Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)
743 authors
- Dalila, Syina
- Analysis of the Performance of Ludrukan Nom-noman Tjap Arek Soeroboio (LUNTAS) in the Legend of Sawung Kampret
- Damanhuri, Adam
- Presupposition of Hoax Discourse in Tilik and Gossip Movie
- Damayanti, Erika S.
- Kanji Flashcards and Apps Based on Augmented Reality
- Darmawanti, Ira
- Teaching Methods in Indonesian Curriculum
- Darmayanthi, Ni Putu Ruslina
- Communication in the Implementation of Child Social Welfare Program (PKSA) as an Effort to Fulfill Welfare of Street Children
- Darni
- Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
- Darni, Darni
- The Revitalization of the Meratus Dayak Ritual in Paramasan (Ethnoanthropolinguistic Study)
- Darni, Darni
- Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
- Destinasari, Tasya
- Legal Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Accreditation Instruments of Study Program Performance Reports
- Dewi, Damajanti K.
- The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Adversity Quotient on Fresh Graduates During Covid-19
- Dewi, Damajanti K.
- Adopting Peer Educator Skills: The Effectiveness of Basic Counselling Training
- Dewi, Damajanti K.
- Children’s Well-Being During the Pandemic
- Dewi, Fadilla
- Developing Students’ English Skill Through Digital Video as Multimodal for Young Learners in Online Learning
- Dewi, Hapsari Sinta Citra Puspita
- The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
- Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
- Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
- Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
- Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Dewi, Ratna Candra
- Sociodemographic Correlates of Hypertension Among Older Adults: A Community Based-Cross Sectional Study
- Dewi, Ratna Candra
- A Pattern of Physical Activity and Its Determinants in Office Workers
- Dewi, Utari
- Online Digital Book as Learning Material in University
- Dewi, Vivi E.
- Performance Management Optimization of Virtual Music Concert at SMKN 12 Surabaya
- Dharmawan, Awang
- Role Model for Student’s as Health Literacy Agent Covid 19 Vaccine
- Dharmawan, Awang
- Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Dinata, Vega Candra
- Condition of Program Learning Outcomes of Physical Education Study Program from Alumni Perspective
- Dudek, Sɫawomir
- Grammatical Errors on BIPA Students (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) in Writing Practice for Beginner Level
- Dwijayanti, Renny
- Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy as a Predictor of Student Entrepreneurs Behavior in The Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Ekohariadi
- Training Development of Teaching Factory Based on Local Wisdom in Vocational High School
- Ekohariadi
- The Partnership Model for The Diploma of Fashion Designer and The Fashion Industry
- Ekohariadi
- Validity, Reliability, Intra-rater Instrument Parameter Teaching Factory and Learning Outcomes of Industrial Clothing
- Ekohariadi
- Study of Vocational Education Curriculum for the Formation of Graduates Competency
- Eprlianto, Deby Febrian
- Local Government Strategies in Health Protocol Education for People with Mental Disabilities in Ponorogo Regency by Strengthening Social Non- Governmental Organizations
- Erta
- The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
- Fachrozi, Muhammad Maulana Yossyan
- Community Engagement to Increase Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Faidah, Mutimmatul
- Pilgrims’ Spiritual Practices at The Tomb of Sunan Giri During the Covid Pandemic
- Fairina, Maydinah Syandra
- Legal Consequences for Nominee Deed Notaries
- Fajar, Muhammad Kharis
- The Evaluation of Pétanque Organization Management and Youth Athlete Development in East Java Province, Indonesia
- Fajar, Muhammad Kharis
- Profile of Taekwondo Athletes in Situbondo Indonesian
- Falah, Mohammad Fajrul
- Conflict Analysis of Sudimoro Village Pilkades in 2020 Regarding Money Politics
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Cognitive Dimensions in Community Response to the Free Vaccination Programs in Suppressing the Spread of Covid-19 in Sidoarjo Regency
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- The Effectiveness of Use of the Sidoarjo Peoples’s Service System (SIPRAJA) in Improving Public Services in Tambakrejo Village, Waru District, Sidoarjo Regency
- Fauzi, Agus M.
- Rejection Demonstration of UU Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law in Perspective Ralf Dahrendorf’s Conflict Theory
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Rationality Application of “Wisata Barokah” as a Religious Education Strategy in Pandemic
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Refusal of Ratification of Omnibus Law According to Sociology of Law
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- The Role of Religious Leaders and the Regional Government of East Java in Tackling Hoax Chain Message
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Public Perceptions of the Blasphemy Case of Muhammad Kace on Social Media
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Community Social Construction on Islamic Holidays in Ponorogo Regency During the Pandemic
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Conflict Analysis of Sudimoro Village Pilkades in 2020 Regarding Money Politics
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- The Rationality of the Community of Tawangrejo Village in the Election of the Regent and Deputy Regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Modernization in the Christian Worship of Surabaya City in the Pandemic
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Blater Power Relation as a Symbol in the Political Seat Battle in Bangkalan
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Muhammadiyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia and Its Influence on People’s Social Life
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Implementation of Scout Extracurricular Activities at SMPN 10 Surabaya During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Fauzi, Agus Machfud
- Voters with Disabilities in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Media Coverage and the Covid-19 Pandemic*
- Fauzi, Agus Mahfud
- Integrity of Political Policy in Village Government During the Implementation of the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Mitigation
- Fauziyah, Difta Laily
- Cultivating the Value of Empathy in the Family Develops a Self-Compassion Attitude in Children
- Febriani, Ayu
- Enculturation of Kethoprak Babad Tulungagung Through Educational Strategy in Facing Cultural Globalization
- Febriani, Ayu
- Integrity of Political Policy in Village Government During the Implementation of the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Mitigation
- Feijuan, Chen
- A Literature Review of Labor Absorption Level of Vocational High School Graduate In Indonesia
- Fepriyanto, Andi
- Profile of Taekwondo Athletes in Situbondo Indonesian
- Fernando
- Limited Company Beneficial Owner Liability in Criminal Acts of Corruption
- Fernando
- The Integrity of the Public Prosecutor in Law Enforcement Within Pancasila Characteristic
- Fikri, Muhammad Dzul
- Analysis of the Physical Condition of Pasuruan Finswimming Athletes
- Firdaus, Nadzir A.
- Rejection Demonstration of UU Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law in Perspective Ralf Dahrendorf’s Conflict Theory
- Firmansyah, Awang
- Profiling Squat Assessment Among Sport Enthusiast
- Firmansyah, Awang
- The Profile Countermovement Jump for Kick Boxing Athletes
- Firmansyah, Awang
- Biomechanics Analysis of Arm Flexion Isometric Force, Upper Extremity Movement, and Ball Toss Position Towards Ball Speed in Tennis Flat Serve
- Firmansyah, Awang
- Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Firmansyah, Awang
- Analysis of the Physical Condition of Pasuruan Finswimming Athletes
- Fithroni, Hijrin
- Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Fithroni, Hijrin
- Strategy for Empowering the City of Surabaya as a Disability-Friendly and Elderly Friendly City
- Fitroni, Hijrin
- Prediction Model for Health-Related Fitness Status Using Discriminant Analysis
- Foong, Cheah Hon
- Using Shanghai Municipal Data to Examine the Impact of Education on the Exercise Behavior of Students
- Fu’adiyah, Mizharotul
- The Rationality of the Community of Tawangrejo Village in the Election of the Regent and Deputy Regent in Lamongan Regency in 2020
- Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff Abd
- Corporate Governance Framework for Shariah Compliant Corporation
- Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff binti Abd
- The Concept of Fitness for Purpose of Goods in Malaysian Today’s Online Contract: Issues and Challenges
- Ghapa, Norhasliza binti
- A Study on Information Regulation as a Legal Instrument for Protecting E-Consumers During COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak
- Ghapa, Norhasliza binti
- The Concept of Fitness for Purpose of Goods in Malaysian Today’s Online Contract: Issues and Challenges
- H. P., Iman Pasu Marganda
- The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
- H.P., Iman Pasu Marganda
- The Fulfilment of Political Rights of Surabaya Covid-19 Patients at the 2020 Simultaneous Elections in the During Pandemic
- Habibah, Siti Maizul
- Awareness of Religious Tolerance for Millennial Youth in Surabaya in the Dynamics of Diversity
- Habibah, Siti Maizul
- Global Citizenship Education; A Framework of Civic Literacy in Indonesia
- Habibah, Siti Maizul
- The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
- Hadiapurwa, Angga
- The Importance of Learning Motivation of High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hafidz, Abdul
- Effect of Plyometric Jumping Jack and Tuck Jump Against Strength and Leg Muscle Power in Martial Arts Athletes at Kostrad Malang
- Hafidz, Abdul
- Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the State Civil Apparatus of Gresik Regency
- Hakim, Abdul Aziz
- Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
- Hambali, O.M.
- Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
- Handayani, Susi
- The Effect of Financial Performance and Bank Size on Banking Stock Prices
- Handayani, Titi
- Palang Pintu: Exploring Cultural Philosophy Value of Betawi Community
- Handayaningrum, Warih
- Offering Dance in the Performance of Topèng Dhâlâng Madura as a Creative Industry Commodity
- Hardika, Meilita
- Canva as a Media for Exploration of Indonesian Tourism Knowledge in BIPA Learning
- Hardini, Han Tantri
- Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy as a Predictor of Student Entrepreneurs Behavior in The Era of the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Hariono, Laily Wahyuningtyas Putri
- The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
- Hariyanto, Agus
- Self-Reported Assessment of Occupational Sitting and Physical Activity Among Employees
- Hartanti, Lina P.
- Comparative Language Styles in the Book of Kike Wadatsumi no Koe
- Hartanti, Lina P.
- Presupposition of Hoax Discourse in Tilik and Gossip Movie
- Hartanti, Lina P.
- The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
- Harti, Laily M.S.
- Body Language and Gestures as a Lingua Franca among Multilingual Interlocutors: Multimodal Transcription Study
- Hartoto, Setiyo
- Health Management of Indonesian Athlete in Covid-19
- Hartoto, Setiyo
- Biomechanics Analysis of Arm Flexion Isometric Force, Upper Extremity Movement, and Ball Toss Position Towards Ball Speed in Tennis Flat Serve
- Hendrayana, Yudy
- Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education