Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

HR-Departments of Organizations: Scope of Activity and Prospects in the conditions of new industrialization

Alena Vankevich
The article discusses current trends in the development of HR-management activities at the micro level and identifies the tasks to be addressed by the HR-departments of organizations in Belarus in the context of new industrialization and development of innovative economy. On the basis of a survey conducted...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice of Task-based reform of bilingual class “International Trade Practice”

Lina Chen
International Trade Practice is a highly practical class that studies exchange and transaction of international goods, involving foreign issues. In light of characteristics of colleges, this paper proposes the content, objectives, measures and practice results of reforms of International Trade Practice....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Intangible Cultural Heritage on Art Design and Public Life

Bin Wang
Art design is the figurative expression of culture with great cultural value. In addition to outstanding functionality and aesthetics, profound connotation and sentiment of culture are also essential to a satisfying design. Intangible cultural heritage is a distinctive component of Chinese culture. With...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Female Images in Grimm's Fairy Tales on Children Against the Background of Patriarchal Society

Sixue Wu, Wenting Wang
Grimm's Fairy Tales is a collection of folk tales collected in the 19th century by the Grimm brothers in the German states of Hesse and Westphalia. It reflects the unique aesthetic features of western culture and the low status of women at the same time. The Grimm brothers serve as a sounding board for...
Proceedings Article

College Ideological and Political Education under the Background of Internet Times

Demiao Yu
as far as the present stage is concerned, the ideological and political education in colleges and universities has changed greatly under the background of the Internet era, and the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, as the key link to help students improve their moral quality...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Application of Zen Aesthetics in Plant Landscape Design

Yin Yang
Zen is one of the major branches of Mahayana Buddhism in China. Zen aesthetics is an aesthetic ideology which evolved from Zen thoughts. Plant landscape design has a long history in China. In different periods of history, Zen aesthetics has had a deep or shallow impact on plant landscape design. The...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Job Burnout of Teachers in the Perspective of Emotional Labor Theory

Can Dong
Child abuse is frequent and kindergarten teachers have become a hot topic of social concern. After the hot spot occurred, people criticized the responsible person while ignoring the analysis of the nature of the event. This article first combed the related studies of emotional labor theory, job burnout...
Proceedings Article

The “Zi-Centered” Theory and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Wang Jing-yang, Shang Chao
Chinese linguistic studies have always been limited by the framework of Indo-European. The “Zi-centered” theory aims to get rid of it. “Zi” (Chinese character) is regarded as the basic unit of Chinese language. One Chinese character corresponds to a syllable and a concept at the same time. “Zi-centered”...
Proceedings Article

Vocational Education Based on Marinepreneur for Developing Island and Coastal Communities in ASEAN

Muhammad Priya Permana, Fitrah A. Darmawan, Mr Pardjono
The ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME) gathers ASEAN member countries at the 18th Meeting in Metro Manila, Philippines, 11-12 May 2017. This meeting discussed the issue of conservation and protection of coastal and marine areas. Furthermore, the meeting discussed the progress...
Proceedings Article

A Research of the Impact of Corporate Internal Governance Structure on Earnings Management

Yuanyuan Li
Earnings management is that enterprise managers choose accounting policies to achieve some specific objectives. It is an important issue that the stock market supervision department and investment institution pay close attention to and a project that the economics and accounting conduct extensive research...
Proceedings Article

Lacan's Mirror and the Mirror Metaphor in Herta Müller's Novel One-Legged Traveler

Lu Xiang
Mirrors are often used as metaphors for identity confirmation in literary works. Identity issues are more classic motifs in immigrant novels. As the German immigrant writer Herta Müller, who won the Nobel Prize 2009, in her immigration novel One-legged Traveler, she used the mirror motif to metaphorize...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure Research

Juan Wang*, Liping Lin
Since the 1970s, as a long-term concern of the academic and practical circles, research on corporate social responsibility has continued to develop in depth, and a large number of research results have been obtained. Corporate social responsibility can balance the interests of stakeholder groups. The...
Proceedings Article

Development of Model for Introducing Basic Sepaktakraw Techniques for Advanced-Grade Primary School Students

Wing Prasetya Kurniawan, Mokhammad Firdaus
This research aims to produce a model for introducing basic techniques of the sport sepak takraw for advanced-grade primary school students through a play-based approach. This research was done by adapting the 8 steps of Borg & Gall’s research method, those steps being (1) research and collection...
Proceedings Article

Legal Politic of Fishermen Empowerment in Indonesia

Lucky Dafira Nugroho, Aprilina Pawestri
Fishermen poverty is still national problem that needs to be solved. Based on the latest data, from 25.95 million poor people in Indonesia, almost 45% work as fishermen. It shows that fishermen need help from the state to improve their welfare, considering that this is also the state responsibility as...
Proceedings Article

Explain the EU’s Sanctions Towards Cambodia, 2017-2021: Human Rights and the EU’s Strategies

Yichen Hao
The essay explores the reasons for the EU’s sanctions towards Cambodia and the role of human rights in sanctions. Briefly, it gives some suggestions regarding using sanction tools by analysing the essence of the EU’s sanctions towards Cambodia. This phenomenon has been observed in recent years and usually...
Proceedings Article

Volcanoes Disaster Risk Reduction in Science Education Curriculum

A Systematic Review

Rizki Arumning Tyas, Pujianto, Suyanta
As a country with 129 active volcanoes, Indonesia has very high potency against volcanic disasters. The high risk of disaster has been offset by the high preparedness of society in the face of disaster. One of disaster risk reduction efforts can be trained through the education sector, which is through...
Proceedings Article

Practical Skills of Pakistani and Indonesian Students A Comparative Analysis

Naseer Ahmed, Tri Joko Raharjo, Khandil Badshah, Sajad
In the science learning process practical always have a significant role especially chemistry learning is completed with practical. Chemistry student’s concepts clear after the practical performance in the laboratory. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning process in chemistry by comparing...
Proceedings Article

The Possibilities of Using the Shalom H. Schwartz’s Values Questionnaire for the Search of Value-Semantic Justifications of Organizational Changes

Konstantin Tsaranov, Aleksey Tarbastaev, Elena Klimova, Olga Komolova
Theoretical analysis of the organisation’s value management problem revealed contradictions between the value-semantic justifications of changes declared by the head and the existing system of values reported by the team members. The main reason for this problem may be the lack of objectified information...
Proceedings Article

Bidirectional Drive and Multiple Empowerment: How It is Possible to Embed Mobile Vendors in Community Governance

Junyi Wang
In the context of increasingly downward social governance, how to reconcile the tension that exists between the inherent pluralistic needs of mobile vendor governance and the benefits of the current administratively-led policy implementation is one of the challenges facing efforts to realize energy-enhancing...
Proceedings Article

Application of Snakes and Ladders Game Media in Dance Learning

Wida Rahayuningtyas, Lina Putri Kusuma Ningtyas
Efforts to preserve cultural diversity in the field of education is to include art education in the curriculum. Art education with the term cultural arts subjects covers 4 fields of art, namely dance, music, fine arts, drama arts and skills. Learning the art of dance is one of the lessons that uses motion...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Human Resource Capacity on the Performance of MSMEs in the Culinary Sector in Makassar

N. A. Nafie, Y. M. Zainiar, M. Tang
The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of HR skills on MSME performance in culinary sector. Primary data collected from 60 respondents through face-to-face survey were used in this study. This sample size was determined based on Hair’s theory that when the population size is unknown, sample...
Proceedings Article

Flooding Hazard Assessment Considering Climate Change in the Coastal Areas of Java / Indonesia Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Data

Data Mining Based on of Free Available Data and Software as Contribution to Hazard Preparedness in Affected Communities

Barbara Theilen-Willige, Eko Budiyanto
Evaluations of different satellite data and meteorologic data as well as digital elevation data, help to identify critical areas in Java, Indonesia exposed to flooding due to flash floods, storm surge, cyclones, meteo-tsunamis or tsunami waves. Data mining and map creation is the prerequisite for flooding...
Proceedings Article

The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia

Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Rizal, Jamaluddin Idris, Murniati, Ikhwani, Syarkawi, Najmuddin
This study examines Strengthening Character Education School Boarding School Based On Technology in the city of Lhokseumawe. The main object of this research focused on four boarding school that: 1. Dayah Tahfiidzul Qur’an Al-Markazul Islami atau Islamic Centre Boarding School, 2. Dayah Modern Yapena...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Development of Western Medicine Chinese Teaching and Textbook Compilation

Lining Liu
Western Medicine Chinese is a language tutoring course for foreign students who come to China for professional education of Western Medicine. Because of its importance to foreign students’ professional learning and clinical practice, it has become a compulsory course for foreign students majoring in...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Integration Development of Sports Industry and Digital Technology under Dual Cycle Background

