Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018)
82 articles
Proceedings Article
Effective Accommodations for Thai Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Inclusive Classrooms
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Students with learning disabilities, in most countries, encounter a variety of academic difficulties and to help overcome them, teachers must provide special educational services with careful consideration to the students’ limitations and needs. The academic success of these students requires that each...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Character Education towards Acceptance of The Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Roykhan Mubarak, Ibnu Syamsi
Currently, children with special need can follow the normal age at inclusive school, without differentiated from each other.The number of inclusive school are available in some areas resulting in a child is easy to select the desired school and can accommodate the children with special need. Each inclusive...
Proceedings Article
Description of Introduction to Geometry Concepts for Children with Special Needs in Yogyakarta Inclusion Kindergarten
Arip Prehatiningsih, Suparno Suparno
Mathematical ability determines the success of children in school, because mathematics is one component in children's academic achievement. Geometry is one of the concepts of mathematical abilities that are very important to be given to early childhood, especially for children with special needs. The...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Self-Safety Learning for Students with Intellectual Disability in Special School
Dwi Ari Fathonah, Ishartiwi Ishartiwi
The objective of this research is to describe the implementation and obstacles experienced by teaching in implementing self-safety learning for students with intellectual disability. The data in this descriptive research are collected through interview and observation regarding to the process of self-safety...
Proceedings Article
Mapping of New Student Admission in Inclusive Education Learning at Al-Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta
Minsih Minsih, Nur Amalia, Slamet P. H., Suparno Suparno, Imam Mujahid
Inclusive education is an educational service system that provides opportunities for all children to study together in the school with attention to diversity and individual needs. This research aims at knowing about how school doing identifying all children as special individual needs. This study uses...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Parenting Self-Efficacy as A Predictor of Resilience to Parents of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
Putri Pranindita, Sari Yulia Ayriza
Parenting self-efficacy is one of the predictors of increasing resilience. Parents with good self-efficacy care show a high level of resilience. Hence, it can respond to and face any challenges or pressures they experience and are able to adapt to various situations. This study looked at the efficacy-drift...
Proceedings Article
Workshop and Assistance in Developing Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Competencies to Accomodate Learning in The Students with Autism in Inclusive Schools in Yogyakarta Special Region
Sukinah Sukinah, Endang Rochyadi, Cece Rakhmat, Sunardi Sunardi
Autism is one of the complex developmental disorders that impairs the behavior, the ability to interact, and to communicate that can be detected before the age of 3 years, so that special treatments are needed. The increasing of autism’s prevalence will affect the organizations that are able to accommodate...
Proceedings Article
A Review on Individualized Educational Program in Some Countries
Anugrah Try Nastiti, Nur Azizah
There are many public schools in some countries which accept children with special needs, otherwise those schools still have not given and provided the service which can accommodate those students‟ necessary. This writing tries to give the generally description and broad outline policy about education...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy for Disabled Student in Indonesia
Rita Oktadiana, Amika Wardana
Inclusive school is one of education equality and realization without discrimination, where children with special needs and children in generic can have an equal education. Inclusive education requires education and school system which treats children as center of flexible learning and can accept the...
Proceedings Article
Adaptive Behaviour of Children with Intellectual Disability in Using Public Transportation
Dyah Retno Wulandari, Wening Prabawati, Ishartiwi Ishartiwi
This study aims to describe the behaviour of children with intellectual disability when using public transportation by busway. This type of study is descriptive research. The subjects of this study were children with intellectual disability in SMALB XI in Yogyakarta. The techniques used in this study...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Contextual Approach in Learning orientation and Mobility in Visual Impairment Students in SLB PGRI Sentolo
Anita Yudhiastuti, Nur Azizah
The quality of learning is influenced by the learning approach chosen by the teacher so that an active approach is needed to involve the students. This study aims to describe the implementation of contextual approach to orientation and mobility learning for students with visual impairment in SLB PGRI...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Development of Mild Intellectual Disability for Vocational Training
Arif Kusuma Nugraha, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
This study aims to describe the cognitive development of children with mild intellectual disability in fisheries skills vocational training. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative approach. Subjects in the study of mild intellectual disability children senior high school level. Methods...
