Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT 2018)

235 authors
Abdulkarim, Aim
Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
Abdullah, Taufik
The Effect of Venue Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Convention Centre
Abdullah, Taufik
Does Food Image Affect Customer Intention to Buy Food?
Abdullah, Taufik
Factors Influencing Generation Y Satisfaction in Sundanese Restaurant
Abdullah, Taufik
The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
Achmadi, M.
Teenagers Perception of Halal Food as an Option for Culinary Tourism
Adam, Helmi
Analysis of Labor, Tourism, and GDP Growth: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Adhi, Bambang Prasetya
Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
Afidah, Nuri Novianti
Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
Agarwal, Manisha
Active Research Directions for Studying Repeat Tourist Behaviour
Alvionita, Vindy
The Perception of Hotel Employees on the Benefits of Tourism Competency Certification in Hospitality in Bandung
Andari, Rini
The Influence of Heritage Destination Attributes towards Customer Satisfaction at Palaces in Cirebon
Andari, Rini
The influence of Memorable Experience to Revisit Intention in Baduy Traditional Village
Andari, Rini
The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
Andrianto, Tomy
Learning Management System in Tourism Higher Education: Where can we go?
Anggraeni, Leni
The Model of Tourism Village-Based Service Learning: A Strategy of Regional Tourism Potential Development
Anggraeni, Leni
Restructuring Curriculum of Tourism Based on Culture: Efforts to the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Humanity
Anggraini, Diana Noor
Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
Anita, Tiurida Lily
Effects of Product Uniqueness on Re-purchase Intention Case Study at KINI Capsule Hotel Jakarta
Annisa, Rosalina Nur
The Implementation of Sharia Principles Concept of Hotels: Unisi Hotel, Yogyakarta
Ardiansyah, Fadjri Noor
The Influence of Airport Service Quality toward Passenger Satisfaction
Ariandani, W.
Does Food Image Affect Customer Intention to Buy Food?
Arief, M. Noor
Openness, Labor, and Tourism; Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Arif Fiyan, Miftah
Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
Asparini, Putu Swasti
Tourism Components and The Perspective of Hospitality Industry in Supporting Sustainable Urban Tourism Development
Asyahidda, Fajar Nugraha
Local Wisdom as Educational Tourism: A Study from Kampong Dukuh West Java Indonesia
Aulia, D.
The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
Badrun, Ubedilah
Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
Bestari, Prayoga
Analysis of The Implementation of Radical Terrorism Counter Policies in Tasikmalaya Regency
Betakemala, Fahdila
The Influence of Heritage Destination Attributes towards Customer Satisfaction at Palaces in Cirebon
Bidasari, Cyndiana
The Effect of Venue Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Convention Centre
Brahmantyo, Budi
Geotourism Reinterpretation towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia
Budiningsih, Marlinda
Game-Based Model on Environmental Insights to Improve the Behavior of Clean and Healthy Living
Budiningtyas, Erna Sadiarti
The Reinforcement of Women's Role in Baluwarti as Part of Gastronomic Tourism and Cultural Heritage Preservation
Caria, Ningsih
Developing Strategy of Chinatown as a Halal Gastronomic Tourism Destination in Bandung
Chaerunissa, Yasmin Nindya
Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
Damanik, Darmawan
Consumer Behaviours in Dropbox Resto and Café
Damanik, Janianton
Characteristics and Behaviors of Tourists: Case of Middle East Tourists in Puncak Cianjur, Indonesia, from Tour Guides’ Perspective
Damar, Novelita
A Study on E-Commerce: How Does It Have an Influence on Purchase Decision?
The Locals’ Readiness in Developing Tourism Village: Case Study of Jelekong Art & Culture Village, Bandung
The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Three Star Hotels Guest Satisfaction in Bandung City
Tourism Activities Development in Southern Coastal Province of West Java
Dewi, Liliana
The Development of Rural Tourism in Bogor Regency (Case Study of Ciseeng Village)
Dewi, Mela Vhita
Residents’ Perception Towards Tourism Impact and Community Participation
Dewi, W. Citra
Analysis of Tourism Supply Chain Management after The Eruption of Mount Agung, Bali
Djunaid, Ika Suryono
The Development of Rural Tourism in Bogor Regency (Case Study of Ciseeng Village)
Eddyono, Fauziah
Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Model in Taman Wisata Alam Pantai Carita Pandeglang Banten, Indonesia
Entas, Derinta
Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Model in Taman Wisata Alam Pantai Carita Pandeglang Banten, Indonesia
Ermawati, Kiki
Tourism Carrying Capacity Analysis as a Basis for The Determination of The Spatial Tourism in Tidung Besar Island South Thousand Islands Subdistrct The Province of Jakarta
Farida, L.M.
Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
Fatimah, Sri
Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
Faturrahman Hakim, M.
Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
Fauzi, Wildan Insan
Islamic Tourism: A Form of Harmonization of Religion, Politics, Social, Culture and Economy
Febrianti, Risa
Comparative Research of Bandung Residents’ Recreation Behaviors from Gendered Perspective
Fedrina, Rezka
Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
Firdaus, Endis
The Impact of Religious Tourism in the Formation of a Peaceful and Moderate Society
Firmansyah, Hengky J.
Consumer Behaviours in Dropbox Resto and Café
Fitria, Nurul
What is The Perception of Halal Food According to Food Vendors and Consumers?
Ganjar, K.
Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
Gunardi, D.
Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi
Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
Hariansyah, Okta
The Impact of Nature Experience Towards Revisit Intention
Hasanah, Siti
Edu-Tourism: An Alternative of Tourism Destination Based on Geography Literacy
Hendradewi, Savitri
Halal Rural Tourism from the Viewpoint of Marine Destination Strategy through SWOT Analysis at Iboih Village, Sabang-Indonesia
Hidayat, Taufiq
Characteristics and Behaviors of Tourists: Case of Middle East Tourists in Puncak Cianjur, Indonesia, from Tour Guides’ Perspective
Hidayat, Yuyun
Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
Irvania, Vika
The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
Iswati, Sri
Analysis of Labor, Tourism, and GDP Growth: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Kamil, Muslim
Openness, Labor, and Tourism; Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Kartika, Endo Wijaya
Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
Kartika, Titing
Cultural Heritage Tourism Preservation in Kota Tua Jakarta Indonesia and Old Town Central Hong Kong: A Comparative Study
Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
Komariah, Kokom Siti
Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
Komariah, Siti
Residents’ Attitudes on The Contribution of Cultural Tourism in Sasak Sade Village Lombok, Indonesia
Komariah, Siti
Local Wisdom as Educational Tourism: A Study from Kampong Dukuh West Java Indonesia
Kristiana, Yustisia
Sustainable Tourism Development (The Perspective of the Tourism Stakeholders in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia)
Kusumah, A. H. Galih
The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
Kusumah, A. H. Galih
The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Three Star Hotels Guest Satisfaction in Bandung City
Kusumah, A. H. Galih
Internship Program: Does it Strengthen or Weaken Tourism Students’ motivation?
Kusumah, A.H. Galih
Analysis of Consumer Factor on Using Online Travel Agent Traveloka and in Bandung City
Kusumah, A.H. Galih
The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
Kusumah, A.H. Galih
Service Failure and Recovery at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung: An Evidence from Management Perspective
Kusumah, A.H. Galih
Interaction Between Homestay Host with Tourist
Kusumah, A.H. Galih
The Perception of Hotel Employees on the Benefits of Tourism Competency Certification in Hospitality in Bandung
Kusumawardhana, Indra
The Stability and Instability Condition of Tourism and Hospitality (T&H) Curriculum Model
Kusumawardhani, Yuviani
Mitigation Risk Based on ISO 31000:2009 on The Optimization Model for Developing Spiritual Tourism Destinations
Kusumo, Elang
National Currency as A Media for Tourism Destination Promotion
Lagarense, Bet El Silisna
Cultural Heritage Tourism Preservation in Kota Tua Jakarta Indonesia and Old Town Central Hong Kong: A Comparative Study
Larasati, Ajeng Ramadhita
Interaction Between Homestay Host with Tourist
Lemy, Diena Mutiara
Sustainable Tourism Development (The Perspective of the Tourism Stakeholders in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia)
Lemy, Diena Mutiara
National Currency as A Media for Tourism Destination Promotion
Mananda, I.G.P.B Sasrawan
Analysis of Tourism Supply Chain Management after The Eruption of Mount Agung, Bali
Mareth, Andriani
Tourists’ Perception on Gastronomic Heritage Restaurant as a Tourist Attraction in The Sukabumi, Indonesia
Marhanah, Sri
The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
Marhanah, Sri
Service Failure and Recovery at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung: An Evidence from Management Perspective
Marhanah, Sri
Comparative Research of Bandung Residents’ Recreation Behaviors from Gendered Perspective
Marhanah, Sri
The Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude of Visitors’ Interpretation Upon a Forest Park as a Conservation Area in Bandung, Indonesia
Marzwan, Diana
Halal Rural Tourism from the Viewpoint of Marine Destination Strategy through SWOT Analysis at Iboih Village, Sabang-Indonesia