Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Modern Management and Education Research (MMER 2021)
148 authors
- Asahara, Makoto
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Bao, Wenwen
- Path Research of Developing Nighttime Cultural Tourism under the Condition of Prominent Limiting Factors
- Bi, Jiedong
- Comparative Research on Edge Computing System
- Bi, Jiedong
- Research on Network Resource (Bandwidth) Reservation
- Cao, Wenpeng
- Comparative Research on Edge Computing System
- Cao, Wenpeng
- Research on Network Resource (Bandwidth) Reservation
- Chang, Wenbing
- Research on the Application of Experiential Teaching Method for General Education of Engineering Undergraduates
- Chen, Changyong
- A Study on the Interaction Between Morphological and Semantic Features of X-ful Derivatives from the Perspective of Construction Morphology
- Chen, Jiansheng
- Cultivation Mode Reform for Entrepreneurship Talents in Financial Universities from Bricolage Ability Training
- Chen, Juan
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Chen, Quan
- Cultivation of Complex Engineering Problem Analysis Ability of Electrical Engineering Undergraduates Based on Scientific Research Platform
- Chen, Shengnan
- A Readily Executable System Designed for Graduation Requirements Evaluation
- Chen, Xiaojing
- A Study on the Interaction Between Morphological and Semantic Features of X-ful Derivatives from the Perspective of Construction Morphology
- Cheng, Lu
- Research on the Neural Network Model Forecast of Biden Administration’s China Policy
- Curpănaru, Gabriela-Livia
- The Model of Quality Assurance in Education by Implementing E-Learning and Blended Learning
- Ding, Gwo-Hau
- How Parents Perceived the Tutoring Education-A Study in Taiwan
- Ding, Gwohau
- On the Efficiency of China’s Semiconductor Industry Based on the Meta-frontier DEA
- Dong, Xiaowei
- A Readily Executable System Designed for Graduation Requirements Evaluation
- Dong, Yiwei
- Analysis on the Training Paths for Foreign-related Legal Talents Under the Opening-up of Education
- Du, Hui
- Citespace-based Analysis of Recent Status of Information Systems Social Sicence Papers of China and Others
- Du, Hui
- Citespace-based Recent Status of Information Systems Science and Technology Papers of China and Others
- Du, Weihua
- Career Satisfaction Survey of Young German Teachers in China
- Fan, Wenjing
- Path Research of Developing Nighttime Cultural Tourism under the Condition of Prominent Limiting Factors
- Feng, Lin
- Teaching Reform and Practice of Statistics Course Based on the Cultivation of Students’ Innovation and Practice Ability
- Fu, Jian
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Fu, Yongling
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Gao, Wei
- A Study Based on Niche Theory for the Development and Improvement of Vocational Teachers’ Scientific Research Ability
- Gao, Xiaomei
- Action Research on Integrating Ideological and Political Education into “Short Video Creation” Course in Colleges
- Guan, Xiaohan
- A Readily Executable System Designed for Graduation Requirements Evaluation
- Guo, Jinghua
- Practices on Optimization of Quantum Mechanics Course Contents Under the Background of Emerging Engineering
- Guo, Mingjun
- Take “Wukong Chinese” as an Example to Discuss the Reform Online Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Epidemic Crisis
- Guo, Xiaoxia
- Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Technology
- Guo, Zhijun
- Research on the Neural Network Model Forecast of Biden Administration’s China Policy
- Han, Xun
- The Integrative Construction of Interactive Meaning of Dynamic Discourses
- Han, Yinhuan
- Research on the Teaching of Numerical Analysis for Postgraduates
- Hou, Kai
- Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention of Agricultural University Students Under the Background of Agricultural Modernization
- Hu, Bingyi
- An Empirical Case Study of Project-based Innovation Practice for Undergraduate Students
- Hu, Zhongli
- Career Satisfaction Survey of Young German Teachers in China
- Huang, Weifeng
- Black Female Images in Iola Leroy
- Jiang, Long
- The Integrative Construction of Interactive Meaning of Dynamic Discourses
- Jiang, Nan
- Cultivation Mode Reform for Entrepreneurship Talents in Financial Universities from Bricolage Ability Training
- Jiao, Wei
- Teaching Objectives of Power Electronic Technologies Applicable to Outcomes Based Education
- Jin, Shubin
- An Empirical Analysis of the Development Level of Rural Social Security in Sichuan Province
- Jin, Xiaoyu
- A Study Based on Niche Theory for the Development and Improvement of Vocational Teachers’ Scientific Research Ability
- Jin, Yi
- Practices on Optimization of Quantum Mechanics Course Contents Under the Background of Emerging Engineering
- Kakumu, Tomohiro
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Kamenskaya, Valentina
- Features of the Use of the Internet by Russian Teenagers: The Regional Aspect
- Kobayashi, Yoshinari
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Kuo, Liang-Mei
- An Action Research on the Effective English Phonetic Learning for College Students
- LIM, Mingkim
- Study on the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing for Supply-side Reform
- Lan, Haoyuan
- Citespace-based Analysis of Recent Status of Information Systems Social Sicence Papers of China and Others
- Lan, Haoyuan
- Citespace-based Recent Status of Information Systems Science and Technology Papers of China and Others
- Li, Congbo
- Study on the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing for Supply-side Reform
- Li, Guoli
- Cultivation of Complex Engineering Problem Analysis Ability of Electrical Engineering Undergraduates Based on Scientific Research Platform
- Li, Huimin
- Research on the Construction of Intelligent Expert System
- Li, Qimin
- Study on the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing for Supply-side Reform
- Li, Qingjun
- Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Technology
- Li, Shuchun
- An Empirical Case Study of Project-based Innovation Practice for Undergraduate Students
- Li, Wanguo
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Li, Weidong
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Li, Xiaochen
- Analysis on the Training Paths for Foreign-related Legal Talents Under the Opening-up of Education
- Lin, Chien-Cheng
- How Parents Perceived the Tutoring Education-A Study in Taiwan
- Lin, Chiencheng
- On the Efficiency of China’s Semiconductor Industry Based on the Meta-frontier DEA
- Lin, Yan
- Black Female Images in Iola Leroy
- Liu, Fei
- Study on the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing for Supply-side Reform
- Liu, Haiying
- Practices on Optimization of Quantum Mechanics Course Contents Under the Background of Emerging Engineering
- Liu, Sichen
- Take “Wukong Chinese” as an Example to Discuss the Reform Online Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Epidemic Crisis
- Liu, Xin-Ying
- Flipped IT Teaching in Technical and Vocational Education
- Liu, Xingjuan
- Career Decision Making Self Efficacy of College Students from the Perspective of Embodied Cognition Theory
- Liu, Yinfeng
- Sichuantextile Park Present Situation and the Future Development Strategy
- Long, Haiying
- Situations, Difficulties and Solutions: Reflection on Ideological and Political Construction of Sino-foreign Cooperative Program Courses in Colleges
- Lu, Yuanyao
- A Readily Executable System Designed for Graduation Requirements Evaluation
- Lv, He
- Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Technology
- Ma, Jungong
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Ma, Yaolu
- Path Research of Developing Nighttime Cultural Tourism under the Condition of Prominent Limiting Factors
- Mao, Weiwei
- A Study Based on Niche Theory for the Development and Improvement of Vocational Teachers’ Scientific Research Ability
- Meng, Bao
- Improvement and Exploration of Teaching Method of Fluid Power Transmission
- Meng, Qiao
- Situations, Difficulties and Solutions: Reflection on Ideological and Political Construction of Sino-foreign Cooperative Program Courses in Colleges
- Meng, Qingliang
- A KSAO Based Solvers’ Competency Model in Crowdsourcing Contests
- Miyasaka, Takeshi
- Intelligent Science and Engineering Project-based Learning at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
- Miyasaka, Takeshi
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Mouri, Tetsuya
- Intelligent Science and Engineering Project-based Learning at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
- Mouri, Tetsuya
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Nagai, Gakuji
- Intelligent Science and Engineering Project-based Learning at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
- Nakaya, Jun
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Nishida, Satoshi
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Nitta, Takahiro
- Intelligent Science and Engineering Project-based Learning at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
- Pan, Qunxing
- A Teaching Summary on the Estimation of DCC-type Models
- Pan, Xing
- Research on the Application of Experiential Teaching Method for General Education of Engineering Undergraduates
- Qian, Wenwen
- Analysis on the Innovation of Financial Management Thinking of Public Institutions Under the Background of Big Data
- Qiao, Xuhua
- Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention of Agricultural University Students Under the Background of Agricultural Modernization
- Radu, Steluta
- The Effects of Romanian Legislation in the Case of European Funding in the Period 2014-2020
- Sasaki, Minoru
- Intelligent Science and Engineering Project-based Learning at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
- Sasaki, Minoru
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Shi, Xiaorui
- An Empirical Case Study of Project-based Innovation Practice for Undergraduate Students
- Shi, Yufei
- Career Decision Making Self Efficacy of College Students from the Perspective of Embodied Cognition Theory
- Song, Chaosheng
- Study on the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing for Supply-side Reform
- Song, Shixue
- Practices on Optimization of Quantum Mechanics Course Contents Under the Background of Emerging Engineering
- Sudou, Hiroshi
- High School–University Cooperation in the Gifu Prefecture, Japan by CanSat and Space Engineering Remote Course
- Sun, Xuzhi
- Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Technology