Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS 2023)
208 authors
- Kumalasari, Vironika
- The Innovative Leadership Style of the School Principal in Developing Student’s Religiosity Program at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Program Khusus Boyolali
- Kurniawati, Dyah Ayu
- Internalization of Wasaṭiyyah Educational Values in the Guidelines for Islamic Life of Muhammadiyah Citizens at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
- Kusumaningsih, Oktavia Puteri
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Output of Manufacturing Industry Sector in Central Java
- Mahgribi, Hamdan
- Internalization of Wasaṭiyyah Educational Values in the Guidelines for Islamic Life of Muhammadiyah Citizens at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
- Maksum, Muh Nur Rochim
- Implantation of Tauhid Values Nasih Ulwan’s Perspective
- Maksum, Muh Nur Rochim
- Principal’s Strategy in Improving Student Learning Achievement
- Maksum, Muh Nur Rochim
- Islamic Science Paradigm and Islamic Science Paradigm in the Format of Progressive Education
- Maksum, Muh Nurrochim
- Values of Character Education in Surah Al-Isra Verses 23–38
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rachim
- Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers to Improve Student Learning Achievement
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Religious Guidance and Behavior of Escort Lady on Mount Kemukus
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Javanese Marriage from the Perspective of Islam in Asemrudung Village, Grobogan
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- The Contribution of the Digital Era in the Social Life of Adolescent Millennials with Integrity: From the Perspective of the Quran Surah Al-Mujadilah Verse 11
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Analysis of Arabic Phonological Errors in Javanese Speakers
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- The Impact of Al-Murabbithun Movement Arrival on Islamic Education in Al-Andalus
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- The Concept of Humans in the Qur’an and Its Implementation in Education
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Internalization of Religiosity Values in the Novel “Merasa Pintar, Bodoh Saja Tak Punya” by Rusdi Mathari
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Problems of Learning Tahfidz Al-Qurán at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Pk Kartasura Senior High School
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Islamic Education Teachers’ Strategy in Optimizing Students Moral and Religious
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Hasan Langgulung’s Paradigm on Human Mental Health in Islamic Education
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- An Examination of the Historical and Psychological Perspectives on Physical Punishment in Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Education
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- Prevention of Verbal Bullying Through Education on Ethics Toward Fault
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- The Concept of Distance Learning in Arabic Learning
- Maksum, Muh. Nur Rochim
- School Management for Teachers Professional Development at Islamic High School
- Maksum, Muh. Nur. Rochim
- Pancasila Student Profile as an Interpretation of Contemporary Islamic Religious Education Values
- Maksum, Muh. Nurrochim
- Implementation of Leadership in Education According to Al-Mawardi’s Perspective
- Maksum, Muh. Nurrohim
- An Ontological Analysis of Rububiyah Educational Values in the Qur’an Surah An-Nur Verse 35
- Maksum, Muhammad Nur Rochim
- The Negative Impact of Instagram on Generation Z from the Perspective of Islamic Psychology
- Maksum, Muhammad Nur Rochim
- Analysis of the Civilizational Aspect of Islamic Education in the Time of Rashidun Khulafaur and Its Relevance to Contemporary Islamic Education
- Ma’arif
- Analysis of Arabic Phonological Errors in Javanese Speakers
- Ma’arif
- Transformation of Non-formal Islamic Education in Responding to Modernism
- Ma’arif
- An Examination of the Historical and Psychological Perspectives on Physical Punishment in Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Education
- Ma’rifah, Elfrida Nur
- Problems of Learning Tahfidz Al-Qurán at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Pk Kartasura Senior High School
- Ma’ruf, Aminudin
- Effect of Service Quality and Religiosity on Customer Satisfaction and Impact on Customer Loyalty of Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Merliana, Miranti
- The Influence of Panca Jiwa Values in Forming the Character of International Boarding School KH Mas Mansur Mahasanri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Mohammad, Ali
- Islamic Science Paradigm and Islamic Science Paradigm in the Format of Progressive Education
- Muchlinarwati
- The Existence of Islamic Religious Education in Religious Practice at Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
- Muflihah, Irfatul
- The Qur’anic Perspective on the Role of Parenting in Alleviating LGBT: An Analytical Study
- Muhammad, Ardhi
- The Inculcation of Aqidah Values Using the Book of Aqidatul Awam
- Mukowim
- Prevention of Verbal Bullying Through Education on Ethics Toward Fault
- Munasiroh, Qoni’ah
- Javanese Marriage from the Perspective of Islam in Asemrudung Village, Grobogan
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Gender Equality in the Perspective of the Qur’an
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Parenting Style of Factory Worker Families in Educating Children in Pondok Village, Grogol Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- The Modernization Concepts of Islamic Education, According to Azyumardi Azra
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Principal’s Strategy in Improving Student Learning Achievement
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- The Sekolah Penggerak Program in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Integration of Islamic Religious Education and General Science at SMA IT Nur Hidayah Sukoharjo
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles through Window Shopping on Musthalah Hadith at Muhammadiyah Imam Syuhodo High School
- Mustofa, Triono Ali
- Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers to Improve Student Learning Achievement
- Mustofa, Triyono Ali
- The Inculcation of Aqidah Values Using the Book of Aqidatul Awam
- Mutahar, Mashur
- Hasan Langgulung’s Paradigm on Human Mental Health in Islamic Education
- Muthoifin
- Internalization of Religiosity Values in the Novel “Merasa Pintar, Bodoh Saja Tak Punya” by Rusdi Mathari
- Muthoifin
- Problems of Learning Tahfidz Al-Qurán at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Pk Kartasura Senior High School
- Naqiba, Muhammad Izzan
- The Concept of Distance Learning in Arabic Learning
- Nirwana, Andri
- Burhani’s Reason on Scientific Interpretation Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in Scientific Interpretion of the Qur’an Surat.Az-Zumar Verse 6
- Nisa, Zaenab Ulyatun
- The Effect of Parental Education on Children in Overcoming LGBTQ+
- Nugroho, Dwi Hary
- Characteristics of Educators Based on the Book of Rasulullah Sang Guru by Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah and Its Relevance to Teacher Personality Competency in Indonesia
- Nugroho, Kharis
- The Meaning of the Esoteric Interpretation of Syamsuddin as Sumatrani on the Verse of Aqidah in Surah Al-Hadid Verse Three
- Nugroho, Rico Setyo
- The Practice of Polygamy Between Black and White Movements in the Perspective of Islam
- Nurqomariyah, Devi
- The Concept of Da’wah Objects According to Tafsir Al-Mishbah
- Nurrohim, Ahmad
- The Qur’anic Perspective on the Role of Parenting in Alleviating LGBT: An Analytical Study
- Nurrohim, Ahmad
- E-Learning Based Teaching Revolution of the Quran Interpretation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Prajawati, Maretha Ika
- Analyzing the Behavioral Control Perception and Financial Inclusion on Investment’s Interest with Financial Literacy as Moderating Variables
- Prasetyo, Farrel Izham
- Internalization of Wasaṭiyyah Educational Values in the Guidelines for Islamic Life of Muhammadiyah Citizens at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
- Putri, Rachma Meilia Inggriani
- Analysis of the Civilizational Aspect of Islamic Education in the Time of Rashidun Khulafaur and Its Relevance to Contemporary Islamic Education
- Ragilia, Nur Afiffah
- Principal’s Strategy in Improving Student Learning Achievement
- Rahmadianty
- The Concept of Da’wah Objects According to Tafsir Al-Mishbah
- Ramdhani, Deddy
- School Management for Teachers Professional Development at Islamic High School
- Rha’in, Ainur
- Egalitarianism and Nationality in Surah Al-Hujurat Verse 13
- Rochim, Muhammad Nur
- The Innovative Leadership Style of the School Principal in Developing Student’s Religiosity Program at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Program Khusus Boyolali
- Rosyadi, Imran
- Effect of Service Quality and Religiosity on Customer Satisfaction and Impact on Customer Loyalty of Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Saifuddin
- Egalitarianism and Nationality in Surah Al-Hujurat Verse 13
- Sakdiahi
- The Existence of Islamic Religious Education in Religious Practice at Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
- Salami
- The Existence of Islamic Religious Education in Religious Practice at Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
- Salim, Hakimuddin
- The Practice of Polygamy Between Black and White Movements in the Perspective of Islam
- Salim, Hakimuddin
- Parenting Style of Factory Worker Families in Educating Children in Pondok Village, Grogol Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency
- Salim, Hakimuddin
- The Impact of Al-Murabbithun Movement Arrival on Islamic Education in Al-Andalus
- Salim, Hakimuddin
- Characteristics of Educators Based on the Book of Rasulullah Sang Guru by Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah and Its Relevance to Teacher Personality Competency in Indonesia
- Saputro, Yogi Muhammad
- Analysis of Pedagogical and Professional Competence in Utilizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Islamic Education Teachers
- Sari, Putri Komala
- The Negative Impact of Instagram on Generation Z from the Perspective of Islamic Psychology
- Setiawati, Eka Novia
- School Management for Teachers Professional Development at Islamic High School
- Setyawati, Dilla
- Leadership of School Principal in Improving Learning, Achievement, and Quality of Muhammadiyah 2 Gemolong High School in Post Covid-19
- Shobahiya, Mahasri
- Implementation of Learning Arabic for Islamic Boarding Schools for International Students K.H. Mas Mansur Surakarta Muhammadiyah University
- Shobahiya, Mahasri
- Educational Pattern of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Contemporary Era (Case Study: Al-Mukmin Ngruki Islamic Boarding School)
- Shohib, Muhammad Wildan
- Peer-Review Statements
- Shohib, Muhammad Wildan
- The Effect of Parental Education on Children in Overcoming LGBTQ+
- Shohib, Muhammad Wildan
- The Role of Islamic Mentoring in Developing Students’ Character in the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Shohib, Muhammad Wildan
- Super QC Curriculum as an Innovation in Developing Students’ Interests and Talents at Al Azhar IIBS
- Shohib, Muhammad Wildan
- The Influence of Panca Jiwa Values in Forming the Character of International Boarding School KH Mas Mansur Mahasanri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Suharjianto
- E-Learning Based Teaching Revolution of the Quran Interpretation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Sulastri, Indah
- The Concept of Humans in the Qur’an and Its Implementation in Education
- Sulistiani, Gita
- Effect of Service Quality and Religiosity on Customer Satisfaction and Impact on Customer Loyalty of Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Supriyanto, Achmad Sani
- Analyzing the Behavioral Control Perception and Financial Inclusion on Investment’s Interest with Financial Literacy as Moderating Variables
- Syahrendra, Panji Alfian
- Transformation of Non-formal Islamic Education in Responding to Modernism
- Tamami, Fauziyah Qurrota A’yun
- 40 Years of Pondok “Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran”: Producing Qualified Muhammadiyah Cadres
- Tamara, Fika
- Super QC Curriculum as an Innovation in Developing Students’ Interests and Talents at Al Azhar IIBS
- Utami, Hanida Putri
- Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers to Improve Student Learning Achievement
- Wachidi
- The Role of Islamic Mentoring in Developing Students’ Character in the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
- Warapsari, Laras Bungsu
- Integration of Islamic Religious Education and General Science at SMA IT Nur Hidayah Sukoharjo
- Waston
- Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles through Window Shopping on Musthalah Hadith at Muhammadiyah Imam Syuhodo High School