Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)
743 authors
- Hermawan, Dhevi A.
- A Case Study of the Implementation of Alternative Psychomotor Assessment in Japanese Language Online Learning
- Hermawan, Eko S.
- The Origins of Padang Cuisine and an Economic Impact of Minangkabau Peoples in Surabaya (1960’s -owadays)
- Hermawan, Eko Satriya
- Strengthening New Product and SOPs for Blitar Pangi Beach Tourism Villages as an Effort for Sustainable Tourism Development
- Hermono, Budi
- Juridical Review of CC License as Protection Copyright for Author That Provides Justice
- Hidajad, Arif
- Analysis of the Performance of Ludrukan Nom-noman Tjap Arek Soeroboio (LUNTAS) in the Legend of Sawung Kampret
- Hidajad, Arif
- Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
- Hidayah, Nur
- Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
- Hidayah, Nuzulul
- Parent and Child Communication Patterns in Early Childhood Emotional Social Development
- Hidayah, Putri
- Palang Pintu: Exploring Cultural Philosophy Value of Betawi Community
- Hidayah, Rizky
- Kanji Flashcards and Apps Based on Augmented Reality
- Hidayat, Yusuf
- Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- Marketing Communication Based Local Wisdom on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises During Pandemic Covid 19
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- Role Model for Student’s as Health Literacy Agent Covid 19 Vaccine
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- “Batik Ciprat” Branding Development by Rumah Kinasih Difable
- Huda, Anam Miftakhul
- Opportunities and Challenges of Universitas Negeri Surabaya in Fulfillment of the Rights of Education for People with Mentally Retardation
- Ikram, Denial
- Legal Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Accreditation Instruments of Study Program Performance Reports
- Ikram, Denial
- Policy Evaluation of the Imposition of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM) in East Java
- Ikrima, Nafila
- Emotional Autonomy of Street Adolescence
- Ilhamuddin, Farid
- The Preliminary Study of the Student Faith
- Imani, Amalin H.
- Correlation of Panji’s Lust in Wangbang Wideha Manuscript with Javanese Spirituality
- Imron, Ali
- Development of Three-Dimensional Media for Bindly Students in Social Sciences
- Imron, Ali
- Street Children Survival Strategy Against Violence: Case Study on the Surabaya Ketintang Railway
- Imron, Ali
- The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
- Indatus, Putri
- The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
- Indrawati, Dianita
- Development of Learning Media Based on Videoscribe to Improve Learning Outcomes of Morphology Course
- Indrawati, Veni
- Developing Nutrition Leaflets and Pocketbook
- Irawan, Fajar Awang
- Gating Analysis on Woodball: in Terms of Biomechanics
- Irawan, Fajar Awang
- Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
- Isbandono, Prasetyo
- Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom
- Iskandar, Dody
- Urban-Rural Children Differences in Motor Coordination, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Agility
- Islam, Muh Ariffudin
- “Batik Ciprat” Branding Development by Rumah Kinasih Difable
- Istianah, Faridah
- Development of Interactive Water Cycle Materials for Fifth Graders
- Ivana, Nabilah
- Policy Coordination of Aluminum Industrial Waste Management in Jombang Regency
- Jaenudin, Adi S.
- The Importance of Learning Motivation of High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Jannah, Miftakhul
- A Preliminary Study and Validation of Characters as the Basis for Merdeka Belajar Program in University Level
- Jannah, Nur
- Public Perceptions of the Blasphemy Case of Muhammad Kace on Social Media
- Jermaina, Nina
- Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
- Joseph, Britney C.
- The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
- Julaikah, Dwi I.
- Development of Interactive Teaching Materials for the Freier Vortrag Course to Improve the Speaking Competence of Students of the German Education Study Program
- Juwariyah, Anik
- TikTok Function in the Millennial Era
- Kafrawi, Fatkur Rohman
- Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
- Kaharina, Arifah
- A Pattern of Physical Activity and Its Determinants in Office Workers
- Kamariah, Kamariah
- Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
- Kartika, Ajeng D.
- Traces of the Power of the Proletariat Dictator in Herta Müller‘s Herztier
- Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
- The Integration of Character Education and Intercultural Competence in German Learning Process
- Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
- Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
- Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
- The Investigation of “MissFit” as Android – Based Daily and Healthy Drink Application
- Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
- Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
- Karyawanto, Harpang Yudha
- Music Scoring Training in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community in Kediri - East Java
- Kharnolis, Mein
- Fashion Entrepreneurship and On-The-Job Training for Bachelor Students of Fashion Design Education in the Merdeka Belajar Era
- Khoiri, Much.
