Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Conference on Social and Political Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities in the Future (JICSPS 2023)
99 authors
- Abdullah, Sait
- Improving Digital Public Service (Mall Pelayanan Publik) Delivery Through Policy Networks in Local Governments in Indonesia: Evidence from Sumedang and Karawang Sub District
- Afandi, Muhamad Nur
- Improving Digital Public Service (Mall Pelayanan Publik) Delivery Through Policy Networks in Local Governments in Indonesia: Evidence from Sumedang and Karawang Sub District
- Ahsani, Retno Dewi Pramodia
- Government Collaboration and Resilience Movement of Rural Communities in Tackling Global Climate Change
- Alatas, Raisa
- Combating Radicalism and Communicating Peace: A Case Study of the Deradicalization Process of Terrorism Impacted Area of Gunung Biru
- Amaliyah
- Towards Moderate Urban Muslim Students: Perceptions of Sufi Student Movement Elite Members
- Anggraini, Melaty
- Women and the Spread of Global Extremism Narratives of ISIS
- Angretnowati, Yuseptia
- Women and the Spread of Global Extremism Narratives of ISIS
- Anindita, Aditya Dipta
- The Jungle School: Towards a National Policy on Indigenous Education
- Arif, Muhammad Qobidl ‘Ainul
- Behind the Decision of Resettlement Program for Ethno-Religious Yazidi Refugees in Canada
- Aristora, Irsadi
- Marine Tourism Area Development Strategy through Conservation Program in Jaboi Village, Sabang City
- Arkanudin, Arkanudin
- The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups
- Aryanti, Nina Yudha
- Assessing Indonesian University Preparedness for the Implementation of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) Program: A Case Study of FISIP Lampung University, Indonesia
- Azhar, Anang Anas
- Indonesian Political Communication Response in the Face of Radical Terrorists
- Baiduri, Ratih
- Muara Tanjung Women’s Group Movement in Mangrove Forest Conservation
- Basri, Basri
- Marine Tourism Area Development Strategy through Conservation Program in Jaboi Village, Sabang City
- Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin
- Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Budget on the Implementation of the Development Program in Napo Village, Limboro District, Polewali Mandar Regency
- Chalik, Abdul
- Revisiting the Power of Kyai in Determining Indonesia Local Political Leaders: A Case from Regent Election in Situbondo and Gresik
- Dewi, Machya Astuti
- Women and the Spread of Global Extremism Narratives of ISIS
- Ekomila, Sulian
- Muara Tanjung Women’s Group Movement in Mangrove Forest Conservation
- Elizabeth, Misbah Zulfa
- Women and Access Toward Social Change Role of Women in Legislative in Responding Regional Program
- Elyta, Elyta
- The Impact of Women Trafficking as a Threat to Mental Health
- Elyta, Elyta
- The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups
- Gedeona, Hendrikus T.
- Improving Digital Public Service (Mall Pelayanan Publik) Delivery Through Policy Networks in Local Governments in Indonesia: Evidence from Sumedang and Karawang Sub District
- Hakim, Moh. Fathoni
- Behind the Decision of Resettlement Program for Ethno-Religious Yazidi Refugees in Canada
- Harahap, Nursapiah
- Configuration of Moderate Values for Teachers at the Border of North Sumatera
- Haris, Umiyati
- Globalization and Local Cultural Identity in Merauke
- Hayat, Ainul
- Principled Engagement in Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix on Waste Governance
- Heriyanto, Meyzi
- Towards Collaborative Governance in Handling Poverty in Riau
- Herlan, Herlan
- Peer-Review Statements
- Herlan, Herlan
- The Impact of Women Trafficking as a Threat to Mental Health
- Herlan, Herlan
- The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups
- Hestiriniah, Deby Chintia
- Principled Engagement in Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix on Waste Governance
- Huda, Mohammad Nurul
- Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia
- Ismail, Sri Wiyata
- Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Budget on the Implementation of the Development Program in Napo Village, Limboro District, Polewali Mandar Regency
- Ismail, Zaky
- Behind the Decision of Resettlement Program for Ethno-Religious Yazidi Refugees in Canada
- Iyogea, Rofi’ Romadhona
- Improving Digital Public Service (Mall Pelayanan Publik) Delivery Through Policy Networks in Local Governments in Indonesia: Evidence from Sumedang and Karawang Sub District
- Juwita, Rina
- Citizenry Connect: Exploring Digital Communication Landscape Via Social Media in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Kamil, Ade Ikhsan
- Public Participation as a Basis for the Public Policy Process: New Dynamics and Challenges in the Digital Era
- Khairil, Muhammad
- Combating Radicalism and Communicating Peace: A Case Study of the Deradicalization Process of Terrorism Impacted Area of Gunung Biru
- Khaldun, Riady Ibnu
- Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Budget on the Implementation of the Development Program in Napo Village, Limboro District, Polewali Mandar Regency
- Kurniawan, Ganda Febri
- Politics of Memory and Legitimacy under Indonesia’s New Order and After
- Loviarara, Jennica
- Muara Tanjung Women’s Group Movement in Mangrove Forest Conservation
- Marta, Auradian
- Towards Collaborative Governance in Handling Poverty in Riau
- Masrohatun, Masrohatun
- Women and Access Toward Social Change Role of Women in Legislative in Responding Regional Program
- Matondang, Abdul Rahman
- Configuration of Moderate Values for Teachers at the Border of North Sumatera
- Mayarni, Mayarni
- Towards Collaborative Governance in Handling Poverty in Riau
- Mulyani, Sri
- Government Collaboration and Resilience Movement of Rural Communities in Tackling Global Climate Change
- Muryani, Tri
- The Middle Path Actualization: Portrait of Religious Moderation in Indonesia
- Nazaruddin, M.
- Public Participation as a Basis for the Public Policy Process: New Dynamics and Challenges in the Digital Era
- Nurani, Farida
- Principled Engagement in Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix on Waste Governance
- Nurdin, Ahmad Ali
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Gender Mainstreaming in Indonesia: The Strategies and Challenges in Realizing Gender Equity and Equality
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Inclination of Female Students as Victims of Criminal Acts of Sexual Harassment at University Scope
- Nurhaida, Ida
- Assessing Indonesian University Preparedness for the Implementation of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) Program: A Case Study of FISIP Lampung University, Indonesia
- Patolenganeng, Kaleb Bernard
- Citizenry Connect: Exploring Digital Communication Landscape Via Social Media in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Pongloe, Parichat
- Development Strategy for Enhancing Thai Population Security in Time of Change
- Prayudianti, Hilwa Larasati
- Towards Moderate Urban Muslim Students: Perceptions of Sufi Student Movement Elite Members
- Purnomo, Arif
- Politics of Memory and Legitimacy under Indonesia’s New Order and After
- Purwanto, Semiarto Aji
- The Jungle School: Towards a National Policy on Indigenous Education
- Putri, Intan Sani
- Gender Mainstreaming in Indonesia: The Strategies and Challenges in Realizing Gender Equity and Equality
- Pyrmandsa, Aldillah Nanda
- Behind the Decision of Resettlement Program for Ethno-Religious Yazidi Refugees in Canada
- Qadrie, Syarif Redha Fachmi Al
- The Impact of Women Trafficking as a Threat to Mental Health
- Qadrie, Syarif Redha Fachmi Al
- The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups
- Rahmaniah, Syarifah Ema
- The Impact of Women Trafficking as a Threat to Mental Health
- Ridho, Hatta
- Peer-Review Statements
- Ridho, Hatta
- Challenges Faced in Implementing Inter-Regional Cooperation in Mebidangro
- Ritonga, Hasnun Jauhari
- Organizational Communication on Islamic Organizations in Overcoming Conflict in North Sumatra
- Rochdian, Dodi
- The Jungle School: Towards a National Policy on Indigenous Education
- Rohmah, Ainun Nimatu
- Citizenry Connect: Exploring Digital Communication Landscape Via Social Media in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Rozi, Fakhrur
- Organizational Communication on Islamic Organizations in Overcoming Conflict in North Sumatra
- Rukiah
- Correlation of Young Legislative Candidates to Increasing Novice Voter Participation
- Rupita, Rupita
- The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups
- Saiman, Saiman
- Towards Collaborative Governance in Handling Poverty in Riau
- Saputra, Aco Nata
- Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Budget on the Implementation of the Development Program in Napo Village, Limboro District, Polewali Mandar Regency
- Saputra, Gemilang Bayu Ragil
- Combating Radicalism and Communicating Peace: A Case Study of the Deradicalization Process of Terrorism Impacted Area of Gunung Biru
- Sari, Dyah Fitria Kartika
- Combating Radicalism and Communicating Peace: A Case Study of the Deradicalization Process of Terrorism Impacted Area of Gunung Biru
- Sazali, Hasan
- Configuration of Moderate Values for Teachers at the Border of North Sumatera
- Sendouw, Recky Harold Elby
- Peer-Review Statements
- Septyani, Adinda Fajar
- The Effect of Job Involvement and Job Stress on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention
- Sodik, Mochamad
- The Middle Path Actualization: Portrait of Religious Moderation in Indonesia
- Sugiyono, Arif
- Assessing Indonesian University Preparedness for the Implementation of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) Program: A Case Study of FISIP Lampung University, Indonesia
- Sukapti, Sukapti
- Citizenry Connect: Exploring Digital Communication Landscape Via Social Media in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Sulaiman, Aimie
- Peer-Review Statements
- Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
- Inclination of Female Students as Victims of Criminal Acts of Sexual Harassment at University Scope
- Supsiloani, Supsiloani
- Muara Tanjung Women’s Group Movement in Mangrove Forest Conservation
- Suratna
- The Effect of Job Involvement and Job Stress on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention
- Susiatiningsih, Hermini
- Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia
- Suwarno, Peter
- The Declining Role of Islamists in Indonesian Democracy: The Success of Jokowi’s government in Containing the Hardline Islamic Movements
- Syahbandir, Mahdi
- Correlation of Young Legislative Candidates to Increasing Novice Voter Participation
- Syahruddin, Syahruddin
- Globalization and Local Cultural Identity in Merauke
- Ubaidullah, Effendi Hasan
- Correlation of Young Legislative Candidates to Increasing Novice Voter Participation
- Utomo, Hastho Joko Nur
- The Effect of Job Involvement and Job Stress on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention
- Wajdi, Firdaus
- Towards Moderate Urban Muslim Students: Perceptions of Sufi Student Movement Elite Members
- Warsono, Hardi
- Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia
- Wijaya, Andy Fefta
- Principled Engagement in Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix on Waste Governance
- Windah, Andi
- Assessing Indonesian University Preparedness for the Implementation of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) Program: A Case Study of FISIP Lampung University, Indonesia
- Yusuf, Muhammad
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zuliyan, Muhammad Arief
- Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia