Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on the Frame Design and the Key Technology of Smart Tourism System in Scenic Area

Yong Yu, Hui Wang
In respect to the smart tourism in scenic area, this paper analyzes the concept, sets forth the development status and completes the frame design. It puts forward the three modules, including the application system, the basic supporting system and the guarantee system, and further explains internet of...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Revised Draft) – Studies on the Reasonableness of Grant Supervision and Inspection Authorities to Seizure and Detention Right

Yue Zhang, Siming Zhang, Quanyi Li
Since 1993, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-Unfair Competition Law) has been applied since its inception. However, with the rapid development of economy, economic model, industrial pattern, the size of the market changes, in order...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Of Institution Political Culture And Local Democracy Through Musyawarah Desa

Adil Arifin, Fernanda Putra Adela
This study focuses on analyzing the institutionalization of local political culture and democracy through village meetings (musdes). The area of this research is in the context of village autonomy. By taking a scheme of village consultation in the village of GunungMeriah, GunungMeriahSubdistrict of Deli...
Proceedings Article

The Cognitive Construal of Chinese Imperatives

Yujuan Feng, Zhengguang Liu
Imperatives indicate the speaker’s desire to influence future actions, which are generally accomplished by making requests, suggestion, or giving orders. Different form English imperatives, Chinese imperatives don’t have fixed syntactic structures or coherent morphology. This article tries to probe into...
Proceedings Article

The Socio-Emotional Competences: Reorientation of Gifted Education in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Eka Eka Sakti Yudha, Eka Sakti Yudha, Rahmi Ropipah
The background of research was paradigm declared that gifted students had high-risk problem related socio-emotional competence. That is asynchronous with their cognitive potential ability. This research is to review the socio-emotional competence of gifted student in Cugenang Gifted Special Elementary...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Singapore Educational Tracking System

Yinghe Liu
According to Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 world ranking, Singapore is ranked 2nd in the world. This article aims to explore the educational system in Singapore focusing on its well-known tracking system, teaching idea of elitism, attitude for immigrants and educational downside....
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Sharing Behavior Reviewed From a Social Exchange Perspective

Yessy Elita, Moordiningsih, Rita Sinthia
Knowledge sharing behavior is the act of exchanging knowledge that is carried out voluntarily and does not receive tangible rewards. This study aims to determine the relationship between trust, intrinsic reward, and knowledge sharing behavior. The subjects of this study were 244 civil servants in Bengkulu...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Data Literacy

Ratih Galuh Rahmawati, Insih Wilujeng, Arina Umu Kamila
The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of STEM-based student worksheets to improve data literacy. The research method used is in the form of Quasi-experimental research design with the One-Group Pretest-Posttest. Students of class XI MIPA 2 in MAN 2 Yogyakarta were the subjects...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Cultivating Talents for the Application of Electronic Technology Majors Against the Background of the One Million Enrollment Expansion in Higher Vocational Education

Huijing Chen
The one million enrollment expansion in higher vocational education is a major decision made by the central government after studying and judging the overall situation of China. It is a new challenge and task facing higher vocational education. This article takes the application of electronic technology...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Public Relations in Implementing City Branding in “Pasar Raya” in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fitri Adona, Yusnani, Sri Nita
Public relations of city government have important roles in creating city branding. City branding is used to establish a strong positioning in the mind of the target market like the positioning of a product or service, so Padang c can be recognized regionally and globally. The research on the role of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Cooperation of Developers on OSS Project Success from the Perspective of Complex Network

Peng Liu, Jiawei Zheng, Nianxin Wang
The success of OSS projects is closely related to the collaborative network formed by the spontaneous interaction of members within the community. Although some studies have discussed about that, they only focus on the complex network characteristics presented by the developer collaboration network,...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Establishing Shandong Province’s Red Cultural Economy Development-Taking Weifang as an Example

Yuelin Zhang
The red culture is an advanced culture with Chinese characteristics that was created by the Chinese Communists, the advanced elements and the masses of the people during the revolutionary war. It contains rich revolutionary spirit as well as profound historical and cultural connotations. Thus, carrying...
Proceedings Article

The Inventory of Medicinal Plants Used by Kasepuhan Cibedug Banten as Encyclopedia-Based Learning Material

Surti Kurniasih, Dina Dyah Saputri, Ninawati Dewi
Medicinal plants are natural ingredients that have been traditionally used for treatment based on experience. The aims of this study were to know the species and the parts of medicinal plants, as well as to understand how to obtain the medicinal plants and the processing technique of the medicinal plants....
Proceedings Article

Violations of Human Rights by Criminal Acts of Misappropriation of Social Assistance Funds

Wilma Silalahi
The Constitution guarantees the fulfillment of human rights, acts as a means of limiting power, and cannot be separated from the protection of human rights, a democratic state, and the rule of law. The role of the Constitution as a normative crystallization of the state’s duty in providing protection...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Sustainable Skills in Communication Design using Self-Regulatory Advertising Codes to Evaluate Green Label Attributes

O. A. Ojo
Advertising codes set out by advertising self-regulatory bodies regulate advertising practices and keep advertisements honest, truthful, and decent contributing to sustainable development. These self-regulatory advertising codes can act as ethical guidelines by which designers can assess visual communication...
Proceedings Article

Complexity of Violences Towards Afghanistan Refugee Women in DKI Jakarta

Chenia Ilma Kirana, Ani Widyani Soetjipto, Mia Siscawati
The increasing number of foreign refugees throughout the world also has an impact on Indonesia as a developing country that is used as a transit country by foreign refugees. By 2016, according to UNHCR, in Indonesia there were 13,840 refugees and asylum seekers who came from many countries such as Afghanistan,...
Proceedings Article

Improving Interaction Caregiver of Children with Special Needs in Tooth Brushing Activity through Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) Program

A Qualitative Approach

Hermito Gidion
This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perceptions of caregivers and children in tooth brushing activities and the influence of the Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) program on their interactions. The research method used was a qualitative approach with a descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Liveworksheets Analysis as an Online Student Worksheet Assessment in the 21st Century Era

Muhdi Dendy Hernanto, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Mintasih Indriayu
The development of information and communication technology that occurs today has had an impact in various fields, one of them is the field of education. One of the ways to integrate technology in learning is through online quizzes. It is used by teachers as an interesting evaluation tool for students....
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development and ‘Deep Ecology’ Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Much. Maftuhul Fahmi, Eko Suprayitno, Aunur Rofiq
Environmental problems have become a global urgent issue that needs to be responded to immediately. Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil ‘alamin certainly has a relevant ecological concept to respond to this problem. This study aims to present the thoughts of Seyyed Hosein Nasr as one of the Islamic thinkers...
Proceedings Article

Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers

Putri Kamalia Hakim, Safuri Musa, Fauzi Miftakh, Maya Rahmawati
This study aims to explore the efficacy of the use of rubric-referenced self-assessment on students’ writings. The goal is to provide experimental and qualitative support for the application of rubric-referenced self-assessment among EFL students who are in the early stages of acquiring English writing...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Reasons for Different Concepts of Family Education on the Formation of the Involution Phenomenon in Chinese Family Education: The Case of the Post-10s and Post-00s

Ziyi Li, Yiwen Lou
Educational involution is a social issue of great concern that is deeply influenced by the concept of family education. Educational involution, as a social issue of great concern, is deeply influenced by parenting concepts. This study aims to explore the influence of parenting concepts on educational...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Indonesia’s Digital Citizenship Generation in the Realization of Ethics in Cyberspace

Rio Razab Isdendi, Indra Nanda, Munandar Wahyudin Suganda
As Indonesia continues to witness an exponential growth in digital technology, the role of its digital citizenship generation becomes increasingly significant in ensuring the realization of ethics in cyberspace. With a population that is one of the largest online communities in the world, Indonesia faces...
Proceedings Article

Social Security and Welfare System: Problems and Solutions

Jiayu Shen
Social security is one of a modern country's most critical socio-economic systems. The welfare system is also a crucial index in evaluating the development of a nation and stands as the fundamental pillar for political and social stabilities. However, conventional funding for the welfare system...
Proceedings Article

The Dance of Light and Shadow: Exploring the Transformative Power of Luminosity and Darkness in Painting

Kong Lan
This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between light and shadow in the domain of painting. The narrative begins with an examination of the historical context, spotlighting iconic artists who masterfully wielded this dynamic duo to evoke emotional resonance and psychological...
Proceedings Article

Developing Intelligent Education in China

Jian Wang
Integrating intelligent technologies into education impacts educational practice and research. This article zooms in on the factors driving the development of intelligent education and provides suggestions for improving intelligent education. Multiple factors are mentioned, including the changes in talent...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Direction Indicating Expressions Between Japanese and German

A Contrastive Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Traffic Accidents

Yoshinori Nishijima
It is said that each language has its preferred expressions. Japanese tends to depict an event from within the situation where it occurs experientially and subjectively, while English tends to express an event from outside the situation where it occurs objectively. This difference in the way languages...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of E-Learning in Teaching Writing to Undergraduate Students of UINSU

Ali Habibi, Berlin Sibarani, Rahmad Husein
The study aims to find out the implementation of e-learning platform by lecturers in teaching creative writing to undergraduate students of UINSU. This study deals with learning management system (LMS), The researcher limited this study on using as a learning platform. The main...
Proceedings Article

Initiative or Passive: Self-Identity’s Change of Chinese American Females in Interracial Marriage

Yuquan Liu, Ruixian Sheng, Xiaoli Xiong
The racial topic is always the hot spot among the American public. As the significant minority group with special background in America, Chinese American females in interracial marriage are worthwhile to be focused on. In this research, we contribute to figuring out the reasons behind the self-identity...
Proceedings Article

Application and Development of Multimedia Technology in Dance in China

Yanling Sun
As the economy and technology continue to develop, technology, and multimedia are being used extensively in music, art, and dance. In particular, during the Covid-19 period, dance as an offline art was hit hard by isolation and social distance. Dancers and dance teachers have increased their internet,...
Proceedings Article

Localizing Quality Audit in Chinese Higher Education Institutions

Analysis of Factors from Organizational Sociology Perspective

Bojun Zou
The massive rise of Chinese students in the higher education sector has uncovered a fundamental tension between the expansion of student enrolment and efforts to maintain academic quality. Quality Audit is one of the external quality assurance schemes that is particularly attracting concerns about its...
Proceedings Article

Research on Mode of Teaching Ability of English Education Majors

Yawen Liu
English teaching ability development is an important part of pedagogical education and teaching reform, the basis for helping students to reach a high attainment level and improve learning and living quality, and the basic guarantee for the success of teaching reform. The deepening of course reform of...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Construction of Featured Education Resource Database in the National Universities of China

Jun Ma
The article studied the construction of educational database with Chinese ethnic characteristic for the ethnic universities. It addressed the basic framework, principles, procedures and contents of the construction, and put forward the standards for the construction and specific tasks and requirements...
Proceedings Article

A Preliminary Study on Ecotourism Development of Wuling Gorge Geological Park, Zhushan County, Hubei Province--Based on RMP Analysis

Zhiwu Yan, Hongmei Wang, Yao Wang, Qingrong Ran
Wuling Gorge area in Zhushan county, Hubei province, is a typical karst distribution in western Hubei and it is part of "Western Hubei ecological and cultural tourism circle". In order to protect the fragile karst ecosystem, and achieve a reasonable development of local ecotourism, the authors in this...
Proceedings Article

Micro-learning in College English Teaching

Jiaying Meng, Zhifan Wang
With the advance of mobile communications technology and the spread of smart phones and tablet PCs, learning forms have changed dramatically. As a new form of learning, micro-learning is welcomed by many teachers and learners. Micro-learning, also known as the fragmented learning, is different from traditional...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Methods of Materiality Judgment on Auditor’s Experience and Performance

Min Mao
As a professional activity, audit materiality judgment can be measured by its performance, i.e. consensus, self-insight and stability. This research survey auditing materiality judgment performance in our country with the aid of experimental research method, providing simulating environment and key clues...
Proceedings Article

Financial Development and Consumption

Maryam Almasifard, Mohammadhossein Saeedi
The paper use panel regression method to assess the relationship between a certain indicator of financial development and consumption as a share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By analyzing a sample of eight central and eastern European countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia,...
Proceedings Article

The Mode and Method of Establishing Industrial Virtual Simulation Laboratory Based on Industry-University-Research Cooperation

Xianguang Kong, Chuanzhen Cui, Ke Ai, Xiaoyu Huang, Yanlong Liu
The goal of this paper is to shorten the gap of industrial virtual simulation experiment environment for innovative talents of smart manufacturing between university and advanced technology companies and enterprises.This paper proposes the systematic method to establish a joint laboratory with advanced...
Proceedings Article

Design of Scientific Research Performance Evaluation System in Application-oriented Universities Based on Balanced Scorecard

