes of patients with cervical cancer (CC) obtained on a SEM during radiation therapy (RT). The article considers the study of the morphology of erythrocytes...
Proceedings Article
The Learning Model of Volleyball Overhead Pass for 9th-grade High School Students
Ruslan Ruslan, Rusli Rusli, Sarifin Sarifin
The research objective is to develop a new product used in school physical education learning activities. This study uses the development of research methods Research and development (R&D) from Borg and Gall. Subjects in this study were 75 students at three high schools, SMA 15 Makassar, SMA 6 Makassar,...
Proceedings Article
Same Gender De’ Clerambault in a Man: Case Report
S. Beby Puteri Utami, Mustafa M. Amin
Currently, Gender De ‘Clerambault or erotomania is a very rare case, especially in men. This disorder is related to a person’s culture and socioeconomic, with the most prominent symptom being delusional disorder, and the best treatment is antipsychotics. Mr. H, age 40, complained of sleeping difficulty...
Proceedings Article
Petanque Sports E-Module Development, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Taufik, Ari Mei Wulandari
This study aims to develop a petanque sports e-module, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Malang. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) from Borg & Gall. In this study using three methods, namely analysis, validation and group test. Data collection is done by...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Massage on Body Weight Improvement in 0 - 12 Month-Old Babies
Juwitasari Juwitasari, Dessy Rindiyanti Harista
Massage had widely known asa solution to facilitate baby growth and development which impact on optimizing blood flow, normalizing heart rate, maintaining digestion, and improving immunity. Massage intervention will preserve the adequate nutrition by increasing the absorption of macronutrient and micronutrient...
Proceedings Article
Injury Incident Rate Impact toward Adversity Quotient of Female Futsal Athletes
Afianti Sulastri, Sehabudin Salasa, Upik Rahmi, Yasinta Depki Andriyani
Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a reflection of personal resilience in facing the problems. In sports, endurance is such an important thing that will enhance the athlete's performance in competition. Injury experience is one factor that can be influencing the athlete's performance. Dealing with that condition,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep Quality of Patients with Cancer
Wasijati, Agung Waluyo, Riri Maria
The inability to have a good quality sleep could increase the risk of cancer to become more agressive. This condition occured because the immune system was disturbed so that the ability of the immune system to take control or control cancer cells reduced. This research aimed to determine the effect of...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
Puji Astuti, Boyke Mulyana, Pipit Pitriani, Mesianna Simbolon, Alimin Hamzah, Desmi Sartika
This paper is a scientific study of a review paper about fencing. The development of fencing sports, the more modern style game of fencing with a pattern of game, are fast and explosive. To support fast and effective movements, appropriate techniques and body movements are needed that can support fencing...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Nurse Compliance in Applying the Six Principles of Drug Administration at RSUD Wates
Deby Zulkarnain Rahadian Syah, Ade Kurniawan
Giving the wrong medication to the patient can cause problems such as the trauma of taking the drug, the patient’s disability, and even death. The provision of nursing services by standard operating procedures (SOP) greatly helps nurses to achieve quality nursing care. Nurses are required to be able...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Plyometric Standing Jump Exercise Towards High Jump of Volleyball Players UABV Universitas Negeri Malang
Achmad Muzayyin Dwi Fernanda, Mahmud Yunus, Saichudin
Volleyball Players State University of Malang focus more on the exercises and no physical improvement exercises. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plyometric standing jump exercise on the height of UABV volleyball players jumping State University of Malang. This research uses pre-experimental...
Proceedings Article
Establishing the Taxa with Phylogenetic Profile and in-silico-ayurvedic Remedy of Colon Cancer Microbiome
Sai Divya Paggala, I. A. Shylesh Murthy, Preenon Bagchi
The discovery of a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori that is resident in the human stomach chronic disease (peptic ulcer and gastric cancer) was radical on many levels. Studies of this genetic diversity in strains isolated from various locations across the globe. The goal of this study was to determine...
