Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)

743 authors
Dalila, Syina
Analysis of the Performance of Ludrukan Nom-noman Tjap Arek Soeroboio (LUNTAS) in the Legend of Sawung Kampret
Damanhuri, Adam
Presupposition of Hoax Discourse in Tilik and Gossip Movie
Damayanti, Erika S.
Kanji Flashcards and Apps Based on Augmented Reality
Darmawanti, Ira
Teaching Methods in Indonesian Curriculum
Darmayanthi, Ni Putu Ruslina
Communication in the Implementation of Child Social Welfare Program (PKSA) as an Effort to Fulfill Welfare of Street Children
Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
Darni, Darni
The Revitalization of the Meratus Dayak Ritual in Paramasan (Ethnoanthropolinguistic Study)
Darni, Darni
Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
Destinasari, Tasya
Legal Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Accreditation Instruments of Study Program Performance Reports
Dewi, Damajanti K.
The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Adversity Quotient on Fresh Graduates During Covid-19
Dewi, Damajanti K.
Adopting Peer Educator Skills: The Effectiveness of Basic Counselling Training
Dewi, Damajanti K.
Children’s Well-Being During the Pandemic
Dewi, Fadilla
Developing Students’ English Skill Through Digital Video as Multimodal for Young Learners in Online Learning
Dewi, Hapsari Sinta Citra Puspita
The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Dewi, Ratna Candra
Sociodemographic Correlates of Hypertension Among Older Adults: A Community Based-Cross Sectional Study
Dewi, Ratna Candra
A Pattern of Physical Activity and Its Determinants in Office Workers
Dewi, Utari
Online Digital Book as Learning Material in University
Dewi, Vivi E.
Performance Management Optimization of Virtual Music Concert at SMKN 12 Surabaya
Dharmawan, Awang
Role Model for Student’s as Health Literacy Agent Covid 19 Vaccine
Dharmawan, Awang
Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Dinata, Vega Candra
Condition of Program Learning Outcomes of Physical Education Study Program from Alumni Perspective
Dudek, Sɫawomir
Grammatical Errors on BIPA Students (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) in Writing Practice for Beginner Level
Dwijayanti, Renny
Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy as a Predictor of Student Entrepreneurs Behavior in The Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
Training Development of Teaching Factory Based on Local Wisdom in Vocational High School
The Partnership Model for The Diploma of Fashion Designer and The Fashion Industry
Validity, Reliability, Intra-rater Instrument Parameter Teaching Factory and Learning Outcomes of Industrial Clothing
Study of Vocational Education Curriculum for the Formation of Graduates Competency
Eprlianto, Deby Febrian
Local Government Strategies in Health Protocol Education for People with Mental Disabilities in Ponorogo Regency by Strengthening Social Non- Governmental Organizations
The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
Fachrozi, Muhammad Maulana Yossyan
Community Engagement to Increase Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Faidah, Mutimmatul
Pilgrims’ Spiritual Practices at The Tomb of Sunan Giri During the Covid Pandemic
Fairina, Maydinah Syandra
Legal Consequences for Nominee Deed Notaries
Fajar, Muhammad Kharis
The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
Fajar, Muhammad Kharis
Profile of Taekwondo Athletes in Situbondo Indonesian
Falah, Mohammad Fajrul
Conflict Analysis of Sudimoro Village Pilkades in 2020 Regarding Money Politics
Fanida, Eva Hany
Cognitive Dimensions in Community Response to the Free Vaccination Programs in Suppressing the Spread of Covid-19 in Sidoarjo Regency
Fanida, Eva Hany
The Effectiveness of Use of the Sidoarjo Peoples’s Service System (SIPRAJA) in Improving Public Services in Tambakrejo Village, Waru District, Sidoarjo Regency
Fauzi, Agus M.
Rejection Demonstration of UU Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law in Perspective Ralf Dahrendorf’s Conflict Theory
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Rationality Application of “Wisata Barokah” as a Religious Education Strategy in Pandemic
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Refusal of Ratification of Omnibus Law According to Sociology of Law
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
The Role of Religious Leaders and the Regional Government of East Java in Tackling Hoax Chain Message
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Public Perceptions of the Blasphemy Case of Muhammad Kace on Social Media
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Community Social Construction on Islamic Holidays in Ponorogo Regency During the Pandemic
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Conflict Analysis of Sudimoro Village Pilkades in 2020 Regarding Money Politics
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
The Rationality of the Community of Tawangrejo Village in the Election of the Regent and Deputy Regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Modernization in the Christian Worship of Surabaya City in the Pandemic
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Blater Power Relation as a Symbol in the Political Seat Battle in Bangkalan
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Muhammadiyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia and Its Influence on People’s Social Life
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Implementation of Scout Extracurricular Activities at SMPN 10 Surabaya During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fauzi, Agus Machfud
Voters with Disabilities in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Media Coverage and the Covid-19 Pandemic*
Fauzi, Agus Mahfud
Integrity of Political Policy in Village Government During the Implementation of the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Mitigation
Fauziyah, Difta Laily
Cultivating the Value of Empathy in the Family Develops a Self-Compassion Attitude in Children
Febriani, Ayu
Enculturation of Kethoprak Babad Tulungagung Through Educational Strategy in Facing Cultural Globalization
Febriani, Ayu
Integrity of Political Policy in Village Government During the Implementation of the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Mitigation
Feijuan, Chen
A Literature Review of Labor Absorption Level of Vocational High School Graduate In Indonesia
Fepriyanto, Andi
Profile of Taekwondo Athletes in Situbondo Indonesian
Limited Company Beneficial Owner Liability in Criminal Acts of Corruption
The Integrity of the Public Prosecutor in Law Enforcement Within Pancasila Characteristic
Fikri, Muhammad Dzul
Analysis of the Physical Condition of Pasuruan Finswimming Athletes
Firdaus, Nadzir A.