Wan Wang, Shaoyi Bei, Yinzhong Yang, Jianwen Wang
Performance evaluation of scientific research is an important way to effectively improve comprehensive strength, applied research level and innovative development ability of application-oriented universities. In the work, we analyzed evaluation principle of scientific research performance in application-oriented...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Learning Analytics in College English Teaching and Learning in Big Data Era

Yanghua Peng
The research tries to explore new college English teaching and learning modes based on learning analytics in Big Data Era. Under the theories of second language acquisition and learning analytics, this article holds that it is vital and indispensable to apply learning analytics to college English teaching...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Research Development

Xiaodi Wang, Xue Xiao, Xiaojing Zhang, Jie Meng
The development of robot technology change rapidly, computer systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence system, automation technology, automatic car, health and technology resources, networking will quickly change the human social and economic life. Robotics is not only the key support equipment...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of External Environment and Low-Cost Strategy on Financial Performance of Banking in Indonesia

Akhmad Muhammadin, Rashila Ramli
The external environment is a challenge for the banking industry in Indonesia. The dynamic changes of the external environment influence the strategy and performance financial in the global competition of the banking sector in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are 1) to analyze the effect of the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Upgrade of New Retail Consumption Experience Based on SICAS Model——Taking Fresh Hema as an Example

Yi Lin, Haokang Chen, Fengyan Lin, Minghong Huang
In the situation of market competition, technological development and consumption upgrading, a New Retailing model featuring online service, offline experience and modern logistics was first proposed by Ma Yun. Subsequently, some new prominents of New Retailing such as Fresh Hema came into being. In...
Proceedings Article

The Aesthetic Photo Creation  of Roy Genggam on The Book of Memotret Pemotret

Siti Desintha, Taufiq Wahab, Muhammad Abdillah
Roy Genggam is one of the most best photographer that Indonesia have it. This thing proved with his consistency that is almost 20 years of work in the field of commercial photography. The rapid grow of photography is cause much new young photography comers pop out. But many of them is less knowing about...
Proceedings Article

On the Operation Strategy of WeChat Public Platform of the Communist Youth League of First-Rate Vocational Colleges in Guangdong Province

Shaohui Cai
Due to the operational strategies, the WeChat public platform of the communist youth league of colleges and universities has not become the main network channel for the propaganda of the communist youth league. In order to enhance the influence of the WeChat public platform of the communist youth league,...
Proceedings Article

Role of Memorability Phase Strategy as a Mediating Variable in Forming Loyalty of Tourists in Aceh

Badaruddin Badaruddin, Nasir Nasir, Hizir Sofyan, Hasan Basri
The aim of this research is to know the role of mediating phase of memorability on tourist loyalty. The study was conducted in the Aceh area, because Aceh is the potential tourist destinations in the west region of Indonesia. This study also investigated the role of independent variables, creative the...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Relationship of Career Calling, Career Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Knowledge Employees

Ming Zhang, Gai Chen
Career calling has been widely discussed by scholars in the field of organizational behavior in recent years. Based on the Chinese context, this paper analyses the influence of career calling of knowledge employees on job satisfaction and their mechanism of action. It arrives at the conclusion that career...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Ethnic and Cultural Markers of Crimean Germans

N.M. Evstafieva, E.V. Likhachev, O.N. Obukhova, J. V. Berezina, A.D. Petrenko, I.A. Andrushchenko
The paper presents an overview of the traditional markers of the German ethnic population in Crimea that came to the peninsula in the 1800s, was forced to emigrate in 1941 and has been partially coming back since 1991. The aim is to describe the potentially relevant markers distinguishing the German...
Proceedings Article

Research on Copyright Protection of AI Creation

Shujing Zhang
While it is now common for artificial intelligence to be involved in creative work in the news and visual arts, AI creation faces the ideological and institutional barriers of Intellectual Property Law only protecting human creativity. Therefore, the copyright protection of the AI creation has not formed...
Proceedings Article

Making Full Use of Movie Materials to Teach Literature

Shaojun Duan
Nowadays students prefer watching movie versions to reading the literary works in paper products. As a literature teacher, we can make the full use of this situation to arouse students’ interests in learning literature and attract them to go back to read the original literary texts if they want to know...
Proceedings Article

College English Teaching Innovation and Challenge in MOOC Environment

Rong Li
With the development of modern information technology, the large-scale open online courses (MOOC) as a new online course development model has become the focus of attention of the global colleges and universities in recent years. In the era of MOOC, global free sharing of high-quality curriculum resources...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges Encountered by Thai Students in Learning Bahasa Indonesia as Second Language