Proceedings Article
A Bibliometric Analysis of mTOR Expression in Breast Cancer
Indri Windarti, Ety Apriliana, Susianti Susianti
The mTOR (mechanistic Target of Rapamycin) pathway represents a critical focus in cancer research, playing a pivotal role in cellular growth, proliferation, and survival. This study presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of research publications focusing on mTOR in breast cancer from 2006 to...
Proceedings Article
A Mobile Health Application for Monitoring and Educating Covid-19 Patients During Self-quarantine
Kissa Bahari, Farida Halis, Puguh Yudho Trisnanto
To address the need in monitoring and educating Covid-19 patients during self-quarantine at home in Indonesia, healthcare providers need a mobile health application. This study aimed to develop a mobile health application for monitoring and educating Covid-19 patients during self-quarantine. The current...
Proceedings Article
Latex Agglutination Method for Determination of von Willebrand Factor Antigen in Patients with Bleeding Disorders
Rahayu Anggraini, Devyana Dyah Wulandari, Novera Herdiani, Lono Wijayanti, Riska Rohmawati
Measurement of the level of von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag) in human plasma is usually carried out in a specialized laboratory in routine clinical practice and is carried out by the ELISA method which takes a long time or immunoturbidimetry which is less sensitive and specific. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article
Loneliness of Z Generation Adolescents in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Study
Valencia Giovanni Permana, Samsunuwiyati Mar’at, Naomi Soetikno
Loneliness is a condition of a discrepancy between what you want to achieve and what is actually achieved in social relationships, both in quantity and quality. Continued loneliness has a clinical impact that needs to be considered. Loneliness can be experienced by all ages, including adolescents who...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Training of Goal Setting and Muscle Relaxation to Self Confidence Swimmer of Central Java Training Center 2016
Sungkowo Sungkowo, Kaswarganti Rahayu
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of goal setting training and muscle relaxation against self-confidence enhancer swimmers from Central Java Training Center 2016. The population is the swimmers from Central Java Training Center 2016 in 2016, which amounted to 8 people. Then the sampling...
Proceedings Article
Fabrication of Prosthetic Feeding Plate as a Treatment Plan for Infant with Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate ( Case Report)
Liana Rahmayani
One of the most common birth defects is cleft lip and palate. Infants with cleft lip and palate suffer from difficulty in feeding, due to lack of coordination between lips, tongue, and palate. This condition disrupts several functions including sucking, swallowing, aspiration and therefore inhibits infant's...
Proceedings Article
One Health Approach in the Understanding of Possible Diseases Transmission by Fruits Bats
Didik Pramono, Supratikno Supratikno, I Nengah Donny Artika, Faisal Tanjung, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari, Etih Sudarnika, Abdul Zahid Ilyas, Chaerul Basri, Srihadi Agungpriyono
About 75% of contagious diseases in the world are classified as zoonoses. One among wild animals suspected to spread the disease is bat. Bats have an important role in the spreading of viral diseases. Fruit bat is among bat species that may potentially transmit diseases to human. The transmission of...
Proceedings Article
Influence Game Method and Interest on the Basis of Motion of Learning Skills State Run SDN 105345 Sidodadi
Edi Moerianto, Budi Valianto, Rahma Dewi
This study aims to determine the effect of Method Games and Interests of Basic Motion Skills Learning Outcomes sd Running State 105 345 Sidodadi Ramunia Beringin Subdistrict Year 2018. The research sample 62 students, each of which consists of class III SD using research design treatment by the level...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Rusnoto, Nasriyah, Putri Meitasari, Ana Zumrotun nisa
Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis which is the second highest incident based on the data of Public Health of Kaliwungu, Kudus. Both education and economic status are risk factor that influence the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the...
Proceedings Article
Learning Methods and Motivation Towards Learning Outcomes of Soccer Games
Andi Gunawan, Firmasyah Dlis, Johansyah Lubis
This research is motivated by the results of a survey conducted at school showing that students who play soccer still have a lot of low playing football skills. Both in terms of dribbling, passing, shooting, ball control. The role of motivation in learning can be likened to fuel to move students so that...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in Disaster Management
Tugas Ratmono
Natural and non natural disasters that occurred in many areas in our country nowadays the intensity have dramatically increased both quantity and quality. Loss of life, property and infrastructure damage are avoidable if the natural disasters such as earthquakes tsunami and volcanic Merapi happens. Since...