Yaozhuo Sun
With the development of digital technology, the sports industry itself is facing unprecedented and fundamental changes, which will change the basic ecology, business model and form of the sports industry. Using the literature method and the typical case method, this paper analyzes the current stage of...
Proceedings Article

Bugis-Makassar Gender Value in Fisherman Community in Kampung Nelayan Untia of Makassar City

Idham Irwansyah Idrus, M. Ridwan S. Ahmad, Sopian Tamrin, Muh. Risqi Mesya, Lona Syafana Pasha
The fisherman’s families in South Sulawesi strived to survive from poverty. They were not burdened by poverty and lead normal life. One of the survival strategic implemented by the fishermen’s family was by involving all family members in the production process, in which every family member carried out...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Attitudes and Professional Skills of ECE Teachers Field Introduction Activities

Anita Yus, Peny Husna Handayani, Dwi Septi Anjas Wulan, Artha Mahindra Diputera
Candidates for early childhood education teachers need to have a number of competencies that demonstrate the professionalism of early childhood education teachers. Efforts to help undergraduate students of early childhood education teacher education have the ability to develop a professional attitude...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Baby-Led Weaning and Infant Nutritional Status: Literature Review

Ichtiwa Aruni Putri, Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah
Early childhood development reaches its pinnacle in the first two years, both in terms of physical growth and intelligence. Meanwhile, a good nutritional status supports growth and plays a role in determining the success or failure of human resources improvement efforts. Complementary food as a method...
Proceedings Article

Geographic Information System of Fish Farmers Location in Tulungagung District Using Leaflet

Muhlis Tahir, Choirun Annas, Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Andhik Ampuh Yunanto, Arvita Agus Kurniasari, Achmad Shofyan
Tulungagung District is famous for its fish cultivation, especially the cultivation of ornamental chef fish and gourami consumption. However, this abundant fish cultivation product is not accompanied by information facilities on the locations of fish cultivators in Tulungagung District so that buyers...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of E-Training Assessment for Islamic School Teachers at the Religious Education and Training Center of Semarang

Ratna Prilianti, Djoko Sutarto, Heri Yanto
The development of technology and information in the global era also occurs in training at the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The training which has so far been conducted is e-training (online training), one of which is e-training on learning assessment. The effectiveness of e-training as a new innovation...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Mining on Environmental Damage in Central Kalimantan

Agung Basuki Prasetyo, I Gusti Ayu Gangga Santi Dewi, Yuli Prasetyo Adi
Increasing and uncontrollable mining activities cause various impacts on the community, specifically those around the site. The impacts are environmental damage, massive pollution (soil, water, and air), and damage to houses and public facilities. This study used normative juridical method, departing...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Low Carbon STEM Project Implementation on Science Learning

Annisa Nur Khasanah, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti, Riezky Maya Probosari, Daniswara Mustika Rini, Resty Hermita
The research aims to examine the Low Carbon STEM Project implementation in science learning from the perspectives of teachers and students. This study employs a qualitative approach with a systematic approach. Techniques for gathering data include observation, documentation, open questionnaires, and...
Proceedings Article

Dispute Resolution of Shared Asset Through Mediation at the Muara Bungo Religious Court

Sarmiar, Umar Hasan, Suhermi, Rosmidah
Dissolution of marriage due to divorce will result in shared assets. According to the Marriage Law, the division of joint assets is divided according to their respective laws. Differences of opinion that occur between husband and wife regarding the distribution of joint assets, then the settlement can...
Proceedings Article

Derivational Morpheme or Inflectional Morpheme—A Case Study of “-ing” or “-ed” Word Ending in English Linguistics Teaching

Panpan Cao
The learning of morphology plays a very important role in students’ language learning. However, in the learning process, students feel very confused about inflectional and derivational morphemes and couldn’t distinguish their types especially when it comes to the “-ed” or “-ing” word ending. To help...
Proceedings Article

America's Hong Kong Policies and Recent Political Trends

Xiaowei Yuan, Yujue Peng, Shenglong Jiang, Xiaocong Yuan, Zehua Feng
Since Hong Kong's reunification, America pays strict attraction to the development of Hong Kong and adopts "1992 United States-Hong Kong Act" as the foundation and legislation basis of U.S.-Hong Kong Policy. This Act recognizes "Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in American Entrepreneurial Universities

Wei Lu, Shan-Shan Li
Entrepreneurship education was originated in America. In recent years, with more and more attention paid to entrepreneurship education, practices of those famous American entrepreneurial universities have aroused public concern, among which includes the entrepreneurship ecosystems in American entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

