Proceedings of the Fifth Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2022)
163 authors
- Abdurakhman
- From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
- Adnyani, Luh Diah Surya
- Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
- Agustina, Rini
- The Development of Blended Learning-Based Vocationalogy Media as a Practicum Learning Loss Solution for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Lessons in SMK
- Aisyah, Nyimas
- Project Based Learning Design “Gadget Play Duration Survey” for Junior High School Students
- Aldresti, Fitri
- A Review on the Challenges of E-Learning on Higher Education in Indonesia
- Alim, Jesi Alexander
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Amizera, Susy
- Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through the Reports of Practicum-Based Guided Inquiry Learning
- Amrina, Dian Eka
- Peer-Review Statements
- Anam, Syafiul
- Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
- Andayani, Endah
- The Development of Blended Learning-Based Vocationalogy Media as a Practicum Learning Loss Solution for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Lessons in SMK
- Aprilia, Rapita
- Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
- Apriyanti
- Hybrid Learning: Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 di FKIP Unsri Indralaya
- Araiku, Jeri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Aricindy, Argitha
- Cultural Representation in Educational Studies at Multi-ethnic Schools Sultan Iskandar Muda University Foundation
- Arifin, Zainal
- Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through the Reports of Practicum-Based Guided Inquiry Learning
- Arquillano, Nova
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Arsal, Thriwaty
- The Development of an Android Webtoon Based on Maiyah Values
- Asnawi
- Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
- Astriyana, Enok Daniar
- Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
- Atikah, Grandson
- Integration of Jawara Values as a Social Asset School Leadership
- Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
- Cultural Representation in Educational Studies at Multi-ethnic Schools Sultan Iskandar Muda University Foundation
- Budiman, Muhammad Akbar
- Peer-Review Statements
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
- Camellia
- Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
- Camellia
- Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
- Camellia
- The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
- Chairunnisa, Devienna
- The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
- Chotimah, Umi
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Chotimah, Umi
- Actualizing the Values of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
- Dewi, Mentari Luthfika
- Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
- Dewi, Septiani Melawati
- Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
- Dhita, Aulia Novemy
- Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
- Dhita, Aulia Novemy
- A. K. Gani
- Dianti, Puspa
- Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
- Dianti, Puspa
- Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
- Dinda, La Ode
- Bajo Ethnopedagogic
- El Faisal, Emil
- The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
- Erlisnawati
- Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
- Erlisnawati
- Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
- Ernawati
- Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
- Fahrezi, Muhammad Lucky
- Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
- Fahrudin
- Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
- Faisal, Emil El
- Actualizing the Values of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
- Farida
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Farisiyah, Umi
- Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Fatihah, Husnul
- The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
- Fauzi, Wildan Insan
- From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
- Fitriani, Mike
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Gafur, Abdul
- Hybrid Learning: Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 di FKIP Unsri Indralaya
- Guslinda
- Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
- Gustiawati, Resty
- Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
- Hak, Pendasi
- Bajo Ethnopedagogic
- Hakam, Kama Abdul
- Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
- Hanafiah
- Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
- Handoko, Adi Inggit
- The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
- Harfal, Zaldi
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Harianto, Sugeng
- The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts
- Hasanah, Ulfatul
- Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
- Hassan, Aminuddin
- Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Hermita, Neni
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Hufad, Achmad
- Integration of Jawara Values as a Social Asset School Leadership
- Ibrahim, Bedriati
- Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
- Irawan, Agung Susilo Yuda
- Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
- Irwanto, Dedi
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Islami, Muhammad Zakki
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Jaenuddin, Riswan
- The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
- Jaenudin, Riswan
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Jarin, Sally A.
- Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
- Kartowagiran, Badrun
- Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Khasanah, Imroatun
- Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
- Kirom, Husnil
- Actualizing the Values of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
- Knowles, Ryan T.
- Rethinking Classroom Climates: Exploring Civic Education in Indonesia Using Data from the International Civic and Citizenship Study
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Educative Game-Based Edutainment Model Design in Social Studies Learning
- Kristanti, Ika Lusi
- Indonesian Students’ Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness in Classroom Discourse
- Kumalasari, Yesi
- Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
- Kurniadi, Elika
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Dedi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawati, Yeni
- Educative Game-Based Edutainment Model Design in Social Studies Learning
- Kurnisar
- Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
- Kurnisar
- Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
- Kusuma, Ana Dwi
- Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
- Lailiyah, Faridatul
- The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts
- Laksono, Kisyani
- Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
- Lasmanah
- Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
- Lasut, Elizabeth Meiske Maythy
- The Effect of Integrating ICT in Learning on Students English Learning Achievement
- Machmudi, Yon
- From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
- Marhadi, Hendri
- Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
- Marhadi, Hendri
- Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
- Mariyani
- Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
- Medio, L. N.
- Improving Students’ Reading Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using the PBL Model and According to the Pisa Context
- Meilinda
- Peer-Review Statements
- Meryansumayeka
- Peer-Review Statements
- Meylani, Vita
- Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
- Mubarok, Erwin
- Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Mulyani, Hastri
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Munir, Ahmad
- Indonesian Students’ Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness in Classroom Discourse
- Mutia, Rieca Nona
- A. K. Gani
- Mutiara, Frista
- Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
- Nasien, Dewi
- Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
- Nasution
- The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts