Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2021)

362 authors
Haristiani, Nuria
Error Analysis of ~te iru Form as Japanese Tense and Aspect Marker
Haristiani, Nuria
STEAM Project Based Learning in Enhancing Japanese Speaking Skill in Online Classrooms
Haristiani, Nuria
Analysis of Consideration Expressions as Social Etiquette in Japanese Refusal
Haristiani, Nuria
Politeness in Japanese Prohibition Speech Act
Haristiani, Nuria
The Use of Directive Speech Act from Supervisors to Subordinates in Japanese Companies
Harto, Sri
Students’ Linguistic Challenges in Post-Editing of Machine Translation
Harto, Sri
Investigating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)-based Literacy Assessment Implemented by An EFL Teacher at A Junior High School in Indonesia
Harto, Sri
The Future of BIPA Teachers
Haryati, Siti
Exploring Attitude on Teacher’s Speech to Students in Counselling Services
Hasanah, Dhia
Investigating the Process of Joint Construction in Teaching Writing to Improve Students’ Writing Skill
Hendayanti, Oktari
Politeness in Japanese Prohibition Speech Act
Hendra, Dani
Quizlet as an Alternative Application for Learning German Nouns
Herdian, Irvan
Conversation Gambits in Classroom Speaking Activities
Forms and Translation Procedures of Korean Onomatopoeia and Mimesis in the Webtoon
Speaking Skills Japanese Language Learning for the Intermediate Students Through Media Website Bandung no Kankouchi
Consonant Nasalization in Pronouncing Korean Words by Indonesian Learners
STEAM Project Based Learning in Enhancing Japanese Speaking Skill in Online Classrooms
Hidayat, Nadiya Nurhamidah
Analysis of Wakamono Kotoba (Slang Words) as the Interjections in LINE Chat Conversation
Hudaya, Ahmad Purnama
Speech Act Representation of Doctor – Patient Interactions in Grey’s Anatomy Serial
Hyangsewu, Pandu
Character Literature Learning Model Based on Classical Sundanese Literature Carita Pantun Mundinglaya di Kusumah (CPMdK)
Idris, Nuny Sulistiany
A Study of Acoustic-phonetic of “Saat Terakhir” Song by ST12 in Dangdut and Pop Versions
Idris, Nuny Sulistiany
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in American Culture and Its’ Implications for BIPA Teacher’s Intercultural Competence
Isnendes, Retty
The Regent Figure of Prince Kornel in Literary and Historical Perspectives
Isnendes, Retty
Character Literature Learning Model Based on Classical Sundanese Literature Carita Pantun Mundinglaya di Kusumah (CPMdK)
Jannah, Aulia Oktafiana Raudlatul
A Development of Instagram Filter as Japanese Language Learning Medium
Juangsih, Juju
Students’ Perceptions on CLIL Based Material Development of Japanese Language for Tourism
Juangsih, Juju
Error Analysis of ~te iru Form as Japanese Tense and Aspect Marker
An Investigation of the Needs Analysis and English Learning Process for the Hospitality Students at a Vocational High School
Judiasri, Melia Dewi
Speaking Skills Japanese Language Learning for the Intermediate Students Through Media Website Bandung no Kankouchi
Kidungan in Virtual Ludruk as a Medium for Narrating the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Promoting Health Protocols in Indonesia
Kaewsaeng-on, Rudsada
Conceptual Framework for Developing Lifelong Learning Skills in Business Undergraduate Students
Kanafani, Ashifa
Rhetorical Move and Linguistic Features Comparative Analysis of Research Article Abstracts by Authors of Different Organizational Backgrounds
Kanafani, Ashifa
A Comparative Study on Rhetorical Moves of IJAL’s Abstracts Written by UPI’s Lecturers and by UPI-Other Indonesian Universities’ Lecturers
Karimah, Iim Siti
Self-Literacy Synectic Writing Model and Challenge On 21st Century Skills
Kasenda, Intania Chathy
Adaptation of Maritime Cultural Elements for Maintaining the Characterization in the Translation of Swearing in Tintin Comic from French to Indonesian
Khair, Hafizah El
Directive Speech Acts in Howl’s Moving Castle by Hayao Miyazaki
Khalid, Shofa Musthafa
Requesting Speech Acts: A Case Study of Arabic Education Students in Bandung
Khotima, Nurul Ashyfa
Mechanism of Inner Speech in Silent Reading Activity
Kosasih, Dede
Lyrics of the Album Kawih Asuh Barudak Cita-Cita
Koswara, Dedi
Character Literature Learning Model Based on Classical Sundanese Literature Carita Pantun Mundinglaya di Kusumah (CPMdK)
Koswara, Dedi
The Carita Pantun Kembang Panyarikan
Kurniawan, Dedy
EFL Students’ Soft Skills and Hard Skills Practices in Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
Kurniawan, Eri
English Teachers’ Beliefs Towards the Implementation of Genre-Based Approach
Kurniawan, Eri
Rhetorical Move and Linguistic Features Comparative Analysis of Research Article Abstracts by Authors of Different Organizational Backgrounds
Kurniawan, Eri
Online Games to Improve English Vocabulary Awareness in Daily Speech
Kurniawan, Eri
A Comparative Study on Rhetorical Moves of IJAL’s Abstracts Written by UPI’s Lecturers and by UPI-Other Indonesian Universities’ Lecturers
Kurniawan, Eri
A Sociocultural Perspective on EFL In-Service Teachers’ SFL/Genre Knowledge Development
Kurniawan, Eri
Investigating the Process of Joint Construction in Teaching Writing to Improve Students’ Writing Skill
Kurniawan, Eri
The Implementation of Genre-Based Pedagogy with Technology in EFL Classroom
Kurniawati, Nia
A Portrait of Indonesian EFL Teacher Talk and Student Talk in International Teaching Practicum: Thailand Classroom Context
Kusrini, Dewi
Analysis of Japanese Adverbs in Japanese Drama Suizokukan Gaaru
Kusrini, Dewi
A3! Visual Novel Game as an Audio-Visual Media that Motivates Japanese Language Learning
Kusrini, Dewi
Development of Comic Books as Teaching Media for Japanese Language Learners in Indonesian High Schools
Kusrini, Dewi
Analysis of Wakamono Kotoba (Slang Words) as the Interjections in LINE Chat Conversation
Kusumah, Jaya
The Sociological Values of Ngunjungan Tradition in Cilewo Village Telagasari Sub-District of Karawang Regency
Kuswarini, Prasuri
Adaptation of Maritime Cultural Elements for Maintaining the Characterization in the Translation of Swearing in Tintin Comic from French to Indonesian
Lestari, Novia Diah
Addition and Deletion of Information in the Translation of Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi
Lindayani, Emi
Speech Act Representation of Doctor – Patient Interactions in Grey’s Anatomy Serial
Lorenzi, Analeila Devira
The Verbo-Tonal Method (VTM) of Phonetic Correction in Learning French Pronunciation
Lubis, Arif Husein
Rhetorical Move and Linguistic Features Comparative Analysis of Research Article Abstracts by Authors of Different Organizational Backgrounds
Lubis, Arif Husein
A Comparative Study on Rhetorical Moves of IJAL’s Abstracts Written by UPI’s Lecturers and by UPI-Other Indonesian Universities’ Lecturers
Lubis, Arif Husein
A Textual Analysis of Synonyms and Antonyms in Yoo Soonhee’s (유순희) Uju Hotel Children’s Storybook
Lukmana, Iwa
Slips of the Tongue and Repair Strategies in TV Show “Tonight Show Indonesia”
Lukmana, Iwa
Euphemisms in Conversations about Bullying Issues
Lukmana, Iwa
Exploring Attitude on Teacher’s Speech to Students in Counselling Services
Mantasiah, R.
Developing a Politeness-based Module of Positive Communication Training for Teachers
Mardiah, Radiatan
Academic Purposes Digital Reading
Masyithoh, Imas
The Use of Metacognitive Writing Strategies for Vocational High School Students
Maulani, Hikmah
Arabic Language Proficiency Test Efficiency and Innovation on
Mayasari, Yuliani
The Story of Pantun Badak Pamalang
Megasari, Jayanti
Forms and Translation Procedures of Korean Onomatopoeia and Mimesis in the Webtoon
Melansyah, Raden Regine
Analysis of Consideration Expressions as Social Etiquette in Japanese Refusal
Academic Purposes Digital Reading
Moriyama, Mikihiro
BIPA Students’ Interest in Folklore Texts
Muftia, Syifa Nauval
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in American Culture and Its’ Implications for BIPA Teacher’s Intercultural Competence
Mulyadi, Yadi
Teaching Online During Pandemic COVID-19
Mulyati, Yeti
Early Reading Learning in a Private Elementary School in Bandung
Mulyati, Yeti
BIPA Learners’ Perceptions on Teacher’s Speech Act in Indonesian Language Learning Process
Mulyati, Yeti
Transformation of “Ande-Ande Lumut” Folklore into Comic as BIPA Teaching Material
Early Reading Learning in a Private Elementary School in Bandung
Muniroh, R. Dian Dia-an
Slips of the Tongue and Repair Strategies in TV Show “Tonight Show Indonesia”
Musliha, Siti
The Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in the Test Questions Constructed by English Teachers
Muslim, Achmad Bukhori
Indonesian Pre–Service Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness in SEA Teacher Project
Muslim, Ahmad Bukhari
Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence of Pre-Service English Teachers in Southeast Asia (Sea Teacher Project)
Musthafa, Bachrudin
Student Response on Reading Comprehension Learning Through the Zoom Cloud Meetings Application
Musthafa, Bachrudin
Students’ Linguistic Challenges in Post-Editing of Machine Translation
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
The Verbo-Tonal Method (VTM) of Phonetic Correction in Learning French Pronunciation
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Usability Measurement: Chatbot as a Pedagogical Support for Learning French Grammar
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Grammatical Errors in French Translation of the Short Story Moi et la Danse de Semarang
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Contrastive Analysis of Abstract Noun Formation in Indonesian and French
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Adjectival Suffixation in French
Naufal, Alman
Examination of Metasyntactic Ability to French Grammar Competence Among Indonesian Students
Naufalia, Afina
Phoneme Adding Error (Anaptyxis) on Pronunciation of Basic Korean BIPA Learners
Nazhafah, Venna Syifaa Nur
Indonesian Pre–Service Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness in SEA Teacher Project
Ningrum, Dedah
Speech Act Representation of Doctor – Patient Interactions in Grey’s Anatomy Serial
Nissa, Fitri Khoirun
Forms and Translation Procedures of Korean Onomatopoeia and Mimesis in the Webtoon
Novia, Yoesrina
The Effect of High Five Strategy Assisted by Image Media on Reading Comprehension Skills of Elementary School Students
Nugraha, Trisna
Student Response on Reading Comprehension Learning Through the Zoom Cloud Meetings Application
Nurazizah, Asti Siti
Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence of Pre-Service English Teachers in Southeast Asia (Sea Teacher Project)
Nurcik, Ananta Buana
Rhetorical Move and Linguistic Features Comparative Analysis of Research Article Abstracts by Authors of Different Organizational Backgrounds