The Religious Origin of Hollywood Movie with the Theme of Doomsday

Yingjuan Shi, Xiao Yang
The end of the world is a recurring theme in the Hollywood disaster film, which criticized the expanding human greed, the control and manipulation of nature and the misunderstanding of technology. This paper presented that the end of the complex in the United States has a more profound religious origin....
Proceedings Article

The Operation Mechanism of L/C Payment Risks in International Business

YanLing Tang, Peiguo Wang, Pengfei SHao, Kai Zhang, Longqun Li
As a payment method, letter of credit is widely used around the world for its equal and high protection for both parties. While, nothing is perfect, for its specialty and its technique, it is easy for foreign trade companies to make some mistakes. Besides, the banks deal with documents but not the goods,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Chinese College Students’ Attitudes towards Cognitive Enhancement in Education

Lan Ma
Cognitive enhancement implies that clinical disease-unrelated interventions with new psychopharmacological drugs and technical means raise brain and enhance physical, mental and cognitive functions. Cognitive enhancement drugs are popular with healthy college students in America. Over the discussion...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Employability Structure and Evaluation of Business Students

Huibin Cui, Ruyu Zhu, Qianyao Huang
Employability not only refers to the first time be hired ability, but also should include future career development of the relevant quality employee. Based on the data of University Business Majors, this paper used the AHP structural to analyze characteristics of college students the ability to employ....
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Administrative Law protection for Pension Rights and Interests of the Lost Only-Child Elderly in China

Zehua Feng
Lacking of shelter and care from their children, Chinese lost only-child elderly are impoverished and their mental state compared to older people in general are more fragile and sensitive. They have even united themselves for self-help, while their efforts have been often unhelpful. Their scale has been...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Talent Cultivation Reform Mode in the Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument Specialty of Local Agricultural Universities

Yuan Liu, Haiyun Wu, Yong Wei, Zhenbo Bao
The talent cultivation mode of innovation and entrepreneurship is the inherent requirement to realize the transformation and development of local universities and improve the quality of applied talent cultivation. Aiming at the problems of the separation of education and production in the agricultural...
Proceedings Article

An Investigation into the Hybridity Phenomenon of Poetry Translation in Hong Lou Meng

Ying Li
Hong Lou Meng is regarded as one of the “Four Great Classical Chinese Novels”, in which the peotry (namely, poems, lyrics, tunes, Fu and so on) are always glittering in the Chinese literary treasure land. Many scholars in China and the West are devoted in the research and translation of Hong Lou Meng,...
Proceedings Article

People-Oriented The Value Orientation of Higher Education Curriculum Construction

Daoxun Wang
People-oriented is the basic value of higher education courses. It requires us to respect life and individuality, and to measure the standards of the cause of higher education courses by emphasizing the human, human nature, humanistic care and the integration of the humanities and science spirit, beyond...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on health literacy status and influence factors of three college students

LOU PengYu, LUO Sheng, ZHANG Jin
This study tried to learn health literacy of college students and analyze the influence factors so that we could improve health. Stratified random cluster sampling was employed to recruit 1460 college students in 3 universities in Shandong among which Health Literacy Questionnaires were distributed....
Proceedings Article

Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation

Syofiani Syofiani, Hasanuddin WS Hasanuddin Ws, Syahrul Ramadhan, M Zaim, Agustina Agustina
Nowadays, learning drama is less attractive and less favored by students and students, this is because the learning model designed by lecturers is still conceptual so it is not attractive to students. Especially if speaking of the industrial revolution 4.0 concerns that literature - drama is no longer...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Exploration on the Present Situation of Exclusive Release of Art Films in China

Liang Ding, Wenjing Zhang
As an important turning point in the development of art films in China, the establishment of National Alliance of Arthouse Cinemas (NAAC) has opened up a new mode of exclusive release of art films in China. Since its inception, NAAC has cooperated with from 100 cinemas to the current more than 1,800...
Proceedings Article

Study on English Classroom Teaching Techniques Based on Cognitive Principles

Yumei Zou
The discussion of different teaching techniques enjoys great popularity among English teachers nowadays. Many relevant researches have been done to investigate the effective teaching principles. This article focuses on three principles, namely meaningful learning, intrinsic motivation, the anticipation...
Proceedings Article

Study on Labour Market Needs and Improvement in Employment Quality of College Students of Foreign Language Majors under the Belt and Road Initiative

Caigang Liu, Yifei Yang
The construction of "the Belt and Road" inevitably needs more foreign language talents as the necessary guarantee. Through building the dimensions of needs for college students of foreign language majors such as the scale, structure and quality of employment market, it shows that the shortage of foreign...
Proceedings Article