Proceedings Article
The Psychological Experiences of the Diabetes Patients in a Community Life
Arum Pratiwi, D Hudiyawati, A Muhlisin, Ratnawati Ratnawati, Nurlaila Fitriani
Background: Psychological response is one of the group symptoms that is crucial to control to achieve positive coping mechanisms. Some patients adequately manage the problem; on the other hand, others appear unable to handle anxieties, fear, and depression. Understanding the psychological responses like...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Gender, Role Model, Patient Involvement and Knowledge on Compliance Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) among Dental Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
Valendriyani Ningrum, Abu Bakar
Objective: The assessment of compliance with using personal protective equipment among a group of dental students. Methods: A non-participatory observation and self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a total of 72 dental student with cross sectional study design. Results: Of the total 72 questionnaires,...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Analysis of Factors Influencing the Incident of Postpartum Blues in Public Women
Siti Istiana, Aniatul Janah
In the postpartum period, women experience significant life changes, such as becoming mothers. This situation is characterized by Emotional changes, changes in physical circumstances, family relationships, and adjustment to new rules as a mother characterizes it. Psychologically,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Sports Participation on Social Skill Development in Early Childhood and Adolescence
Ulma Erdilanita, Amung Ma’mun
Sports education plays an important role in developing social skills in children and adolescents. Participation in sports activities has been shown to enhance values such as cooperation, communication, leadership and empathy. However, sports education in an institution is often considered less important...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Organoleptic Properties between Cheese Sticks Made from Wheat Flour and Red Bean Flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Syardiansya Syardiansya, Lisnawaty Lisnawaty, Renni Meliahsari
Wheat flour contains protein, particularly gluten, which, if consumed in excess, will negatively impact the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify food using other ingredients that can partially or completely replace wheat flour. One of the foods that are low in gluten is red beans. Flour...
Proceedings Article
Correlative Analysis of Demographic Characteristics and Depressive Syndrome on Quality of Life
Riska Andriyani, Mustafa M. Amin, Muhammad Surya Husada
Background: The main factor contributing to coronary heart disease (CHD), the world's biggest killer, is the buildup of plaque in the arteries that provide oxygen to the heart muscle. CHD continues to be a serious health issue with socioeconomic effects because it causes a decline in physical and...
Proceedings Article
Incidental Finding of Hearing Loss in Patients before the Intra-arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) Procedure
Elvita Rahmi Daulay, Delfitri Munir, Aznan Lelo, Terawan Agus Putranto
Background: Hearing loss is often not addressed by the patient. Patients underwent pure tone audiometry test before the Intra-arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) procedure, and some patients had hearing loss.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out how patients describe their hearing...
Proceedings Article
Emotional Intelligence and Caring Behavior Among Muslim Nurse: A Study in Religious-Based Hospital in Surabaya-Indonesia
Laily Hidayati, Fauzan Rifai, Lailatun Ni'mah
Caring is an important aspect of nursing care implementation. It is referred to an ability to show an attention and feel empathy for others, especially for patients. Faith or religion give a contribution on performing behavior, attitudes and emotions of nurses in doing their job. In addition, emotional...
Proceedings Article
Change of Microhardness of Zirconium Dioxide During Mechanical and Heat Treatmen
M.A. Tomaeva, S.K. Khetagurov, M.R. Albegova, A.Ch. Tskhovrebov, A.I. Kasaeva, D.V. Kabaloeva, Vazieva A.K. Vazieva
The paper studies the hardness of zirconium dioxide used in dentistry for the production of dental implants. The purpose of the study was to analyze the change of material microhardness after mechanical treatment and machining with subsequent firing. In total 30 zirconium dioxide samples were made, which...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of People's Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Traditional Treatment
Marniati Marniati
Traditional medicine is the treatment by means of drugs and treatment which refers to the experience and skills from generation to generation and it is applied in accordance with the norms prevailing in society. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of people's knowledge and attitudes...
