Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education & Social Sciences (ICESS 2021)
258 authors
- Kurniawan, Ganda Febri
- The Minaret of Kudus: Social Text and Harmony Narrative in Rural Java
- Kurniawan, Hendra
- Cura Personalis in Creative Pedagogy
- Kusnoto, Yuver
- Growing a Creative Preneure Through the Living Museum at Vocational School of PPN Lembang
- Kusnoto, Yuver
- Personal Approach: Alternative of Art to Seek For The Meaning of Historical Learning For Environmental Awareness
- Laksono, Hemy Bayu
- Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
- Lestari, Eta Yuni
- Public Policy Formulation Based on Local Wisdom in Kenteng Village, Semarang Regency
- Lestari, Nurul Ulfah Puji
- Langsajarot Learning Community as a Response to Local Education Needs in the Pandemic Era
- Lestari, Puji
- Political Construction of Women in Kemiren Village
- Lestari, Puji
- Modernization of Women in Politics in Semarang City
- Luthfi, Asma
- From Longan to Avocado: Economic Strategy of Farmers in Agricultural Business in Bandungan District Central Java
- Luthfi, Asma
- Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
- Luthfi, Asma
- Conquering Covid-19 Through the Local Activity of Village Communities in Central Java
- Mardialina, Mala
- Disaster Recovery in Social Aspect: Evidence from Lombok Earthquake 2018
- Marselina, Lili
- Conquering Covid-19 Through the Local Activity of Village Communities in Central Java
- Masruroh, Nanik
- The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
- Ma’ruf, Amir
- How Mothers Use Banyumas Dialect to Their Children and Their Friends in Purwokerto
- Melati, Inaya Sari
- Ecological Problem Behind Marine Tourism in Karimunjawa: A Threat to Local Community?
- Melynda
- Star Mobile Apps: An Android-Based Learning Media to Support Paperless Policy and the Merdeka Belajar Program Implementation
- Mukti, Handika
- Local Education Practices of Sedulur Sikep Community: Resisting Formal Education and Developing the Value of Local Education
- Mukti, Handika
- Model of Jogo Tonggo’s Alert Village in Suppressing the Distribution of Covid-19 in the New Normal Era
- Mulianingsih, Ferani
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skill in Junior High School: Studies on Social Studies Teachers in Pekalongan City
- Mulianingsih, Ferani
- Learning Communication Strategies of Rural Civitas Academica During Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Mulyadi
- Challenges During the Pandemic: Using Learning Media in Learning at STKIP PGRI Sumenep
- Mulyana, Agus
- Gamification in History Learning: A Literature Review
- Mulyaningsih, Ferani
- Political Construction of Women in Kemiren Village
- Munandar, Muh. Aris
- Modernization of Women in Politics in Semarang City
- Munir, Ahmad Mubarak
- Disaster Recovery in Social Aspect: Evidence from Lombok Earthquake 2018
- Murni, Ruaida
- The Village Integrated Social Services Through the Social Welfare Center in Indonesia
- Mustofa, Moh. Solehatul
- Entrepreneurship Education for Students in Higher Education
- Mu’Aafat, Umi Dary
- Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
- Nana
- Local History for Creative History Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nela, Euis
- Creative Learning Through Google Classroom in History Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ningrum, Prisma Tia
- Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
- Nugraha, Satya Budi
- Utilization of Jaki Application in Improving Public Services in DKI Jakarta
- Nugraha, Satya Budi
- The New Face of the Semarang Old City in Millennial Generation’s Perspective
- Nuhiyah
- Local History for Creative History Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nurhayati, Tati
- Conquering Covid-19 Through the Local Activity of Village Communities in Central Java
- Paramita, Yuni
- From Longan to Avocado: Economic Strategy of Farmers in Agricultural Business in Bandungan District Central Java
- Permana, Candra
- Cura Personalis in Creative Pedagogy
- Pingge, Heronimus Delu
- Ethnographic Study of the Umma Kalada Values of the Indigenous People of Loura and Its Application in Elementary Social Studies Learning
- Pramono, Didi
- Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
- Pramono, Didi
- Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
- Pramono, Suwito Eko
- Ecological Problem Behind Marine Tourism in Karimunjawa: A Threat to Local Community?
- Pramono, Suwito Eko
- Study Phenomenography (Phenomenographic Approach) Towards Trauma Healing Patterns on Community Conflict Victims in the Slope of Merapi Merbabu in Boyolali
- Prasetya, Heldi
- Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
- Pratiwi, Elok Surya
- Restoring Bottom-Up Management within Village’s Cell: A Village Glory
- Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng
- The Effectiveness of Snakes and Ladders Game for the Social-Emotional Development of Children in the Pandemic Time Covid 19
- Purnawati, Putri Sonia
- Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
- Purnomo, Arif
- Development of Higher Order Thinking Skill in Junior High School: Studies on Social Studies Teachers in Pekalongan City
- Putri, Noviani Achmad
- Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
- Putri, Noviani Achmad
- Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
- Putri, Noviani Achmad
- Entrepreneurship Education for Students in Higher Education
- Putri, Rimasari Pramesti
- Tiktok as an Online Learning Media During a Pandemic
- Rachman, Maman
- The Implementation of Child-Friendly School in SD Ummul Quro, Semarang Regency
- Rachman, Maman
- Improvement of Teacher Competence in Making Android-Based Evaluation Instruments at the AT Tohari Foundation, Semarang Regency
- Radistyo, Yudha
- Model of Jogo Tonggo’s Alert Village in Suppressing the Distribution of Covid-19 in the New Normal Era
- Rahmah, Nisa Maulia
- Implementation of Zakat Savings Member of Sharia Financial Services Cooperative (Kjks) for Economic Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises in Semarang In 2021
- Rahmah, Nur Azida
- The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
- Rahman, Aulia
- The Village Integrated Social Services Through the Social Welfare Center in Indonesia
- Ramadyantoro
- Conquering Covid-19 Through the Local Activity of Village Communities in Central Java
- Ramona, Nadia
- Historical Literacy as Strengthening Character Education
- Ria, Tiara Nove
- History Teacher Initiative Improves the Quality of Digital-Based Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rini, Hartati Sulistyo
- Knowledge of Medicinal Plants as Popular Medicine in Bendan Duwur Community, Semarang City
- Riyadli, Selamet
- Local Education Practices of Sedulur Sikep Community: Resisting Formal Education and Developing the Value of Local Education
- Rochayani
- Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
- Rochayani
- Knowledge of Medicinal Plants as Popular Medicine in Bendan Duwur Community, Semarang City
- Ruhadi
- Star Mobile Apps: An Android-Based Learning Media to Support Paperless Policy and the Merdeka Belajar Program Implementation
- Saniya, Qurrota A’yuni
- Community Participation in the Activities of Improving Food Security Through the Climate Village Program in the Madukoro Village Kajoran District Magelang
- Sanjoto, Tjaturahono Budi
- Livelihood Analysis on Economic Conditions in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
- Sanjoto, Tjaturahono Budi
- Analysis of Mangrove Species Distribution Mapping and the Environmental Problem in Mangkang Kulon, Semarang City
- Santoso, Apik Budi
- The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
- Sapriya
- Ethnographic Study of the Umma Kalada Values of the Indigenous People of Loura and Its Application in Elementary Social Studies Learning
- Saputra, M Ulin Nuha
- Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
- Saputri, Retno Wulan Ayu
- From Longan to Avocado: Economic Strategy of Farmers in Agricultural Business in Bandungan District Central Java
- Saraswati, Ufi
- Rural Tourism: Community Empowerment in Sustainable Development
- Sari, Yuria
- Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
- Sa’adah, Nuris
- The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
- Setiajid
- The Dynamics of Local Democracy on Simultaneous Election in Semarang District
- Setiajid
- Incumbent Communication Strategies VS Empty Boxes in Semarang Local Election 2020
- Setiajid
- Blusukan Culture and Familism in Local Democracy
- Setiawan, Hari Harjanto
- The Village Integrated Social Services Through the Social Welfare Center in Indonesia
- Setiawan, Soni
- The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
- Setiawan, Soni
- Livelihood Analysis on Economic Conditions in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
- Setyawan, Heri
- Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
- Setyowati, Dewi Liesnoor
- The Role of the Disaster Preparedness Group in Adapting Abrasion to Communities Affected by Abrasion on the North Coast of Rembang, Central Java
- Setyowati, Dewi Liesnoor
- The Local Wisdom of the Takome Community in Facing the Gamalama Volcano Eruption Disaster
- Setyowati, Dewi Liesnoor
- Employment Structure of the Population in area Industry Village, East Ungaran Sub-district, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia
- Shakuro, Afif Abdan
- Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
- Shavab, Oka Agus Kurniawan
- Gamification in History Learning: A Literature Review
- Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia
- Analysis of English-Speaking Performance for the Effective Language Learning in Digital Era
- Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia
- Learning Communication Strategies of Rural Civitas Academica During Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Sidiq, Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur
- Analysis of Mangrove Species Distribution Mapping and the Environmental Problem in Mangkang Kulon, Semarang City
- Silfa, Wike
- Historical Awareness Through the Use of the WhatsApp Group Application as a Distance Learning Media
- Sriyanto
- Community Participation in the Activities of Improving Food Security Through the Climate Village Program in the Madukoro Village Kajoran District Magelang
- Sriyono
- Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
- Sudardi, Bani
- The Transformation of the Dhukutan Oral Tradition into a Dance Film
- Sudardi, Bani
- Minangkabau in Film Integrative Learning Media for Alam Minangkabau
- Suharini, Erni
- The Local Wisdom of the Takome Community in Facing the Gamalama Volcano Eruption Disaster
- Suharso, R.
- The Minaret of Kudus: Social Text and Harmony Narrative in Rural Java
- Sukitman, Tri
- Challenges During the Pandemic: Using Learning Media in Learning at STKIP PGRI Sumenep