Rejection Demonstration of UU Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law in Perspective Ralf Dahrendorf’s Conflict Theory
Firmansyah, Awang
Profiling Squat Assessment Among Sport Enthusiast
Firmansyah, Awang
The Profile Countermovement Jump for Kick Boxing Athletes
Firmansyah, Awang
Biomechanics Analysis of Arm Flexion Isometric Force, Upper Extremity Movement, and Ball Toss Position Towards Ball Speed in Tennis Flat Serve
Firmansyah, Awang
Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Firmansyah, Awang
Analysis of the Physical Condition of Pasuruan Finswimming Athletes
Fithroni, Hijrin
Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Fithroni, Hijrin
Strategy for Empowering the City of Surabaya as a Disability-Friendly and Elderly Friendly City
Fitroni, Hijrin
Prediction Model for Health-Related Fitness Status Using Discriminant Analysis
Foong, Cheah Hon
Using Shanghai Municipal Data to Examine the Impact of Education on the Exercise Behavior of Students
Fu’adiyah, Mizharotul
The Rationality of the Community of Tawangrejo Village in the Election of the Regent and Deputy Regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020
Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff Abd
Corporate Governance Framework for Shariah Compliant Corporation
Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff binti Abd
The Concept of Fitness for Purpose of Goods in Malaysian Today’s Online Contract: Issues and Challenges
Ghapa, Norhasliza binti
A Study on Information Regulation as a Legal Instrument for Protecting E-Consumers During COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak
Ghapa, Norhasliza binti
The Concept of Fitness for Purpose of Goods in Malaysian Today’s Online Contract: Issues and Challenges
H. P., Iman Pasu Marganda
The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
H.P., Iman Pasu Marganda
The Fulfilment of Political Rights of Surabaya Covid-19 Patients at the 2020 Simultaneous Elections in the During Pandemic
Habibah, Siti Maizul
Awareness of Religious Tolerance for Millennial Youth in Surabaya in the Dynamics of Diversity
Habibah, Siti Maizul
Global Citizenship Education; A Framework of Civic Literacy in Indonesia
Habibah, Siti Maizul
The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
Hadiapurwa, Angga
The Importance of Learning Motivation of High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hafidz, Abdul
Effect of Plyometric Jumping Jack and Tuck Jump Against Strength and Leg Muscle Power in Martial Arts Athletes at Kostrad Malang
Hafidz, Abdul
Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the State Civil Apparatus of Gresik Regency
Hakim, Abdul Aziz
Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
Hambali, O.M.
Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
Handayani, Susi
The Effect of Financial Performance and Bank Size on Banking Stock Prices
Handayani, Titi
Palang Pintu: Exploring Cultural Philosophy Value of Betawi Community
Handayaningrum, Warih
Offering Dance in the Performance of Topèng Dhâlâng Madura as a Creative Industry Commodity
Hardika, Meilita
Canva as a Media for Exploration of Indonesian Tourism Knowledge in BIPA Learning
Hardini, Han Tantri
Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy as a Predictor of Student Entrepreneurs Behavior in The Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
Hariono, Laily Wahyuningtyas Putri
The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
Hariyanto, Agus
Self-Reported Assessment of Occupational Sitting and Physical Activity Among Employees
Hartanti, Lina P.
Comparative Language Styles in the Book of Kike Wadatsumi no Koe
Hartanti, Lina P.
Presupposition of Hoax Discourse in Tilik and Gossip Movie
Hartanti, Lina P.
The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
Harti, Laily M.S.
Body Language and Gestures as a Lingua Franca among Multilingual Interlocutors: Multimodal Transcription Study
Hartoto, Setiyo
Health Management of Indonesian Athlete in Covid-19
Hartoto, Setiyo
Biomechanics Analysis of Arm Flexion Isometric Force, Upper Extremity Movement, and Ball Toss Position Towards Ball Speed in Tennis Flat Serve
Hendrayana, Yudy
Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education