Proceedings Article
Systolic and Diastolic, Before and After Doing Deep Breathing Exercise
Chita Widia, Ayuni Susanti, Asep Robby
Deep breathing is one of the non-pharmacological therapists that can increase sensitivity of baro reflex and reduce sympathetic and chemical reflex activity which shows a potentially beneficial effect in reducing systolic and diastolic in hypertensive patients at the Kahuripan Community Health Center...
Proceedings Article
Association of Environmental Residential Sanitation Factors to Communicable Disease Risk Among Musi Side-River Household in Palembang,Indonesia: A Study of Slum Area
Yustini Ardillah, Indah Purnama Sari, Yuanita Windusari
A slum area becomes an urban problem and a result of challenges in health sector. Environmental sanitation is a major problem in that area since the dwellers got lack access to it. Therefore, some communicable diseases exist there. Palembang Musi riverside is an area that becomes urban slum area as long...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of MHealth to Increase Mother’s Skill in Children Growth and Development Monitoring During >36–48 and >48–60 Months
Maria Ulfah Kurnia Dewi, Nova Linda Rambe
Obstacles encountered the lack of implementation of early detection of growth and development of children during >36–48 and >48–60 months, especially in the development conducted every six months. Children at this age are rarely or never visit Integrated Healthcare Center anymore because the child...
Proceedings Article
Individual-Typological Approach to the Assessment of Adaptation, Health and Psychophysiological Indicators of School Students Doing Sports
S.N. Filippova, V.V. Gorrelik, V.S. Belyaev, T.P. Knysheva
The paper is devoted to experimental justification of widespread application of individualization in choosing types and volumes of physical activity for physical education classes taking into account typological indicators. The purpose of the study was to improve the physical education of schoolchildren...
Proceedings Article
Acute Limb Ischemia on Diabetic Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review
Achmad Bima Aryaputra, Hendry Purnasidha Bagaswoto, Taufiq Nugroho, Ana Fauziyati
It’s estimated that 236.62 million people aged 25 years and older had peripheral artery disease around the world. Diabetes was also highly linked to PAD. Most likely due to neuropathy, patients with both diabetes and PAD have a rapid progression of their PAD. We report the case of a 58 years old woman,...
Proceedings Article
Adaptation to the levels of MDA and SOD Enzyme Activity of MICT and HIIT Exercise On Wistar
Samsul Mu’arif, Mr. Widiyanto
The purpose of this study is to reveal the influence of moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) against the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity (SOD) in blood circulation. The sample in this study used 21 male Wistar...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Maturity Stage on Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase Activity in Red Guava Fruit
Afianti Sulastri, A. A. Soemardji, Sukrasno Sukrasno, Amaliya Amaliya
Oxidative stress due to free radicals can cause various cell damage and its components inside, such as proteins, lipids, and DNA. Oxidative stress can be inhibited through antioxidant compounds. The liver as an essential organ plays a significant role in the metabolism process, produces endogenous antioxidant...
Proceedings Article
Salivary Flow Rate in Human Population with High Radon Exposure and Its Correlation to Caries
Irmaleny Irmaleny, Soehardjo Soehardjo, Sri Tjahajawati, Nisa Nadiah
Radon is a radioactive substance derived from a uranium compound, it is odor-less and colorless. It can radiate an alfa beam which is capable of damaging the performance of the salivary gland causing decreased saliva volume. This dimin-ishes the self-cleansing ability of the teeth and encourages the...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of The Breast Cancer Causes at Generat Hospital Dr. Pirngadi Medan
Winda Maulinasari Nasution, Asfriyati Asfriyati, Fazidah Aguslina Siregar
Breast cancer is reproductive health problem which causes deaths. In Indonesia, breast cancer is the second highest new cases 43.4% with deaths 12.9%. There were 2.641 women affected by breast cancer at general hospital Dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan, in the period of 2012-2016. The objective of the research...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Self-Efficacy on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 to Self-Management Behavior in Sumbang 1st Health Center, Banyumas Regency
Maria Paulina Irma Susanti, Adiratna Sekar Siwi
Self-control is important for people with Diabetes Mellitus, this is obtained if you get support from your family. Reminding each other or controlling management is diabetics. Whether we realize it or not, when someone experiences diabetes mellitus they will experience difficult times. They must begin...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Submerge, Floating, and Gliding Ability on Swimming Distance Ability for First-Year College Students
Badruzaman Badruzaman, Agus Rusdiana, Angga M Syahid
The submerge, float, and glide ability are first or basic factor that can determine a person is able to swim naturally and can also be easier when learning swimming skills. The aim of study was to investigated contribution of submerge, floating, glade as basic swimming ability on swimming distance ability....