Public-service Advertisement And Core Socialist Values Education

Pengyu Chen, Kaiyuan Liu, Xinwen Chen
The core values of socialism are clearly defined from the national level, social level and individual level. In order to make the socialist core values deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is necessary to take various effective ways to integrate them into the people's life, and public service...
Proceedings Article

Role of Civic Education Teachers in Shaping the Character of Environmental Awareness of Learners

Lili Sukarliana, Deni Zein Tarsidi, Ina Kumalasari, Delila Kania
This research generally aims to know how far the role of Civic Education Teacher in shaping the character of environmental awareness of learners at SMA (High School) Sumatra 40 Bandung. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Qualitative research with descriptive...
Proceedings Article

The Development Of Media Based Computer To Increase Learning Independence And The Treasury Of Madurese Vocabularies

Yudia Pertiwi
Utilizing computer media allows the learners to learn according to their ability and their speed in an understanding of knowledge and information that is presented. The ability of the computer to serve back information that is needed by a user can help learners who have learning speed slow. Learners...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on the Dynamic Design of Visualized Image Identity for Art Exhibition

Zhou Dapeng
This paper has elaborated the dynamic tendency of visual images on art exhibition with new media as the technical support under the historical background of “Internet Plus” and proposed the systematic design methods and strategies, in order to build the identification system of visual images that conforms...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Needham Puzzle and Its Modern Value

Xin Xu
Needham problem’ is a question about Chinese modern science and technology put forward by British famous scientist and science historian Joseph Needham in 1964. There are various expressions about this problem, among which it is generally accepted that in the long history from the first century BC to...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Overall Logistics Service Strategy of the Publications Trading Center in CS City

Shijun Yuan, Jianhua Chen
Based on the analysis of the current situation of the logistics management in the publishing industry, this paper investigates the logistics needs of the publications dealers and potential customers, and formulates the overall logistics service strategy of the CS Publications Trading Center.
Proceedings Article

Cultural tourism policy in Manado

Ferdinand Kerebungu, Theodorus Pangalila, Recky Sendouw, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Julien Biringan
This research aims to see how far the effect of tourism towards cultural tourism’s development in Manado. The object of this research is the elements of culture that possessed by citizen in Manado that can become asset of tourism in Manado. This study is survey research type. In collecting the data,...
Proceedings Article

How to Improve Students' Physical Quality

Jianzhen Huang, Qing Li
In the current education stage, students' physical quality can not keep up with the development of society. The body is the capital of revolution. Especially for the contemporary students, they are the future pillars, Need a physical fitness to match their development.. The students' physical quality...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Nutrition Discovering and Nutritional Status on Students' Achievement at SMP Negeri SATAP 2 Sausu

Abd. Hakim Laenggeng, Hasnawati, Amram Rede
This study aimed to 1) describe correlation of nutrition discovering and student’s achievement, 2) describe correlation of nutritional status and student’s achievement, 3) describe correlation both nutritional discovering and nutritional status toward student’s achievement. This study was descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City

Joyce Kumaat, Mercy Rampengan, Revolson Mege
Characteristic of the nutrient-rich waters; especially on the high seas; is supposed to have the water conditions are very abundant fishery resources; specifically fisheries which have economically important. Spatial model of fisheries area can be considered in making a special tuna fish distribution...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Agricultural Mantra From the West Sakerta Kuningan With Agriculture Mantra Sri Baduga Museum Collection Bandung

Leni Nur’aeni, Agus Saeful Anwar, Hermawan
The manuscript has various contents. Even though it has the same title and comes from the same area, it could be that the contents in it are different, it can be reflected in the agricultural mantra manuscripts from Sekerta Barat and also the agricultural mantra collections from the Sri Baduga Museum...
Proceedings Article

Role of Tempeh Formula as a Source of Vitamin B12 and Its Implementation for Vegetarian Diet

Tempeh is a traditional and nutritious food of Indonesia which contains vitamin B12 and vegetarians have higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. The objective was to investigate the effect of tempeh consumption on the level of serum vitamin B12 and homocysteine in vegetarian. Methods: Experimental study...
Proceedings Article

Groundbreaking National Conversation with Cultural Nationalism and Consciousness of Modernity

The Enlightenment of Indian TV Show Satyamev Jayate

Shu Li
This article aims to analyze Satyamev Jayate which was produced and hosted by Bollywood filmmaker and actor Aamir Khan. Satyamev Jataye was a series of TV talk show, which focused on sensitive social issues and national conversation. It was prevailing in India since its premier in 2014 and brought a...
Proceedings Article

Moral Value in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖 의 生 (생)) Novel by Ju Yeong Kim

A Sociopragmatic Study

Sitta Arsita Tisnaliani, Tri Indri Hardini, Risa Triarisanti
This paper examined moral values of speech acts in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖의 生 (생)) novel by Ju Yeong Kim. This research employed qualitative descriptive, focusing on the analysis of moral values with the framework of socio-pragmatic studies. Data collection techniques included reading and note-taking....
Proceedings Article

The Leadership of Principal and Teacher Performance Influence on Student Learning Outcomes

Sukarni, Bukman Lian, Syaiful Eddy
The goal of this paper was to evaluate the significant impact of Principal Leadership and Teacher Performance Influence on Student Learning Outcomes in kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya district. This study has a population of 122 teachers with a sample of 93 teachers. The results show that there is a significant...
Proceedings Article

Research on Aesthetic Education Carrier Based on Art Practice Workshop

Taking Nanjing Xiaozhuang University’s “Youdu Handmade” Workshop as an Example

Muchao Zhang
With the rapid development of Chinese society, economy, and education, aesthetic education has become a major focus of Chinese education. Aesthetic education is not only an educational orientation, but also needs to be implemented in specific educational behaviors. As one of the new carriers of aesthetic...
Proceedings Article

Research on Nonlinear Influencing Factors of University Innovation Based on Semi-parametric Model

YongGang Xue
In order to analyse the non-linear characteristics and heterogeneity of influencing factors of university innovation, this paper empirically analyses the non-linear impact of R&D investment on University Innovation by using semi-parametric model based on the University Innovation samples of Guangdong...
Proceedings Article

Cyberbully and Cyber Populism in China’s Social Media

A Case Study on Zhang Zhehan’s Visit to the Yasukuni Shrine

Yiyang Lyu
Some scholars believe that populism takes the form of cyber populism in China because of the different social environment from the Western culture. The rise of social media has led to the development of cyber populism, along with cyberbully which has raised the social risks of individuals. By analyzing...
Proceedings Article

Near-death Experience and Dream: The Roles of Memories and Self

Li Lin, Jiong Xiao
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are complex subjective experiential episodes that occur among individuals who have been close to death, but the concept of “near-death” is not a limiting factor for its definition. Although there is not a definitive story for the genesis of NDEs, three perspectives might...
Proceedings Article

Student's Experience on ‘OnLine Learning Method’ During Pandemic - A Birds View

Jayanthi Sivanandam
Covid 19 completely changed the teaching and learning methods in the field of education. Learners had to equip themselves with modern tools, as science would pave way for educative models, streamlined in the future. But the space and time to learn the new technology and the need for it had been a great...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Universities in the Modern World

Elena Savicheva, Olga Chesnokova
The article defines the role of university in modern society, considers its place and functions in socio-economic and cultural development, as well as in foreign policy. The authors state that in all historical epochs the university better than other social institutions has accumulated scientific knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

"Family education concept" in the view of Fu Lei letter

Shou Zhi-min
"Family education concept" in view of the letters of Fu Lei mainly manifested in Fu Lei's family education goal task principles and methods. In the view of Fu Lei the goal of family education is to develop children as "a person who contributes to society the task is to make the child learn to be a man...
Proceedings Article

A Brief Analysis of Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Culture in Modern Indoor Design

Lan Yu
with the rapid development and progress of economy, people's living standards and living quality keep improving. People tend to pursue a kind of cozy and comfortable living environment and thus have stricter and stricter requirements of indoor decoration. Indoor design styles of modern architecture are...
Proceedings Article

Image Promotion of Lebu Sishu Tourist Supermarket on New Media

Li Ren, Baitong Li
In the information era, new media has a great impact on traditional media at a high speed. Now, new media has changed the way people use the media and makes people's life more convenient. The development of technology determines in what direction the media industry is developing. New media will become...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Clothing Material Art Recreation on Children’s Wear Design

ShuLi Wen
This paper sees available garment materials as a kind of fabric semi-finished product. It combines with the characters of clothing style and utilizes new design thought and craft to further change available fabric appearance style. It can apply fabric’s plane and stereoscopic effect to the children’s...
Proceedings Article

The Variation of The Chinese Image in The Community Consciousness about Tang Poetry

Yi Zhang
As a medium Tang poetry construct the classical form of the pan-east Asia community dominated by the main body of the image of "China", which was successfully expressed and disseminated under the complicity of the literary group of tang dynasty. It is a universal ideographic mechanism of cultural communication...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Economic Development Disparity across Regencies in Aceh, Indonesia

Hijri Juliansyah, Yulius Dharma, Andria Zulfa, Asnawi Asnawi, Depin Aprilla, Usman Umaruddin, Khairil Anwar, Fuadi Fuadi, Tarmizi Abbas
This study empirically explores the influences of poverty and per capita income on inequality of economic development across 23 regencies in Aceh Indonesia over the period 2012-2016. To measure the inequality of economic development, the classical typology method of Williamson Index and Theil Index are...
Proceedings Article

One Belt and One Way Strategy and the Internationalization Path of Local Colleges and Universities

Lizhen Guo
Public colleges and universities are the main force of higher education in China. The country's vigorous promotion of the “Belt and Road” strategy has brought challenges for the internationalization of public universities. With this strategy, companies need more talents who are not only having solid...
Proceedings Article

Using Drama in Teaching Intonation

Valentina Tsybaneva, Anna Seredintseva, Oksana Maletina
The article is devoted to using drama for acquisition of intonation in English as a foreign language. In drama there is the predominance of sense over meaning, of sentence over word, and of context over sentence. Drama techniques can be used in teaching as a platform for language practice. Drama is effective...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Agricultural Climatic Potential on Development of Regional Grain Market

I. Generalov, S. Suslov, R. Bazhenov, S. Zavivaev, O. Dolmatova
The Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the leading economically developed areas of the Russian Federation with high potential for the development of agriculture. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of agricultural climatic features on the development of grain farming in the region. The article...
Proceedings Article

Solving the Dilemma of Transferring and Transforming Scientific and Technological Achievements through Systematic and Mechanism Reforms

Fan Xia, Hua Feng
China’s scientific research system has its own special characteristics, specifically, most universities and research institutions are directly led by the government, namely, public departments. This system has the advantages of the overall arrangement and power concentration, yet numerous difficulties...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Influencing Factors and Sensitivities of Regional Differences in Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Higher Education

Jinlong Li
Chinese-foreign cooperation in higher education is a way of cross-border education and an important part of China's higher education. The spatial distribution, scale and level of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools in different regions are affected by environmental conditions, making Chinese-foreign...
Proceedings Article

Design and Strategy of B&B under Sharing Economy Mode

Jing Guo, Zhao Xu
As an emerging industry, B&B will usher in an explosive opportunity in a new era of rapid development of sharing economy and the B&B industry can also be further improved. Based on the current situation and problems of B&B under the sharing economy mode, this article explores the design strategy of featured...
Proceedings Article

A Textual Research on the Modern Uyghur Terms Referring to Corn from the Etymological Aspect

Shuhua Shen
Based on the theory of etymology, together with relative documents and historical facts, this paper analyzes the etymon of two terms: qonaq and kOmmiqonaq, which refer to”corn”in Modern Uyghur language. The word meaning enhancement and weakening of qonaq, and the forming of the word kOmmiqonaq, reflect...
Proceedings Article

On Localization Strategies of E-C Trademark Translation

Qian Li
Trademark, as the identity of products, plays a very significant role in international trade. This thesis probes into problems and their roots in the process of E-C trademark translation, and tries to put forward some practical solutions to these problems based on the localization strategy of Skopostheory,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Teaching of Design of Basic General Education Curriculum Based on Chinese Traditional Culture

Zhiqiang Liu, Hong Peng, Hong Nie
The purpose of this research is to explore the paths and methods for the integration of the teaching content of Chinese traditional culture and art design majors, and to provide ideas for the design of basic general education curriculum system. In the teaching reform, general knowledge combines traditional...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Influence on Quality of Life of Liver Cancer Patients of Health Education Based on WeChat Public Platform

RuiXin Lin, Shuli Yang, Yan Jia, WenWen Jian, Qing Yu, Min Wang, Limei Fan
Objective: The health education of liver cancer patients on WeChat public platform is conducted, and the correlation between liver cancer and the quality of life, anxiety and depression is observed and analyzed. Method: In our hospital, 88 cases of liver cancer patients are selected as observation objects....
Proceedings Article

Legal Literacy Training of College Students Based on New Youth's Activities in Rural Areas

Jun Gao, Xuemei Liu, Xuefen Hong
This document explains and demonstrates how to improve college students' legal quality. In the cultivation of legal literacy of college students only theoretical education is often paid attention to. In order to effectively improve student’s legal literacy, it is necessary to formulate corresponding...
Proceedings Article

Effect of The Learning Aproach of Realistic Mathematics Education on Problem Solving and Mathematics Communications Effectivity

Turmudi, Azkia Maulida
Realistics mathematics educations (RME) has succeeded in shifting behavioristic mathematics learning to more constructive. RME deals with the process of learning, which helps the students to think and communicate mathematically. Therefore, RME is helpful in promoting student’s problem-solving skills and...
Proceedings Article

Migration policies of the Russian Empire in relation to the Muslims living in the domestic and cross-border regions

P K Dashkovskiy, Е А Shershneva
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of state control over migration processes that took place on the territory of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In particular, the key focus is made on the interior and cross-border regions of the Russian Empire....
Proceedings Article

Essence and Strategies of Grasping the Emotional Tone of the Dance

Shu Jia
In the dance works, emotion is an important issue which cannot be ignored by every performer. Only by accurately grasping the emotional tone of the dance can the emotion be transmitted to the audience through accurate body movements. In order to explore the way to grasp the emotional tone of the dance,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Conversational Repair of Learners of Chinese as a Second Language in Oral Classroom

Mengyao Liu, Tianyu Wang
In this paper, the conversational repair of learners of Chinese as a second language in oral classroom is taken as the research content to analyze the changes of students’ conversational repair method and repair content at different learning stages. From the repair method, with the improvement of students’...
Proceedings Article

Research on Construction of Fuzhou International Shipping Center under the Perspective of Free Trade Zone

Lihua Huang, Jie Zhu
The construction of Fujian Free Trade Zone has higher requirements for Fuzhou regional international shipping center. From the perspective of free trade zone, this paper refers to the experience of advantages and disadvantages in the construction of Shanghai international shipping center and proposes...
Proceedings Article

The Art of Fuli Clay Pottery in a Regional Culture Perspective

Chenchen Hu
The folk art resources in Zaozhuang are very rich, the variety of folk arts are quite diverse. The art of Fuli clay pottery has taken on a new spectacle under the cultural threshold. In its artistic expression language, it accumulated profound cultural connotations, traditional aesthetic conceptions...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Process Evaluation Model in Ips Integrated Learning Based on 2013-Curriculum

N Suraiya, MOR Maulidian, Nurmasyitah
The research aims to develop a process evaluation model in Integrated IPS learning at Junior High School based on the 2013-Curriculum. This research development uses a method developed by Borg and Gall (1983). Subjects involved were teachers, principals, and students, who came from junior high schools...
Proceedings Article

An Action Research on Integration of Ideological and Political Education with College English Teaching*

Limei Wang
Humanity of the English course equips the English classroom with a competitive edge in integrating ideological and political education with college English teaching. This study aims at constructing a teaching mode of integrating ideological and political education with college English teaching in order...
Proceedings Article

Application of Big Data in Determining and Regulating Trends in Education

A.F. Galimyanov, F.M. Gafarov, A.I. Muzafarova
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to build new methods for the study of educational activity, which is aimed at developing competencies. Competencies are considered as functions of ABC-abilities. As an example, the expression of mathematical culture is given as a vector function of...
Proceedings Article

Research on Human Resource Management Innovation in the Context of Big Data

Erxiao Hua
This article is based on the background of my country’s entry into the big data time and the reality of the country’s advocacy of “Internet +”, and is oriented to promote enterprise human resource management to adapt to and use big data. Taking the research background and research significance as the...
Proceedings Article

Reform and Practice of Mineral Processing Innovative Talents Training System for International Engineering Education: Taking Wuhan University of Science and Technology as an Example

Wenbo Zhou, Ming Zhang, Dabing Yang
In accordance with the disciplinary characteristics of the mineral processing engineering major of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, this article aims at cultivating high-quality international engineering application-oriented talents, and focuses on improving students’ engineering practice...
Proceedings Article

Scholarship of Teaching and the Development of College Teachers

Li Cong
The paper introduces the concept and connotation of Scholarship of Teaching by Boyer·E and makes a literature review on the researches of the Scholarship of Teaching abroad and at home. The purposes of higher education are discussed and talents cultivation is the ultimate goal the university education...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Psychology Teacher’s Motivation in Supporting Depression in College Students: Intercultural Perspectives

Ning Gan
In recent years, depression in university students has been of growing concern. This especially attracted attentions among research degree students due to higher levels of stress they faced; Master’s and PhD students have been reported the highest suicide rates in comparation to undergraduate students....