Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities – Economics, Business and Management Track (ICOBEST-EBM 2019)

97 authors
Amirah, Putri
Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
Anggadini, Sri Dewi
Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
Anisa, Nadya Vian
Imitating Success of Japanese Entrepreneurs and Benefits in Entrepreneurial Activities
Arief, Rahadian
Design Business Continuity Plan of Data Center Using ISO 22301:2012
Astria, Nikita
The Effect of Trust Dimension Towards E-Commerce Customer Participation
Astuti, Wati Aris
Ability to Pay Personal People Mandatory Taxes in KPP Pratama Majalaya Bandung
Atika, Siti Daniyah
Purchasing Decisions in Terms of Perceived Quality and Product Knowledge
Ayuningtias, Niesfa
Effect of Career Planning and Self-Efficacy of the Performance of Employees
Budiarti, Isniar
Education World Disruption: Digital Communication Impact on Quality of Vocational School Graduates
Dewi, Natasha Puspa
Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
Edwina, Danica Elma
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas on Small-Scale Business
Fauziah, Rizky
The Process of Product Purchasing Decision Through E-Marketing
Febriansyah, Angky
Effectiveness and Contribution of Land and Building Tax to Local Revenue
Ganthika, Diki
The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Loyalty at Bandung Tourist Location
Hadiana, Ana
Kansei Analysis using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Hartono, Wiko Ramdhani
The Effect of Macro Economic Variables on Value Added Tax (VAT)
Hasimu, La
Business Strategy of Fisherman’s Equipment in Wakatobi District
Huda, Chandra Nuur
Kansei Analysis using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Iffan, Muhammad
Marketing Approach on Competitive Advantage of Online-Based Public Transportation
Ilhamuddin, Agil Fauzan
Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
Ismail, Zulkifli
Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
Ismawati, Linna
Financial Behavior Impact to Determine Dividend Policy at Indonesian Companies
Jumansyah, Rizky
Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
Kindy, Mantiq Al
Early Retirement Program: Study on the Motivating Factors
Komala, Adeh Ratna
E-Budgeting to Enhance the Quality of Information
Kurniati, Poni Sukaesih
Achievements Strategy for Unqualified Opinion in Bandung Government
Lousiane, Novy
Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for Business of Laboratory Competency Training
Luckyardi, Senny
Assessment of Lecturer Satisfaction, Working Quality and Productivity Toward Learning Management System
Lutfiah, Devi
Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Earning per Share Impact on Stock Price in Property Companies Stock Exchange
Luviana, Yuke
Formulation of Business Strategy and Implication on Marketing Strategy in Janji Laut Resort, Manado
Mega, Raiswati Untsa
Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
Mutia, Adnesha
Ability to Pay Personal People Mandatory Taxes in KPP Pratama Majalaya Bandung
Nasrulloh, Muhammad Yasin
The Role of Information Technology in Handicraft and Entrepreneurship Subjects on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
Novianti, Windi
Inflation Effects and World Crude Oil Prices on Combined Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of 2015–2018 Period
Nusa, Inta Budi Setya
Quality of Audit System Information for Internal Control Effectiveness
Perwati, Ajeng
Inflation Effects and World Crude Oil Prices on Combined Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of 2015–2018 Period
Puspitawati, Lilis
The Effect of Macro Economic Variables on Value Added Tax (VAT)
Putra, Yeffry Handoko
The Role of Information Technology in Handicraft and Entrepreneurship Subjects on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
Putra, Yeffry Handoko
Design Business Continuity Plan of Data Center Using ISO 22301:2012
Putra, Yeffry Handoko
Enterprise Architecture Information System Planning for the Procurement of Goods and Services
Rahayu, Siti Kurnia
Tracing Tax Violation by Taxation Information System
Ramadhan, Alam Gumilang
The Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Health Insurance Companies
Rifai, Rudi Asfar
The Effect of Innovation on Performance in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Rizaldi, Arjuna
A Dynamic Strategical Plan to Strengthen Food Security
Rolaskhi, Shadli
Developing Strategy for Solar Panel Package Business in Kupang
Santy, Raeni Dwi
Purchasing Decisions in Terms of Perceived Quality and Product Knowledge
Saputra, Hangga Tri
Enterprise Architecture Information System Planning for the Procurement of Goods and Services
Satriadi, Yudi
Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention (Study on 2018 New Entrepreneur Program Participants in West Java Province)
Setiarini, Neni
The Development Strategy of Fish-Processing Products
Setiawan, Rudy
Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
Setiawati, Linda
Impact of Teacher Certification Toward Learning Quality: A Case Study in Elementary School
Setriani, Tina
Social Media Marketing Application in Indonesian Travel Industry
Soegoto, Agus Supandi
Strategy to Increase Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Supermarket Business
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Business Strategy of Fisherman’s Equipment in Wakatobi District
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Effect of Internet Banking on E-Commerce
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Developing Strategic Marketing Plan for Artificial Flower Bouquet Business in Bandung
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
The Influence of Collateral Assets on Stock Prices (Empirical Study of Basic and Chemical Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012–2016)
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Formulation of Business Strategy and Implication on Marketing Strategy in Janji Laut Resort, Manado
Soegoto, Dedi Sulistiyo
Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Earning per Share Impact on Stock Price in Property Companies Stock Exchange
Soegoto, Dedi Sulitiyo
The Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Health Insurance Companies
Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
Imitating Success of Japanese Entrepreneurs and Benefits in Entrepreneurial Activities
Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
Online Learning as a Learning Innovation and New Business Models in the World of Education
Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto
Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung
Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
Developing Strategy for Solar Panel Package Business in Kupang
Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention (Study on 2018 New Entrepreneur Program Participants in West Java Province)
Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
The Development Strategy of Fish-Processing Products
Soegoto, Herman Surdiatno
Social Media Marketing Application in Indonesian Travel Industry
Solihin, Angga Dwiputra
Effect of Manager Competency on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises
Sugiana, Neng Susi Susilawati
Implementation of Management Information System, Implication on the Performance of Entrepreneur in West Bandung Regency
Sukmawan, Arif Darma
The Effect of Information System on Employee Performance
Attracting Consumer Interests from Display of Hotel Booking Sites and Airline Tickets in Indonesia
Surtawijaya, Abdullah Al Aliyi
Developing Strategic Marketing Plan for Artificial Flower Bouquet Business in Bandung
Event Study of Obtaining Investment Grade in Indonesia
Achievements Strategy for Unqualified Opinion in Bandung Government
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Implementation of Management Information System, Implication on the Performance of Entrepreneur in West Bandung Regency
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
The Effect of Innovation on Performance in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Effect of Manager Competency on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Assessment of Lecturer Satisfaction, Working Quality and Productivity Toward Learning Management System
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for Business of Laboratory Competency Training
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Consumer Perception about Paid Cutlery Programs at Online Food Delivery Company
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Early Retirement Program: Study on the Motivating Factors
Syaroni, Deden Abdul Wahab
Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
Tanjung, Andriyati
The Influence of Motivation on Employee Satisfaction and the Impact of Employee Performance in Cooperation
Triyana, Candra Sari
Consumer Perception about Paid Cutlery Programs at Online Food Delivery Company
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas on Small-Scale Business
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Loyalty at Bandung Tourist Location
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
The Effect of Information System on Employee Performance
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
The Process of Product Purchasing Decision Through E-Marketing
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
The Effect of Trust Dimension Towards E-Commerce Customer Participation
Wahdiniwaty, Rahma
The Influence of Motivation on Employee Satisfaction and the Impact of Employee Performance in Cooperation
Walewangko, Een N.
Strategy to Increase Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Supermarket Business
Wibisono, Aryanto
The Influence of Collateral Assets on Stock Prices (Empirical Study of Basic and Chemical Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012–2016)
Widilestariningtyas, Ony
Relationship Between Regional Economic Growth and Regional Original Revenue to Regional Financial Independence
Wulantika, Lita
Effect of Career Planning and Self-Efficacy of the Performance of Employees
Yunanto, Rio
Reliability Analysis of Islamic Financial Statements: Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
Zulfikar, Rizki
The Role of Market Orientation and Innovation Capability to Create Superior Value