Proceedings Article
Determinant of Healthy Home in Bendung Village, Kilasah, Serang City
Andiko Nugraha Kusuma, Wiwik Eko Pertiwi, Amalia Inderacahya
A healthy home is one of the means for preventing disease transmission in the family environment. Healthy homes are assessed based on 3 groups, namely the components of the house, sanitation facilities, and the house occupant behavior. In the working area of the Kilasah Public Health Center, the lowest...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Hospital Unit Costs with INA-CBGS Rates
Chamy Rahmatiqa, Ilma Nuria Sulrieni, Oktariyani Dasril
The INA-CBGs system is a codification system of final diagnoses and actions/procedures that become service outputs, based on costing data and disease coding referring to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) compiled by WHO concerning ICD-10 for diagnosis and ICD-9-Clinical Modifications...
Proceedings Article
Protein Paradox in India: Unraveling the Crisis, Debunking Myths, and Evaluation of Protein Content in Indian Foods
Om Joshi, Jaswant Kandikanti, Ronit Savale, Himanshu Patil
Protein is a crucial macronutrient required for growth, development, and tissue maintenance in the human body. However, protein deficiency is a prevalent issue in India, the inadequate protein consumption in India has led to various health issues, including poor muscle health and a decline in average...
Proceedings Article
Association Between Fast-Food Consumption and Obesity in Elementary Students: Review Article
Hanna Yuni Setiyaningrum, Setyaningrum Rahmawaty
Sub-optimal diet containing high energy density could be a predisposing factor for obesity in school children. This literature review aimed to examine the relationship between fast-food consumption and obesity in elementary children. Google Scholar and PubMed databases were used for study selection by...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Stress Levels and the Incidence of Insomnia among Faculty of Public Health Students, Universitas Diponegoro
Sintya Indah Rahayu, Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa, Novia Handayani
Stress can generally occur at all ages, including final-year students. Stress that is not immediately resolved can cause other health problems, one of which is the incidence of insomnia. This study aimed to determine the correlation between stress levels and the incidence of insomnia among final-year...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between the Support from Healthcare Workers and Mother’s Motivation to Exclusively Breastfeed in Medan
Farida Linda Sari Siregar, Evawany Yunita Aritonang, Etti Sudaryati, Nurmaini Nurmaini
Breast milk is an important nutrient for newborns, which provides short-term and long-term health benefits for infants and mothers. The support from health workers is very much needed in providing information and education on exclusive breastfeeding to mothers and the family members from pregnancy check-ups...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Junior High School Physical Education and Sports Teachers’ Training Model to Improve the Professionality in Organizing a Learning in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Mu’arifin, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Rama Kurniawan
the specific goals of this research are: (a) to study the procedure of the development in the professionality training model of the junior high school sports teachers in organizing a learning, (b) to create a professionality training model that is appropriate for junior high school sports teachers in...
Proceedings Article
Gonial Angle Changes Based on Age Group on Mongoloid Race in Medan City in Terms of Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph
Maria Sitanggang, Trelia Boel, Sondang Pintauli
The gonial angle (mandibular angle) is a radiomorphometric index from the angle of the mandible, which is formed between the inferior border and the posterior border of the mandible. The mandible is one of the causes of various forms of malocclusion. This study was conducted to determine the changes...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
Ahmad Nur Syafiq, Ika Tristanti, Tri suwarto, Ana Zumrotun Nisak
Background: Diarrhea belongs to infectious diseases caused by a number of factors, such as environment, food and infected person contact. Moreover, river water use behavior is one of the environmental factors that cause someone to suffer from diarrhea. This study is aimed to examine the relationship...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Associated with the Choice of Contraception Methods in Fertile Age Couples at Kelurahan Kahuripan, Tasikmalaya City
Enok Nurliawati, Etty Komariah
One of the population problem in Indonesia is a large population with a relatively high population growth rate. Government efforts to control population growth with the Family Planning program have not produced as expectations. The choice of contraception is influenced by various factors. Objectives:...
Proceedings Article
One-Visit Apexification in Management of Gutta Percha Extrusion and Condensing Osteitis: 4 Years Follow-Up
Rasda Diana, Andina Widyastuti, Pribadi Santosa
An overfilled root canal is the most common iatrogenic error in daily endodontic practice, especially on open apex tooth, which leads to chronic periapical inflammation and failure of endodontic therapy. With various materials and techniques available, the clinician must determine the ideal protocol...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Satisfaction of Physiotherapy Student Towards Online Learning System
Suci Wahyu Ismiyasa, Heri Wibisono
Introduction: The Corona virus COVID-19 is affecting 213 countries to make people do social distancing. We protect one another as we move through these phases. As college students and lecturers decide whether to head back to class and as universities weigh how and whether to reopen, the coronavirus is...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Online Physical Education Learning in Elementary School
Danang Pujo Broto, Sudardiyono Sudardiyono
The purpose of this study was to find out how well the implementation of online physical education learning at the North Sleman Elementary School was. The research method uses the CIPP evaluation model, data collection techniques with questionnaires, and RPP documents. The subjects in this study were...
Proceedings Article
Auricle Giant Papilloma in a 32 Years Old Indonesian Male: A Case Report
Edo Wira Candra
Head and neck squamous papilloma usually occur in the skin, oral mucosa and upper part of aerodigestive tract. Auricle giant papilloma is uncommon cases worldwide. We report a thirty-two years old Indonesian male seen with auricle giant black mass at our hospital, in Bogor. In this case, mass excision...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge and Lifestyle for the Nutritional Status of Female Adolescents at Singosari District
Chamelia Kirana Yoandra, Septa Katmawanti, Ema Novita Deniati
Singosari District is in first place for thin nutritional status and sixth place for obese nutritional status from all regions in Malang district. Data from Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Malang for 2021 shows the thin nutritional status rate of adolescents is 5.52% and the obese nutritional status rate of...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Anxiety and Pain Levels in Endoscopic Patients Before and After the Provision of Information Control
Tintin Sukartini, Nursalam, Erna Dwi Wahyuni, Ratri Ismiwiranti
Background: Endoscopic examination is essential, but it has a negative impact which causes problems such as anxiety and pain that can lead to failure of endoscopic procedures. This negative impact can be avoided by preparing the patient by providing control information.
Aim: This study...
Proceedings Article
Physical Development of Adolescents in the North
Lyudmila Marinova, Nadezhda Savvina
This article presents the research results of the physical development of 712 adolescents aged 15-16 years old and the updated regional standard for the physical development of adolescents in Yakutia. The body length and weight, the circumference of the chest, waist and thigh were measured. According...
Proceedings Article
Health Belief Model Analysis of Diarrhea in Students Tulungagung District
Chaecaria Ulfiantika Pramuti, Endang Sri Redjeki, Windi Chusniah Rachmawati
The study was conducted to analyze the application of the Health Belief Model theory to the possibility of diarrheal disease prevention behavior in junior high school students. The study was conducted with a cross sectional design with a quantitative approach. The research sample uses a purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article
Baby Spa and Baby Sleep Quality Improvement
Atika Yulianti
Sleep is one of stimulation for brain growth. Approximately 75% of growth hormone is removed when the baby is asleep. High levels of the growth hormone. This god has the task of stimulating bone and tissue growth, and regulates the body's metabolism, including the baby's brain. Sleep has a role in increasing...
Proceedings Article
Improving Health Volunteers and Primary Caregivers Ability in Caring Elderly Wwth Frailty Syndrome by Using Training
Eka Mishbahatul Mar'ah Has, Elida Ulfiana, Joni Haryanto, Rista Fauziningtyas, Retno Indarwati
Elderly with frailty need help to do they daily activities. Training for health volunteers and primary caregiver was expected to increase their ability in providing care to the elderly with frailty. So the elderly's quality of life can be maintained, or even improved. The training was conducted at health...
Proceedings Article
Physical Examinations, Chemicals and Microbiology on Drinking Water Refill
Mualim, Deri Kermelita
While the variables that are not related to the incidence of obesity are age, gender, knowledge, pocket money, parent’s motivation, friend’s motivation, and parent’s job. The most variable contribution to obesity is fast food consumption (p = 0, 006). Conclusion is the fast food can increase body weight...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Aqua Jogging Exercise on Hematological Response in Obese Women
Siti Baitul Mukarromah, Hardono Susanto
This study was aimed to determine the effect of aqua jogging on the hematology in obese women. Experimental Randomized pre-test post-test control group design, 36 obese women, age 45-50 years, divided into 3 groups, aqua jogging, resistance training and control (n = 12). Body Mass Index (BMI) hematological...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Modifiable Risk Factors of Hypertension Among Undergraduate Students
Ambar Relawati, Mayasari, Yanti Auliyantika
Hypertension is a major health problem. High prevalence of hypertension contributes to an increase risk of cardiovascular disease which is the first cause of death in the world. In relation to students, they also have risk, such as smoking, consuming alcohol, consuming coffee, stress, consuming high-salt...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Environmental Factors on Health and Population Dynamics
N.I. Khosroeva, V.P. Kudzieva, L.G. Mamsurova, Z.T. Mamsurova, O.T. Khosroeva
The article presents the problems of environmental management and the quality of the environment to achieve the goals of sustainable development of the region. This study develops the idea of the need to conduct an environmental policy on the territory of the Russian Federation and RNO-Alania to improve...
Proceedings Article
Spirulina as a protein ingredient in a sports nutrition drink
Galina Gubanenko, Liliya Naimushina, Irina Zykova
The purpose of the article is to justify the possibility of using spirulina as a protein ingredient in the drink for students playing volleyball. A growing organism of students with high physical activity requires a protein of balanced composition. Materials and methods. Spirulina powder from the manufacturer...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Android-Based Tom’s Models to Reduce Physical Fatigue for Employee at UPT TIK and FIK Universitas Negeri Medan
Syamsul Gultom, S. Harahap, Dewi Endriani
Fatigue is a condition of being tired which is brought about by an excess of mental and physical work. This condition results in lowering or impairment of human functioning. Many workers experience fatigue during their time in the office. This fatigue condition should be reduced to improve the employee...
Proceedings Article
Adolescents’ Involvement in Cyberbullying: The Importance of Peer Social Interaction
Laili Nur Hidayati, Angesti Sinta Kumalasari
Adolescents are spending increasing amounts of time using internet that has positive and negative effects on young people. One of the great risk of being involved in using internet is cyberbullying, that is an intentional act carried out repeatedly through electronic devices to hurt someone. Cyberbullying...
Proceedings Article
Athletic Learning Support Games for Junior High School Students
Andika Triansyah, Mimi Haetami, Fitriana Puspa Hidasari
Taking into account a play pedagogical approach as a way to optimize the student’s learning outcomes in physical education lesson, this research primarily aims to develop a game based activities roomates secondary school assists students in learning with the topic of educational athletics running events....
Proceedings Article
Physical Activity Behaviour of Working Women with High Body Mass Index: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Imam Hariadi, Taufik, Ari Mei Wulandari, Eldiene Zaura I’tamada, Rida Hanania
The aim is to find out the habits of career women who have a high BMI. The method used is a survey with IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) analysis. The IPA analysis itself is used to conduct an in-depth examination of the direct experience experienced by a person. The essence of IPA itself...