- Literacy Practices in Some Folklores from Madura
- Khoirunnisa, Riza N.
- Adopting Peer Educator Skills: The Effectiveness of Basic Counselling Training
- Khoirunnisa, Riza Noviana
- Emotional Autonomy of Street Adolescence
- Kholidya, Citra F.
- Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
- Khuddus, Lutfhi Abdil
- An Essential Starting Point for Re-Education of Sport and Physical Activity (PA) Promotion
- Khuddus, Lutfhi Abdil
- Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
- Khusumadewi, Ari
- Identification of Student (Santri) Problems on Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren)
- Kieven, Lydia
- Pride and Legacy of Cultural Heritage
- Kisyani-Laksono
- Problem-Based Learning as a Solution to Textbook Style Analysis in Sociolinguistic Studies in Student Journal Articles
- Komalasari, Dewi
- Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
- Kristanto, Andi
- Online Digital Book as Learning Material in University
- Kristiana, Nova
- Iconic Illustration as Tourism Identity of Surabaya Submarine Monument
- Kristiandri, Dhani
- Performance Management Optimization of Virtual Music Concert at SMKN 12 Surabaya
- Kristinova, Jessica
- Modernization in the Christian Worship of Surabaya City in the Pandemic
- Kuntjoro, Bambang Ferianto Tjahyo
- Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
- Kurniawan, Badrudin
- Communication in the Implementation of Child Social Welfare Program (PKSA) as an Effort to Fulfill Welfare of Street Children
- Kurniawan, Badrudin
- Policy Coordination of Aluminum Industrial Waste Management in Jombang Regency
- Kurniawati, Aida
- Characteristics and Water Usage Pattern of Karst groundwater User Communities of “Spamdus Genjahan” in Wonosari Basin
- Kurniawati, Riska Devi
- Community Engagement to Increase Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Kurniawati, Wisma
- Traces of the Power of the Proletariat Dictator in Herta Müller‘s Herztier
- Kusmaedi, Nurlan
- Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
- Kusmaedi, Nurlan
- Development of Life Skills Through Physical Education and Sports
- Kusnanik, Nining Widyah
- Development of Mini Boxing Models for Early Age Athlete Coaching
- Kusuma, Dewa
- The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of The Panel Futsal Club During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Kusuma, Donny Ardi
- Sport Talent Identification of Elementary and Junior High School in Situbondo Regency
- Kusuma, Donny Ardy
- Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Kusuma, Yanuarita
- Media Consumption Patterns to Get English Learning Information in Tiktok
- Kusumaningsih, Ambar
- Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Learning in Accounting Study Program for Continuous Improvement
- Kusumaningtias, Rohmawati
- Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Learning in Accounting Study Program for Continuous Improvement
- Kusumaningtyas, Dwi N. C. S.
- Literacy Practices in Some Folklores from Madura
- Lailiyah, Faridatul
- Ethno-pedagogy of Parents in Enforcement of Health Protocols to Change Students’ Social Behavior
- Lailiyah, Sarah
- Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Using Reading Strategies
- Laksono, Kisyani
- Writing with Word Limits: A Review
- Laksono, Kisyani
- Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
- Laksono, Kisyani
- The Favorite Vocabulary in Elementary School Student Writing of 750 words
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- Development of Course Teaching Materials Geography of Disaster Through the 4-D Model
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- The Effect of a Gender-Residential Location and Education Level in Response to Regulation of Corona Virus Disease-19 Distribution and Prevention in Social Studies Student
- Lasan, Blasius B.
- Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
- Legowo, Martinus
- Voters with Disabilities in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Media Coverage and the Covid-19 Pandemic*
- Lektonpessy, Graciela Natasha Tessalonica
- The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
- Leliana, Ayunita
- The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
- Lestari, Diana Puji
- Muhammadyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia Case Study of The Al-Azhar Tulungagung Foundation
- Lestari, Diana Puji
- Muhammadiyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia and Its Influence on People’s Social Life
- Lestari, G.D.
- Parent and Child Communication Patterns in Early Childhood Emotional Social Development
- Lestari, Putri
- Map of Mineral Regulation Problems Related to the Miss Procedure and Violations of the Constitution in the Middle of The Covid 19 Pandemic
- Lestari, Tri E.
- Development of Interactive Teaching Materials for the Freier Vortrag Course to Improve the Speaking Competence of Students of the German Education Study Program
- Lestari, Yuni
- Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom
- Lestari, Yuni
- Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
- Lestari, Yuni
- Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia