Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities – Economics, Business and Management Track (ICOBEST-EBM 2019)
97 authors
- Amirah, Putri
- Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
- Anggadini, Sri Dewi
- Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
- Anisa, Nadya Vian
- Imitating Success of Japanese Entrepreneurs and Benefits in Entrepreneurial Activities
- Arief, Rahadian
- Design Business Continuity Plan of Data Center Using ISO 22301:2012
- Astria, Nikita
- The Effect of Trust Dimension Towards E-Commerce Customer Participation
- Astuti, Wati Aris
- Ability to Pay Personal People Mandatory Taxes in KPP Pratama Majalaya Bandung
- Atika, Siti Daniyah
- Purchasing Decisions in Terms of Perceived Quality and Product Knowledge
- Ayuningtias, Niesfa
- Effect of Career Planning and Self-Efficacy of the Performance of Employees
- Budiarti, Isniar
- Education World Disruption: Digital Communication Impact on Quality of Vocational School Graduates
- Dewi, Natasha Puspa
- Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
- Edwina, Danica Elma
- Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas on Small-Scale Business
- Fauziah, Rizky
- The Process of Product Purchasing Decision Through E-Marketing
- Febriansyah, Angky
- Effectiveness and Contribution of Land and Building Tax to Local Revenue
- Ganthika, Diki
- The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Loyalty at Bandung Tourist Location
- Hadiana, Ana
- Kansei Analysis using Analytical Hierarchy Process
- Hartono, Wiko Ramdhani
- The Effect of Macro Economic Variables on Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Hasimu, La
- Business Strategy of Fisherman’s Equipment in Wakatobi District
- Huda, Chandra Nuur
- Kansei Analysis using Analytical Hierarchy Process
- Iffan, Muhammad
- Marketing Approach on Competitive Advantage of Online-Based Public Transportation
- Ilhamuddin, Agil Fauzan
- Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
- Ismail, Zulkifli
- Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
- Ismawati, Linna
- Financial Behavior Impact to Determine Dividend Policy at Indonesian Companies
- Jumansyah, Rizky
- Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
- Kindy, Mantiq Al
- Early Retirement Program: Study on the Motivating Factors
- Komala, Adeh Ratna
- E-Budgeting to Enhance the Quality of Information
- Kurniati, Poni Sukaesih
- Achievements Strategy for Unqualified Opinion in Bandung Government
- Lousiane, Novy
- Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for Business of Laboratory Competency Training
- Luckyardi, Senny
- Assessment of Lecturer Satisfaction, Working Quality and Productivity Toward Learning Management System
- Lutfiah, Devi
- Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Earning per Share Impact on Stock Price in Property Companies Stock Exchange
- Luviana, Yuke
- Formulation of Business Strategy and Implication on Marketing Strategy in Janji Laut Resort, Manado
- Mega, Raiswati Untsa
- Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
- Mutia, Adnesha
- Ability to Pay Personal People Mandatory Taxes in KPP Pratama Majalaya Bandung
- Nasrulloh, Muhammad Yasin
- The Role of Information Technology in Handicraft and Entrepreneurship Subjects on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
- Novianti, Windi
- Inflation Effects and World Crude Oil Prices on Combined Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of 2015–2018 Period
- Nusa, Inta Budi Setya
- Quality of Audit System Information for Internal Control Effectiveness
- Perwati, Ajeng
- Inflation Effects and World Crude Oil Prices on Combined Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of 2015–2018 Period
- Puspitawati, Lilis
- The Effect of Macro Economic Variables on Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Putra, Yeffry Handoko
- The Role of Information Technology in Handicraft and Entrepreneurship Subjects on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
- Putra, Yeffry Handoko
- Design Business Continuity Plan of Data Center Using ISO 22301:2012
- Putra, Yeffry Handoko
- Enterprise Architecture Information System Planning for the Procurement of Goods and Services
- Rahayu, Siti Kurnia
- Tracing Tax Violation by Taxation Information System
- Ramadhan, Alam Gumilang
- The Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Health Insurance Companies
- Rifai, Rudi Asfar
- The Effect of Innovation on Performance in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
- Rizaldi, Arjuna
- A Dynamic Strategical Plan to Strengthen Food Security
- Rolaskhi, Shadli
- Developing Strategy for Solar Panel Package Business in Kupang
- Santy, Raeni Dwi
- Purchasing Decisions in Terms of Perceived Quality and Product Knowledge
- Saputra, Hangga Tri
- Enterprise Architecture Information System Planning for the Procurement of Goods and Services
- Satriadi, Yudi
- Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention (Study on 2018 New Entrepreneur Program Participants in West Java Province)
- Setiarini, Neni
- The Development Strategy of Fish-Processing Products
- Setiawan, Rudy
- Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
- Setiawati, Linda
- Impact of Teacher Certification Toward Learning Quality: A Case Study in Elementary School
- Setriani, Tina
- Social Media Marketing Application in Indonesian Travel Industry
- Soegoto, Agus Supandi
- Strategy to Increase Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Supermarket Business
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Business Strategy of Fisherman’s Equipment in Wakatobi District
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Developing Strategic Marketing Plan for Artificial Flower Bouquet Business in Bandung
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- The Influence of Collateral Assets on Stock Prices (Empirical Study of Basic and Chemical Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012–2016)
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Formulation of Business Strategy and Implication on Marketing Strategy in Janji Laut Resort, Manado
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
- Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Earning per Share Impact on Stock Price in Property Companies Stock Exchange
- Soegoto, Dedi Sulitiyo
- The Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Health Insurance Companies
- Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
- Imitating Success of Japanese Entrepreneurs and Benefits in Entrepreneurial Activities
- Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
- Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
- Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
- Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
- Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
- Developing Strategy for Solar Panel Package Business in Kupang
- Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
- Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention (Study on 2018 New Entrepreneur Program Participants in West Java Province)
- Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
- The Development Strategy of Fish-Processing Products
- Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
- Social Media Marketing Application in Indonesian Travel Industry
- Solihin, Angga Dwiputra
- Effect of Manager Competency on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises
- Sugiana, Neng Susi Susilawati
- Implementation of Management Information System, Implication on the Performance of Entrepreneur in West Bandung Regency
- Sukmawan, Arif Darma
- The Effect of Information System on Employee Performance
- Supriatna
- Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
- Surtawijaya, Abdullah Al Aliyi
- Developing Strategic Marketing Plan for Artificial Flower Bouquet Business in Bandung
- Suryanto
- Event Study of Obtaining Investment Grade in Indonesia
- Suryanto
- Achievements Strategy for Unqualified Opinion in Bandung Government
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Implementation of Management Information System, Implication on the Performance of Entrepreneur in West Bandung Regency
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- The Effect of Innovation on Performance in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Effect of Manager Competency on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Assessment of Lecturer Satisfaction, Working Quality and Productivity Toward Learning Management System
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for Business of Laboratory Competency Training
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Consumer Perception about Paid Cutlery Programs at Online Food Delivery Company
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Early Retirement Program: Study on the Motivating Factors
- Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
- Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
- Tanjung, Andriyati
- The Influence of Motivation on Employee Satisfaction and the Impact of Employee Performance in Cooperation
- Triyana, Candra Sari
- Consumer Perception about Paid Cutlery Programs at Online Food Delivery Company
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas on Small-Scale Business
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Loyalty at Bandung Tourist Location
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- The Effect of Information System on Employee Performance
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- The Process of Product Purchasing Decision Through E-Marketing
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- The Effect of Trust Dimension Towards E-Commerce Customer Participation
- Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
- The Influence of Motivation on Employee Satisfaction and the Impact of Employee Performance in Cooperation
- Walewangko, Een N.
- Strategy to Increase Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Supermarket Business
- Wibisono, Aryanto
- The Influence of Collateral Assets on Stock Prices (Empirical Study of Basic and Chemical Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012–2016)
- Widilestariningtyas, Ony
- Relationship Between Regional Economic Growth and Regional Original Revenue to Regional Financial Independence
- Wulantika, Lita
- Effect of Career Planning and Self-Efficacy of the Performance of Employees
- Yunanto, Rio
- Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
- Zulfikar, Rizki
- The Role of Market Orientation and Innovation Capability to Create Superior Value