Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021)

743 authors
Hermawan, Dhevi A.
A Case Study of the Implementation of Alternative Psychomotor Assessment in Japanese Language Online Learning
Hermawan, Eko S.
The Origins of Padang Cuisine and an Economic Impact of Minangkabau Peoples in Surabaya (1960’s -owadays)
Hermawan, Eko Satriya
Strengthening New Product and SOPs for Blitar Pangi Beach Tourism Villages as an Effort for Sustainable Tourism Development
Hermono, Budi
Juridical Review of CC License as Protection Copyright for Author That Provides Justice
Hidajad, Arif
Analysis of the Performance of Ludrukan Nom-noman Tjap Arek Soeroboio (LUNTAS) in the Legend of Sawung Kampret
Hidajad, Arif
Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
Hidayah, Nur
Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
Hidayah, Nuzulul
Parent and Child Communication Patterns in Early Childhood Emotional Social Development
Hidayah, Putri
Palang Pintu: Exploring Cultural Philosophy Value of Betawi Community
Hidayah, Rizky
Kanji Flashcards and Apps Based on Augmented Reality
Hidayat, Yusuf
Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
Huda, Anam Miftakhul
Marketing Communication Based Local Wisdom on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises During Pandemic Covid 19
Huda, Anam Miftakhul
Role Model for Student’s as Health Literacy Agent Covid 19 Vaccine
Huda, Anam Miftakhul
“Batik Ciprat” Branding Development by Rumah Kinasih Difable
Huda, Anam Miftakhul
Opportunities and Challenges of Universitas Negeri Surabaya in Fulfillment of the Rights of Education for People with Mentally Retardation
Ikram, Denial
Legal Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Accreditation Instruments of Study Program Performance Reports
Ikram, Denial
Policy Evaluation of the Imposition of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM) in East Java
Ikrima, Nafila
Emotional Autonomy of Street Adolescence
Ilhamuddin, Farid
The Preliminary Study of the Student Faith
Imani, Amalin H.
Correlation of Panji’s Lust in Wangbang Wideha Manuscript with Javanese Spirituality
Imron, Ali
Development of Three-Dimensional Media for Bindly Students in Social Sciences
Imron, Ali
Street Children Survival Strategy Against Violence: Case Study on the Surabaya Ketintang Railway
Imron, Ali
The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
Indatus, Putri
The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out By Ex-Lepers
Indrawati, Dianita
Development of Learning Media Based on Videoscribe to Improve Learning Outcomes of Morphology Course
Indrawati, Veni
Developing Nutrition Leaflets and Pocketbook
Irawan, Fajar Awang
Gating Analysis on Woodball: in Terms of Biomechanics
Irawan, Fajar Awang
Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
Isbandono, Prasetyo
Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom
Iskandar, Dody
Urban-Rural Children Differences in Motor Coordination, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Agility
Islam, Muh Ariffudin
“Batik Ciprat” Branding Development by Rumah Kinasih Difable
Istianah, Faridah
Development of Interactive Water Cycle Materials for Fifth Graders
Ivana, Nabilah
Policy Coordination of Aluminum Industrial Waste Management in Jombang Regency
Jaenudin, Adi S.
The Importance of Learning Motivation of High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Jannah, Miftakhul
A Preliminary Study and Validation of Characters as the Basis for Merdeka Belajar Program in University Level
Jannah, Nur
Public Perceptions of the Blasphemy Case of Muhammad Kace on Social Media
Jermaina, Nina
Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
Joseph, Britney C.
The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
Julaikah, Dwi I.
Development of Interactive Teaching Materials for the Freier Vortrag Course to Improve the Speaking Competence of Students of the German Education Study Program
Juwariyah, Anik
TikTok Function in the Millennial Era
Kafrawi, Fatkur Rohman
Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
Kaharina, Arifah
A Pattern of Physical Activity and Its Determinants in Office Workers
Kamariah, Kamariah
Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
Kartika, Ajeng D.
Traces of the Power of the Proletariat Dictator in Herta Müller‘s Herztier
Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
The Integration of Character Education and Intercultural Competence in German Learning Process
Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
The Investigation of “MissFit” as Android – Based Daily and Healthy Drink Application
Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
Karyawanto, Harpang Yudha
Music Scoring Training in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community in Kediri - East Java
Kharnolis, Mein
Fashion Entrepreneurship and On-The-Job Training for Bachelor Students of Fashion Design Education in the Merdeka Belajar Era
Khoiri, Much.
Literacy Practices in Some Folklores from Madura
Khoirunnisa, Riza N.
Adopting Peer Educator Skills: The Effectiveness of Basic Counselling Training
Khoirunnisa, Riza Noviana
Emotional Autonomy of Street Adolescence
Kholidya, Citra F.
Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
Khuddus, Lutfhi Abdil
An Essential Starting Point for Re-Education of Sport and Physical Activity (PA) Promotion
Khuddus, Lutfhi Abdil
Acceleration of Sports Recovery with Glutamine Supplementation in Vertical Jump and Badminton Smash Velocity
Khusumadewi, Ari
Identification of Student (Santri) Problems on Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren)
Kieven, Lydia
Pride and Legacy of Cultural Heritage
Problem-Based Learning as a Solution to Textbook Style Analysis in Sociolinguistic Studies in Student Journal Articles
Komalasari, Dewi
Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
Kristanto, Andi
Online Digital Book as Learning Material in University
Kristiana, Nova
Iconic Illustration as Tourism Identity of Surabaya Submarine Monument
Kristiandri, Dhani
Performance Management Optimization of Virtual Music Concert at SMKN 12 Surabaya
Kristinova, Jessica
Modernization in the Christian Worship of Surabaya City in the Pandemic
Kuntjoro, Bambang Ferianto Tjahyo
Biomechanics Analysis of Elementary School Students’ Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS)
Kurniawan, Badrudin
Communication in the Implementation of Child Social Welfare Program (PKSA) as an Effort to Fulfill Welfare of Street Children
Kurniawan, Badrudin
Policy Coordination of Aluminum Industrial Waste Management in Jombang Regency
Kurniawati, Aida
Characteristics and Water Usage Pattern of Karst groundwater User Communities of “Spamdus Genjahan” in Wonosari Basin
Kurniawati, Riska Devi
Community Engagement to Increase Physical Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniawati, Wisma
Traces of the Power of the Proletariat Dictator in Herta Müller‘s Herztier
Kusmaedi, Nurlan
Assessment of Social Values for Sport: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education
Kusmaedi, Nurlan
Development of Life Skills Through Physical Education and Sports
Kusnanik, Nining Widyah
Development of Mini Boxing Models for Early Age Athlete Coaching
Kusuma, Dewa
The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of The Panel Futsal Club During Covid-19 Pandemic
Kusuma, Donny Ardi
Sport Talent Identification of Elementary and Junior High School in Situbondo Regency
Kusuma, Donny Ardy
Sedentary Activity Level of Junior High School Students in Surabaya during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Kusuma, Yanuarita
Media Consumption Patterns to Get English Learning Information in Tiktok
Kusumaningsih, Ambar
Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Learning in Accounting Study Program for Continuous Improvement
Kusumaningtias, Rohmawati
Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Learning in Accounting Study Program for Continuous Improvement
Kusumaningtyas, Dwi N. C. S.
Literacy Practices in Some Folklores from Madura
Lailiyah, Faridatul
Ethno-pedagogy of Parents in Enforcement of Health Protocols to Change Students’ Social Behavior
Lailiyah, Sarah
Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Using Reading Strategies
Laksono, Kisyani
Writing with Word Limits: A Review
Laksono, Kisyani
Argumentative Indicators in Mata Najwa Talk Show Pragmadialectical Study
Laksono, Kisyani
The Favorite Vocabulary in Elementary School Student Writing of 750 words
Larasati, Dian Ayu
The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
Larasati, Dian Ayu
Development of Course Teaching Materials Geography of Disaster Through the 4-D Model
Larasati, Dian Ayu
The Effect of a Gender-Residential Location and Education Level in Response to Regulation of Corona Virus Disease-19 Distribution and Prevention in Social Studies Student
Lasan, Blasius B.
Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
Legowo, Martinus
Voters with Disabilities in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Media Coverage and the Covid-19 Pandemic*
Lektonpessy, Graciela Natasha Tessalonica
The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus
Leliana, Ayunita
The Use of Women’s Language Features by Kamala Harris in the Vice-presidential Debate
Lestari, Diana Puji
Muhammadyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia Case Study of The Al-Azhar Tulungagung Foundation
Lestari, Diana Puji
Muhammadiyah’s Contribution to Education in Indonesia and Its Influence on People’s Social Life
Lestari, G.D.
Parent and Child Communication Patterns in Early Childhood Emotional Social Development
Lestari, Putri
Map of Mineral Regulation Problems Related to the Miss Procedure and Violations of the Constitution in the Middle of The Covid 19 Pandemic
Lestari, Tri E.
Development of Interactive Teaching Materials for the Freier Vortrag Course to Improve the Speaking Competence of Students of the German Education Study Program
Lestari, Yuni
Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom
Lestari, Yuni
Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education
Lestari, Yuni
Building Family Resilience Through Phylantrophy and Populist Policies to Cope The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia