Proceedings of the Fifth Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2022)

163 authors
From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
Adnyani, Luh Diah Surya
Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
Agustina, Rini
The Development of Blended Learning-Based Vocationalogy Media as a Practicum Learning Loss Solution for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Lessons in SMK
Aisyah, Nyimas
Project Based Learning Design “Gadget Play Duration Survey” for Junior High School Students
Aldresti, Fitri
A Review on the Challenges of E-Learning on Higher Education in Indonesia
Alim, Jesi Alexander
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Amizera, Susy
Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through the Reports of Practicum-Based Guided Inquiry Learning
Amrina, Dian Eka
Peer-Review Statements
Anam, Syafiul
Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
Andayani, Endah
The Development of Blended Learning-Based Vocationalogy Media as a Practicum Learning Loss Solution for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Lessons in SMK
Aprilia, Rapita
Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
Hybrid Learning: Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 di FKIP Unsri Indralaya
Araiku, Jeri
Peer-Review Statements
Aricindy, Argitha
Cultural Representation in Educational Studies at Multi-ethnic Schools Sultan Iskandar Muda University Foundation
Arifin, Zainal
Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through the Reports of Practicum-Based Guided Inquiry Learning
Arquillano, Nova
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Arsal, Thriwaty
The Development of an Android Webtoon Based on Maiyah Values
Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
Astriyana, Enok Daniar
Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
Atikah, Grandson
Integration of Jawara Values as a Social Asset School Leadership
Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
Cultural Representation in Educational Studies at Multi-ethnic Schools Sultan Iskandar Muda University Foundation
Budiman, Muhammad Akbar
Peer-Review Statements
Budimansyah, Dasim
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
Chairunnisa, Devienna
The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
Chotimah, Umi
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Chotimah, Umi
Actualizing the Values ​​of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
Dewi, Mentari Luthfika
Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
Dewi, Septiani Melawati
Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
Dhita, Aulia Novemy
Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
Dhita, Aulia Novemy
A. K. Gani
Dianti, Puspa
Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
Dianti, Puspa
Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
Dinda, La Ode
Bajo Ethnopedagogic
El Faisal, Emil
The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
Fahrezi, Muhammad Lucky
Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
Faisal, Emil El
Actualizing the Values ​​of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Farisiyah, Umi
Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Fatihah, Husnul
The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
Fauzi, Wildan Insan
From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
Fitriani, Mike
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Gafur, Abdul
Hybrid Learning: Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 di FKIP Unsri Indralaya
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Gustiawati, Resty
Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
Hak, Pendasi
Bajo Ethnopedagogic
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
Handoko, Adi Inggit
The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
Harfal, Zaldi
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Harianto, Sugeng
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts
Hasanah, Ulfatul
Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
Hassan, Aminuddin
Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Hermita, Neni
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Hufad, Achmad
Integration of Jawara Values as a Social Asset School Leadership
Ibrahim, Bedriati
Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
Irawan, Agung Susilo Yuda
Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
Irwanto, Dedi
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Islami, Muhammad Zakki
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Jaenuddin, Riswan
The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
Jaenudin, Riswan
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Jarin, Sally A.
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Kartowagiran, Badrun
Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Khasanah, Imroatun
Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
Kirom, Husnil
Actualizing the Values ​​of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
Knowles, Ryan T.
Rethinking Classroom Climates: Exploring Civic Education in Indonesia Using Data from the International Civic and Citizenship Study
Komalasari, Kokom
Educative Game-Based Edutainment Model Design in Social Studies Learning
Kristanti, Ika Lusi
Indonesian Students’ Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness in Classroom Discourse
Kumalasari, Yesi
Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
Kurniadi, Elika
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawan, Dedi
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawati, Yeni
Educative Game-Based Edutainment Model Design in Social Studies Learning
Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
Kusuma, Ana Dwi
Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
Lailiyah, Faridatul
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts
Laksono, Kisyani
Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
Lasut, Elizabeth Meiske Maythy
The Effect of Integrating ICT in Learning on Students English Learning Achievement
Machmudi, Yon
From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
Marhadi, Hendri
Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
Marhadi, Hendri
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
Medio, L. N.
Improving Students’ Reading Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using the PBL Model and According to the Pisa Context
Peer-Review Statements
Peer-Review Statements
Meylani, Vita
Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
Mubarok, Erwin
Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Mulyani, Hastri
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Munir, Ahmad
Indonesian Students’ Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness in Classroom Discourse
Mutia, Rieca Nona
A. K. Gani
Mutiara, Frista
Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
Nasien, Dewi
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts