Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Conference on Social and Political Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities in the Future (JICSPS 2023)

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34 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Recky Harold Elby Sendouw, Herlan Herlan, Ahmad Ali Nurdin, Hatta Ridho, Aimie Sulaiman, Muhammad Yusuf
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st JICSPS during 14 September 2023 in Thailand. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewers Team and Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia

Hardi Warsono, Muhammad Arief Zuliyan, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Hermini Susiatiningsih
The increase in population growth rate has a significant impact on increasing society demand. Various social problems emerged, especially the movement of people from one city to another. As a result, inter-city accessibility has become a social problem that has a significant impact on people’s movements...
Proceedings Article

Combating Radicalism and Communicating Peace: A Case Study of the Deradicalization Process of Terrorism Impacted Area of Gunung Biru

Muhammad Khairil, Gemilang Bayu Ragil Saputra, Dyah Fitria Kartika Sari, Raisa Alatas
Deradicalization as an effort to eliminate the ideology of radicalism that has been ingrained in the people of Tamanjeka (Gunung Biru), including the families of suspected terrorists, must be a shared responsibility. Handling radicalization in conflict areas with radical understanding that grows from...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Young Legislative Candidates to Increasing Novice Voter Participation

Mahdi Syahbandir, Effendi Hasan Ubaidullah, Rukiah
This study aims to examine the correlation between young legislative candidates and the increase in novice voter participation, as well as to explore novice voter orientations in the 2019 legislative election. In Banda Aceh, the 2019 legislative election saw a rise in young candidates compared to 2014,...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Political Communication Response in the Face of Radical Terrorists

Anang Anas Azhar
Radical movements are often aimed at Muslims in Indonesia. This movement is growing rapidly and has even become a serious threat to the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of this research show that;...
Proceedings Article

Politics of Memory and Legitimacy under Indonesia’s New Order and After

Arif Purnomo, Ganda Febri Kurniawan
This research delves into the intricate politics of memory and legitimacy during Indonesia’s New Order era (1967–98), focusing on the roles of identity, economics, security forces, and mass media. Identity politics played a pivotal role in fostering national unity, yet also carried the risk of fueling...
Proceedings Article

Revisiting the Power of Kyai in Determining Indonesia Local Political Leaders: A Case from Regent Election in Situbondo and Gresik

Abdul Chalik
The article analyzes the kyai’s political roles in the 2020 Head of the Region Election in two areas in Situbondo and Gresik. This paper analyzes the kyai’s source of political power which becomes a political bargaining power with political parties in determining who is to be elected as head of the region...
Proceedings Article

The Declining Role of Islamists in Indonesian Democracy: The Success of Jokowi’s government in Containing the Hardline Islamic Movements

Peter Suwarno
Throughout the Indonesian history, Islamists has an important role in shaping political development of this world third largest democracy. This paper attempts to describe this development that has led to a significant decline in the role of Islamists in recent Indonesian political contestations. For...
Proceedings Article

Women and Access Toward Social Change Role of Women in Legislative in Responding Regional Program

Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth, Masrohatun Masrohatun
The role of women in the legislature is still widely questioned regarding their participation in various aspects of development. This research aims to reveal what women do in implementing their programs as legislative members; what are the reasons of women carry out the programs; and what are the impact...
Proceedings Article

Women and the Spread of Global Extremism Narratives of ISIS

Machya Astuti Dewi, Yuseptia Angretnowati, Melaty Anggraini
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a radicalized group that has the goal of building an Islamic caliphate globally. ISIS recruits its members globally and spreads the extremism narrative widely. ISIS recruits more men to fulfill their roles as fighters and martyrs, but the role of women is...
Proceedings Article

Configuration of Moderate Values for Teachers at the Border of North Sumatera

Hasan Sazali, Nursapiah Harahap, Abdul Rahman Matondang
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of communication skills in religious moderation education in the border regions of North Sumatra. A quantitative analysis was conducted using survey data collected from respondents within the border area, employing a statistical approach as the primary...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Communication on Islamic Organizations in Overcoming Conflict in North Sumatra

Hasnun Jauhari Ritonga, Fakhrur Rozi
This research seeks to explore organizational communication within Islamic organizations in mitigating conflict in North Sumatra. It examines the coordination mechanisms of Islamic mass organization in conflict resolution, the information sharing processes, and the communication forms among Islamic organizations...
Proceedings Article