Sujinah, Rokayah Luebaesa
People nowadays should master more than one language. Therefore, they are not left behind by the advancement of languages and technology. One of the languages that is in demand by various nations in the world is Bahasa Indonesia. This study describes the challenges encountered by Thai students in learning...
Proceedings Article

Performing Interpretation as a Phenomenon of History and Culture

Ekaterina Vasilieva, Olga Kolpetskaya, Irina Shkredova
The article deals with various ways of rendering the concept of interpretation. The meaning of the term varies from science to humanities. The authors consider the interpretation phenomenon in the context of music art history where interpretation is an integral part of musical performance.
Proceedings Article

On the Factors Affecting the Improvement of College Students’ Innovation Ability under the Background of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”

Yanli Zhao
Analyzing the factors that influence college students’ innovative ability is conducive to policies and measures formulation to improve students’ innovative ability in a targeted manner. Based on the methods of literature research, questionnaire survey and interviews, this paper systematically analyzed...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Circuit Training with Constant Break and Decreased Intervals on Vo2max, Power, and Recovery

Sigit Nugroho, Riky Dwihandaka
this study aims to determine if any difference exists in the effect of circuit training type with fixed break and decreased intervals to improve VO2 Max, Power and Recovery ability of students in the Faculty of Sport Sciences UNY. The research applied the quasi experimental research method. The treatment...
Proceedings Article

Quality Assurance: The Model of Quality Evaluation of Sport Exercises Achievement

Mr Suharjo, Imran Akhmad, Rahma Dewi
This research is aimed to establish the model of quality evaluation of the achievement sport exercises. This study generated some products such as: (1) document of quality, which includes; a) exercises quality standard, b) procedures manual, c) works instruction (2) developing instruments of quality...
Proceedings Article

Studies on the Cultivation of Values of Maritime College Students' Occupational Pride

Qian Wang, Han Qin, Mei Yuan, Zhuolin Wang
In view of the problems that the college students in Maritime major are weak in core values and lack of occupational pride at present, the questionnaire and the form of the symposium have been adopted to investigate the main influencing factors. This paper puts forward the educational countermeasures...
Proceedings Article

Investigation and Research on Interpersonal Problem-solving Strategies for Children Aged 4 to 6 Years

Lina Zhang, Xiaodong Pan, Longhui Wu
4-6 years old is an important period of children’s social development, and interpersonal communication is an inevitable way of socialization of children. It is very important for children to use problem-solving strategies properly in interpersonal communication. This paper carried out an investigation...
Proceedings Article

Driving system of university mathematics practice teaching system I: view of teacher

Xiaobo Liu
If the university mathematics teaching was divided into theoretical teaching and practical teaching, so these two different types of teaching not only perform differences on teaching content and ways, but also change the way of thinking. It decided these two types must have essential differences in view...
Proceedings Article

Research of Information Literacy of Chinese Public Security Management Students

Jin Wen
According to the unified evaluation criteria of information literacy lack of Chinese police college and the normalization of evaluation mechanism, this paper puts forward an information literacy evaluation index system that meets a suitable target and demand of the development of Chinese police college...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Function of English Language and Literature on Students' Language Ability

Li Zhu
With the development of our country, English language learning has received a lot of attention and importance. However, English language and literature plays an important role in students' language ability. It is good for students to master their English language knowledge and enhance their learning...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Tuition-Free School Policy Using Stake's Countenance Evaluation Model

The objective of this study is to understand: (1) the preliminary condition of tuition-free school policy (antecedents), (2) the implementation of the tuition-free school policy (transactions), and (3) the attainment of free-tuition school policy (outcomes) in the State Junior High Schools in South Tangerang....
Proceedings Article

The Development of Instructional Video in Drawing Illustration at Fine Arts

Sri Juita Br Ginting, K. Abdul Hamid
The instructional video was developed to teach Senior High School students in drawing illustration at Fine Arts in effective and efficient way independently or collectively in the classroom. This study aims to produce an instructional video in drawing illustration which is decent to be a reference in...
Proceedings Article

Youth Financial Literacy as a Key to Human Potential Development

Elena Dvoryadkina, Kamal Huseynli, Alexander Sobyanin
Human and human development are of great importance in modern society; many different programs and strategies are aimed at it. In this article, the authors consider the possibility of developing human potential by increasing the financial literacy of the population in the region. The influence of financial...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy Used by Formal and Informal English Teachers in Teaching Vocabularies

M. S. Zuhri, M. H Ainunnajih, L Khoiriyah, S. W. Fitriati, Suwandi
Teachers must have a good strategy in teaching vocabulary in order to provide well understanding in teaching. This study aimed (1) to identify the strategy used by the teachers; (2) to identify the advantages of the strategy they used; (3) to identify the most strategy used in teaching vocabulary. The...
Proceedings Article

New Generation Schools in Cambodia

Innovative School Governance for Sustainable Quality of 21st Century Learning and Instruction

Chankoulika BO
Cambodian education is facing the requirements in the new context of industrial revolution 4.0 and 5.0 that require substantial and comprehensive renovation. Teaching and learning requires a strong transformation to embrace this new technological advancement. The New Generation Schools (NGS) reform launched...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Penitentiary Revitalization Program on Nusakambangan Island in Accordance With the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 35 of 2018 Concerning Revitalization of Correctional Organizations

Arfianto Indrajaya
In accordance with Article 2 point C of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia Number: 35 of 2018 concerning Penitentiary Revitalization that the Revitalization of Correctional Organization aims to enhance the role of Community Guidance. The formulation of the problem...
Proceedings Article

The Necessity of Practice and Discussion Courses in Higher Education

A Case Study of the Urban Planning Course

Fei Zhou
The comprehensive public elective courses are usually divided into humanities and natural science courses in the undergraduate stage of higher education in China. Compared with the courses of science and engineering, the practical course is a relatively small proportion in Humanities and Social Sciences....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Sound of the Movie The Man Who Knew Too Much

Yiwen Zhang
Sound is an important symbol of films, and the application of sound largely determines the success of the film’s quality. The essence of movie sound is to control the rhythm of the movie, and convey the consciousness and logic of the movie to the audience. This paper discusses the employment of three...
Proceedings Article

The Legal Responsibility of Officials Making Commitments in the Procurement of Government Goods and Services After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 25/Puu-Xiv/2016

L. Sheha
This writing aims to examine the legal responsibility of commitment-making officials in the procurement of government goods and services after the decision of Constitutional Court Number 25/PUU-XIV/2016. Criminal acts of corruption in the procurement of goods and services have often interpreted the abuse...
Proceedings Article

Sincerity First: The Way to Break Through for Acquaintance Variety Shows——Taking Go for Happiness and Kuai Le De Da Ren as Examples

Xuan Zhou
With the rapid development of new media, people’s requirements for variety shows have gradually increased. It should be noted that whether shows meet the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of audiences is attached much importance to. The program producers explore and open up new modes to launch...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Farmers’ Perception of Interests and Fairness on their Willingness to Cooperate in the Exercise of Collective Ownership of Homestead

Ruohui Zhou
Collective homestead ownership is rooted in the important economic system of collective ownership, which is an important manifestation of public ownership of land in our country. In the process of the "three rights separation" reform of the homestead, the pilot areas are actively exploring...
Proceedings Article

Autonomy and Regulation: Legal Regulation of Commercial Demolition

Cong-jun Jing
Since the privatization of housing and the formation of paid land use system, commercial demolition has existed for a long time in China. However, there is no clear legal regulation on commercial demolition. In 2011, the regulations on housing expropriation and compensation on state owned land amended...
Proceedings Article

Development of Vocational Education in Contemporary China: New Trends and New Dilemmas

Yijiu Han, Yueying Hu, Yusi Huang
Vocational education plays a vital role in the economy and promotes economic growth. After the double reduction policy promulgating, China emphasises vocational education. This article reviews the development of Chinese vocational education——the new dilemmas and new trends. Firstly, this paper has a...
Proceedings Article

Study Abroad Biblientation

Na Yan
With the changes of policy and society, the number of mainland talents who go abroad is constantly changing, and the number of relevant literature on the recent 22 years is also obviously increasing. In order to understand the general situation of the study, the relationship between the number of literature...
Proceedings Article

The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus

Elisabeth Septin Puspoayu, Dian Ayu Larasati, Iman Pasu Marganda H. P., Graciela Natasha Tessalonica Lektonpessy, Laily Wahyuningtyas Putri Hariono
A violence that happens against women has become an interesting discussion. Indonesia has been in an emergency situation at protection from sexual violence mainly for women. Law No. 23 of 2004 on Elimination of Domestic Violence, Law No. 23 of 2002 which has amended by Law No. 35 of 2014 on Amending...
Proceedings Article

