Proceedings of the International Conference Primary Education Research Pivotal Literature and Research UNNES 2018 (IC PEOPLE UNNES 2018)
165 authors
- Ratnaningrum, Ika
- Utilization Of Digital Based Media In Dance Learning For Deaf Students In Inclusive Elementary School
- Renggani
- Intensity Attention of Parents and Communication in Families to Learning Outcomes
- Riandi, R.
- Analyzing Concept For Developing STEM-Based Integrated Science Teaching Materials Themed "Blood".
- Rochalina, Corry Iriani
- Evaluation Program Teaching Skills Practice (TSP) by The Center of The Field Experience Center (FEC) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
- Romadhoni, Syahru
- The Implementation Of Tactical Approach On Football Subject To Enhance Cooperative Values
- Rosiana, Ana
- The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based On Practicum in Applying Motion Energy Concept Topic
- Rusmawan
- Integration Of Environmentally Caring Character In Social Studies Lesson With Experiental Leaming
- Salawati, Bau
- Analysis of the Need for Development of Dance Learning Devices in South Sulawesi in Students of Sendratasik Education FSD, State University, Makassar (Dance CD Dance Mallatu ’Pakkuru Sumange Coffee and Dance’)
- Samadhy, Umar
- The Development of Civics Picture Book Media for Third Grades Students
- Sapriya
- Wayang Kulit As A Medium Learning Character
- Sasmita, Karta
- Analysis of training needs for coastal communities using surveys
- Sayekti, Ika Candra
- Learning Innovation Of Science Mathematic English Class In MI Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura
- Setiawan, Deni
- Innovative Origami Handbook As Teaching Tool In Grade III
- Setiawan, Deni
- The Application Of Make A Match As A Model Of Cooperative Learning To Improve Students Learning Achievement In The Learning Of Locomotor Organs In Animals And Human Beings To Grade V Students Of Sekolah Dasar Lab School UNNES
- Setijawati, Umi
- Lesson Study Based Learning Can Develop Conservation Characters, Activities, And Learning Outcomes
- Setiyadi, Hafid
- The Development of Android-Based Interactive Media To Increase The Learning Outcome Of Civic Education On 3rd Graders
- Setyasto, Novi
- Primary Education Program Development Strategies In Order To Achieve National Accreditation as Excellent Higher Education Institution
- Siswandari
- Investigating Initial Competencies Of Primary School Teachers In The Principal Preparation Program
- Situmorang, Robinson
- Development of Learning Models for Programming Algorithms and Structure of Data I for E-Learning Assistance
- Situmorang, Robinson
- Development of E-Learning Models in Database System Courses
- Sofianingsih, Evi
- The Effectiveness of Proportional Material in Representing Place Values in The Mathematics Learning of 2nd Grade Elementary School Students
- Solihati, Dianita
- The Influence Between Ice Breaker And Learning Motivation Toward Learning Achievement Of Elementary School Social Science Subject
- Solihatin, Etin
- The Effect of Portfolio Assessments on Student Learning Outcomes in Learning for Civic Education in Primary School
- Subkhan, Edi
- The Sufficiency of Basic Tasks and Functions of the Functional Position of the Educational Technologies in Schools
- Suhardi
- Tegalan Decorative Diversification and The Symbolic Meaning In The Millennial Era
- Suharto, Noto
- Tegalan Decorative Diversification and The Symbolic Meaning In The Millennial Era
- Sukardi, Sukardi
- Character Students and Liberation Movement in School
- Sukardi, Sukardi
- Parents’ Education Degree, Character Education In Children, And Primary Students Social Science Learning Outcomes
- Sulistyorini, Sri
- The Influence Between Ice Breaker And Learning Motivation Toward Learning Achievement Of Elementary School Social Science Subject
- Sulistyorini, Sri
- The Application Of Make A Match As A Model Of Cooperative Learning To Improve Students Learning Achievement In The Learning Of Locomotor Organs In Animals And Human Beings To Grade V Students Of Sekolah Dasar Lab School UNNES
- Sumantri, Syarif
- Development of Material Learning Based Multimedia for Early Childhood Inclusion Education
- Sumilah
- The Effectiveness of Proportional Material in Representing Place Values in The Mathematics Learning of 2nd Grade Elementary School Students
- Sumpana
- Wayang Kulit As A Medium Learning Character
- Sunarso, Ali
- The Development of Civics Picture Book Media for Third Grades Students
- Suparman, Atwi
- Evaluation Program Teaching Skills Practice (TSP) by The Center of The Field Experience Center (FEC) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
- Supriatna, Nana
- Integration Of Environmentally Caring Character In Social Studies Lesson With Experiental Leaming
- Supriyanto, Teguh
- Implementation of SBK (Art, Culture, Skills) Learning on The Curriculum 2013 i n Pelita Harapan Bangsa Elementary School Tegal City
- Susetyadi, Arya Dwi
- Analyzing Concept For Developing STEM-Based Integrated Science Teaching Materials Themed "Blood".
- Susilaningsih, Sri
- The Development of Pancasila Cartoon Wayang Media on Students’ Characters of 1st Grade Elementary School
- Sutamo
- Investigating Initial Competencies Of Primary School Teachers In The Principal Preparation Program
- Sutaryono, Sutaryono
- Character Students and Liberation Movement in School
- Sutaryono, Sutaryono
- Parents’ Education Degree, Character Education In Children, And Primary Students Social Science Learning Outcomes
- Syahrial, Zulfiati
- The Effect of Portfolio Assessments on Student Learning Outcomes in Learning for Civic Education in Primary School
- Tiwa, Tellma Mona
- The Effect of Facebook Social Media on Cyberbullying in Teen
- Tolla, Ismail
- Transformation Leadership of Headmaster to Improving Teacher Learning Performance in SMP Islam Al-Azhar Makassar City
- Trimurtini
- The Effectiveness of Proportional Material in Representing Place Values in The Mathematics Learning of 2nd Grade Elementary School Students
- Tuera, Philotheus E.
- Community Technology Science Approach To Improve Results Of Science Learning In Elementary School
- Tuerah, Roos M.S
- Community Technology Science Approach To Improve Results Of Science Learning In Elementary School
- Wahidah, Nina Ikhwati
- Analysis Trends Of Flipped Classroom Research In Education
- Wahira
- The Needs Of Management Model For Professional Competence Training Of Basic School Teachers
- Wasan, Aan
- Analysis of training needs for coastal communities using surveys
- Wibawa, Basuki
- Implementing E-Learning System Success to Measure Quality of Online Training in Jakarta Religion Ministry Affair Training Center
- Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
- Character Education Model Based On Parents-School Partnerships
- Widhanarto, Ghanis Putra
- The Sufficiency of Basic Tasks and Functions of the Functional Position of the Educational Technologies in Schools
- Widihastrini, Florentina
- The Effectiveness of Proportional Material in Representing Place Values in The Mathematics Learning of 2nd Grade Elementary School Students
- Widihastrini, Florentina
- Primary Education Program Development Strategies In Order To Achieve National Accreditation as Excellent Higher Education Institution
- Widodo, Susilo Tri
- Primary Education Program Development Strategies In Order To Achieve National Accreditation as Excellent Higher Education Institution
- Winarni, Endang Widi
- Primary School Teacher Strategy To Promote Student Engagement In Science Lessons
- Wiranto
- Investigating Initial Competencies Of Primary School Teachers In The Principal Preparation Program
- Witanto, Yuli
- Learning The Concept Of Cube Using Cabri 3D V2
- Wulandari, Desi
- The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based On Practicum in Applying Motion Energy Concept Topic
- Yulianto, Sigit
- Implementation of SBK (Art, Culture, Skills) Learning on The Curriculum 2013 i n Pelita Harapan Bangsa Elementary School Tegal City
- Yuliawati, Ilham
- The Effectiveness of SQ3R Method Toward Reading Comprehension Grade III Elementary School
- Yunita, Nomi
- Innovative Origami Handbook As Teaching Tool In Grade III
- Yuyarti, Yuyarti
- Character Students and Liberation Movement in School