The Middle Path Actualization: Portrait of Religious Moderation in Indonesia

Mochamad Sodik, Tri Muryani
Although multiculturalism in Indonesia can be a blessing, it also poses a threat because, if left unchecked, it may give rise to conflicts and division. This debate is especially true when sensitive issues are involved. In such cases, tolerance and respect toward inter-religious differences are pivotal,...
Proceedings Article

Towards Moderate Urban Muslim Students: Perceptions of Sufi Student Movement Elite Members

Firdaus Wajdi, Hilwa Larasati Prayudianti, Amaliyah
This study aims to describe the perspective of urban university students on religiosity moderation expressions. It seeks to understand how students manage to possess a moderate view of religiosity that is related to social interaction and nationalism in a multicultural society which will be a glimmer...
Proceedings Article

Challenges Faced in Implementing Inter-Regional Cooperation in Mebidangro

Hatta Ridho
Medingbaro National Strategic Area is uneasily formed by joined efforts in the areas of Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, and Karo. The focus of this study is on the various obstacles faced when creating this area. A qualitative approach applying a comprehensive literature evaluation was done to collect important...
Proceedings Article

Development Strategy for Enhancing Thai Population Security in Time of Change

Parichat Pongloe
Population Security has become an important area that requires constant vigilance and development amid rapid and widespread changes in economic, social, and technological fields. This paper is prepared to achieve several primary objectives: 1) Explore key concepts for enhancing and securing Population...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Budget on the Implementation of the Development Program in Napo Village, Limboro District, Polewali Mandar Regency

Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Riady Ibnu Khaldun, Sri Wiyata Ismail, Aco Nata Saputra
This study aims to determine how to plan, implement and evaluate village development programs. The results of the study show that the use of village fund allocations is to finance the provision of village facilities and infrastructure, social service infrastructure, village economic enterprises, and...
Proceedings Article

Improving Digital Public Service (Mall Pelayanan Publik) Delivery Through Policy Networks in Local Governments in Indonesia: Evidence from Sumedang and Karawang Sub District

Muhamad Nur Afandi, Sait Abdullah, Hendrikus T. Gedeona, Rofi’ Romadhona Iyogea
The research focuses on the transformation of public service delivery system in West Java Provincial Government, Indonesia. In responding to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and the massive use of the internet by the public, recently the West Java Provincial Government has been implementing the digitalization...
Proceedings Article

Marine Tourism Area Development Strategy through Conservation Program in Jaboi Village, Sabang City

Basri Basri, Irsadi Aristora
The spirit to develop tourist areas is shown by the Jaboi Village government by using a marine tourism area development strategy with a bottom-up process aimed at improving the welfare of fishing and coastal communities through the establishment of marine conservation areas that utilize the power of...
Proceedings Article

Muara Tanjung Women’s Group Movement in Mangrove Forest Conservation

Ratih Baiduri, Jennica Loviarara, Sulian Ekomila, Supsiloani Supsiloani
This research aims to determine the background to the formation of the Muara Tanjung Women’s Group (MTWG) in mangrove forest conservation, the movements carried out in mangrove forest conservation and the obstacles encountered by the MTWG. Research Location in Sei Nagalawan Village. This research uses...
Proceedings Article

Principled Engagement in Collaborative Governance Plus Multi-Helix on Waste Governance

Deby Chintia Hestiriniah, Andy Fefta Wijaya, Ainul Hayat, Farida Nurani
This research aims to find out how Principled engagement the helixes involved in the process of implementing Palembang Mayor Regulation Number 72 of 2018 concerning waste management. The informants for this research were 17 people consisting of 8 government elements, 2 private elements, 2 community elements,...
Proceedings Article

Public Participation as a Basis for the Public Policy Process: New Dynamics and Challenges in the Digital Era

M. Nazaruddin, Ade Ikhsan Kamil
This paper explores how digital technology has changed the way governments engage with citizens in formulating public policy. The digital era has transcended geographical limitations, allowing for wider public participation through online platforms. Government websites, discussion forums, and social...
Proceedings Article

Towards Collaborative Governance in Handling Poverty in Riau

Meyzi Heriyanto, Auradian Marta, Mayarni Mayarni, Saiman Saiman
This paper aims to describe the efforts of the Riau Province regional government in addressing poverty in the area. Poverty remains a global issue that requires serious government attention, and reducing poverty is a key goal in achieving sustainable development. The presence of 1.4% of the population...
Proceedings Article

Behind the Decision of Resettlement Program for Ethno-Religious Yazidi Refugees in Canada

Aldillah Nanda Pyrmandsa, Zaky Ismail, Moh. Fathoni Hakim, Muhammad Qobidl ‘Ainul Arif
Canada declared a resettlement program for 1200 Yazidi refugees on February 21, 2017 and implemented in one year after. This policy was decided by Canada when the global refugee crisis hit the world and several other countries chose to get rid of refugees. This paper aims to describe why Canada agreed...
Proceedings Article

Citizenry Connect: Exploring Digital Communication Landscape Via Social Media in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Rina Juwita, Sukapti Sukapti, Ainun Nimatu Rohmah, Kaleb Bernard Patolenganeng
This study seeks to elucidate the function of social media as a digital platform for communication among citizens. Social media has fundamentally altered the mode of citizen communication, shifting it from traditional to digital platforms. Social media has emerged as the primary platform for digital...
Proceedings Article

Gender Mainstreaming in Indonesia: The Strategies and Challenges in Realizing Gender Equity and Equality

Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Intan Sani Putri
This article discusses the Indonesian Government’s strategies and challenges in realizing gender equity and equality. The research method uses a literature review. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman interactive model. The research found that the Indonesian Government implemented the strategies...
Proceedings Article

Globalization and Local Cultural Identity in Merauke

Syahruddin Syahruddin, Umiyati Haris
This study aims to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization in relation to local cultural identity in Merauke, focusing on various aspects such as the influence of mass media and technology, as well as changes in the lifestyles and values of indigenous communities. The research...
Proceedings Article

Government Collaboration and Resilience Movement of Rural Communities in Tackling Global Climate Change

Sri Mulyani, Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani
This research aims to examine the dynamics of discourse surrounding global climate change programs. Using an explanatory qualitative approach, the study presents findings based on online media analysis. The research falls under the category of normative or library research, as it involves reviewing library...
Proceedings Article

Inclination of Female Students as Victims of Criminal Acts of Sexual Harassment at University Scope

Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
This research aims to determine the various factors that cause the emergence of sexual thoughts among female students who are victims of sexual violence at the university. This research uses empirical research methods. The data sources for this research are primary and secondary data. Primary data was...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Indonesian University Preparedness for the Implementation of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) Program: A Case Study of FISIP Lampung University, Indonesia

Ida Nurhaida, Andi Windah, Arif Sugiyono, Nina Yudha Aryanti
This research aims to evaluate the readiness of FISIP Unila staff in implementing the MBKM Program and identify any problems with the program implementation. It uses a cross-sectional survey with quantitative data collection and stratified random sampling methods. The sample included 124 teaching and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Job Involvement and Job Stress on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention

Hastho Joko Nur Utomo, Suratna, Adinda Fajar Septyani
The purpose of this study is to investigate the following relationships: the relationship between job involvement and organizational commitment; the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment; the relationship between job involvement and turnover intention; the relationship between...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Women Trafficking as a Threat to Mental Health

Herlan Herlan, Elyta Elyta, Syarifah Ema Rahmaniah, Syarif Redha Fachmi Al Qadrie
This research aims to explore the impact of women’s trafficking as a threat to mental health in the context of an increasingly broad concept of security in the era of globalization. The idea of security is now not only limited to military aspects, but also includes other areas such as health security....
Proceedings Article

The Jungle School: Towards a National Policy on Indigenous Education

Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Dodi Rochdian, Aditya Dipta Anindita
This study looks into the implementation and impact of contextual education strategies among the Orang Rimba, an indigenous community in Indonesia. It uses a combination of experiential and systematic research methods to draw on data collected during field visits, interviews, and workshops with Orang...
Proceedings Article

The Paradox of Human Trafficking in Myanmar Rohingya Minority Groups

Rupita Rupita, Herlan Herlan, Arkanudin Arkanudin, Syarif Redha Fachmi Al Qadrie, Elyta Elyta
This research discusses the conflict of human trafficking that occurred in Myanmar, the victims of which are minority groups in Myanmar, namely the Rohingya minority group. This study used a qualitative approach by collecting relevant sources through journal articles, book references, and news obtained...