Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018)
175 authors
- Ajiningsih, Catur Rina
- Character Education in Inclusive School
- Al Badawi, Siti Hitthotunnahdliyyah
- Social Interaction Skills of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Kindergarten
- Amalia, Nur
- Mapping of New Student Admission in Inclusive Education Learning at Al-Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta
- Amiliya, Reni
- Natural based Learning for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
- Andiana, Sri
- Collaborative Drawing: Upgrading Creativity for Early Childhood
- Anggia, Dini
- Description of Implementation Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Kindergarten
- Anjari, Thea Yuliana
- Effectiveness of the Application of Discovery Learning to the Naturalist Intelligence of Children About the Natural Environment in Children Aged 5-6 Years
- Annisa, Aulia
- Scaffolding Strategies to Increase Children Science Interest
- Audina, Syafura
- Obstacle Game About Gross Motor Skills Among Preschool Obese Children
- Ayriza, Sari Yulia
- The Relationship of Parenting Self-Efficacy as A Predictor of Resilience to Parents of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Azhara, Meutia
- Traditional Games vs. Modern in Increasing Children's Motor Ability in the 21st Century
- Azizah, Nur
- A Review on Individualized Educational Program in Some Countries
- Azizah, Nur
- Implementation of Contextual Approach in Learning orientation and Mobility in Visual Impairment Students in SLB PGRI Sentolo
- Azizah, Nur
- Safety Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual Disability
- Azizah, Nur
- Identification Effective Learning Models for Teaching Self-Determination to Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review
- Azizah, Nur
- Parent Engagement in the Early Stage of the Braille Learning Process for Blind Children
- Azizah, Nur
- Mobile Learning in Improving Reading Ability Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review
- Azizah, Nur
- Project Based Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Children with Special Needs
- Azizah, Nur
- Multimedia of Educational Game for Disability Intellectual Learning Process: A Systematic Review
- Cuacicha, Frida Citra
- Factors that Affect Performance of Children with Low Economies
- Dharma, Dwitya Sobat Ady
- The implementation of Self-Assessment of Student with Special Educational Needs at Inclusive School
- Dimyati, Dimyati
- Fantasy Gymnastic as an Active and Imaginative Learning Model to Children’s Gross Motor
- Eldiva, Fiyola Triana
- Project Based Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Children with Special Needs
- Eriani, Eva
- Fantasy Gymnastic as an Active and Imaginative Learning Model to Children’s Gross Motor
- Fardlillah, Qonita
- Physical Environment Classroom: Principles and Design Elements of Classroom in Early Childhood Education
- Farida, Niken
- The Effectiveness of Project-based Learning Approach to Social Development of Early Childhood
- Fathonah, Dwi Ari
- The Implementation of Self-Safety Learning for Students with Intellectual Disability in Special School
- Fauziah, Puji Yanti
- Collaborative Drawing: Upgrading Creativity for Early Childhood
- Fauziah, Puji Yanti
- Implementation: Natural based Kindergarten Learning in Bantul, Yogyakarta
- Fitri, Aprilia Wahyuning
- Teacher’s Handling on Hyperactive Children in the Age of 4-6 Years Old: A Case Study in a Kindergarten Inclusion in Kebumen
- Fitri, Fitri
- The Effectiveness of Race Track Games on Counting Ability and Child Learning Motivation
- Hardiyanti, Fachruniza Privita
- Multimedia of Educational Game for Disability Intellectual Learning Process: A Systematic Review
- Harun, Harun
- Description of Implementation Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Kindergarten
- Harun, Harun
- Natural based Learning for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
- Haryanto, Haryanto
- Character Education in Inclusive School
- Haryanto, Haryanto
- Traditional Game as a Media for Character Education Inclusion Elementary School
- Haryanto, Ibnu
- Character Values Contained on Traditional Games of Hide and Seek in Inclusion School
- Hasni, Uswatul
- Method of Sex Learning for Children 5-6 years
- Hermanto, Hermanto
- The implementation of Self-Assessment of Student with Special Educational Needs at Inclusive School
- Ishartiwi, Ishartiwi
- The Implementation of Self-Safety Learning for Students with Intellectual Disability in Special School
- Ishartiwi, Ishartiwi
- Adaptive Behaviour of Children with Intellectual Disability in Using Public Transportation
- Ishartiwi, Ishartiwi
- Case Study of the Obstacles Experienced by Teachers in Developing Entrepreneurship Competence of Students with Physical Disability
- Jabar, Cepi
- Evaluation of Acceleration Program Termination for Gifted Children Learning Needs
- Janah, Nurika Miftakul
- Implementation of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) on Reading, Writing and Numeracy Skills for Autistic Children
- Jofipasi, Rendy Amora
- Needs Analysis for the Development of Career Choice Assessment Instruments for Intellectual Disability Students in Extraordinary High Schools
- Kurniawati, Arvinda
- Learning Program to Develop Social Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years
- Latifah, Choirunnisa Nurul
- Effectiveness of Educational Game for the Intelligence of Early Childhood Naturalist
- Madya, Robbi
- The Impact of Socioeconomic Status (SES) on Early Childhood Language Development
- Mahabbati, Aini
- Social Skill Scale based on Diversity Awareness for Elementary School Students: Validity and Reliability
- Malik, Malik
- The Impact of Socioeconomic Status (SES) on Early Childhood Language Development
- Minarsih, Ni Made Marlin
- The Influence of Role Art Learning for Improvement Creativity (Improvisation, Expression And Gesture) Deaf Students at SLB Marganingsih Yogyakarta
- Minsih, Minsih
- Mapping of New Student Admission in Inclusive Education Learning at Al-Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta
- Mubarak, Roykhan
- The Influence of Character Education towards Acceptance of The Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
- Mujahid, Imam
- Mapping of New Student Admission in Inclusive Education Learning at Al-Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta
- Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
- Cognitive Development of Mild Intellectual Disability for Vocational Training
- Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
- Listening Skill of Mild Intellectual Disability
- Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
- Early Writing Skill Intervention for Elementary Students with Learning Disability: A Systematic Review
- Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
- Reading Skill Improvement in First Grade Students in Slb-B Karya Bakti Wonosobo through Multisensory Approach
- Muslikhah, Rakhma
- Identification Sexual Behaviour Children with Autism Age 12-18 Years
- Muyassaroh, Annissa Rohmatul
- Labelling Basic Emotion Developing Emotions in Early Childhood
- Nasikhah, Ikha Durrotun
- The Effect of Gadget Usage on Speaking Ability of 3-6 Year Olds
- Nastiti, Anugrah Try
- A Review on Individualized Educational Program in Some Countries
- Ningsih, Rahmi Wardah
- Numeral Circuit, Physical Activity for Introducting Numeral Symbol to Developmental Coordination Disorder Children
- Novembli, Meta Silfia
- Mobile Learning in Improving Reading Ability Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review
- Nugraha, Arif Kusuma
- Cognitive Development of Mild Intellectual Disability for Vocational Training
- Nugroho, Harizki Agung
- Implementing Beyond Centers and Circle Time for Linguistics Intelligence of Children with Hearing Impairment at an Early Age
- Nurdini, Annisa
- The Influence of Moral Stories on the Children's Giving
- Nurhasanah, Hani
- Implementation of Community Empowerment Program Based on Local Wisdom in Kulwaru Village
- Nurhidayati, Isti
- A Content Analysis of High Order Thinking Skills on Student’s Textbook of Curriculum 2013 for Mentally Retarded
- Oktadiana, Rita
- The Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy for Disabled Student in Indonesia
- P. H., Slamet
- Mapping of New Student Admission in Inclusive Education Learning at Al-Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta
- Prabawati, Wening
- Adaptive Behaviour of Children with Intellectual Disability in Using Public Transportation
- Pranata, Alvira
- Evaluation of Policy Inclusive in Junior High School in SMPN 2 Sewon and SMP Taman Dewasa Kumendan
- Pranindita, Putri
- The Relationship of Parenting Self-Efficacy as A Predictor of Resilience to Parents of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Praptiningrum, Nurdayati
- Social Skill Scale based on Diversity Awareness for Elementary School Students: Validity and Reliability
- Prasetyo, Iis
- Labelling Basic Emotion Developing Emotions in Early Childhood
- Prasetyo, Iis
- Effectiveness of Educational Game for the Intelligence of Early Childhood Naturalist
- Prehatiningsih, Arip
- Description of Introduction to Geometry Concepts for Children with Special Needs in Yogyakarta Inclusion Kindergarten
- Purnamasari, Debby Adelita Febrianti
- Implementation: Natural based Kindergarten Learning in Bantul, Yogyakarta
- Purwandari, Purwandari
- Social Skill Scale based on Diversity Awareness for Elementary School Students: Validity and Reliability
- Purwanta, Edi
- Needs Analysis for the Development of Career Choice Assessment Instruments for Intellectual Disability Students in Extraordinary High Schools
- Purwanta, Edi
- A Content Analysis of High Order Thinking Skills on Student’s Textbook of Curriculum 2013 for Mentally Retarded
- Purwanta, Edi
- The Effect of Gadget Usage on Speaking Ability of 3-6 Year Olds
- Purwanta, Edi
- Effectiveness of the Application of Discovery Learning to the Naturalist Intelligence of Children About the Natural Environment in Children Aged 5-6 Years
- Putri, Triwahyuni Rezki
- Independence of Autistic Children who Participate in the Daily Life Activities Program
- Rahmawati, Rafika
- Requirements Need to be Fulfilled in Learning Children with Multiple Disabilities Visualy Impairment
- Rakhmat, Cece
- Workshop and Assistance in Developing Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Competencies to Accomodate Learning in The Students with Autism in Inclusive Schools in Yogyakarta Special Region
- Raniyah, Qaulan
- Centerred Concentration for ADHD Children via Educational Game
- Rasyid, Harun
- The Effectiveness of Project-based Learning Approach to Social Development of Early Childhood
- Rasyid, Harun
- The Effects of Verbal Reward and Punishment on Gross Motor Learning Activities for Children 4-5 Years Old
- Rifani, Latifa Garnisti
- Identification Effective Learning Models for Teaching Self-Determination to Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review
- Rochyadi, Endang
- Workshop and Assistance in Developing Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Competencies to Accomodate Learning in The Students with Autism in Inclusive Schools in Yogyakarta Special Region
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Identification Sexual Behaviour Children with Autism Age 12-18 Years
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Implementation of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) on Reading, Writing and Numeracy Skills for Autistic Children
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Learn Writing and Reading Braille for Elementary Student with Visual Impairment: A Systematic Review
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Evaluation of Policy Inclusive in Junior High School in SMPN 2 Sewon and SMP Taman Dewasa Kumendan
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Learning Model of Peer Tutor in Accompanying Special Needs Children at Inclusive School
- Rudiyati, Sari
- Requirements Need to be Fulfilled in Learning Children with Multiple Disabilities Visualy Impairment
- Samta, Soraya Rosna
- Teacher Strategy in Improving Children's Interaction through Methods to Role Play
- Santi, Midaiyana Nella
- Alphabet Knowledge through Cublak Suweng Games for Early Childhood Education