Proceedings Article
Safety Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual Disability
Dovi Uun Yutikasari, Nur Azizah
This descriptive study aims to find information about the safety skills of student with mild intellectual disability. Data collection methods used are interviews, and tests. The research approach used is qualitative descriptive. Data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Subjects are 2 student...
Proceedings Article
Identification Sexual Behaviour Children with Autism Age 12-18 Years
Rakhma Muslikhah, Sari Rudiyati
Sexual behavior shown in adolescence is a sign of children experiencing puberty. The task of child development in the face of adolescence is to begin to adjust the changes experienced in him with the surrounding environment. Changes when children experience puberty occur in physical, psychological, social,...
Proceedings Article
Identification Effective Learning Models for Teaching Self-Determination to Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review
Latifa Garnisti Rifani, Nur Azizah
Outcomes of individuals with intellectual disabilities are still very low, this is due to the lack of ability of self-determination of individuals with intellectual disabilities. While the learning practice of effective self-determination is still very limited. This study aims to identify an effective...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Community Empowerment Program Based on Local Wisdom in Kulwaru Village
Hani Nurhasanah, Rochmat Wahab
This study aims to describe the ability to understand science learning that occurs in autistic children in SLB N 1 Bantul. Qualitative descriptive research method. The subject of the study were two autistic students in the sixth grade of SLB Negeri 1 Bantul and an informant, namely the sixth grade teacher...
Proceedings Article
Independence of Autistic Children who Participate in the Daily Life Activities Program
Triwahyuni Rezki Putri, Sugito Sugito
Autism is a gray area in the field of medicine, which means that there are still unclear causes, mechanisms, and therapies. Autism is a developmental disorder in children characterized by behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and interaction disorders. Autism can be seen in children, before...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis for the Development of Career Choice Assessment Instruments for Intellectual Disability Students in Extraordinary High Schools
Rendy Amora Jofipasi, Edi Purwanta
This development illustrates the prototype analysis model for the development of career choice instruments for intellectual disability students in high school. This is based on the idea that the nature of everyone will enter the career world or have a career no exception mentally disabled students. before...
Proceedings Article
Inclusion Education Profile at Daar El Salam (DES) School Bogor Regency, West Java
Sunardi Sunardi, Swasto Imam Teguh
The purpose of this study is to obtain a comprehensive view about the implementation of inclusive education at Daar El Salam School, Bogor regency, West Java. The research was conducted through qualitative approach with interview, observation, and documentation study as its data collection technique....
Proceedings Article
Listening Skill of Mild Intellectual Disability
Effran Zudeta, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
This article is intended to describe Listening Skill of Mild Intellectual Disability to short stories. The ability to be observed is understanding the meaning of listening and the child's focus in listening. This case study uses mixed methods with participatory education, interviews, documentation and...
Proceedings Article
Case Study of the Obstacles Experienced by Teachers in Developing Entrepreneurship Competence of Students with Physical Disability
Ragil Dewi Ratih Sulistiani, Ishartiwi Ishartiwi
Entrepreneurship competence development of students with physical disability in special schools is done through vocational learning. Teachers as learning designers have important roles in the success of learning purpose. This case study aims to reveal the obstacles experienced by teachers in developing...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Acceleration Program Termination for Gifted Children Learning Needs
Patricia Lestari Taslim, Cepi Jabar
The enactment of a regulation or law in an education service is determined by the understanding of the authorities in relation to the legal basis. This study aims to evaluate the termination of the acceleration program in schools which is actually held to facilitate the needs of one type of gifted child...
Proceedings Article
Physical Environment Classroom: Principles and Design Elements of Classroom in Early Childhood Education
Qonita Fardlillah, Yoyon Suryono
This study explores the importance of the physical environment on several classrooms early childhood learning center in Sidoarjo, Indonesia. In this study obtained da ta interview with teachers (n=10) to understand the importance of the physical environment of the classroom at the learning center. Thematic...
Proceedings Article
Inclusion Values in Formal Pathway Private School of Education in Religion-based Institutions
Na’ni Rohmatul Ummah
This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach aimed at analyzing the values of inclusion in Early Childhood Education institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion and having a religious basis. The sample in this study was RA Melikan which was chosen with purposive...
Proceedings Article
A Review on Indonesia Policy in Supporting Gifted Students Education
Robiansyah Setiawan, Serafin Wisni Septiarti
Generally, gifted students are known as students who have incredible ability in learning faster. The ability in learning faster of gifted students which exceed their peer needs special education services properly to avoid students being underachiever. This article will present the definition, history...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status (SES) on Early Childhood Language Development
Robbi Madya, Malik Malik, Suparno Suparno
Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most studied constructions in the social sciences. Several ways of measuring SES have been proposed, but most include some quantification of family income, parental education, and employment status. Many studies show that SES is associated with a variety of health,...
Proceedings Article
Parent Engagement in the Early Stage of the Braille Learning Process for Blind Children
Vindy Dwi Winantyo, Nur Azizah
This article discusses the involvement of parents in the development of the visually impaired child of the visually impaired. The learning process in schools for the blind children cannot be separated from the sensitivity ability of tactual sensitivity to facilitate in learning to read and write braille....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) on Reading, Writing and Numeracy Skills for Autistic Children
Nurika Miftakul Janah, Sari Rudiyati
Autistic children have complex developmental obstacles that require measurable assessment techniques. However, teachers often find it challenging to conduct quantifiable assessments, primarily to monitor academic abilities because of the incompatibility of cognitive development of autistic children....
Proceedings Article
The implementation of Self-Assessment of Student with Special Educational Needs at Inclusive School
Dwitya Sobat Ady Dharma, Hermanto Hermanto
This research aims to find out the implementation of self-assessment and ability of self-assessment of student with special educational needs (SEN) at inclusive school. This research applies study-case approach to 10 SEN with mental retardation variation, autism, muscular dystrophy, slow learner, and...
Proceedings Article
A Content Analysis of High Order Thinking Skills on Student’s Textbook of Curriculum 2013 for Mentally Retarded
Isti Nurhidayati, Edi Purwanta
This article aims to describe the results of the content analysis of high order thinking skills on student’s text book of curriculum 2013 mentally retarded grade IV SDLB (elementary level of special school). This research used qualitative research with content analysis design. The results of the analysis...
Proceedings Article
Character Education in Inclusive School
Catur Rina Ajiningsih, Ibnu Syamsi, Haryanto Haryanto
This article aims to examine the implementation of character education in inclusive schools. The study used descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out through a literature study. Information sources on literature studies are scientific research journals, books, undergraduate theses, and...
Proceedings Article
Character Values Contained on Traditional Games of Hide and Seek in Inclusion School
Mira Wahyuni, Ibnu Syamsi, Ibnu Haryanto
Many traditional games that contain character values. Traditional games are now being abandoned by children. This is motivated by the existence of communities, which are increasingly being used that are modern using technology such as video games and online games. Accumulation, play of children and adolescents...
Proceedings Article
Learn Writing and Reading Braille for Elementary Student with Visual Impairment: A Systematic Review
Dewi Juwita Susanti, Sari Rudiyati
Student with visual impairment have special needs in the form of Braille to support their reading and writing skills. The ability to read and write Braille is a basic thing that must be mastered by student as the basic skill in the learning process. If the basic skill of reading and writing has been...
Proceedings Article
Description of Implementation Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Kindergarten
Dini Anggia, Harun Harun
In essence, the needs of early childhood differ from each individual both in their physical motor development, language and their personal needs. Especially for those who have abnormalities in their development who need special treatment. Therefore inclusive education is important to provide a place...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Policy Inclusive in Junior High School in SMPN 2 Sewon and SMP Taman Dewasa Kumendan
Alvira Pranata, Sari Rudiyati
This research aims to evaluate the implementation policy of inclusive schools in two junior high schools, State Junior High School 2 of Sewon Bantul and Junior High School of Taman Dewasa Kumendan to handle children with special needs in public schools. This research used qualitative descriptive research...
Proceedings Article
Early Writing Skill Intervention for Elementary Students with Learning Disability: A Systematic Review
Nuraini Fauziah Zain, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
Writing is a tool for communication that used to convey ideas in the form of words and is essential skill that everybody need. The ability to write is needed for success in academic, workplace setting and daily living. Writing is so challenging for students with learning disability. Writing difficulties...
Proceedings Article
Description of Early Literacy Skills in Children with Special Needs in Kindergarten
Istanti Tri Wulandari, Suparno Suparno
Initial literacy ability is one of the abilities that become the obligation to begin to teach to early childhood. This program is very important as a trigger in predicting children's abilities in the future. Even recently, there are many children who do not have an interest in early literacy, besides...
Proceedings Article
Preschool children’ Emergent Literacy Skill and Home Literacy Program
Atik Setyowati, Wuri Wuryandari
Literacy is a vital competency in solving daily life problems. Early, child needs stimulation of problem-solving competencies, one of the competencies is literacy. Environment highly affects educational success of preschool children. Family is the smallest environment widely playing a role in literacy...
Proceedings Article
Mastery of 4-5 Years Old Children Vocabulary in Role-playing Activities at the Role Play Center
Endah Tri Wahyuningsih, Suparno Suparno
Children learns language through a pleasant learning experience in kindergarten. This study aims to describe the vocabulary mastery of children aged 4-5 years in role-playing activities in the Role Play Center. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted at Tiara Chandra...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Gadget Usage on Speaking Ability of 3-6 Year Olds
Ikha Durrotun Nasikhah, Edi Purwanta
The advanced technology makes information very accessible. The evolution of technology has revolutionized society including early childhood, but it is slowly destroying the ancient pattern itself. Indonesian children in the millennium generation are no longer familiar with traditional games because of...
Proceedings Article
Mobile Learning in Improving Reading Ability Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review
Meta Silfia Novembli, Nur Azizah
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in aspects of reading and spelling that originate from neurological and genetic. Reading is some sub-skills in the form of attention, letter or word recognition, organizing in the way of words and sentences, text transfer activities, and understanding the text....
Proceedings Article
Reading Skill Improvement in First Grade Students in Slb-B Karya Bakti Wonosobo through Multisensory Approach
Dessy Wulandari, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
Reading skill improvement in first grade students in SLB-B Karya Bakti Wonosobo through multisensory approach. This research aimed to reveal: (1) the process of improvement can be done by teachers to develop reading skills in deaf students, (2) the types of functional sensory improvement found for instructional...
Proceedings Article
Language Learning as Group interactions in dialogic book reading in kindergarten
Hesti Putri Setianingsih, Suparno Suparno
This article discusses the interaction of children in groups during the reading of a dialogue book as a second language learning at school. An English native instructor at a kindergarten school is observed and recorded activities while reading picture books to children aged 5-6 years in a small group...
Proceedings Article
Alphabet Knowledge through Cublak Suweng Games for Early Childhood Education
Midaiyana Nella Santi, Suparno Suparno
The alphabet is an important factor in the development of literacy, especially for early childhood education. At present learning activities in early childhood education only use activities that are monotonous and less fun for children, such as memorizing, singing, or thickening. To overcome these problems,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Role Art Learning for Improvement Creativity (Improvisation, Expression And Gesture) Deaf Students at SLB Marganingsih Yogyakarta
Ni Made Marlin Minarsih, Rochmat Wahab
Implementation of creativity development program is done by training children creativity using musical drama training. Assessment focuses on three aspects: improvisation, expression and gestures. The research method is correlational qualitative research. The result of this research is the improvement...
Proceedings Article
Learning Model of Peer Tutor in Accompanying Special Needs Children at Inclusive School
Budi Santoso, Sari Rudiyati
This development describes about the prototype of peer tutor learning model in accompanying children with special needs at inclusive school. By the development of peer tutor model is expected to determine the way/pattern of peer tutor in helping and accompanying ABK in learning at inclusive school. This...
Proceedings Article
Using Phonetic Methods for Children's Reading Ability Development in Kindergarten
Indriana W.W, Suparno Suparno
This study examines the effects of the phonics method approach towards children's reading skills in kindergartens. The reading ability is necessary when the child continues his education. This research was conducted by evaluating children's learning outcomes with the application of phonics methods. The...
Proceedings Article
Learning Together (LT) Methods of Cooperative Learning Approach in Making Accessories for Intellectual Disability
Ni Nyoman Fefi Suciarthasih, Effendie Tanumihardja
The study aimed to describe the Learning Together (LT) Methods of Cooperative Learning Approach in making accessories including the implementation, the production of patchwork headbands, and the findings the learning approach on mild intellectual disability. This Classroom Action Research used an action...
Proceedings Article
Natural based Learning for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Reni Amiliya, Harun Harun
The natural environment plays an important role for education especially in early childhood learning. Currently, learning is often used in early childhood learning such as learning group activities, activity angle, area and center. This recent learning almost ignores natural-based learning and tends...
Proceedings Article
Scaffolding Strategies to Increase Children Science Interest
Aulia Annisa, Panggung Sutapa
Basically, children like all things related to the experiment, exploration, and experience that is manifested in the child's interest in science. In supporting and promoting the interests of science in children, teachers and parents are the main facilitator of the most children need. But, the teacher...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Beyond Centers and Circle Time for Linguistics Intelligence of Children with Hearing Impairment at an Early Age
Harizki Agung Nugroho, Suparno Suparno
verbal linguistic intelligence of children includes: the ability to receive and express language and script ability can be implemented holistically with other activities through activity called playing while learning. BCCT approach that emphasizes on playing as the core activity and student centered...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Affect Performance of Children with Low Economies
Frida Citra Cuacicha, Suparno Suparno
Aggressive is a feeling of anger or crude action due to disappointment or failure to achieve satisfaction or purpose, which can be directed to people or things; hostile acts that can be directed to a person or thing; nature or lust attacks something seen as a disappointing thing or situation. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Drawing: Upgrading Creativity for Early Childhood
Sri Andiana, Puji Yanti Fauziah
The purpose of this study was to examine and find out the results of creativity in collaborative preaching activities in early childhood, and to find out the differences in children's creativity in drawing between collaborative drawing activities and individual drawing activities. This research method...
Proceedings Article
Implementation: Natural based Kindergarten Learning in Bantul, Yogyakarta
Debby Adelita Febrianti Purnamasari, Puji Yanti Fauziah
Based kindergarten uses the universe as a medium and learning resource. Not only in the learning process, but also in terms of facilities and infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to find out the standards of educators, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure of Natural Kindergarten in Bantul,...
Proceedings Article
Labelling Basic Emotion Developing Emotions in Early Childhood
Annissa Rohmatul Muyassaroh, Iis Prasetyo
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of basic emotional labelling through drawing on children's emotional development. This research method is qualitative research, with causal associative research. Data was collected using observation sheets using a Likert scale. Quantitative data were...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Educational Game for the Intelligence of Early Childhood Naturalist
Choirunnisa Nurul Latifah, Iis Prasetyo
The purpose of this research is to test and know the effectiveness of educational game of animal and plant introduction to children's naturalist intelligence and to know the difference of children naturalist intelligence through educational game of animal and plant introduction or using deonstration...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Child's Emotions and Responses The Food using Words and Emojis Fat and Thin Child
Sakinah Siregar, Suparno Suparno
The aim of this study is to determine the extent to which children can understand their emotions by providing responses and responses the food by using words and emojis. Emoticons can be used as a medium that can help children to recognize the negative and positive emotions that exist in children. Using...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Moral Stories on the Children's Giving
Annisa Nurdini, Suparno Suparno
This study aims to determine the effect of moral stories on the planting of giving behaviour to children. This study uses a quantitative approach in the form of Quasy Experiment. The study population was all children of Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Kindergarten in Padang and research samples, namely class B3...
Proceedings Article
Learning Program to Develop Social Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years
Arvinda Kurniawati, Suparno Suparno
Social ability for early childhood is a basic ability to show children's ability to interact with others. In addition, the children's social abilities referred to in this study focus on how children can interact and show tolerance towards their fellowmen and the surrounding environment. This study examines...
Proceedings Article
Method of Sex Learning for Children 5-6 years
Uswatul Hasni, Suparno Suparno
The aim of this study is to reveal form method of learning sex education in Islamic kindergarten. This is done so that schools and other parents have information in providing sex education to children. This study use a qualitative approach with the teachers and principles as key informant through interview...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Handling on Hyperactive Children in the Age of 4-6 Years Old: A Case Study in a Kindergarten Inclusion in Kebumen
Aprilia Wahyuning Fitri, Suparno Suparno
This study moved from hyperactive children to Kindergarten Inclusion in Kebumen. This study aims to describe the steps of teacher handling in hyperactive kindergartens in Kindergarten Inclusion in Kebumen. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques with methods of observation,...
Proceedings Article
Handling Tantrums in Children Aged 5-6 Years in TK Pembina Kota Malang
Dian Ramadhani Yahya, Slamet Suyanto
This is a research case study that describes the behavior of handling tantrums conducted in TK Pembina Malang in children aged 5-6 years due to the divorce of parents resulting in a different upbringing that lead children into tantrum. Tantrum is one of the characteristics of a problem child in the...
Proceedings Article
Social Interaction Skills of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Kindergarten
Siti Hitthotunnahdliyyah Al Badawi, Suparno Suparno
Social interaction skills is an ability that contributes significantly to social and cognitive development, especially in children with special needs. Practitioners in the field proposed that the development of social skills related to social interaction should be the main goal of early childhood intervention...
Proceedings Article
Project Based Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Children with Special Needs
Fiyola Triana Eldiva, Nur Azizah
Active, creative, and innovative learning can produce students who can interact and compete globally including students with special needs. Students with special needs must be able to solve learning problems with critical thinking skills. However, teachers have not used alternative learning to improve...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of the Application of Discovery Learning to the Naturalist Intelligence of Children About the Natural Environment in Children Aged 5-6 Years
Thea Yuliana Anjari, Edi Purwanta
The aim of this research is to find out how effective the discovery learning is to the naturalist intelligence of children about the natural environment in Al Ikhsan Ujungbatu Kindergarten. This research uses experimental research with pre-experimental planning design. The sample used in this study there...
Proceedings Article
Multimedia of Educational Game for Disability Intellectual Learning Process: A Systematic Review
Fachruniza Privita Hardiyanti, Nur Azizah
Learning through play is an activity that is widely practiced in the current era. Educational or computer-based educational games in the learning process are not only entertaining but can also deepen relationships and enable greater learning processes. Multimedia educational games can help students to...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Project-based Learning Approach to Social Development of Early Childhood
Niken Farida, Harun Rasyid
The social development becomes one important factor in childhood development especially in the society. This study is conducted to find out the effectiveness of Project-based Learning for childhood social development. The project-based learning approach is an active learning centered in children with...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Strategy in Improving Children's Interaction through Methods to Role Play
Soraya Rosna Samta, Suparno Suparno
The purpose of this study was to examine how educators organize role playing activities and what types of strategies educators use to enhance social interaction of 3-year-olds. This research was conducted at Oasis Kids National Plus School Semarang through observation, documentation and interviews with...
Proceedings Article
Analyze Ability of Early Childhood Based on Gender
Salsabila Hasiana Tanjung, Suparno Suparno
The experimental design in this study has a particular interest in making conclusions made about gender differences in the ability to analyze children aged 5 years in the perspective of Taxonomic Bloom. The problem in this research is represented by the sample of research subjects by using items that...
Proceedings Article
Do Over-Active Kids Have Different Gross Motor Skills?
Eka Hani Widyasari, Panggung Sutapa
This study describes whether there is any effect of physical activity in the form of a relay game on gross motor abilities in children with overactive. Over-active is some of part indication for ADHD. This journal will discuss only children who are over active because over active can be seen in plain...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Verbal Reward and Punishment on Gross Motor Learning Activities for Children 4-5 Years Old
Moh. Anas Syamsudin, Harun Rasyid
The purpose of this research is to know the effects of verbal reward and punishments on gross motor learning for children 4-5 years old. This research led by teacher’s familiarity for using a verbal reward and punishments inside the learning process. This research using a qualitative method. Data collected...
Proceedings Article
Traditional Games vs. Modern in Increasing Children's Motor Ability in the 21st Century
Meutia Azhara, Panggung Sutapa
Before the advent of traditional game technology was very popular among the people, along with the times, the emergence of modern games that are closely related to technologies such as gadgets change the type of games among children. This research was conducted to analyze the differences between traditional...
Proceedings Article
Case Study Fine Motor Development Children: Developmental Coordination Disorder
Mar'atus Sholihah, Suparno Suparno
The importance of fine motor development because children need to use hand skills. One of the causes of fine motor retardation is Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). The movements of children with DCD are often described as uncoordinated movements, and children often experience difficulties in...
Proceedings Article
Obstacle Game About Gross Motor Skills Among Preschool Obese Children
Syafura Audina, Panggung Sutapa
Aim. Gross motor development becomes important because by mastering the ability to move children will be able to interact with their environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the obstacle game against gross motoric children. The effectiveness of the obstacle game was...
Proceedings Article
Numeral Circuit, Physical Activity for Introducting Numeral Symbol to Developmental Coordination Disorder Children
Rahmi Wardah Ningsih, Slamet Suyanto
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is the disorders that is related to motor motion, so it has influence on academic process and children’s daily activity. Children of DCD gets difficulty to follow physical activity and it has impact of unable in learning. Numeral circuit is the development of...
Proceedings Article
Fantasy Gymnastic as an Active and Imaginative Learning Model to Children’s Gross Motor
Eva Eriani, Dimyati Dimyati
Early childhood has excessive energy that needs to be dispensed exactly, one of them is by involving physical activities. Gross motor is an important part of the growth process and ultimately plays a role in one's ability to lead a physically active life, one active learning model involving children...
Proceedings Article
Traditional Game as a Media for Character Education Inclusion Elementary School
Dwi Kumala Shinta, Ibnu Syamsi, Haryanto Haryanto
This study aims to find out that traditional games can be used as a medium for character education in the Inclusion Primary School. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods and data sources are traditional games. To collect the data of the researcher as the main instrument with the data collection...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Race Track Games on Counting Ability and Child Learning Motivation
Fitri Fitri, Amir Syamsudin
Fun arithmetic learning can be done with program-fun game, exciting learning atmosphere and motivating children to learn. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the game track race on the ability to count and motivation to learn children. The type of research used is quantitative method with...
Proceedings Article
Centerred Concentration for ADHD Children via Educational Game
Qaulan Raniyah, Amir Syamsudin
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) is a symptom that appears by showing treatment of concentration, hyperactivity and impulsivity. If not paid attention carefully ADHD children will look like other normal children. One of the handling that can be done is to provide educational games by...
Proceedings Article
Social Interaction Through Traditional Games in Special Needs Children
Nicki Yutapratama, Ibnu Syamsi
Social interaction is applied through traditional Indonesian games to children with special needs so that children have the ability to interact and be able to communicate slowly with other regular children. This article aims to identify the findings of several journals related to social interactions...
Proceedings Article
Requirements Need to be Fulfilled in Learning Children with Multiple Disabilities Visualy Impairment
Sari Rudiyati, Sukinah Sukinah, Rafika Rahmawati
This study aims to identify various needs that need to be fulfilled and developed in learning in order to optimize the learning abilities of children with multiple disabilities, especially children with Multi Disabilities Visually Impaired (MDVI). This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Social Skill Scale based on Diversity Awareness for Elementary School Students: Validity and Reliability
Aini Mahabbati, Purwandari Purwandari, Tin Suharmini, Nurdayati Praptiningrum
Developing students' social skills in inclusive schools becomes an important study because of the diverse situation mainly due to students with special needs there and it could be reference of social skills expected by students and become a measure of program success. Previous research has found 46 items...