Management of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication for Culinary Products on Instagram

Yusuf Hamdan, Anne Ratnasari, Aning Sofyan
Information on culinary products is currently easy to find on Instagram. Businessmen who are members of the Footy MSME community located in Bandung Regency in marketing culinary products do a marketing communication, namely e-WOM (Electronic word of mouth) on Instagram. Initially, term of ‘word of mouth’...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Guided Discovery-Based Student Worksheet to Develop the Spatial Intelligence on Geometry

Nurkahfiah Ridwan
This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective guided discovery-based student worksheet which expected to enhance spatial intelligence. The topic is Plane Figure. The type of study was research & development of the ADDIE model, with 5 stages: analysis, design, development, implementation,...
Proceedings Article

Harmonize The Interior Retail Space in Era Post Covid-19, Study Case The Element Of Servicescape In Jakarta Mall

Ulli Aulia Ruki
Indonesia’s retail industry, particularly Jakarta, has been oversupplied by building malls: some interior malls have repeatedly sold identical goods with the same brand and lacked service. Moreover, because the retail industry has other ways to sell during the pandemic, their e-commerce has become widespread,...
Proceedings Article

Study on Regional Design of Public Street Facilities in Tourism Areas

Pingqing Zhang, Yang Wang
With the progress of social civilization, people in city are paying more and more attention to public street facilities related to human scale. There are only a few comprehensive regional researches in public street facilities of tourism areas. We don't put enough care on it. The impact of regional character...
Proceedings Article

Research on Information Literacy Standards of Military Flight

Lishu Zhang, Lili Zhao, Ziran Zhang, Ji Qi
In the age of information warfare, information literacy of military flight will influence the outcome of war directly. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance military flight's information literacy. What are the elements of the military flight's information literacy standards? What is the present situation...
Proceedings Article

Application of Mathematical Analysis Method in the Teaching of Automatic Control Theory

Xueyan Lin
In this paper, the method of root locus separation for complex automatic control system is discussed, to illustrate the importance of mathematical analysis methods in the design of automatic control systems. The mathematical method used to solve the separation points of root locus includes heuristic...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Humanitarian Spirit in the Folk Narration of Chinese Contemporary Photography

Bing Hao
The contents such as caring human life, concerning about human fate, reflecting the human living status reflected by the relations between human and human and human and environment, etc are the subjects of documentary photography. Similarly, the documentary photography from the folk perspective also...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Design Expression of Genius Loci in Memorial Landscape Spaces

Xiaomin Chen, Bei Wang, Jun Chen, Miao Xiong, Panpan Cao, Xiaofang Yu
genius loci is a sense of identity and belonging that people hold to a place, this feeling will potentially influence what the people think and do. Memorial landscape spaces are public spaces that carry human history, culture, memory and emotion, whose spiritual functions are far beyond the material...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Study on the Relationship between Executive-employee Pay Gap and Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of Technology Intensity

Zhuo-qin Gao, Chang-Zheng Zhang
This paper adopts sub-sample comparison analysis method, chooses 191 technology-intensive firms and 644 labor-intensive firms in manufacturing industry over 2008-2012 as the sample, examines the moderating effect of technology intensity on the relationship between Executive-employee pay gap (EEPG) and...
Proceedings Article

Pattern and Strategy of Foreign Marketing under the Optimization of Economic Cost Based on Balance Function and Limit Function Assessment

Zhe Luo, Youdi Su
With the opening of closed country constantly ,free trade area is expanding continually ,International trade and international investment are becoming more and more frequent ,Economic Globalization Market is coming out unprecedented opportunity .According to the present background of Economic Globalization,this...
Proceedings Article

Research of Enterprise Accounting Information System Internal Control Based on ERP

Huiyin Zheng
With the continuous development of social economy, all industries of China have been developing rapidly. How to fully play the internal control role of enterprise AIS (accounting information system) in ERP environment, improve the accuracy of business decision-making, enhance the economic efficiency...
Proceedings Article

Innovation and Practice of Cultivation Mode of Internationally Visionary Professional Managers in Leisure Sports—Case of Sichuan Tourism University

Rui Luo
This work adopted literature consultation, specialist interview as its research methodologies. With the globalization of leisure sports and substantial emergence of market capital, some measures were taken to meet capital market's demand for high-level professional managers in leisure sports. For example,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the constructing path of Hubei agricultural informatization

Zhou Li, Jin Dan
Hubei province, as the national rural informatization demonstration province, has made significant progress in the construction of agricultural informatization, but there are still some problems, for example, agricultural informatization service object is not mature, agricultural information excavating...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Development Strategy of Xi'an Land Port Logistics Based on the Fourth Party Logistics

Weixia Yang
Under the strategy of "One Belt and One Road" and western development, Xi'an's geographical advantages and basic functional advantages as well as its dominance in the nation's "Belt and Road" strategy have brought a great The advantages and opportunities to Xi'an land port logistics. However, the multimodal...
Proceedings Article

MFC/NFC Aerogel-Ag Composite and its Application

Jinhua Yan, Renmei Xu
MFC/NFC aerogel was prepared, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were loaded in the aerogel. Ag-NPS were obtained successfully in the matrices without adding any other binders. The aerogel AgNPS size was defined by TEM. The thermal-stability was marked by TGA. This aerogel showed superior properties for Ag-NPS...
Proceedings Article

Basic Paths for Coordinated Development of China’s Regional Economy and Construction of Long-term Mechanism

Burenmende Burenmende
Since China’s reform and opening-up policy, the market economy drives rapid development of regional economy and promotes comprehensive social progress. However, under the condition of dual economy, the excessive market predatory development results in unbalanced regional economic development; the environmental...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Chinese Traditional Culture in the Animation Scene Design

Lina Shang
As a kind of visual art, the animation scene design is not only the development background of the story, but also the reflection of the animation characters and the visual expression of story line with the development of time. Therefore, the animated films with national cultural connotation are able...
Proceedings Article

Study on optimizing the environment of college students’ self employment

CHunyan Jiang
To encourage innovation and entrepreneurship is the fundamental way to cultivate talents and solve the problem of employment. Based on the data from market survey, This paper analyzes the main problems of the current environment of college students’ self employment, such as lack of campus culture, financial...
Proceedings Article

The Astray Belonging—The Perplexity of Identity in Paul Muldoon’s Early Poems

Jing Yan
As a poet born in a Catholic family in Northern Ireland but deeply influenced by the British literary tradition, Paul Muldoon’s identity is obviously multiple and complex especially from 1970s to 1980s when Northern Ireland was going through the most serious political, religious and cultural conflicts,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Lean Production Mode Evaluation of Railway

Li Sun, Chuang Yang, Jiang Wei, Fengbin Jing
To evaluate the manufacturing lean production mode scientifically and objectively will help the development of it effectively, standardly and systematic, also provide strong guarantee for enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. Lean production model of manufacturing management is of...
Proceedings Article

Study on Influence of Wechat Moments in University Students' Ideological and Political Education and Strategies

Yingnan Zhang
Wechat Moments is the most beloved instant messaging contact platform, boasts 600 million loyal users. Moments 1ike a higher degree of privacy, fast information dissemination speed, rich information content as well as an attractive presentation layout all contribute to its popularity among university...
Proceedings Article

Enlightenments and Challenges: English Translation of Chinese Classics in College English Teaching and Learning for Non-English Major Students

Xiaoqing Chen
With further development of globalization and the increasingly close economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, there are new higher requirements for college English teaching and learning in China. One of those is an urgent need to cultivate college English learners' sufficient...
Proceedings Article

The Apology for Political Scandal: Park Geun-hye's Three National Conversations

Shihan Liu
A reasonable apology is very important to the political scandal. Due to the particularity of the political event, we should pay attention to the time, attitude and content of apologizing. This article will focus on the improper apologies of political figures, taking Park's Choi case as an example to...
Proceedings Article

Architectural and Urban-planning Process in the Russian Province in the Last Third of the 19th – Early 20th Century: the General Model and Kazan Specificity

Gulchachak Nugmanova, Alina Fatkullina
The Empire is the field for a single civilization, distributed from its center. In the spatial dimension, the “imperial” concept brings architecture as its visual image to the forefront. Hence, the strict, enforced by the central government unification policy in architectural and urban-planning activity,...
Proceedings Article

On The Interactive Function of Diversified Subjects under the Background of “Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Course”

Kena Wang, Guohong Wang
Ideological and political education is the education in all staff, the whole process, all – around, its related elements can be divided into three parts: the subject of Ideological and political education, the object of Ideological and political education and the activity of Ideological and political...